Sports Management System.: By: Rajesh Mandal - 107219861036 Kapil Patil - 107219861017 BCA VTH Sem

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Rajesh Mandal - 107219861036

Kapil Patil – 107219861017
BCA Vth Sem
The Sports Management System (SMS) objective is to provide which
manages the activity of many sports at a time. It also manages the selection
activity of students to college and to state level. The users will consume less
amount of time when compared to manual paper work through the automated
system. The system will take care of all the servicing activity in a quick manner.
Data storing is easier. It will be able to check any report at any time. Paper work
and manual work is reduced. The system is user friendly and easy to use.

• Goal oriented

• Deliberately Structured

• Deliberately Coordinated

• Exist as a system of individuals and groups

• Made up of people with special skills

Sports Management System is a product to manage games/sports played at

schools. This is an application that was developed to keep track of different
sporting events with multiple games played between multiple schools and
students. Our client was from the education industry in USA, looking to come
up with an application that can not only deliver the above mentioned
functionality but, could also display event results.
This Sports club management system is developed using Microsoft .net
framework. The preferred IDE for this project is Microsoft visual studio. The
database used with this project is the Microsoft SQL Server. This is hierarchical
software and the users are presented with views based on their level of access.
Existing System:

In the existing Sports Event Management system, students are not able to get

proper information about the games conducted in various colleges. The student

needs to spend the time to get the information about the game. The student

should attend the venue to get registered for the game which takes a lot of time.

Currently, the process of managing the sports club is file based and manual.

These obsolete management system slows down functionality of the club. For

example, a new user wants to enroll in a training batch he/she has to visit the

club and fill up the registration form. The form then passes through a hierarchy

of club members before approval. It takes time as well as effort form a user’s

perspective. This is just a single case. Same problem persists in all the major

operation of the club.


 Lack of security.

 This system does not provide category wise classifications of


 Inefficiency in querying details.

 Periodic Report generation takes lot of time.

Proposed System:

In the proposed Sports Event Management system student can get all the

information of various games and the venue. The student can get registered

from anywhere and at any time. By using this system student can save a lot of

time and effort. The student can easily get the information from anywhere.


 Reduce complexity in managing the data related to the agriculture

products, soils, fertilizers, mandi/market details.

 The system also does the selection procedure to the college level and the
state level competition.
 To the college level all the players are allowed to play. Whereas to the
state level, the best players will be selected from the college level list
which will be also saved in the database.
 Current system provides different access levels for security.

 Rich user interface is provided in order to interact with application.

 Reports are generated dynamically on a periodic basis.

Functionality Performed by Admin and Customer:

These are the functionality performed by Admin and Customer


This Project has following Modules:

1) Admin
2) User

Admin will get log in with a unique username and password. Admin will add all the
information of the games conducted in various colleges. Admin will send the password to
the student registered email.

The user can view all the details of the games and can get registered with the selected game
by entering all the details in the registration form. The user will get a confirmation password
to his email.


System : Intel3core

Hard Disk : 8GB

Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor

Mouse : Optical Mouse


Operating system : Windows7/8/10

Coding Language : java Html etc.

Data Base : SQL Server 2014

Tools : Visual studio 2013

Conclusion :

“Sports Event Management System” project which helps students to save a lot of time in searching for
games being conducted in various colleges. Our project provides students to get register from
anywhere and anytime. Sports management system is not only rewarding but it also helps the
programmer to quickly organize the sports events and lists in short interval of time I personally see
this as a great way to find even more information for my topic it will be able to check anything related
to sports at any time paper work and manual work is reduced through this system the system is user
friendly and easy to use.

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