Authentic Science Experiences With STEM Datasets: Post-Secondary Results and Potential Gender Influences

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Research in Science & Technological Education

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Authentic science experiences with STEM datasets:

post-secondary results and potential gender

Andria C. Schwortz & Andrea C. Burrows

To cite this article: Andria C. Schwortz & Andrea C. Burrows (2020): Authentic science
experiences with STEM datasets: post-secondary results and potential gender influences,
Research in Science & Technological Education, DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2020.1761783

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Authentic science experiences with STEM datasets:

post-secondary results and potential gender influences
a,b a
Andria C. Schwortz and Andrea C. Burrows
Secondary Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA; bPhysics & Astronomy, University of
Wyoming / Natural Sciences, Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA, USA

Background: Dataset skills are used in STEM fields from astron- Dataset; post-secondary
omy to zoology. Few fields explicitly teach students the skills to student learning; STEM
analyze datasets, and yet the increasing push for authentic education; authentic science
experiences; gender
science implies these skills should be taught.
Purpose: The overarching motivation of this work is to under-
stand authentic science learning of STEM dataset skills within an
astronomy context. Specifically, when participants work with
a 200-entry Google Sheets dataset of astronomical data, what
are they learning, how are they learning it, and who is doing
the learning?
Sample: The authors studied a total of 82 post-secondary partici-
pants, including a matched set of 54 pre/post-test (34 males, 18
females), 26 video recorded (22 males, 2 females), and 3 inter-
viewed (2 males, 1 female) participants.
Design and methods: In this mixed-methods study, participants
explored a three-phase dataset activity and were given an
eight-question multiple-choice pre/post-test covering skills of
analyzing datasets and astronomy content, with the cognitive
load of questions spanning from recognition of terms through
synthesizing multiple ideas. Pre/post-test scores were compared
and ANOVA performed for subsamples by gender. Select exam-
ples of qualitative data are shown, including written answers to
questions, video recordings, and interviews.
Results: This project expands existing literature on authentic
science experiences into the domain of dataset education in
astronomy. Participants exhibited learning in both recall and
synthesis questions. Females exhibited lower levels of learning
than males which could be connected to gender influence.
Conversations of both males and females included gendered
Conclusions: Implications of the study include a stronger data-
set focus in post-secondary STEM education, and the need for
further investigation into how instructors can ameliorate the
challenges faced by female post-secondary students.

CONTACT Andria C. Schwortz [email protected] Physics & Astronomy, University of Wyoming/Natural

Sciences, Quinsigamond Community College, 670 W Boylston St, Box 224, Worcester, MA, 01606, USA
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Introduction and literature review

Processing large datasets is ubiquitous in science, mathematics, engineering, and tech-
nology (STEM) careers, and yet there is little formal teaching of necessary dataset skills at
any level of STEM education. Not only are practicing scientists expected to know how to
work with large amounts of data, but all people in modern societies face the use of
datasets in their daily lives and careers (Johri and Olds 2014). Evidence-based education
reform is crucial to improving education (e.g. Slavin 2020), and a focus on datasets could
present pathways for post-secondary student access to software applications essential to
science (NAS 2018a).
This work addresses the literature gap that while science education researchers under-
stand conceptual learning, knowledge about effective instruction and acquisition of
scientific skills lags behind (Scott, Asoko, and Leach 2007). While several models describe
how learners acquire the knowledge and skills to transition from novices to experts,
efforts need to be made to put these models into practice in teaching (Bransford,
Brown, and Cocking 2000). The following literature review scans the topics of data
education as a form of authentic science, the role of astronomy in STEM education, and
the challenges faced by female STEM students.

Authentic science
Students need to experience realistic versions of science so they can make informed
decisions about areas of study and careers (Spuck 2014). These experiences not only
introduce students to the tools used by scientists but also can increase motivation in the
sciences (Hellgren and Lindberg 2017). Authentic science is recapped by Burrows et al.
(2016) as real-world science experiences that work to/towards a solution summarize
information, use technology, analyze data, use findings for conclusions, develop ques-
tions, procedures, and methods, communicate the work, collaborate with others, and
make results accessible to others.
In the United States (USA), where this study takes place, teachers of primary (ages
6–12 years) and secondary (ages 13–18 years) students are explicitly expected to utilize
authentic experiences in both math classes (e.g. National Governors Association Center
for Best Practices – Common Core State Standards, CCSS 2010) and science classes (e.g.
Next Generation Science Standards – NGSS, NGSS Lead States 2013). The USA’s NGSS were
based upon other countries’ successes (Achieve 2010a, 2010b). Additionally, much effort
has been exerted into what other countries are implementing well in computer science,
since today’s science requires processing of data using computational skills (Hubwieser
et al. 2015). The NGSS highlights authentic science experiences, and this same trend is
seen in informal science education as well, through summer camps or nature-based
programs for children (e.g. Burrows et al. 2018). However, studies of authentic science
experiences in primary and secondary school are limited in number, and post-secondary
studies are not found. For example, Slavin et al. (2014) identified no papers published
from 1990–2012 on authentic science experiences in primary or secondary education, and
Cheung et al. (2017) identified only a single such paper. That paper, Harris et al. (2015),
focuses on middle school rather than post-secondary, physical science and Earth science
content rather than astronomy, and does not appear to address dataset learning.

