Ancient Greek Science
Ancient Greek Science
Ancient Greek Science
(Cristian Violatti)
However, besides its great achievements, Greek science had its flaws. Observation was
undervalued by the Greeks in favour of the deductive process, where knowledge is
built by means of pure thought. This method is key in mathematics, and the Greeks put
such an emphasis on it that they falsely believed that deduction was the way to obtain
the highest knowledge.
Early Achievements
During the 26th Dynasty of Egypt (c. 685–525 BCE), the ports of the Nile were opened
for the first time to Greek trade. Important Greek figures such as Thales and
Pythagoras visited Egypt, and brought with them new skills and knowledge. Ionia, in
addition to Egyptian influence, was exposed to the culture and ideas
of Mesopotamia through its neighbour, the kingdom of Lydia.
Anaximander, another Ionian, argued that since human infants are helpless at birth, if
the first human had somehow appeared on earth as an infant, it would not have
survived. Anaximander reasoned that people must, therefore, have evolved from other
animals whose young are hardier. It was Empedocles who first taught an early form of
evolution and survival of the fittest. He believed that originally “countless tribes of
mortal creatures were scattered abroad endowed with all manner of forms, a wonder
to behold”, but in the end, only certain forms were able to survive.
The Greek achievements in mathematics and astronomy were one of the finest in
antiquity. Mathematics developed first, aided by the influence of Egyptian
mathematics; astronomy flourished later during the Hellenistic Period after Alexander
the Great (356 BCE - 323 BCE) conquered the East, aided by the influence of Babylon.
A powerful aspect of science is that it aims to detach itself from notions with specific
use and looks for general principles with broad applications. The more general science
becomes the more abstract it is and has more applications. What the Greeks derived
from Egyptian mathematics were mainly rules of thumbs with specific applications.
Egyptians knew, for example, that a triangle whose sides are in a 3:4:5 ratio is a right
triangle. Pythagoras took this concept and stretched it to its limit by deducting a
mathematical theorem that bears his name: that, in a right triangle, the square on the
opposite side of the right angle (the hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of the squares on
the other two sides. This was true not only for the 3:4:5 triangle, but it was a principle
applicable to any other right triangle, regardless of its dimensions.
Pythagoras was the founder and leader of a sect where Greek philosophy, religion, art,
and mysticism were all fused together. In ancient times, Greeks did not make a clear
distinction between science and non-scientific disciplines. There is a widespread
argument which states that the coexistence of Greek art, philosophy, mysticism, and
other non-scientific disciplines interacting together with science has interfered with
the development of scientific ideas. This seems to show a misconception of how the
human spirit works. It is true that in the past moral and mystic bias has either delayed
or led some knowledge up a blind alley and that the sharp limits of scientific
knowledge were not clear. However, it is equally true that non-scientific disciplines
have enhanced the imagination of the human mind, provided inspiration to approach
problems that seemed impossible to solve and triggered human creativity to consider
counterintuitive possibilities (such as a spherical earth in motion) that time proved to
be true. The human spirit has found plenty of motivation for scientific progress in non-
scientific disciplines and it is likely that without the driving force of art, mysticism and
philosophy, scientific progress would have lacked much of its impetus.
By discovering mathematical theorems, the Greeks came across the art of deductive
reasoning. In order to build their mathematical knowledge they came to conclusions by
reasoning deductively from what appeared to be self-evident. This approach proved to
be powerful, and its success in mathematics encouraged its application in many other
disciplines. The Greeks eventually came to believe that the only acceptable way of
obtaining knowledge was the use of deduction.
However, this way of doing science had serious limitations when it was applied to
other areas of knowledge, but from the standpoint of the Greeks, it was hard to notice.
In antiquity, the starting point to discover principles was always an idea in the mind of
the philosopher: sometimes observations were undervalued and some other times the
Greeks were not able to make a sharp distinction between empirical observations and
logical arguments. Modern scientific method no longer relies on this technique; today
science seeks to discover principles based on observations as a starting point. Likewise,
the logical method of science today favours induction over deduction: instead of
building conclusions on an assumed set of self-evident generalizations, induction starts
with observations of particular facts and derives generalizations from them.
