Instructions: Supervisor Rating Form (SRF)

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SUPERVISOR RATING FORM (SRF) 4 Attains a less than adequate achievement 6 Normally or usually goes out of the way

equate achievement 6 Normally or usually goes out of the way to assist the
level but can be improved; only 51%-99% of public
Name of Nominee/Subordinate:______________________ the targets accomplished 4 Occasionally assist the public, at times discourteous,
Position:_________________________________________ 2 Poor accomplishment is below 50% of the shows lack of patience in dealing with public
Office:_________________Rating Period:______________ target
2 Most of the time discourteous, oftentimes complained
PART II CRITICAL FACTORS about due to inconsiderate attitude
1. Management of Work
4. Judgement and Critical Thinking
1. This form is used in evaluating the performance of your
Please rate your subordinate’s demonstrated ability to Please rate your subordinate’s demonstrated ability to
subordinate in this rating period. Please use pen or ball
plan and prioritize activities assign work properly, set identify problems, analyze, conceptualize, evaluate and
pen when accomplishing this form.
appropriate work standards, establish monitoring decide based on gathered facts and observations for a
2. Please observe fairness and objectivity when rating your systems streamline office operations and make prompt more effective and improved work performance for the
subordinate. and sound decisions. attainment of office targets.
3. In rating your subordinate, encircle the rating that most 10 Exceptional
objectively represents his/her level of performance guided 8 More than adequate but falls short if 10 Exceptional
by the definitions of rating under each factor. Please use being exceptional 8 More than adequate but falls short if
the scale below: 6 Adequate being exceptional
4 Less than adequate but can be improved 6 Adequate
HIGH 10 Outstanding 2 Poor 4 Less than adequate but can be improved
8 Very Satisfactory 2 Poor
6 Satisfactory 2. Work Ethics
4 Unsatisfactory Please rate your subordinate in his/her ability to
LOW 2 Poor demonstrate diligence in accomplishing tasks and
4. After accomplishing this form, please affix your signature. receptivity to enhance character and performance.
10 Exceptional _______________________________________________
FACTORS 8 More than adequate but falls short if
being exceptional _______________________________________________
4 Less than adequate but can be improved _______________________________________________
Accomplishment of Work 2 Poor

How would you assess the overall work accomplishment of your 3. Courtesy and Public Relations
subordinate in relation to his/her performance targets?
In your observation, how would you rate your _______________________________________________
subordinate’s behavior manner of speech and actuations Name and Signature of Rater
10 Attains an exceptional level of achievement; in dealing with the public/clientele?
accomplishments exceed targets by 30% ______________________
10 Always goes out of the way to make people Position
8 Attains a more than adequate level of achievement; but comfortable and satisfied even under pressure and
falls short of being exceptional; accomplishments exceed occupied with work;
targets by 15%-29%. _______________________
8 Frequently goes out of the way even occupied with Office and Division
6 Attains an adequate level of achievement; meets targets work in giving assistance to the public ________________________
planned and exceeds it up to 14% Date

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