The need for authentic science activities does not stop at the secondary level but
continues through the post-secondary level (age 18+, also called collegiate or university).
Research shows that post-secondary students benefit from domain-specific authentic
science activities in many STEM and social science fields (e.g. environmental science:
Carey and Gougis 2017; physics: Wilcox and Lewandowski 2016). Several papers describe
ways of putting domain-specific authentic science into practice (e.g. astronomy:
Kobulnicky and Dale 2016; psychology: Brothen 1984).

Authentic science requires dataset skills

In the modern age, advances in technology and data storage have led to the situation
where researchers often find themselves with more data than they can analyze by hand.
The data collected can span a large range of time and space, as well as many forms or
modes of data (Cheruvelil and Soranno 2018). While relevant literature generally does not
re-articulate nor define the term ‘dataset’ (e.g. Abello, Pardalos, and Resende 2002;
Brunner et al. 2002; Leskovec, Rajaraman, and Ullman 2011), here the authors of this
paper use ‘dataset’ to refer to any collection of data, often arranged in a spreadsheet. The
use of computers allows not only for faster analysis of large datasets but also for the
discovery of trends and patterns that may not be otherwise apparent. Data mining is this
process of sifting through large amounts of data, finding patterns, making predictions,
and explaining underlying properties of the dataset (Whitten, Frank, and Hall 2011).
Within the realm of astronomy, for example, automated surveys allow for the collection
of large amounts of data, more than can be analyzed object-by-object (Brunner et al.
2002; National Research Council 2010). Astronomers therefore must analyze these data-
sets en masse by programming their own data analysis tools (e.g. Schneider et al. 2007;
Shen et al. 2011). Assisting in this endeavor, any dataset created in the USA with govern-
ment funding becomes public, allowing astronomers to address questions that the
original researchers may not have considered.
Because using datasets is inevitable in STEM settings, dataset skills are crucial to
undergraduate students in STEM fields from astronomy to zoology. Even at the primary
and secondary level, US students are asked to demonstrate skills consistent with dataset
use (CCSS, 2010; NGSS Lead States 2013). However, education researchers have yet to
determine at what educational level dataset skill instruction occurs in STEM fields, and
how this varies across different STEM disciplines.

Astronomy education
The authors of this study utilized astronomy as the content area to study the acquisition of
dataset skills for a number of reasons, but mainly since data is often made public after
a proprietary period. This practice allows everyone with an internet connection access to
large datasets. Astronomy is a field that serves to capture the interest of the public, with even
non-scientists being able to participate in research through amateur groups and citizen
science projects (e.g. Bailey 2011; Hecker et al. 2018; Raddick et al. 2010; Schwamb et al.
2013). In the USA, post-secondary students are often required to complete courses outside
their major or program of study. The basic math level required for introductory astronomy
makes the course more accessible than physics for these non-majors (Bailey 2011).

A large fraction of astronomy education research is focused on individual concepts

(Bailey 2011; Lelliott and Rollnick 2010; Türk and Kalkan 2018). Curriculum development
remains another key aspect of the field; however, the use of authentic STEM experiences is
rarely discussed in this context (Bailey 2011). When authentic STEM experiences are dis-
cussed, it is generally in the context of using computers to perform small-scale authentic
scientific inquiries (e.g. Danaia, McKinnon, and Fitzgerald 2017). However, the use of
computers to manipulate large datasets may allow students to learn different skills than
those developed by working with individual problems (see section on dataset education).
Important to this study, research astronomy is increasingly moving away from a realm
of studying individual images, spectra, or time-based information, and towards studying
large data sets derived from computerized analysis of those raw data products (Brunner
et al. 2002; National Research Council 2010). Data skills and techniques needed by future
generations of astronomers include classification (grouping similar objects), identification
of outliers, and data visualization (Brunner et al. 2002; National Research Council 2010).
The astronomy context of this study is discussed further in Table 1.

Dataset education in STEM as authentic science

Scientific research in many STEM fields is in the midst of transitioning from the scale of
addressing individual problems or situations, to manipulating large sets of data, due to
technological advances in sensing equipment, automated data collection, and data
storage (Brunner et al. 2002; Langen et al. 2014; National Research Council 2010;
Resnick, Kastens, and Shipley 2018). Because of this revolution in scientific research,
science education practice is increasingly including data education, and science educa-
tion research is working to determine effective pedagogies (Anderson et al. 2007).
Students of all levels demonstrate difficulty performing data analysis ranging from
straightforward tasks like graphing (Berg and Boote 2017; Gültepe 2016; Jackson,
Edwards, and Berger 1993), to more nuanced analysis of data (Wallace et al. 2000).
Using large datasets as part of authentic science assists students in experiencing
actual science, and satisfies a sense of curiosity (Langen et al. 2014). Students’ sense of

Table 1. Astronomy context of the study.

