Experiment 1

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Aim: - Given the following table containing information about employees of an

organization, develop a small java application, which accepts employee id from the command
prompt and displays the following details as output:
Emp No Emp Name Department Designation and Salary You may assume that the array is
initialized with the following details:
Expected Output: -
1. Assuming that your class name is Project1, and you execute your code as
java Project1 1003,
it should display the following output:
Emp No. Emp Name Department Designation Salary
1003 Rahul Acct Clerk 29000

2. java Project1 123 There is no employee with empid: 123

Code: -
package abc;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class array {
public static String[] empAssoc = {"EmpNo", "EmpName", "JoinDate",
"DesignationCode", "Department", "Basic", "HRA", "IT"};
public static String[][] empTable = new String[][] {
{"1001", "Ashish", "01/04/2009", "e", "R&D", "20000", "8000", "3000"},
{"1002", "Sushma", "23/08/2012", "c", "PM", "30000", "12000", "9000"},
{"1003", "Rahul", "12/11/2008", "k", "Acct", "10000", "8000", "1000"},
{"1004", "Chahat", "29/01/2013", "r", "FrontDesk", "12000", "6000",
{"1005", "Ranjan", "16/07/2005", "m", "Engg", "50000", "20000", "20000"},
{"1006", "Suman", "1/1/2000", "e", "Manufacturing", "23000", "9000",
{"1007", "Tanmay", "12/06/2006", "c", "PM", "29000", "12000", "10000"}
public static String[] daAssoc = {"DesignationCode", "Designation", "DA"};
public static String[][] daTable = new String[][] {
{"e", "Engineer", "20000"},
{"c", "Consultant", "32000"},
{"k", "Clerk", "12000"},
{"r", "Receptionist", "15000"},
{"m", "Manager", "40000"}
public static String[] getEmployee(int EmpNo)
int r =(empTable.length);
int c =(empTable[0].length);
String[] employee = new String[c];
for(int i = 0;i < r;i++)
for(int j = 0; j < c;j++)
employee[j] = empTable[i][j];
return employee;
public static String[] getDA(String DesignationCode) {
int rowSize = daTable.length;
int colSize = daTable[0].length;
String[] da = new String[colSize];

for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) {

if (DesignationCode.equals(daTable[i][0])) {
for (int j = 0; j < colSize; j++) {
da[j] = daTable[i][j];
return da;
public static void main(String args[])
String[] employee = null;
String[] da = null;
try {
employee = getEmployee(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));
String DesignationCode =
da = getDA(DesignationCode);
String Designation =
int Basic =
int HRA =
int IT = Integer.parseInt(employee[Arrays.asList(empAssoc).indexOf("IT")]);
int DA = Integer.parseInt(da[Arrays.asList(daAssoc).indexOf("DA")]);
int salary = Basic + HRA + DA - IT;
System.out.printf("%-10s%-10s%-15s%-15s%-10s\n", "Emp No", "Emp
Name", "Department", "Designation", "Salary");
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) System.out.print("=");
System.out.printf("%-10s%-10s%-15s%-15s%-10s", employee[0],
employee[1], employee[4], Designation, salary);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("There is no employee with empid : " + args[0]);
Output: -

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