Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


This section covers the methodology used in the study and other technical specification that
will help to strengthen the proposal. It also covers the diagram, the design, the phase, the
database and the materials that will be in need to develop an application which is the WE
CARE Application.

Software Engineering Methodology

Figure 2: Agile Development Methodology

This study will be using the Agile Methodology as the project’s Software Engineering
Methodology. This method is more flexible than traditional method its because changes
process can be easily made even after project starts. Customers satisfaction is supported by
the agile method since the customers is highly involved in every stages of the process. As
shown in figure 2, the agile method has 6 phases the Requirements, Plan, Design, Develop,
Release and lastly, The Track & Monitor. Each phase has its own contribution for the
development of the system.

Requirements. In this first phase , the researcher/ proponents were going to identify and
gather the requirements that is needed to develop a system. In this phase the proponents
begins to understand what the user wants from the application. For identifying and
gathering the data. We conduct interview and survey to the clients and for the caregiver

Plan. In this phase,brainstorming and planning about developing system is in this phase. The
proponents where going to plan and analyze on how to implement the application and also
to achieve/address the needs of the client. Planning about the features, design, software to
be use , operation plans and customer’s satisfaction for the application. Also plans about the
risk that may come when implementing the application.The plans created by the proponents
during this phase will help them to manage the time, cost, quality, change, risk and issues of
developing the system.

Design. In this phase, the proponents/developers were going to identify the design of the
user interfaces and database, and the work flow of the application, the
proponents/developers know already the program flow of the application. In the user
interfaces will be made in a simple, understandable and easily to use for the users. For the
database design, the table/information should be organized for it will not be difficult when
creating or retrieving data and also to avoid redundant data. The application is designed to
meet all the requirements that is needed to implement the application.

Development. In this phase, refined requirements, plan and design will be the basis of
developing the application. The proponents will start to code for the implementation of the
application in this phase. This phase includes tests to meets all requirements of the
developed system. The system shall be constructed based off the design it has been given,
and any adjustments and edits can be made here to fully polish out the design.

Release. In this phase, the application has developed and has already undergone some
series of testing. The system meets all specified requirements/features for the
users/customers needs. If the system’s features and requirements are completed
successfully then its ready to be released in the market. With the system’s development fully
constructed, it’s release shall allow users to give more solid input for the system.
Track & Monitor. In this phase, the system needs to track and monitor whether there are
some bugs or errors that is happening and also to enhanced the system by the users/
customer’s feedback. With the system receiving the necessary feedback, it can be adjusted
and fixed accordingly to fit the needs and satisfaction of the user.

Planning/Conception-Initiation Phase

The Planning/Conception- Initiation Phase involves the initiation of the idea. This will
represent the different phase of conception of the idea as well as planning initial steps to
complete research of “WE CARE.

Development/Construction/Build Phase

The Development/Construction/Build Phase the proponent’s initial plan for the

development of the system. Part of this phase will be the technology stack, software and
hardware specifications and more that would help to develop the system.

Use Case Diagram

This sections shows the user’s interaction with the system and also the relationship
between the user and the admin.

Figure 5: Use Case Diagram

Figure 5 shows the user’s relationship and interaction to the system and to the other
external users of the system.

The figure shows that the user and the admin should have to login if they don’t have account
then create account. In user, the user can add PWD/Senior’s profile it can also update, can
search caregiver, browse caregiver, view caregiver;s profile, contact caregiver and logout.
For the admin which is the agency they can add caregivers, input and save info, check and
reply messages from the users, and logout

Technology Stack Diagram

Figure 20. Technology Stack Diagram

Figure 20 shows the Technology Stack Diagram of the WE CARE. For the Mobile
technology stack the software components are Android IDE, Java and Firebase. Android
Platform will be used for the future development.

Technology Stack for Mobile:

Android Integrated Development Environment(IDE) - it is a software where we can
create/develop an application. This is where the programmers code their application. So for
the IDE where going to use the Android Studio.

Java - is a computer programming language that is used to develop applications/system.

Also java is the official language for Android Development.

Firebase - is a mobile and web application development platform. Firebase is your server,
your API and your datastore. Firebase can store and sync app data, authenticate users
simply and securely, store and serve files at Google scale and also Store and sync app data in

Technology Stack for Future Development

Android Platform - is an open and free software stack that includes the operating system.

Program Specification

Program Specification contains the list of algorithms that would need for develop a system

Entity-Relationship Diagram
Figure 32: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 32 shows all the relationships of each entity. This includes the relation of

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