Quasars are a type of galaxy where the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) is actively accreting dust and gas from
a surrounding disk. Quasar glow brightly due to friction of material circling the SMBH, and thus quasars can be seen
from extreme distances. Radio light from quasars can yield information about the presence or absence of jets, and
previous research on quasars has found that approximately 10% of quasars possess radio jets (Shen et al. 2011). The
redshift of light is used to determine three properties: the speed of objects away from the observer (due to the
expansion of the Universe and the Doppler effect), the distance to the object, and also how long ago the light was
emitted from the source (also called lookback time).
The quasars in the source sample have a mean distance from Earth of approximately 10.5 billion light years, expressed
as redshift. The distribution of quasars is important to understanding the properties of the Universe, as how tightly
clustered they are has implications for their gravity and evolution over time. The location of each quasar (or any
astronomical object) is recorded in spherical coordinates: two angular coordinates on the sky (right ascension or RA,
and declination or Dec), plus distance.
The dataset used in this study is a subset of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data (SDSS) Release 5 (Schneider et al. 2007)
catalog, plus data from the Very Large Array (VLA) Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm (FIRST) radio survey
catalog. While the full catalog contains more than 30,000 quasars with more than 100 descriptors, the subset used
with the participants contained 200 quasars (cases) in rows, and five descriptors in columns: quasar “name” (an
identification number containing the quasar’s coordinates), two angular coordinates, distance (given as redshift or
z), and FIRST radio magnitude.

self-efficacy in using authentic technological tools is improved through authentic STEM

dataset activities (Carey and Gougis 2017). The use of authentic, professionally collected,
datasets teaches students additional skills beyond when they collecting their own
datasets (Resnick, Kastens, and Shipley 2018). Further work is required in three aspects
of dataset learning: the development of additional exercises and ‘best practices’
(Langen et al. 2014), the generalization of previous work (Carey and Gougis 2017),
and determining behaviors and strategies associated with expertise (Resnick, Kastens,
and Shipley 2018).
The use of datasets in a classroom setting is a form of authentic science, distinct from
educational technology, computational thinking, and programming skills. To investigate
the impact of an authentic STEM experience using astronomy datasets, this study’s
authors designed an investigation where a STEM dataset was manipulated by participant
groups to test their dataset knowledge. The goal was to gain insight into how post-
secondary STEM learners progress in the acquisition of dataset expertise, while working in
the content area of astronomy.

Gender in STEM learning

Since females’ and males’ results are displayed in the findings, a description of female
learning in STEM can put some of those findings into context. The fact that females
participate less in STEM as they advance in age, called the ‘leaky pipeline,’ has been well-
studied (e.g. Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010; Microsoft 2017). Causes for this are complex,
with contributing factors including stereotype threat, low-self assessment, peer pressure,
unconscious bias, lack of female role models, reduced access to preparatory courses or
skills training, and stereotypes of gendered professions (Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010;
Microsoft 2017; Nissen and Shemwell 2016).
The large number of studies addressing gender in STEM learning (Brickhouse, Lowery,
and Schultz 2000; Nieminen, Savinainen, and Viiri 2013; Nissen and Shemwell 2016;
Nyhof-Young 2000; Nyström 2007) is indicative of the fact that no easy solution exists.
When working with computers, some studies have shown tantalizing clues that could lead
towards better practices. For example, in the field of computer education, group
dynamics differ depending on the gender composition of the student groups (Busch
1996). In mixed-gender groups, males have been observed to control computers for
a larger percentage of the time than females (Day et al. 2016).
Although females do not constitute a majority of participants in this study (see
participant sample), they are the majority of college students at 57% (Snyder and Dillow
2011). In the field of astronomy specifically, attrition issues disproportionately affect
female students from primary through post-secondary levels (Bergstrom and Sadler
2016). In order to generalize results from this study, it is important to examine the results
of the female participants in relation to dataset use. Thus, the authors argue that
authentic science, which is shown to work with students, can utilize computer science
and datasets to open doors of STEM opportunities, but these opportunities could be
limited if gender issues affect learning or access to those datasets.

Research questions
The purpose of this study was to investigate post-secondary students learning to manip-
ulate datasets within astronomy, as an expansion of existing literature into authentic
STEM learning. The following three-part question was developed to investigate their
How does a three-phase, 1.5-h astronomy dataset intensive activity impact partici-
pants’ short-term learning scores by:

(1) Skills and content focused questions? (‘What are they learning?’)
(2) Recall and synthesis leveled questions? (‘How are they learning?’)
(3) By gender? (‘Who is learning?’)

Theoretical framework
This article uses the framework that learning is social and constructivist in nature (Eymur
and Geban 2017; Kutnick et al. 2017; Vygotsky 1978), and that authentic STEM experiences
lead to improved interest and learning in STEM. These ideals informed the design of the
three-phase learning activity: participants in this study worked in groups, the activity used
actual data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (see Electronic Supplemental Materials, ESM,
and Table 1), the activity guided post-secondary students to create their own data
interpretation, and the students were supported through steps of data analysis similar
to those taken by astronomers.
For the quantitative analysis, the authors view the data through the numerical results
of the participants’ work, while the qualitative data provide preliminary clues to how the
participants constructed their knowledge.

