Scottish Fa Uefa C Licence Brochure
Scottish Fa Uefa C Licence Brochure
Scottish Fa Uefa C Licence Brochure
An opportunity to enter the UEFA pathway through the Scottish FA, delivered at your own
convenience through a unique blended-learning approach.
• C
reating an opportunity to play football for players of different ages,
genders, backgrounds and abilities
• Benefits of the player-centred approach and positive coach behaviour
• Inspiring a lifelong desire to play football and stay involved in the game
• Basic coaching skills
• Planning and delivering safe and appropriate coaching activities
• Analysing and reviewing coaching activities
• M
aintaining a positive motivational climate
• Creating a consistent, safe and positive learning environment
• Organisation of the sessions and activities
• H
olistic development of a player:
• Technical, Physical, Psychological and Social
• Improving players’ basic techniques and understanding of the game
• Encouraging players to think for themselves
• E
nabling players to experience the health benefits of regularly
playing football and improving their overall fitness
• Instilling in players values of fair play and respect
• P
lanning and delivering various game formats with an emphasis on enjoyment
and development
• Using the game as a tool to help players in their personal and football development
• Basic technical and tactical understanding of the game
• B
asic game management principles
• Key benefits and principles of the basic training methods
1. Those that have completed Scottish FA Level 1 courses on the Main (Youth/ Adult)
pathway prior to 2020, and where all certification remains valid.
Please email [email protected] with a full curriculum vitae (CV) detailing all relevant
playing experience.
In each of the cases noted above it is expected that prior to application, each applicant
has a Scottish FA Live account and has completed both the Children’s Wellbeing in Scottish
Football (e-learning) and Mental Health in Scottish Football (e-learning) courses within the
past three years.
• On registration for Phase 1 of the UEFA C Licence, resources and background
reading will be made available in your Scottish FA Live account. This is of
particular importance for those that completed the Level 1 courses pre-2020.
• Three x 90-minute online theory modules. Groupings will be created and
scheduled to participate in three virtual classroom experiences. Candidates
will interact with course tutors and other learners as they learn and share
• A 6-hour course, delivered entirely online over Zoom. Similarly to the virtual
classrooms from Phase 1, course tutors will lead the course candidates
through topics such as:
• Injuries in Football
• Warm-Up & Flexibility
• Speed & Agility
• Energy Systems
• Strength & Power
• Nutrition & Wellbeing
Phase 1 and Phase 2 can be completed in any order or at the same time. However, both Phase 1
and Phase 2 must be completed prior to accessing Phase 3. Coaches must attend Phase 3 within
one year of having undertaken Phase 1. All Phases can be booked on Scottish FA Live and on
successful completion of all three phases, the UEFA C Licence will be awarded.
To book:
Further enquiries: [email protected]
Detail will be issued in due course for those coaches that wish to assimilate from a Scottish FA
C Licence to a UEFA C Licence.