Central Depository Services (India) Limited: Nilay Rajendra Shah

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Central Depository Services (India) Limited

CDSL/CS/NSE/VS/2021/252 December 07, 2021

The Manager,
Listing Compliance Department,
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd,
Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
Symbol: CDSL
ISIN: INE736A01011
Dear Sir/Madam,
Ref.: Disclosure under Regulation 30(8) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR)

Sub: Contact Details of KMP Authorised to Determine Materiality of Information

Pursuant to Regulation 30(8) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 the Executive Management Committee and Group Company Secretary is authorised to
determine the materiality of an event or information and for making disclosure to stock exchanges
under this regulation and under the policy on determination and disclosure of materiality of events
of the Company. Contact details of Executive Management Committee (EMC) and Group Company
Secretary are given below:

Sr. No Name Designation Address Contact Details

1. Shri Nehal Vora, Managing Member of
+9122 23058771
Director & CEO EMC
2. Shri Amit Mahajan, Chief Member of
25th Floor A- +9122 23058500
Technology Officer EMC
Wing, Marathon
3. Smt. Nayana Ovalekar, Member of
Futurex Mafatlal +9122 24166489
Chief Regulatory Officer EMC
Mills Compound
4. Shri. Girish Amesara, Chief Member of
N. M. Joshi Marg, +9122 23058628
Financial Officer EMC
Lower Parel
5. Shri Ramkumar K, Chief of Member of
Mumbai +9122 23058633
Business Development EMC
6. Shri Vinay Madan, Chief Member of India-400013 +9122 2302 3333
Risk Officer EMC
7. Shri. Nilay Shah, Group
- +9122 2305 8563
Company Secretary

Submitted for your kind information and records.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
For Central Depository Services (India) Limited
Digitally signed by: NILAY

email = [email protected]

C = IN O = Personal
Date: 2021.12.07 17:12:19 +05'30'

Nilay Shah
Group Company Secretary & Head Legal
Regd. Office : Marathon Futurex, A Wing, 25th Floor,
Mafatlal Mills Compound, N M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (E), Mumbai - 400 013.
Phone: 91-22-2302 3333 • Fax: 91-22-2300 2036 • CIN: L67120MH1997PLC112443
Website: www.cdslindia.com

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