Deduction did not work for some kind of knowledge. “What is the distance
from Athens to Chios?” In this case, the answer cannot be derived from abstract
principles; we have to actually measure it. The Greeks, when necessary, looked at
nature to get the answers they were looking for, but they still considered that the
highest type of knowledge was the one derived directly from the intellect. It is
interesting to note that when observations were taken in consideration, it tended to
be subordinated to the theoretical knowledge. An example of this could be one of the
surviving works of Archimedes, The Method, which explains how mechanical
experiments can help the understanding of geometry. In general, ancient science used
experimentation to help theoretical understanding while modern science uses theory
to pursue practical results.
Aristotelian Logic
Aristotle was the first philosopher who developed a systematic study of logic. His
framework would become an authority in deductive reasoning for over two thousand
years. Although he repeatedly admitted the importance of induction, he prioritized the
use of deduction to build knowledge. It eventually turned out that his influence
strengthened the overestimation of deduction in science and of syllogisms in logic.
The doctrine of syllogism is his most influential contribution to logic. He defined the
syllogism as a discourse in which certain things having been stated, something else
follows of necesity from their being so. A well-known example is:
This argument cannot be logically challenged, nor can we challenge its conclusion.
However, this way of doing science has, at least, two failures. In the first place, the way
the major premise works. Why should we accept the major premise without question?
The only way that a major premise can be accepted is to present an obvious
statement, such as “all men are mortal”, which is considered self-evident. This means
that the conclusion of this argument is not a new insight but rather, something that
was already implied either directly or indirectly within the major premise. Secondly, it
does not seem to be necessary to go through all this in order to prove logically that
Socrates is mortal.
Another problem of this way of building knowledge is that if we want to deal with
areas of knowledge beyond the ordinary everyday life, there is a great risk of choosing
wrong self-evident generalizations as a starting point of reasoning. An example could
be two of the axioms upon which all Greek astronomy was built:
These two axioms appear to be self-evident and they are supported by our intuitive
experience. However, scientific ideas can be counterintuitive. Today we know that
intuition alone should never be the guide for knowledge and that all intuition should
be sceptically tested. The errors in the way of reasoning are sometimes hard to detect,
and the Greeks were not able to notice anything wrong with their way of doing
science. There is a very lucid example of this by Isaac Asimov:
...if brandy and water, whiskey and water, vodka and water, and rum and water are all
intoxicating beverages, one may jump to the conclusion that the intoxicating factor
must be the ingredient these drinks hold in common-namely, water. There is
something wrong with this reasoning, but the fault in the logic is not immediately
obvious; and in more subtle cases, the error may be hard indeed to discover. (Asimov,
Aristotle’s logic system was recorded in five treatises known as the Organon, and
although it does not exhaust all logic, it was a pioneering one, revered for centuries
and regarded as the ultimate solution to logic and reference for science.
Another obstacle for Greek science was the notion of an 'ultimate truth'. After the
Greeks worked out all the implications of their axioms, further progress seemed
impossible. Some aspects of knowledge seemed to them 'complete' and some of their
notions were turned into dogmas not open to further analysis. Today we understand
that there are never enough observations that could turn a notion into 'ultimate'. No
amount of inductive testing can tell us that a generalization is completely and
absolutely valid. A single observation that contradicts a theory forces the theory to be
Many important scholars have blamed Plato and Aristotle for delaying scientific
progress, since their ideas were turned into dogmas and, especially during medieval
times, nobody could challenge their work while keeping their reputation intact. It is
highly likely that science would have reached its modern state a lot earlier if these
ideas had been open to review, but this by no means questions the genius of these two
talented Greeks. The mistakes of a gifted mind can appear to be legitimate and remain
accepted for centuries. The errors of a fool become evident sooner rather than later.
Science - Ancient History Encyclopedia definition
Asimov, I. Asimov's New Guide to Science. (Penguin Books, Limited (UK), 1993).
Durant, W. The Life of Greece. (Fine Communications, 1997).
Honderich, T. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy New Edition. (Oxford
University Press, USA, 2005).
Russell, B. A History of Western Philosophy. (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone,