Class 11 Physics Important Derivation of Term 2
Class 11 Physics Important Derivation of Term 2
Class 11 Physics Important Derivation of Term 2
Note: Prepare only those derivations which are discussed in your school
Bernoulli’s theorem (3 or 5)
Ascent formula (3)
Terminal velocity (2 or 3)
Excess pressure inside a liquid drop (2 or 3)
Excess pressure inside a soap bubble (2 or 3)
Equation of continuity (2 or 3)
Torricelli’s law (2 or 3)
Rate of flow formula for venturimeter (2 or 3)
Variation of pressure with depth (2 or 3)
Archimedes principle (2 or 3)
Surface energy (2)
Stoke’s law (2)
Critical velocity (2 or 3)
Reynold’s number (2 or 3)