GeCAA Selection Test Structured Question Paper

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1 Stars

Suppose we have an equation of state for stars:

P = Aρβ (1)

where P is the pressure, ρ is the density, and A is a constant. Such a solution is

called a polytrope, and one can estimate an approximate relationship between
the mass M and density ρ of the form M ∝ Rα .

Find α. State any assumptions you made. [4]

Hint: The hydrostatic equilibrium condition given by dP

dr = − GMr2r ρr may be

2 Cosmology
In a flat, matter-dominated universe, the scale factor a is described by the
a= (2)
where t0 is the present age of the universe, at which a = 1. A spectroscopic
study of uranium/thorium content revealed the age of the galaxy to be 12.3
Gyr. Given that the galaxy was formed 500 million years after the Big Bang,
what value of the Hubble Constant H0 would be consistent with this estimate?
Determine the corresponding value of the critical density as well. [3]

If you may require it, the Friedmann equations are given by:
ȧ 8πG kc2
H2 = = ρ− 2 (3)
a 3 a
d n
You are also given that dx (x ) = nxn−1 .

3 Galaxies

Figure 1: NGC4565

Figure 1 shows the measured rotation velocity of hydrogen gas around the cen-
tre of galaxy NGC4565 as a function of angular separation from the galaxy.
NGC4565 is located 10.2 MPc away from Earth.
1. Estimate the total mass within the galaxy within the largest radius for
which the data is available. [5]
2. Assume that the mass of galaxy is dominated by axions of rest energy
50 µeV having a lifetime of decay into two photons of 1040 seconds. Cal-
culate the power from photons incident on a 100 cm diameter radio dish
here due to axion decay. [4]

4 Long Fast
The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa at 828 m tall. During the
holy month of Ramadan, observing Muslims will fast from the time between
Sunrise and Sunset. Due to the height of the Burj Khalifa, people at the top
will fast for a longer period than people at the bottom.

For simplicity, suppose it is March 21 2025. Calculate the time that a person
at the top of Burj Khalifa will fast for on this day. [6]
What is the extra amount of time (to the nearest second) that a person at the
top of Burj Khalifa will fast for, as compared to a person on the ground? [3]

Burj Khalifa Coordinates: 25.1972◦ N, 55.2744◦ E.

You are to account for atmospheric refraction with a value of 32’.
Hint: The Sun is not a point source.

5 Practical
The star chart below shows the night sky at 0000h local time on Sep 22, 2020
from Bogota, Colombia (UTC -5:00), which is at latitude 4.7110◦ N, 74.0721◦ W.
Complete the questions on the following page, and write your answers on the
star chart itself. Note that the size of stars and objects are scaled by their
brightness in the night sky, with brighter objects appearing larger.

Figure 2: Starchart

1. As a warm up, first label the cardinal directions (North South East West)
on the boundary of the star chart (ie. Horizon). [1]
2. Find the Summer Triangle (consisting of Deneb, Altair and Vega) and
connect the three stars on the chart. [2]

3. A few stars have been marked according to the SAO catalogue. Identify
these objects by either their common names or their Bayer designations
(for example, Aldebaran or α Tauri), and write your answers next to the
respective SAO labels in the figure. [6]
4. Find the Perseus Double Cluster, and the Small Magellanic Cloud in Fig-
ure 2 and mark each of them with a small hollow circle. [4]

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