Dhanshui Plant
Dhanshui Plant
Dhanshui Plant
Q1 How many Apple iphone 4’s would have to be completed for danshui plant no.2 to break even using budget
data ?
By making use a use of
Details Monthly budget (in thousands)
budget , the number of
Units 200 apple iphone 4 ‘s that
would have completed in
Total revenue $41240 order to break even are
shown in this table
Total variable costs(TVC) $40411
Q.2 Using budget data, what was the total expected cost per unit if all manufacturing
and shipping overhead (both variable and fixed) were allocated to planned production?
What was the actual cost per unit of production and shipping?
= $ 205.70 = $ 211.93
Q3. Prepare a flexible Budget for 18000 iPhone 4’s and calculate flexible variances
using actual costs for August
Q4. Estimate material price and usage for flash memories, labor rate and usage (efficiency)
variances, and the overhead spending variance for August
Details Details
● After doing lot of calculations and analysing the data we came to know that all expenses of the company were far
more than estimated.
● The company experienced heavy losses due to less labour which came into light after calculating the labour rate
variance which was unfavourable for the company .
● The main reason behind the heavy losses faced by the company was money spent on flash memories so this
should be their main concern
● Considering the need of the hour and gravity of the situation the immediate step which the company should take is
to reduce their costs and expenses which will result in higher profits initially
● There is a need for the company to think about some strategies or to make decisions so that problem related to
iphone 4 contract can be solved in the next nine months
● Wento chan should also need to make decisions regarding the the material used in the manufacturing of iphone 4
and the wages that they are paying and the number of qualified labour that will be needed in order to produce
iphone 4