Danshui Plant

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Flexible Actual

Budget(1.8 lac Budgeted cost Cost per

2 lac units 1.8 lac units units) Variance per unit unit
Revenue 41240 37476 AQ*SP
Variable Costs
Flash Memory 5400 5249 4860 -389 27 29.16
Appplication process 2150 1935 1935 0 10.75 10.75
Chips-Phone 2810 2529 2529 0 14.05 14.05
Gyroscope 520 468 468 0 2.6 2.60
8 other chips 14190 12643 12771 128 70.95 70.24
Variable supplies & Tools 12507 11305 11256.3 -48.7 62.535 62.81
Subtotal 37577 34129 33819.3 -309.7 187.885 189.61
Assembly and packaging 2622 3092 2359.8 -732.2 13.11 17.18
Shipping 212 191 190.8 -0.2 1.06 1.06
Total Variable Costs 40411 37412 36369.9 -1042.1 202.055 207.8444
0 0
Fixed Costs 0 0
Factory rent 400 400 360 -40
Machine depreciation 150 150 135 -15
Utility fee and taxes 52 52 46.8 -5.2
Supervision 127 134 114.3 -19.7
T.F.C 729 736 656.1 -79.9 3.645 4.088889
Total Costs 41140 38148 37026 -1122 205.7 211.9333
Net Income 100 -672 90 762 0.5 -3.73333

S.P 27 S.R 13.11

A.P 29.16111 A.R 17.18
S.Q 200 S.Q 200
A.Q 180 A.Q 180

M.P.V=AQ*(S.P-A.P) -389 L.P.V -732.2

M.Q.V=S.P*(SQ-AQ) 540 L.E.V 262.2

M.C.V 151 L.C.V -470

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