Materials and methods

This was a mixed-methods study, examining participant responses to eight multiple-choice
questions on pre/post-tests on astronomy content and dataset skills, and searching for
supporting data among multiple qualitative sources. On the pre/post-tests, participants
performed the three tasks of data manipulation and processing, data analysis, and data
visualization (Hampton et al. 2017; Weintrop et al. 2015).

Participant sample
A total of 82 individuals participated in this study from 2014 through 2015. Participants
were post-secondary students in introductory astronomy courses for non-majors at
a large research university and a junior college in separate states (USA). Fifty-four parti-
cipants have matched pre/post-tests, nine groups were audio/video recorded during the
activity, and three participants were interviewed 1 week to 3 months after the activity (see
Table 2).

Table 2. Number of participants by course and level of participation.

Summer Traditional Summer Online Fall Traditional Total
Any Participation Male 5 4 25 34
Female 2 3 13 18
Total 7 7 66* 82*
Pre/Post- Test Male 5 4 25 34
Female 2 3 13 18
Total 7 7 40* 54*
Recording of Group Work Male 5 0 17 22
Female 2 0 2 2
Total 7 0 19 26
Post-Interview Male 2 0 0 2
Female 1 0 0 1
Total 3 0 0 3
*Numbers do not add up due to some participants’ genders remaining undetermined after multiple methods of the
researchers attempting to determine their gender. These included the demographics form (free response to a prompt
of ‘Gender/Gender Identity’), gendered names, visually by the researchers, and conversations with the participants’

Experimental procedure
The authors worked with subsets of the participants for 1.5 hours on two dates over the
course of 2 weeks, with data collected from different groups of participants taking place
from June 2014 through February 2015. On the first contact date, participants took the
pre-test (see ESM), approximately a half-hour in time. On the second contact date,
participants completed a three-phase activity (see ESM) and the post-test (same as the
pre-test), which took an average of an hour.
Quantitative data reported in this study were obtained from eight multiple-choice
questions on both astronomy content and data skills used as a pre/post-test. This instru-
ment was reviewed by four individuals in astronomy and physics (a post-doctoral
researcher, a lab technician, a post-graduate student, and an advanced post-secondary
student), and the questions modified based on their feedback. As cognitive load is known
to be an important aspect of student learning (Tekkumru-Kisa et al. 2019), the pre/post-
test was organized by level of cognitive load to explore students’ levels of understanding
and provide scaffolding to their learning (e.g. Lutsky 1986). The term ‘recall’ is used
throughout this paper for low cognitive load questions involving the tasks of remember-
ing and understanding, and ‘synthesis’ for evaluating and creating (Krathwohl 2010). For
example, if a student showed evidence of having correctly memorized the distance to
a specific astronomical object, this would be considered a high level of recall. On the other
hand, if the student used logic to correctly reason about whether a certain type of
astronomical object was likely to be found near the Earth or farther away, this would be
a high level of synthesis.
Qualitative data used in this study were obtained from audio/video recordings of
groups of participants, individual written responses on the activity handout, and one-on-
one interviews conducted within 3 months after the completion of the activities. See
Table 3 and the ESM for further details.

Table 3. Activity summary.

Example Participant Data Used in this
Task Name Activity Description Tasks Study
Pre-Test Eight multiple choice questions: ● Answer multiple- ● Correct # of multi-
and ● Three recall choice questions ple-choice
Post-Test (same ○ remembering and understanding, ● Answer open questions
instrument given at the e.g. definitions of terms response ques- ● Correct # of recall
beginning and end of ● Two application or analysis tions with words vs. synthesis
the session) ○ Application or analysis, e.g. using or sketches ● Correct # of skills
information in data tables vs. content
● Three synthesis questions
○ evaluation and creation, e.g. using
evidence to support conclusions
● three skills, four content, & one combo
Introduction ● Instructor-led ● Listen ● N/A
● 10–15 minutes of background con- ● Take notes
tent: quasars and redshift
● Presentation style similar to typical
introductory astronomy lab.
Participant Activity ● Self-selected groups of 3–4 using one ● Discussion ● Recordings of 26
computer. ● Use sketches individuals in 9
● Dataset composed of 200 rows of data ● Count spread- groups (all three
in Google Sheets (Table 1). sheet entries phases)
● Each activity phase was completed (in ● Highlight spread- ● Field notes
order) before another phase was given sheet columns describing partici-
out. ● Sort spreadsheet pant tasks, con-
● Open-ended prompts to glean columns versation topics
understanding. ● Graph data ● Identified themes
● Given increasing levels of instruction ● Change axis titles
in the three-phase activity. ● Analyze graphs
● Scaffolding was intended to approxi-
mate the steps taken by expert
Phase I ● Open-ended questions asking the par- ● Discussion ● See above
ticipants to characterize the data, and ● Count spread-
speculate on how it could be analyzed. sheet entries
Phase II ● Slightly more specific questions, such ● Discussion ● See above
as how the data could be graphed, ● Use sketches
and what it would look like. ● Control keyboard
Phase III ● Precise directions to create a scatter ● Record answers ● See above
plot of the quasars’ positions in the ● Highlight spread-
sky and histograms of the quasars’ sheet columns
redshifts and radio magnitudes. ● Graph data
● Detailed questions asking students to ● Change axis titles
determine specific properties of the ● Analyze graphs
dataset from the graphs.
Demographics Survey ● Demographics information requested ● Answer ● Demographics
including race, nation of origin, gen- questions and majors
der, level of education, and field of provided
Interviews ● One-on-one interviews, conducted 1 ● Discuss experi- ● Recordings and
week to 3 months after the activity. ence with transcripts
All participants were invited to inter- spreadsheets ● Identified themes
views, three individuals agreed, and ● Reflect on
participated in interviews. responses in

