Sample Cab City Conplan For Covid 19

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031

Chapter Page

I Introduction

Risk Profile


The Schools Division of Cabanatuan City

II Objectives

III Coordination, Command and Control


Command and Control

IV Activation, Deactivation and Non-Activation




V Annexes

List of Available Resources

Implementing Partners

Initial ICS Structure for COVID-19


Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Chapter I. Introduction

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared a Public

Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and the virus has now spread
to many countries and territories. While a lot is still unknown about the virus that
causes COVID-19, we do know that it is transmitted through direct contact with
respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and
sneezing) Individuals can also be infected from touching surfaces contaminated with
the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth). While COVID-19
continues to spread it is important that communities take action to prevent further
transmission, reduce the impacts of the outbreak and support control measures.

The protection of children and educational facilities is particularly important.

Precautions are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in school
settings; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff
who may have been exposed to the virus. It is important to remember that COVID-19
does not differentiate between borders, ethnicities, disability status, age or gender.
Education settings should continue to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and
supportive environments to all. Measures taken by schools can prevent the entry and
spread of COVID-19 by students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus,
while minimizing disruption and protecting students and staff from discrimination.
(UNICEF, 2020)

The Schools Division of Cabanatuan City is not excused in the ill-fated effects of
the aforementioned outbreak of coronavirus disease. Thus, this Contingency Plan for
COVID-19 was formulated to mitigate the impacts of the disease to our property,
learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel.

Contingency Planning (CP) is a management process that analyzes specific

potential events or emerging situations that might threaten society or the
environment and establishes arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective
and appropriate responses to such events and situations. (PDRRM Act, 2010) It is a
forward planning process, in a state of uncertainty, in which scenarios and objectives
are agreed, managerial and technical actions defined, and potential response
systems put in place in order to prevent or better respond to, an emergency or
critical situation. (UNHCR)

Moreover, CP is a prerequisite for rapid and effective emergency response.

Without prior contingency planning, much time will be lost in the first days of an
emergency. It builds organizational capacity and should become a foundation for
operation planning and emergency response.

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Risk Profile (attach the latest update)



Situation Bad Scenario Worse Scenario Worst Scenario

Descriptions The City adopts New The City is placed on The City is placed on
Normal General Community Enhanced Community
policies/guidelines. Quarantine (GCQ). Quarantine (ECQ).
Impact on The division shall The division shall The division shall
Human comply with the comply with the comply with the
Lives policies/guidelines policies/guidelines policies/guidelines
under New Normal. GCQ. GCQ is a lighter ECQ. Face to face
The School Year version of ECQ. Face activities shall be
2020-2021 shall start to face activities shall strictly avoided. Health
on August 24, 2020. be strictly avoided. standard shall be
Face to face activities Health standard shall strictly observed.
is shall avoided until be strictly observed. Quality education shall
further advise. Quality education shall be delivered
Minimum health be delivered continuously in
standard shall be continuously in accordance with the
observed. Quality accordance with the existing
education shall be existing policies/guidelines.
delivered policies/guidelines. The aforementioned
continuously. The aforementioned situations cause major
Therefore, the division situations cause major adjustments not only to
shall modify and adjustments not only to the DepEd personnel
formulate learning the DepEd personnel but also to the learners
modalities and but also to the learners and their parents to
strategies. The and their parents to control and prevent the
aforementioned control and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
situations cause a lot spread of COVID-19.
of adjustments not
only to the DepEd
personnel but also to
the learners and their
parents to control and
prevent the spread of
Impact on Infrastructure, Infrastructure, facilities, Infrastructure, facilities,
Infrastructure facilities, and and environment of the and environment of the
, Facilities, environment of the Division are at risk of Division are at risk of

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
and Division are still at risk being contaminated being contaminated
Environment of being contaminated with COVID-19. with COVID-19.
with COVID-19.

Response The Incident The Incident Command The Incident Command

Capabilities Command System System (ICS)/COVID- System (ICS)/COVID-
(ICS)/COVID-19 19 TASK FORCE shall 19 TASK FORCE shall
TASK FORCE shall be activated to mitigate be activated to mitigate
be activated to the impacts of the the impacts of the
mitigate the impacts disease to facilities, disease to facilities,
of the disease to learners, teaching and learners, teaching and
facilities, learners, non-teaching non-teaching
teaching and non- personnel. personnel.
teaching personnel.

