Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

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The document outlines specifications for tire and wheel runout, provides an overview of vibration diagnosis procedures, and describes tools used in vibration analysis including the Electronic Vibration Analyzer.

The main steps in the vibration diagnostic process outlined are: gathering information, performing road testing, determining if the issue is abnormal, systematically eliminating possible systems and components, making a repair, and verifying the issue is resolved.

Some common diagnostic aids that can help diagnose intermittent vibration issues include inspecting for aftermarket modifications, inspecting components for obvious damage, and inspecting tire inflation pressures.

1:38 Vibration Diignosis and Correction

Vibration Diagnosis and Correction


Tire and Wheel Runout Specifications

Application Metric English
Off-Vehicle 1.27mm 0.050in
On-Vehicle 1.52mm 0.060in
Lateral 0.762mm 0.030in
Radial 0.762mm 0.030in
Lateral 1.143mm 0.045in
Radial 1.015mm 0.040in
WheelHub/AxleFlange—Guideline 0.132mm 0.0052in
WheelStud—Guideline 0.25mm 0.010in

- Vibrate Software Description and Operation on

Diagnostic Information and page 1-90
0 Reed Tachometer Description on page 1-90
Vibration Diagnostic Process
Note: Using the following steps of the vibration
Vibration Diagnosis, Starting Point,
diagnostic process will help you to effectively
and Correction narrow-down and pin—pointthe search for the specific
The information contained in this Vibration Diagnosis source of a vibration concern and to arrive at an
accurate repair.
and Correction section is designed to cover various
vehicle designs and configurations. Not all content will 1. Gather specific informationon the customer's
apply to all vehicles. vibration concern.
Note: The following steps must be completed before 2. Perform the road testing steps in sequence as
using the analysis tables or the symptom tables. identified in Vibration Analysis —Road Testing in
1. Perform the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing on order to duplicate the customer's concern and
page 1—39table before using the other Vibration evaluate the symptoms of the concern under
changing conditions. Observe what the vibration
Analysis tables or the Symptom tables in order to
effectively diagnose the customer's concern. feels like and what it sounds tike. Observe when
the symptoms first appear, when they change, and
The use of Vibration Analysis —Road Testing will when they cease.
first provide duplication of virtually any vibration
concern and then identify the correct procedure for 3. Determine if the customer's vibration concern is
diagnosing the area of concern which has been truly an abnormal condition or something that is
duplicated. potentially an operating characteristic of the
2. Review the following Vibration Diagnostic Process.
4. Systematically eliminate or “rule-out”possible
3. Review the general descriptions to familiarize vehicle systems.
yourself with vibration theory and terminology, the
EL—38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2, 5. Focus diagnostic efforts on the remaining vehicle
and the EL-38792—VS Vibrate Software. system and systematically eliminate or “rule—out”
Reviewing this information will help you determine possible components of that system.
whether the condition described by the customer is 6. Make a repair on the remaining component,
a potential operating characteristic or not. or components, which have not been eliminated
Refer to the following: systematically, and must therefore be the cause of
the vibration.
- Vibration Theory and Terminology on page 1—78
- Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) Description
and Operation on page 1-88

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1’39

7. Verify that the customer's concern has been Vibration Analysis - Road Testing
eliminated or at least brought to an acceptable
level. Test Description
8. Again perform the road testing steps in sequence The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
as identified in Vibration Analysis - Road Testing in diagnostic table.
order to verify that the vehicle did not have more
5. Obtaining rotational speed for the components
than one vibration occurring. rotating at tire/wheel speed is critical to
Preliminary Visual/Physical Inspection systematically eliminating specific vehicle
component groups. These component rotational
0 inspect for aftermarket equipment and speeds can be generated by using the
modifications which could affect the operation of EL—38792-VSVibrate Software, or through
the vehicle rotating component systems. calculating them manually.
- Inspect the easily accessible or visible Note: Be certain to OBSERVE for disturbances that
' components of the vehicle rotating component match the customer description.FIRST, then look at the
systems for obvious damage or conditions which EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2)
could cause the symptom. frequency which corresponds with that disturbance.
- Inspect the tire inflation pressures forthe proper
pressure. 10. Proper location of the EL—38792-AElectronic
Vibration Analyzer 2(EVA 2), sensor onto the
Diagnostic Aids component which is most excited by the vibration
disturbance is critical to obtaining an accurate
Impropercomponent routing or isolation, frequency reading.
or components which are worn or faulty may be the
cause of intermittentconditions that are difficult to This test will duplicate virtually any disturbance
duplicate. Ifthe vibration concern could not be which occurs while the vehicle is in motion.
duplicated by following the steps of the Vibration 11. Accelerate to a speed high enough above the
Diagnostic Process, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids speed of the disturbance to allow for the time
on page 1-60. needed to shift into NEUTRAL and for the engine
to decrease in RPM to idle speed, before coasting
down through the disturbance range.
12. This test will either eliminate or confirm the engine
as a contributing cause of the customer concern. '
Vibration Analysis - Road Testing
Step Action Yes No
1 DidyoureviewtheDiagnosticStartingPoint—VibrationDiagnosis? Go to Step2 -
whilethevehicleis standingstill? Go to Step6 Go to Step3
Visuallyinspectthe tireandwheelassemblies,steering
Are thetireandwheelassemblies,steeringcomponentsand
suspensioncomponentsin goodworkingcondition? Go to Step5 Go to Step4
Note: Do NOToperatethevehicleuntilthefaultsarecorrected.
Didyoucorrectthefaultswiththetireand wheelassemblies,
steeringcomponents,and/orthesuspensioncomponents? Go to Step5 Go to Step3
1. Obtainthedriveaxlefinaldriveratio.
2. IftheEL-38792-VSVibrateSoftware,is available,obtainthe
3. IftheEL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareis NOTavailable,take
noteofthetiresize oneachaxle,thencalculatethetire
rotationalspeedforeachsize tireused.Referto Component
RotationalSpeed Calculationonpage 1-41.
VibrateSoftware,or calculatethecomponentrotationalspeeds,
if EL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareis NOTavailable? Go to Step6
1. Installa scantool.
2. Withthescan tool,bringupthePowertrainControlModule
Isthescantooloperatingproperly? Go to Step7