Analysis: quantitative data

Statistical measures included one-way ANOVA to determine the significance of any
improvement from pre-test to post-test, pre/post-test means and standard deviation,
Table 4. Pre/post-test scores, standard deviations, gains, and effect size by gender, and by question type.
Pre-/Post-Test Scores Gains/Effect Size
N = 54 Male Female Total Male Female Total
Overall 57 ± 19/78 ± 19* 58 ± 16/70 ± 22 58 ± 18/75 ± 20* 0.467/1.12 0.084/0.62 0.285/0.86
Skills 63 ± 20/81 ± 25** 68 ± 22/69 ± 25 66 ± 21/ 0.515/0.79 0.088/0.06 0.326/0.44
76 ± 26**
Content 45 ± 24/ 48 ± 21/ 47 ± 23/ 0.438/1.26 0.163/0.70 0.321/0.99
73 ± 21** 64 ± 28** 70 ± 24**
Recall 57 ± 28/ 54 ± 26/ 57 ± 27/ 0.412/0.76 0.481/1.16 0.407/0.80
78 ± 29* 81 ± 23* 78 ± 28*
Synthesis 33 ± 18/ 31 ± 21/ 33 ± 19/45 ± 23* 0.324/0.64 0.250/0.49 0.287/0.56
46 ± 22* 43 ± 25
*p < 0.01, **p < 0.05.

Table 5. Count (and percentage) of participants who improved (+),

stayed the same (0), and did worse (-) from pre- to post-test on ques-
tions based on skills vs. content, and recall vs. synthesis, N = 54.
- 0 +
Content - 4 (7.4%) 3 (5.6%) 0 (0%)
0 3 (5.6%) 4 (7.4%) 2 (3.7%)
+ 3 (5.6%) 8 (15%) 27 (50%)
- 0 +
Synthesis - 1 (1.9%) 1 (1.9%) 8 (15%)
0 2 (3.7%) 7 (13%) 8 (15%)
+ 3 (5.6%) 7 (13%) 17 (32%)

matched normalized gains (Hake 1998), and Cohen’s d as effect size (e.g. Burrows et al.
2016; Cohen 1977; Sullivan and Feinn 2012). It is worth noting that while Cohen’s d was
originally intended to compare two independent groups, the same equation is accepted
to describe the change of one group between pre- and post-tests (e.g. Nissen et al. 2018;
Sullivan and Feinn 2012), so the authors chose to adopt the nomenclature of calling this
formula ‘Cohen’s d’ and ‘effect size’, despite the different context of its usage. Further
effect size explanation is provided by Lakens (2013). With these parameters in mind, the
participants’ performance on questions, by level (recall vs. synthesis), was compared to
their performance by skills or content. Results were compared for male and female

Analysis: qualitative data

A preliminary coding for themes was performed on all qualitative data (Creswell 2013). For
the video recorded groups, a count was made of the number of males and females in each
group, whether male or female participants controlled the computer’s mouse and key-
board during the activity, and general functionality of the group.

Through this dataset activity, participants improved their pre/post-test scores on an eight-
question multiple-choice astronomy content and dataset skills test, as shown in Table 4.
Pre-test means increased from 58% to a post-test mean of 75%, with p < 0.01 and a sample
size of N = 54, with a gain of 0.285 and effect size of 0.86, indicating short-term learning
did occur. The following information is organized by research question, with supporting
qualitative data presented to triangulate the results.

Learning of skills vs. content

Data pointed towards simultaneous improvement in both dataset skills and astronomy
content, with more improvement on content than on skills questions. Participants

showed improvement in both content and skills questions, with content gains of 0.326 or
effect size of 0.44, and skills gains of 0.321 or effect size of 0.99 (see Table 4).
Table 5 is a cross-tabulation, showing how many participants improved their score,
stayed the same, or did worse. Twenty-seven participants (50%) improved in both
categories of skills and content, while 13 participants (24%) did worse on one or both
of skills and content.

Evidence of dataset skills

The participants scored 66% on the pre-test skills questions and 76% on the post-test
(p < 0.05). In the first phase of the activity, many students commented that few quasars
are detected in radio light. Milo wrote the following, ‘Well obviously there are a lot of
stars – Quasar’s here mostly – what stands out is the fact that almost none of them sent
back brightness from radio light.’ Another student, Michelle, was able to recognize the
arbitrary nature of the original data organization, ‘It is also apparent that the data is
organized by the name of the quasar and not by any of its’ specific information.’ And in
a one-on-one interview, Jessica reported previous experience with budgeting via spread-
sheet programs.
Other participants’ responses indicated poor understanding of dataset skills. In
response to how students might draw a graph of the data, Alyssa responded, ‘Below is
a/Example of how I would organize the data into a chart,’ followed by a replication of the
columns given in the dataset. Alyssa did not distinguish between visual representations of
data such as graphs, with tabulated representations such as charts or spreadsheets.

