MUCH (mucho/a) + uncountable noun: “much food”, “much money” (negative and interrogative sentences)
SO MUCH (tanto/a) + uncountable noun: “so much food” “so much money”
TOO MUCH (demasiado/a) + uncountable noun: “too much food” “too much money”
MANY+ countable nouns plural (muchos/as): “many books”, “many people”( negative and interrogative
SO MANY ( tantos/as) + plural nouns: “so many books” “ so many people”
TOO MANY ( demasiados/ as) + plural nouns: “ too many books” “ too many people”
A LOT OF (mucho/a/os/as)+ all kinds of nouns (affirmative sentences)
(A) LITTLE (un) poco+uncountable nouns (all sentences)
SO LITTLE (tan poco/poca) + uncountable nouns: “ so little money” “so little water”
TOO LITTLE (demasiado poco/a) + uncountable nouns: “ too little money”