Complete Action Research RYAN C SULIVAS

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TITLE OF ACTION Increasing the Awareness in Global Warming of Grade 7 Pupils

RESEARCH of Talacogon National High School Through the Use of
“Present-Engage-Build Infographic Utilization Technique
I. INTRODUCTION Landscaping the education system is one of the most
challenging tasks of every educator. Embracing the K to 12
curriculum has set the educational leaders for a battle on how to
bridge the learners to the 21 st century education. Many things were
considered in carrying out the mission and vision of the K to 12
advocacy. Teaching and learning process focused much on the
learners. Transferring of learning demands a great challenge to
every teacher. It emphasized the learner’s innate and natural
characteristic to facilitate learnings. This present scenario let the
educational planner to reshape a new horizon for the methods and
techniques used in the academic environment and teaching learning
Using modern technology is always entailed with 21 st century
education. Giving emphasis on educational developments,
underscores the skills like ability to use technological tools,
understand and remember the knowledge, teachers expect that
students possess the ability to accessing information, configuration
knowledge, active participation in class, creative and critical
thinking, interpretation what learners see.
As facilitator of learning selecting appropriate materials in
teaching-learning process is very crucial. It should not only focus on
the question "How to be taught?" but also the questions of " how the
skills and knowledge required to be transferred?", "What resources
are available for this purpose of transfer of learning?", "How can we
give learning skills to the students?", and "What materials can
increase student motivation?". In direct statement, what materials
can be used for the learners and how will be transferred effectively
to the learners.
Visual material is one of the utilized tools to have effective
transfer of learning. Visualization that is supporting by visuals is one
of the most frequently used method in the teaching-learning
process. Through visualization learner get to establish engagement
and organize ideas in the mental process. The main purpose of
using visual aid in the classroom is not to give just a graphical map
data but to absorb required actual knowledge and to keep in mind or
make it more easily remembered. In order to visualize many tools
are used such as concept maps, graphic organizers, flow diagrams,
simulations, pictograms.
Infographic materials is one of the highest form of visual
materials. It has the features of presenting and transferring of
complex or high amounts of information especially in the text,
important data, tables, and figures. numerical data and illustration
as well. The peculiar characteristic of infographic is that it can
transform long and complex information transform to simpler and
understandable knowledge. This makes the presentation a
significant and remarkable mental interaction with the learners.
Information are carried out in a vivid and visual presentation of
complex data. Combining these appropriate utilization technique of
infographic materials would result to an effective transfer of learning
to the learners.
The above information caught the attention of the researcher
to device a technique in utilizing the infographic materials in
increasing the global warming awareness of the Grade 7 pupils. It
was observed by the researcher that during the Science class,
learners showed low interest and attention to science lesson. The
MPS of the pupils was ostensibly decreasing when the teacher
compared the MPS of first grading and the MPS of second grading.
Thus, with the alarming condition of the apparent MPS
results and observed scenario in the classroom, the researcher
developed a technique in utilizing infographics materials. The
researcher opted that it is very timely to conduct an action research
to test if the technique on utilization of infographic materials would
increase the awareness of the pupils in global warming. The
researcher used “Present-Engage-Build Utilization Technique” in
presenting the infographic materials during the teaching learning

A. Research Research Questions

This study was designed to evaluate the effects of using
PEBUT “Present-Engage-Build Utilization Technique” on the
utilization of infographic materials on Grade 7 pupils in increasing
the awareness in global warming.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the mean score of the pupils before and after

the use of “Present-Engage-Build Infographic
Utilization Technique” in increasing the pupils’
awareness in global warming?
2. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores of
the grade five pupils before and after using the
“Present-Engage-Build Infographic Utilization
Technique” in increasing the pupils’ awareness in
global warming?
3. What implication can be deduced from the result of
this study for the improvement of “Present-Engage-
Build Infographic Utilization Technique” in increasing
the pupils’ awareness in global warming?

B. Hypothesis Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the mean scores of the

grade fSeven pupils before and after using the “Present-Engage-
Build Infographic Utilization Technique” in increasing the pupils’
awareness in global warming


LITERATURE AND This chapter included a review of literature and studies which
STUDIES have significant relationship and similarities with the present study.
Recently, infographics has spread throughout many
fields in life. It has been used in media, education, awareness
initiatives, entertainment, environment protection, etc.

According to Eisssa (2014) Infographic is the art of

transferring information and complicated data into cartoons which
are much easier for perception and recognition. It does not require
reading much information and more texts which leads to effective
visual interaction. This statement was supported by the works of
Shaltout (2014) that infographic is also called interactive data
visualization and information design. It might be represented using
this equation; Information + Graphic = Info graphic.

According to Eissa (2014) and Simiciklas (2012) infographics

characteristics are simplifying hard and complicated information-
based on visual effects to be easier for reading and understanding;
transferring data and information from its traditional form as
represented by letters and numbers into interesting figures and
drawings; using visual scanning to minimize time consumed in
reading such massive amount of written data and information, the
effectiveness of using infographics art in marketing via social media
to attract customers; ease of publication and distribution via social
networks; and enforcing the process of saving information as far as

More so, El-Araby (2008) stated that the most prominent

characteristics of infographics are it is a visual explanation which
helps in understanding and finding information easily; it is a visual
graphical representation which integrates vocabulary and figures in
a smooth way; It is self-explanatory and it does not require further
explanation and clarification; It makes the understanding process
faster and consistent; it is internationally understood; it only focuses
on the most important points; and it is interesting for readers.