Evidence of astronomy content knowledge

Participants scored 47% on the content questions on the pre-test, and 76% on the post-
test (p < 0.05). Participants exhibited a lower level of content understanding than dataset
skills – Michelle’s earlier comment did not show understanding that the quasar names
were derived from the quasar’s coordinates on the sky. Alyssa also conflated radio light
with sound (a common misconception), speculating that quasars were not detected in
radio ‘because they are so far away you cannot hear them.’
Sabeena showed mixed levels of understanding between dataset skills and astronomy
content. When prompted to discuss how she might visualize the data, Sabeena
responded, ‘If I drew this data as a graph I would put the Quasar numbers as the x-axis
and the redshift as the y-axis . . . in a scatter plot.’ This response showed knowledge of xy
scatter plots, and thus is evidence of at least rudimentary dataset skills. However, the
graph she suggested contained no scientific meaning, exposing a gap in scientific

Learning of recall vs. synthesis

Data pointed towards simultaneous improvement in both recall and synthesis level
questions (see Table 4). Participants scored higher on recall questions on both pre- and
post-tests (57% and 78%, respectively), than on the synthesis questions (33% and 45%,
respectively). They exhibited more improvement on recall questions (gains of 0.407 and
effect size of 0.80) than on synthesis (gains of 0.287 and effect size of 0.56). Table 5 shows
that while the largest category of participants (17 individuals or 32%) exhibited

Table 6. ANOVA significance levels of gender on pre/post-test improve-

ment overall, by skills/content questions, and by recall/synthesis ques-
tion level.
Significance (p)
Overall 0.004**
Skills 0.012*
Content 0.074
Recall 0.051
Synthesis 0.796
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

improvement on both recall and synthesis questions, 15 individuals or 28% did worse on
one or both categories of recall or synthesis questions.

Evidence of recall-level understanding

Participants discussed recall-level ideas during the activity, such as definition of terms.
When one member of a group possessed more recall knowledge, that individual was
more likely to define the term for the other group members. Other groups were more
likely to debate the meaning of terms and come to a consensus.
The following response from Milo on Phase II is a good example of recall-level under-
standing: ‘I would sort the data by Redshift’s the objects that are closer to earth then the
object furthest.’ Milo demonstrated that he understood the definition of redshift as
distance, but did not make any further connections.

Evidence of synthesis level understanding

During Jessica’s interview (mentioned earlier), she discussed the power of using spread-
sheets to analyze ordinal data and speculated about the distinction between ordinal
quantitative data and qualitative data: an evaluation-level concept. Further, Diego wrote
the following in reply to a prompt on visualizing data:
With the scatter plot you can connect the dots and also see how far one dot is from another to
figure out the distance of the certain quasars. It could also tell you the location in RA and DA [sic:
Dec] showing you what area quasars tend to appear the sky. With a histogram chart you could
also find detailed information if these quasars are moving and there pattern throughout history.

This response shows a synthesis level of understanding, where Diego makes the connec-
tion that coordinates on the sky can be used to determine the distance between quasars,
a measurement relevant to determining whether quasars are caused by high-density
environments (Shen et al. 2011). Diego also understood that a histogram of redshift can
track not only the distance and speed of quasars but also their history due to lookback
time (see Table 1).
Steve showed evidence of beginning to develop a synthesis level of understanding. When
discussing the histogram of redshift, he wrote, ‘Maybe we don’t see so many in the higher
range is because is the redshift is weaker the further away a quasar gets and were just not
seeing quasars that may actually be there? I can’t fathom why there would be less quasars
closer to us.’ Although inexpertly worded, Steve’s response indicates that he was attempting
to use logic to reason through information about where astronomical objects are located,
rather than using rote memorization. Steve reasoned that because a larger value of redshift

corresponds to a farther distance, the radio light could be too faint to detect. However, Steve
did not understand how geometry affects the number of quasars observed at closer distances.

Learning by gender
ANOVA significance levels of gender on improvement from pre- to post-test are shown in
Table 6. Gender revealed a statistically significant effect on the improvement of overall
pre/post-test scores (p = 0.004), and of the dataset skills questions (p = 0.012).
Male participants had a large overall effect size and gains of 1.12 and 0.467, respec-
tively, while those for females were 0.62 and 0.084 (see Table 4), indicating a higher level
of short-term learning from male participants than female. In fact, T-test indicated female
participants’ overall scores did not statistically significantly improve (p > 0.05).