B. Estimated number of Dead, Probable, and Suspect cases (Citywide)

Region City Dead Probable Suspect Others

III Cabanatuan 0 2000 1000 100


C. Exposed Public and Private Schools, Learners, and Personnel

Division Public Schools Public Private Private Public Public
School Schools School School School
Learners Learners Teaching Non-
Personnel Teaching
Cabanatuan 65 (total number of N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A
City schools are at risk)
2 schools are
designated as
temporary quarantine

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
1. Cabanatuan City
Senior High
School-with 72
clients as of July
29, 2020; and
2. Lazaro Francisco
Integrated School-
no client yet as of
July 31, 2020.

The Schools Division of Cabanatuan City

SDO Cabanatuan City is a medium size division. It is composed of 46 Elementary

Schools, 11 Integrated Schools, 7 National High Schools and 1 Senior High School.
Based on the 2019-2020 data, there are 1,838 teaching personnel; 230 non-teaching
personnel including, 109 Division Office personnel and 55,524 learners. There are
57 private elementary and secondary schools in the City, with 20, 362 learners as
March 2020. The enrollment this School year in public and private schools declined
maybe due to COVID-19 pandemic. All schools of the division as well as the division
office are at risk of being contaminated with COVID-19. Likewise, all learners,
teaching and non-teaching personnel are at risk of contacting and developing the
disease since no one is immune to COVID-19.

Chapter II. Objectives

This Contingency Plan for COVID-19 was formulated to mitigate the impacts of
the disease to our property, learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel.
Specifically, it aims to:

1. establish the coordination and communication mechanisms among the

central office regional office, the division, schools and local government
2. set the response and rehabilitation or early recovery roles and
functions of the division office and schools;
3. provide guidance for the continuing capacity building of the division
office and schools;
4. determine the preparedness and prevention and mitigation measures;
5. support the identification of needed equipment and supplies.

Basic principles (UNICEF, 2020)

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Following basic principles can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe at
school and help stop the spread of this disease. Recommendations for healthy
schools are:
• Sick students, teachers and other staff should not come to school
• Schools should enforce regular hand washing with safe water and soap, alcohol
rub/hand sanitizer or chlorine solution and, at a minimum, daily disinfection and
cleaning of school surfaces
• Schools should provide water, sanitation and waste management facilities and
follow environmental cleaning and decontamination procedures
• Schools should promote social distancing (a term applied to certain actions that
are taken to slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease, including limiting
large groups of people coming together)
Know the latest facts. Understand basic information about coronavirus disease
(COVID-19), including its symptoms, complications, how it is transmitted and how to
prevent transmission. Stay informed about COVID-19 through reputable sources
such as UNICEF, WHO and national/local health ministry advisories. Be aware of
fake information/myths that may circulate by word-of-mouth or online.
Ensure safe school operations. Consider cancelling any community
events/meetings that usually take place on school premises, based on risk.
Reinforce frequent handwashing and sanitation and procure needed supplies.
Prepare and maintain handwashing stations with soap and water, and if possible,
place alcohol-based hand rub (hand sanitizers) in each classroom, at entrances and
exits, and near lunchrooms and toilets.
Clean and disinfect school buildings, classrooms and especially water and
sanitation facilities at least once a day, particularly surfaces that are touched by
many people (railings, lunch tables, sports equipment, door and window handles,
toys, teaching and learning aids etc.)
Implement social distancing practices that may include:
• Staggering the beginning and end of the school day
• Cancelling assemblies, sports games and other events that create crowded
• When possible, create space for children’s desks to be at least one meter apart
• Teach and model creating space and avoiding unnecessary touching

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Chapter III. Coordination, Command and Control

A. Coordination

 School Level: contact tracing team shall conduct continuous/daily COVID-19

monitoring, accomplish the google monitoring form and notify responsible official
in school/school head and the Division’s Medical Officer for recommendation.
 Division Level: contact tracing team shall conduct continuous/daily COVID-19
monitoring, accomplish the google monitoring form and notify the Division’s
Medical Officer for recommendation.