On the contrary, A. Chong (2012) argues that data visualizations

—of which infographics are one common example—are becoming
“more integral parts of…our students’ information diet”. Even
Facebook in its most recent design iterations, he explains, has
focused on delivering information visually (Chong, 2012). The usage
of infographics while producing electronic content in a fast and easy
way is widely spread. The importance of using infographics in
education has increased as learners’ desire to understand certain
topics by viewing rather than reading, has increased.

Hafeth (2013) conducted a study which aimed at

recognizing the effectiveness of using the visual approach along
with the aid of a computer to develop second grade, preparatory
school female students’ sense of place. The researcher used the
experimental research design. The study sample consisted of 90
female students at second grade, preparatory school at “Al-Haram
preparatory school for girls” in Cairo, Egypt. They were divided into
an experimental group of (46) students and a control group of (44)

Coleman (2010) stressed how far primary level school

teachers use charts in their educational practices at Alabama
University in USA. The researcher used the descriptive design and
used the questionnaire to reach desired results. Results showed an
increase in teachers’ usage of charts which included most
educational practices.

As S. Hill and C. Grinnell (2014) argue, that if teachers want

the students to be successful in telling the stories of science and
industry, the teacher to give them the tools available to them to do
that. One of those tools is the infographic. Infographics can be
particularly useful for STEM students because they encourage
students to show relationships, represent complex data clearly, and
consider users’ knowledge and experience (Chong, 2012; Hill &
Grinnell, 2014).

Infographics, efficient visual representations of information

that use visual relationships to make an argument, provide one way
to accomplish this goal by engaging students in the process of
research and writing as creating, not just reporting. Indeed, we
argue that infographics can teach students what J. Purdy (2014)
calls “design thinking,” an invention strategy that asks writers to
explore multiple composing possibilities and to see design as a
critical strategy connecting multimodal and alphabetic essay
Educators using infographics will remain ahead of the curve
when it comes to teaching practices and techniques. The interfaces
of our technology are expanding visually, and we need to use these
techniques for improving instruction. Graphic designers and artists
have a vast knowledge of illustration, but incorporating complex
infographics in the pre-kindergarten to 12th grade curriculum will
help all learners grow (Davis , 2018).


This study was limited only on the effects of “Present-
Engage-Build Infographic Utilization Technique” in increasing the
pupils’ awareness in global warming. The study was conducted at
Talacogon National High School. This study used a self-made
questionnaire. The research was concluded during the third quarter
of the school year end to grade seven pupils of Talacogon National
High School. The participants were limited to those who are
currently enrolled in multigrade class of grades five and six. The
data were collected through pretest and post-test. The researcher
used t-Test to find the significant difference of the two means of the


Researcher Design

The researcher utilized the descriptive – comparative method

where the research itself consider two entities: pretest and past-test
of pupils after the use of “Present-Engage-Build Utilization
Technique” for infographic materials in global warming. Descriptive
was used in getting the mean of the test results of the Grade 7
pupils. Descriptive research design is a valid method for
researching specific subjects and as a precursor to more
quantitative studies ( Shuttleworth, 2008 ).

The pretest was given to the grade five pupils. After the
pretest had given the “Present-Engage-Build Utilization Technique”
was utilized to the grade five pupils. To see the increase in pupils’
awareness pretest and posttest were compared. The significant
difference of the pretest and posttest were computed using the
dependent t test. The data and information gathered were
systematically checked, computed, tabulated and interpreted.
Research Locale

The study was conducted in Talacogon National High School.

The school is a multigrade school and is located in San Nicolas
Talacogon Agusan Del sur Talacogon National High School belongs
to 1st Distric, Talacogon ADS, Caraga.

Population and Sample

Purposive sampling was used in the choice of the Anas

Elementary School as the venue of the research. The total number
of respondents were 15 Grade 7 pupils with 11 males and 4
females. The respondents were purposively selected because the
grade five class belongs to a combination class of grades five and
six in Talacogon National High School. Purposive sampling was
used in cases where the specialty of an authority can select a more
representative sample that can bring more accurate result than by
using other probability sampling technique (, 2009).

Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study were the 15 – item pretest

and the posttest. The instrument was self-maid by the teacher. The
items of the test were taken from the content of the infographic
materials which are aligned in Grade 7 Science K-12 curriculum
issued by the Department of Education. Validation of the instrument
was done by the master teacher in Talacogon 1 st District.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked permission to the school head to

conduct study on increasing the awareness in global warming of the
pupils through the use of infographic materials.

In this study, the researchers gathered the data through the

pretest and posttest. The pretest was administered by the
researcher to the Grade 7 pupils. It was followed by utilization of the
“Present-Engage-Build Utilization Technique”. The infographic
materials were gradually introduced by the research during the
Science class. The utilization of the materials ran for 3 days.