Evidence of gendered behaviors during activity

Of the nine groups video recorded during the activity, participants self-selected into three
mixed-gender groups, and six all-male groups. In the mixed-gender groups, males tended
to control the computer for the majority of the time (with females only touching the
mouse occasionally).
Conversations in mixed-gender groups were dominated by the males and included
gendered comments, such as females discussing stereotypically gendered behaviors.
Felicity, a female student, was in a group with two males. She referred to taking notes
as ‘a female thing,’ implying the stereotype that females are better at secretarial tasks and
worse at scientific ones. Contrary to Felicity’s self-assessment, she performed diverse
actions consistent with authentic scientific research: recording data and ideas, following
directions, keeping the group focused on their goals, and correcting partners’ errors.
One extreme example of gendered comments took place in a group of three males,
Luke, Jack, and Shawn, who repeatedly made crude jokes. When Luke read aloud the
prompt of ‘What would you do if your boss gave you this data set?’, Jack replied with
obscene suggestions about this hypothetical boss, and innuendos about his wife.
When Luke tried to steer the conversation back to work, Shawn supported Jack in
his joking.

Researchers realize that authentic STEM experiences are necessary for students to learn
the skills of science, to develop a realistic picture of science as a field they may or may not
wish to enter, and to motivate students in their STEM courses (Hellgren and Lindberg
2017; Spuck 2014). As research science increasingly moves towards the use of large
datasets, educators must move towards teaching dataset skills during classes. Since
astronomy often serves as a gateway to other sciences both for students and for the
public (Bailey 2011), astronomy datasets could be vital for classroom and general use.
This section first discusses the results about the overarching theme of authentic
science experiences, the research questions, and astronomy content vs. dataset skills.
Additional discussion follows regarding the revealed gender issues, the limitations, and
the greater implications of this study.

Research questions
The astronomy dataset activity demonstrates the feasibility of using the activity as a form
of authentic STEM experience. As stated in the literature review, astronomy content can
be used as a tool to teach dataset skills to students in an engaging and interesting manner
(Bailey 2011). The post-secondary students utilized technology with a real dataset to
create questions, procedures, methods, analyze patterns, and potentially propose solu-
tions. They discussed their findings with their group and explained their reasoning and
potential models. Thus, the dataset astronomy activity can be classified as an authentic
science experience, albeit a short one.
Participants self-identified as having little prior knowledge in STEM datasets, and less
experience with astronomy content. The data (such as pre-test scores) reflect the lack of
experience, and post-secondary students most certainly enter the classroom with varying
levels of prior knowledge. Both content and skills were gained by the participants, with
many learning both simultaneously, providing a proof of concept that a single authentic
STEM activity can address both aspects of STEM learning at least in the short term. The
qualitative data confirmed that the level of knowledge about dataset skills and astronomy
content was not constant among participants, but showed improvement in understand-
ing of both content and dataset skills.
Participants exhibited learning at both the recall and synthesis levels on their pre/post-
tests, with some individuals learning both simultaneously. Qualitative data showed that
some participants exhibited traits of recall-level understanding, while others demonstrated
a synthesis level. Importantly, and linking back to previously mentioned work, materials
that contain multiple levels of content can provide differentiated opportunities and
scaffolding that benefit students at all levels and abilities (Lutsky 1986; Westwood 2001).

The issue of learning by gender

The performances of the male and female participants were drastically different and this
captured the authors’ attention. The ANOVA revealed that the lesser learning of the
female participants was statistically significant. This finding cannot be attributed to
prior knowledge as the females’ pre-test scores were comparable to that of the male
participants. While the numerical data of this study do not allow the authors to speculate
as to causes of difference by gender, the dynamics of female and male participants were
particularly revealing and are discussed in the following section.
In this study, when female students worked in mixed-gender groups, they were rarely
observed to control the computer mouse or keyboard, in agreement with the findings of
Day et al. (2016). This study’s lack of female computer use in mixed-gender groups could be
a factor in the females’ lower post-test scores and especially their dataset skills learning. The
concept of (literally) ‘hands-on’ might be the difference in the learning between the groups.
Gendered insults from peers and self-deprecation may have been important factors, as
these are classic examples of issues females face in STEM (Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010;
NAS, 2018b). For example, ‘behaviors that convey hostility, objectification, exclusion,
or second-class status about members of one gender’ are forms of gendered harassment
(NAS, 2018b). The inappropriate conversation of the male group fits this description and
could have negatively impacted any female students who overheard the conversation.

But it is important to note that male students can be negatively impacted as well, as
Luke’s learning was interrupted by continually having to steer his group away from
gendered discussions and back to work.
The gendered self-deprecation of Felicity fits the known pattern of females in STEM
possessing a lower self-assessment of their abilities than do males (Hill, Corbett, and
St. Rose 2010; Microsoft 2017; Nissen and Shemwell 2016). Felicity’s self-assessment of her
abilities as being merely secretarial ‘convey[ed] . . . second-class status about members of
one gender’ (NAS, 2018b), which is another example of gendered harassment. Not only
did Felicity’s self-assessment reflect inner challenges to her learning but expressing this
aloud could have negative influences on other female students, and reinforced gender
stereotypes for male students in her group.
Only 17% of the female post-secondary students in this study were exposed to women
role models in the highest position of authority in their astronomy courses. The presence
of visible female mentors in STEM is another factor known to improve female students’
outlook of STEM (Microsoft 2017), and the lack of such role models may have been a factor
in these female participants’ struggles in this study. Investigations into female dataset use
within authentic science are worthwhile future endeavors for researchers.

This study highlighted only short-term participant learning and retention in content and skills
acquisition. Due to test fatigue, further validation of the multiple-choice pre/post-test ques-
tions was unavailable via free-response questions. Participants were self-selected from among
post-secondary students taking introductory astronomy at the university and college level.
Although the total number of participants in this study was 82, a reasonably large
sample size for a mixed-methods study, it is small for a dataset study. It is unlikely that
disparity by gender is due exclusively to small number statistics (N = 13 for females with
matched pre/post-tests), as ANOVA confirmed these results to be statistically significant.
In addition, the qualitative data does confirm the quantitative results, and both agree with
previous results on gender in STEM learning.
While the qualitative data are rich, the authors cannot know the purpose behind
participant’s language choices. Either use of language, whether profanity, innuendos,
and gender-based discussion, or the lack of such discussion, may have been natural
language choices, or may have been influenced by participants knowing that they were
being recorded.

The findings of this study imply the need for further dataset education as authentic STEM
experiences at the post-secondary level as well as further research into this skill set. If STEM
fields require the use and analysis of datasets, then it is essential to educate various primary,
secondary, and post-secondary populations in these skills along with the content (CCSS, 2010;
Microsoft 2017; NGSS Lead States 2013). The need for handling big STEM datasets is ubiqui-
tous, and thus it is important to investigate the process by which individuals transition from
novices to experts in this domain (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000).

Attention to gender issues must be prevalent during the dataset teaching. Females are
disproportionately leaving STEM fields, including astronomy, and they are not being well
served in the classes they take (Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010; Microsoft 2017; Nissen and
Shemwell 2016). To better serve female STEM students of all levels, researchers need to
find effective pedagogies and approaches to STEM education that do not disadvantage
students based upon their gender. Many steps that educators can take to help female
students will also help male students, such as focusing students away from gendered
behaviors and towards the assignment at hand.
Because the gender-based behavior observed among these post-secondary students
was so drastic at times, a deeper analysis of the rich qualitative data from these partici-
pants and additional ones may provide more insight into these interactions. It would also
be intriguing to see if the gender disparity (in both pre/post-test scores, and discussion
topics) were replicated among the educators who serve as role models and examples to
students (Scantlebury and Baker 2013). Regardless of the cause and age level of students,
it is incumbent on instructors to address gender-based behavior as part of classroom
management as one step to level the playing field for female students (NAS, 2018b).
Instructors of any gender can take many approaches to help female students overcome the
barriers they face both inside and outside the classroom. Assigning single-gender groups have
long been known to support the learning of female students using computers (e.g. Busch
1996; Lee 1993), but has yet to be widely implemented. When learners work in mixed-gender
groups, instructors can mandate rotation of computer control so all individuals can learn
computer skills. Instructors should encourage professional language in the classroom, taking
special care to stop jokes and insults (Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010). Self-derogatory talk by
females should be discouraged as well, as this too contributes to a hostile environment (NAS,
2018b; Nissen and Shemwell 2016). Role models and mentors should be provided for female
students and students from other underrepresented groups to help these individuals see that
they can overcome the stereotypes against them (Microsoft 2017; NAS, 2018b). And using
authentic STEM experiences has been shown to increase the interest and improve retention of
female students (Hill, Corbett, and St. Rose 2010).
For the public to learn either science content, or dataset skills, they need exposure to
STEM datasets and training materials. Astronomy dataset education is important for STEM
educators, including pre-service and in-service teachers, and there are available, accurate
datasets ready to use with these populations. It is reasonable to suggest that if primary or
secondary teachers are to adequately teach astronomy or related content, they need to
understand it at a level better than their students. Thus, dataset professional development
for teachers is desirable and could be integrated with other professional developments, or
taught separately to facilitate dataset skill use. This study reinforces what is found in the
literature that not only students but teachers of all levels, need access to and instruction
about classroom activities (e.g. Hampton et al. 2017). Likewise, professional development
opportunities are necessary for pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and other science
educators (Burrows 2015; Burrows et al. 2016).
As stated earlier, the authors argue that authentic science, which is shown to work with
students, can utilize computer science and datasets to open doors of STEM opportunities,
but these opportunities could be limited if gender issues affect learning or access to those
datasets. Students in many disciplines – especially in STEM – could be exposed to large
datasets and their content knowledge and skills would improve as evidenced in the

findings of this study. Dataset instruction should be included for students at all levels for
both exposure and future success in STEM field careers. Public scholarship (at any level) to
educate diverse democracies includes access to all STEM field components. To be com-
petitive in STEM and open options to all students, education on dataset analysis must
become a standard part of any STEM curriculum, most likely as an integrated piece of
authentic STEM learning. Lastly, researchers must focus on creating a ‘safe space’ for
everyone to learn about STEM datasets and their uses.

The authors would like to thank the participants of the study. Author 1 would like to thank the
members of the University of Wyoming Department of Physics and Astronomy for their support
during this study.

This work was partially supported by the Wyoming Department of Education under Grant
#WY140202; by the US National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education under
Grant #1339853; and by the Space Telescope Science Institute under Grant #HST-EO-13237.001-A

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