 The ICS Commander/Division’s Medical Officer shall analyze periodically the

continuous/daily COVID-19 monitoring of all the schools and Division Office,
notify the Division’s Responsible Official/Schools Division Superintendent for
further action and recommendation.

B. Command and Control

Definitions, Duties and Responsibilities of the ICS Team

Contact Tracing Team PFA Team: The team is responsible in maintaining

the health standards, continuous/daily monitoring of COVID-19,
accomplishing the google monitoring form, promoting mental health of
learners , teaching and non-teaching personnel and update the IC on the
results of their monitoring.

Disinfection Team: Responsible in disinfecting the facility periodically and as


Emergency Operations Center (EOC): Center that is activated to provide

support to the IC in managing the emergency situations. The EOC will be
located away from the emergency situation. The designated EOC for COVID-
19 shall be the Medical Dental Unit (MDU).

General Staff: Individuals assigned to assist, advise, obtain

personnel/supplies and finance necessary to complete the established goals
of the emergency situation. The five general staff positions are Planning
Chief, Logistics Chief, Operations Chief and Finance Chief. The general staff
implement the goals set by the IC.

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Incident Commander (IC): The person that is on site at the time of the
emergency and assumes overall responsibility of the incident, situation or
disaster. The IC will be passed upward to the most senior person until the
designated IC arrives. The IC sets the strategic goals of the emergency
situation. For COVID -19, the Medical Officer shall be the IC.

Incident Command Center (ICC): The Incident Command Center is in close

proximity to the emergency situation. The Incident Commander and command
staff is located in the Incident Command Center. NOTE: The Incident
Command Center and Emergency Operations Center may operate from one
location as a combined function.

Incident Command System (ICS): A management system that is applicable

to small incidents as well as very large complex incidents/disasters. The
system consists of procedures for controlling personnel, equipment and
communications during disasters. It is designed to begin developing from the
time an incident occurs and continues until the incident/disaster does not
require management.

Information Officer: The information officer provides a valuable interface

with the media to disseminate accurate, timely and consistent information.

Liaison Officer: The liaison officer is the point of contact for assisting and/or
coordinating with the responding agencies. The liaison officer provides lines of
authority, responsibility and communication.

Logistics Chief: The person that obtains supplies, equipment, people,

lodging, food, etc., whatever is required to accomplish the goals of the

Operations Chief: The person most knowledgeable about the emergency

situation. This person provides information to the IC on how to manage the
emergency situation. The operations chief is the key driver of the emergency
situation. Individuals are appointed to this position based on the nature of the
emergency situation. The operations chief manages tactical operations and
coordinates operations.

Planning Chief: The person that implements the goals established by the IC
and the Operations Chief. This person also identifies any problems that may
be encountered in trying to accomplish the goals of the emergency situation.
Planning responsibilities include collection, evaluation and dissemination of
information. This information is used for incident development and resource

Responsible Official: The Responsible Officials (School Head for School

and SDS for the Division) are responsible in looking after the general picture

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
of the situation in his/her jurisdiction, ensuring the safety and welfare of all
and motivating the ICS Team in achieving the objectives.

Safety Officer: The safety officer ensures personnel observe safety

procedures and safe practices, identifies unsafe or hazardous conditions that
may exist or develop, develops measures to protect the safety of personnel
and takes immediate action to stop or prevent unsafe acts. The safety officer
position must be appointed whenever there is a hazardous material incident.

Unified command allows all agencies responding to the incident to establish

common goals and objectives, develop a single plan, share resources and
establish specific responsibilities. (OCD RO3, 2017)

Chapter IV. Activation, Deactivation and Non-Activation

The contingency measures in this document aligns with the 2020 NDRRMC
Harmonized National Contingency Plan (HNCP) for COVID-19. This will enable
DepEd to have better coordination horizontally, i.e. DepEd with other NDRRMC
agencies, and vertically, i.e. DepEd Central Office down to the schools. Once the SY
2020-2021 opens on 24 August 2020, this Contingency Plan (CP) shall be activated and
implement the necessary response actions at the Division Office and all schools.

C. Activation
The activation of DepEd’s Contingency Plan for COVID-19 is aligned with the
activation of the Harmonized National Contingency Plan. This include any of the
following triggers:
1. Opening of School Year 2020-2021 on August 24, 2020;
2. Unavailability of COVID-19 vaccine;
3. Inadequate/unavailability of standard quarantine facilities;
4. Schools used as quarantine facilities;
5. Possible contamination of DepEd facilities, learners, teaching and non-
teaching personnel; and
6. Possible increase in the number of probable, suspected and confirmed
positive COVID-19 cases.

D. Deactivation
This CP shall be terminated or be removed of its effectivity based on the
declaration of the Secretary, RDs, SDSs and School Heads upon the
recommendation of IATF and other authorized government agencies.

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
 Normalcy of the situation
 Transition to early recovery
 Demobilization of response activities
E. Non-activation
Non-activation shall be considered when there is no need to activate the CP
 Situation is no longer threatening
 Predicted hazard or event did not take place

Chapter V. Annexes

List of Available Resources


ICS Trained Personnel 65 SDRRM Coors All 65 schools
6 Division Office
MHPSS/PFA Personnel 65 SDRRM Coors All 65 schools
Trained 65 School
Guidance Coors
15 Division Office
Medical Personnel 11 Division Office
Services Personnel 65 clinic teachers All 65 schools
ICS Team 1 Division Office Activated
TEAM/COVID- 65 All 65 school
Driver Personnel 1 Division Office
Vehicle 2 Division Office
Wheelchair Pc. 1 Division Office
Stretcher Pc. 1 Division Office
Handheld Radio Pc. 9 Division Office
To be determined All 65 schools
Trauma Bag Pc. 1 Division Office
Hand Washing 2 Division Office
Facility To be determined All 65 schools
Thermal Pc. 1 Division Office
Scanner To be determined All 65 schools
Disinfection Pc. 11 Procurement
Sprayer on-going
(Knapsack, 16-

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
18L, 3Kg.)
Disinfectant Gallon 66 Procurement
Solution on-going
Cloth Mask Pc. 400 Procurement
(Washable, on-going
with multiple
layer or fabric)
Gloves Pc. 400 Procurement
(Natural latex, on-going
powder free,
non sterile .
Washable Pc. 22 Procurement
Coverall on-going
Rubber Boots Pairs 66 Procurement
(PVC on-going
Goggles Pc. 66 Procurement
(reusable, on-going
standard safety

Implementing Partners

Specific Role/
Partners Location Contact Person Remarks
Support of Partners
The City Mayor is the City Hall
Office of the Hon. Mayor MYCA R.
Responsible Official of the Compound,
City Mayor VERGARA
whole City Cab. City
Disinfection, Peace and
All Barangays Respective Barangay
BDRRMO order in the 65 schools and -
of Cab. City Officials
Division Office

City Hall Eugene V. Mintu

Rapid Testing for Covid-19
CDRRMO Compound, ,CDRRMO 0942-551- -
Cab. City 4485

Provision of relief goods,

supplies and other basic City Hall
Helen Bagasao
DSWD necessities. Compound, -
Contact Tracing and Cab. City
provision of MHPSS/PFA

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Specific Role/
Partners Location Contact Person Remarks
Support of Partners

AFP- 7th
Peace and Order and
Division Camp Fort
contact tracing To be determined -
3RD RCDG, Magsaysay,
ARESCOM Palayan City

Kapitan Pepe
Subdivision, City Fire Marshall
BFP Peace and Order -
Cabanatuan 044-600-5696
City Hall
Chief of Police
PNP Peace and Order Compound, -
Cab. City
Immediate response team
during disaster/ first aid
Old Capitol
RED CROSS Provide relief goods, 044-463-1280 -
supplies and other basic

Repair and maintenance of -

power supply Bitas
CELCOR Cabanatuan

Repair and maintenance of

water supply
0922-872-0948/ 0917-
CCWD City -

Information City Hall
and Tourism Source of information Compound, To be determined
Office (CITO) Cab. City

DWJJ Source of information Cabanatuan
City To be determined


DRRMS. Contingency Planning Workshops

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031
Office of the Civil Defense. Contingency Planning, 2017

Republic Act 10121. Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of

UNICEF. Key Messages and Actions for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in
Schools, 2020

United Nation High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR)

Prepared by







Schools Division Superintendent

Address: Maharlika Highway, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City

Telefax No.: (044) 463-7334; Telephone Nos.: (044) 463-1627, CID: (044) 329-3093;
SGOD: (044) 329-3031

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