After the “Present-Engage-Build Utilization Technique” have

fully administered and used the research conducted the posttest.
The researcher compared the mean of the pretest and posttest to
determine if there was a significant difference of the means of the
pupils. Pretest- Posttest design is the prepared method to compare
participant group and measure the degree of change occurring as a
result of treatment or intervention (Shuttleworth, 2009).

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data used in the study



M= ∑M

M = mean of the pupils’ score

∑M =sum of pupils’ score

N =total number of pupils


x1¯x1¯ = Mean of first set of values
x2¯x2¯ = Mean of second set of values
S1 = Standard deviation of first set of values
S2 = Standard deviation of second set of values
n1 = Total number of values in first set
n2 = Total number of values in second set.


Table 1

Mean Score of Pretest and Post-tets using “Present-Engage-Build

Infographic Utilization Technique”
Grade No. of No. of Pretest Pretest Difference
level Items Pupils Mean Mean
5 15 15 34.26 68.06 33.80

The table shows the results of the pre-test and post-test of

the 15 respondents in the 15-item test conducted by the researcher
before and after the utilization of infographic materials.

It revealed that the pre-test acquired a Mean of 34.26 and

mean of 68.06 substantiate the post-test result.

The Table 1 clearly reflects that there was a remarkable

increase in the Mean of pretest of the respondents after the
utilization of infographic materials. This is an apparent intimation
that the utilization of infographic materials is an effective and potent
infographic materials in increasing the awareness of global warming
through the utilization of “Present-Engage-Build Infographic
Utilization Technique” .

T-test Result on Finding the Significant Difference in the means of

the Grade 5 Pupils Before and After the Utilization of “Present-
Engage-Build Utilization Technique”.
Variables Df Mean Compute Critica Decisio Impressio
Compare s d t-value l n n @ 0.05
d t-value Level
Pre-test X 1 =¿ 10.46 1.76 Reject Significant
( X 1) 1 34.26 Ho
And 4 X 2 =¿
Posttest 68.06
(X 2)

Table 2 shows the result of the t-test on finding the significant

difference in the pre-test and posttest. It can be gleaned from the t-
value of 10.46 and the critical level 1.76 the researcher rejected the
null hypothesis which is significant at 0.05 level . This shows that
there was a significant improvement in the spelling skills of grade 5
pupils because of the remarkable increased of the mean.


The following are hereby recommended based on the result
and implications of the study:

1. Teacher should us the “Present-Engage-Build Infographic

Utilization Technique” in increasing the pupils’ awareness in
global warming and teaching other Science concept.
2. The Infographic Materials can be used also not only in
Science subject but also from other subject or concept where
infographics materials.

3. School head may conduct or organize instructional making

LAC session to improve the quality of infographic materials
and its utilization to make it more acceptable and visually
appealing to the pupils.

4. The teacher should make a proposal to the district office for a

demonstration teaching as one of the requirements to use the
teaching technique or utilization of the technique.



A. Books

Department of Education (2013). K to 12 Curriculum. Science

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines

Hafeth, A. M. (2013). Effectiveness of Using Visual Approach in

Teaching Mathematics Using Computers on
Developing Spatial Sensation for Preparatory
School Students. Journal of Mathematics
Education, 16.

Hyerle, D. (2009). Visual Tools for Transforming Information

into Knowledge. Thousand
Oak Publications.

B. Journals/Periodicals

Al-Ba’aly. (2013). Effectiveness of a Proposed Unit at Science

According to the Perspective of Costa and Calik
for Mind Habits on Developing Analytical
Thinking and Scientific Tendencies for the First-
Grade Preparatory School Students in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Practical Education
Magazine, 5(l16).

Siribunnam, R., & Tayraukham, S. (2009). Effects of 7-e, KWL and

Instruction on Analytical Thinking, Learning
Achievement and Attitudes Toward Chemistry
Learning. Journal of Social Sciences, 5(4), 279-282.

C. Online Sources

Eissa, M. (2014). What is the Infographic? Definition, Tips and

Free Tools. Retrieved from

El-Arabi, R. (2008). Infographic Design. Amman, Jordan,

Electronic Copy. Retrieved from
esign.pdf (2009). Dependent T-Test for Paired Samples.

Retrieved from
mean ( 2009).Purposive Sampling. Retrieved from

Gaines, K. (2012). Why Are Students Not Learning on the

School Bus? The Future of Learning Outside the
Classroom in American Schools,

Goh, T. (2018). Infographic Hack #1: 3 Steps to Create an Engaging

Presentation using Infographic. Retrieved from

Kalla,S. (2009). Mean, Retrieved from




Work Plan


  3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Formulation of action                    
research title and
Seek permission to                    
the proper authorities
Checking of action                    
research proposal-
Revision of the                    
Initial assessment of                    
the proposal
Evaluation of the                    
approved proposal
Implementing and                    
Conducting of the
action research
*distribution of TEST
*collecting of data
*Processing and
Analyzing of data
Preparing the final
research paper to

Submission and                    
presentation of the
result of the action


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