52 Yash Thakur (DLCA) Experiment No 5
52 Yash Thakur (DLCA) Experiment No 5
52 Yash Thakur (DLCA) Experiment No 5
Experiment No 5
Aim: To implement 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Objective: To understand behavior of arithmetic logic unit from working module and
v en parameter.
Start the simulator as directed. This simulator supports 5-valued logic. To design the circuit,
we need 4 1-bit ALU, 11 Bit switch (to give input, which will toggle its value with a double
click), 5 Bit displays (for seeing output), wires. The pin configuration of a component is shown
whenever the mouse is hovered on any canned component of the palette. Pin numbering starts
from 1 and from the bottom left corner (indicating with the circle) and increases anticlockwise.
For 1-bit ALU input A0 is in pin-9,B0 is in pin-10, C0 is in pin-11(this is input carry), for
selection of operation, S0 is in pin-12, S1 is in pin-13, output F is in pin-8 and output carry is
pin-7Click on the 1-bit ALU component (in the Other Component drawer in the pallet) and
then click on the position of the editor window where you want to add the
component (no dragand drop, simple click will serve the purpose), likewise add 3 more 1-bit
ALU (from the other Component drawer in the pallet), 11 Bit switches and 5 Bit Displays
(from Display and Input drawer of the pallet, if it is not seen scroll down in the drawer), 3
digital display and 1-bit Displays (from Display and Input drawer of the pallet, if it is not seen
scroll down in the drawer)To connect any two components, select the Connection menu of
Palette, and then click on the Source terminal and click on the target terminal. According to
the circuit diagram connect all the components. Connect the Bit switches with the inputs and
Bit displays component with the outputs. After the connection is over click the selection tool
in the pallete.
1.Both the ALU and control unit of CPU employ special program storage which is called?
Number of gates.
Fanout capacity.
None of these.
4. A switching function is symmetric with respect toa set of literals if and only if the function
remains unchanged after?
6. Describe the schematic diagram, how ALU is connected to the processor registers through
common bus.