MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodologies: Final Assessment June 2020

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Software Engineering Methodologies

Final Assessment
June 2020
Final Assessment (Individual Work) - 50%. Time allowed 2 hours

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QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED (all questions weighted equally)

Place your answers below each question below within this file

1. Why user interface wireframing is important for a good interface design?

User interface wireframing are important for good interface design because they allow users to
map out the page’s functionality, gather problems early, and hence saves the time on revision.

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This is less painful for making changes to a wireframe than the major fidelity mockup along with
too many design elements. Taking to rework a high-fidelity mockup takes too much time for
making changes. If any person invests their time for thinking via the page’s functionality via
wireframing early on their design process, then they will be much happy doing this because it is
time efficient and highly efficient.

2. Differentiate between design patterns and COTS, how design patterns facilitate to achieve
reusability in software design?

Design pattern is defined here as a more detailed from architecture. Architecture demonstrates
the abstract view of the whole system, whereas the design demonstrates the few definite
concerned domains within it. The architecture demonstrates about their components and the
related interaction, while the design demonstrates that how the component will be built.

Patterns arrest dynamic and static features of the problem solutions which commonly arises at
the time when there is a development of system of software. While incorporating the designing
patterns with the frameworks, these patterns can be detected as an intellectual description of
frameworks which will then facilitates the extensive reutilization of architecture of software.

3. Explain whether software testing detects ‘the presence of errors’ or ‘the absence of
errors’, and why?

The software testing senses only the errors present not errors which are absent as the major
objective for testing is to look for the behavior of the software and verifying the requirements
meeting expectations or not. This is probable that a test is been overlooked should be
determined additional issues in a system. The test cases do not disclose the fault in program. If
they reveal the same fault in program then they reveals or displays the error presence. This will
not display the particular circumstances.

4. Discover ambiguities or omissions in the following statement of requirements for part of a ticket
issuing system:

“An automated ticket-issuing system sells rail tickets. Users select their destination and input a credit
card and a personal identification number. The rail ticket is issued, and their credit card account
charged. When the user presses the start button, a menu display of potential destinations is
activated, along with a message to the user to select a destination. Once a destination has been
selected, users are requested to input their credit card. Its validity is checked, and the user is then
requested to input a personal identifier. When the credit transaction has been validated, the ticket is

5. Which software design methodology you would adapt for following software systems and why?

a) Control and management system of a drone to monitor cattle farm

b) Metro Ticket Control

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a. I would choose software Development Lifecycle software development methodology as this
methodology provides the clearly defined processes for developing high-quality software which is
required for the project of Control and management system of a drone to monitor cattle farm to
constantly monitor the process and control the cattle farm.

b. I would choose waterfall development methodology for this software development project
because in this project there is a requirement of timely updating and maintenance of software. So,
waterfall methodology provides the loop for the maintenance and project completion, in this loop
the project continues till its lifecycle.

6. Using your knowledge of medical reception/appointment system, describe the process of booking
and cancelling appoints. How you will translate the process into a design?

7. Why is it difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customer needs? Explain in your words
how software specification helps to smooth the process of identifying customer requirements with

8. Consider a scenario where emergency or sudden changes are incorporated to software systems
prior to their approval in the requirements. Suggest and explain which model of a process could be
followed to ensure that the requirements and the system implementation phases avoid

9. When both the availability and security are critical non-functional requirements, could a design
conflict arise whilst designing architecture? Explain a scenario to justify your answer.

10. You have decided to form a Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Group to deal with the current
situation of the banking system of NAB bank in Australia. Briefly discuss the role of SQA Group to
improve the situation of NAB bank in Australia.

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