2013 (5377994)
140 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Road Testing (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
UsingtheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2),is
IftheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2) is not
available,the necessaryvibrationfrequencydatawillhave to be
obtainedbasedon symptomsobservedduringtesting.Review
Symptoms- VibrationDiagnosisand Correctiononpage 1—62 to
is theEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2) available
foruse? Go to Step8 Go to Step9
‘ InstalltheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2). Go to Electronic
ls theEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2)operating VibrationAnalyzer
properly? (EVA)Descriptionand
Go to Step9 page 1-88
DidthecustomerconcernindicatethatthevibrationoccursONLY Go to Vibration
whilethevehicleis standingstill? Analysis-Engineon
page 1-48 Go to Step 10
1. lnstalltheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2)
sensor,if available,tothecomponentidentifiedbythe
customeras mostrespondenttothevibration.Ifnocomponent
was identified,installthe EL-38792-AElectronicVibration
Analyzer2 (EVA2)sensor,if available,to thesteeringcolumn.
Youmayhaveto movethesensortootherlocationslater.
2. Selecta smooth,levelroadandslowlyacceleratethe vehicle
upto highwayspeed.
3. Observethevehiclefordisturbancesthatmatchthe customer
descriptionandnotethe followingconditions:
10 - Thevehiclespeed
- TheengineRPM
- Thetransmissiongearrangeand thespecificgear
- Thevibrationfrequencyreading,ifdetectedbythe
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2)
- Thefeel and/orsoundof thedisturbance
4. Ifthevibrationseemsto excitea particularcomponentofthe
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2)sensor,
ifavailable,ontothatcomponentandrepeatsteps2 and3. Go to Vibration
DiagnosticAids on
Wereyouable toduplicatethecustomerconcern? Go to Step11 page 1-60
1. Acceleratethe vehicleto a speedhigherthanthespeedat
Note: Ifthevehicle is equippedwithan automatictransmission,let
11 thevehiclecoastto a stopbeforeshiftingbackintogear.
2. Shiftthevehicle intoNEUTRAL andallowthe vehicleto coast
Doesthedisturbancestilloccurwhilecoasting-downin NEUTRAL? Go to Step13 Go to Step 12
1. Selecta smooth,levelroadandslowlyacceleratethe vehicle
uptothespeed atwhichthedisturbanceoccurs.
2. Decelerateandsafelydownshiftby onegearrange.
12 3. Operatethevehicleat thesameVEHICLE SPEED at which
thedisturbanceoccurs. Go to Vibration
Analysis- Huband/or Go to Vibration
Doesthesame disturbancestilloccurwhilegoingthesame vehicle Axle Inputon Analysis—Engineon
speedin a lowergear range? page 1—46 page 1-48
IftheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2(EVA 2) is not
available,referto Symptoms- VibrationDiagnosisand Correction
13 onpage 1-62. Go to Symptoms-
DidtheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer2 (EVA2)detecta andCorrectionon
dominantfrequency? Go to Step14 page 1-62

Vibration Diagnosis and Correction '1=41

Vibration Analysis - Road Testing (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
1. Ifthe EL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareIS available,use the
‘ driveaxle finaldrive ratio,the specifictransmissiongearratio,
andthe engineRPM to makea comparisontothe dominant
14 Ifthe EL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareis NOTavailable,
comparethedominantfrequencyreadingrecordedto the Go to Symptoms-
componentrotationaldatawhichyou calculatedpreviously. Go to Vibration VibrationDiagnosis
Analysis—Tireand and Correctionon
Doesthefrequencydataclearlyfallwithinthetire/wheel Wheelon page 1-43 page 1-62

11. On the Tire InfoSource screen, select RPS

Component Rotational Speed at 5 mph.
Calculation 12. The next screen will display the revolutions per
second (RPS) at 8 kmlh (5 mph) for that specific
Special Tools tire size.
EL—38792—A Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2 For example: The P245l45/R18 will display
For‘equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools and 1.08 RPS.
Equipment on page 1-91.
Calculating Tire Revolutions Per Second at 8 kmlh
Tire Rotational Speed (5 mph) — Without EVA
Ifthe EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
Determining Tire Revolutions Per Second at 8,km/h
is not available, the tire and wheel assembly rotational
(5 mph) — Using EVA speed can be calculated approximately by performing
Tire and wheel assembly rotational speed can be the following steps.
obtained through using the EL-38792-A Electronic 1. Convert the rim diameter size from inches to
Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2. Perform the following steps centimeters.
using the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer
(EVA) 2 to obtain the rotational speed at 8 kmlh For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, the rim
diameter of 18 in X 2.54 converts to 45.72 cm..
(5 mph). Use the Enter key to advance and the Exit key
to backup. 2. Calculate the radius of the rim by dividing the rim
1. On the Main Menu screen, select Auto Mode. diameter by 2.
2. On the Suspected Source screen, select Vehicle For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, the rim
Speed. diameter of 18 is converted to 45.72 cm divided
by 2 = rim radius 22.86 cm.
3. On the Tire Info Source screen, select Manual
Entry. 3. Calculate the approximate tire sidewall height by
multiplying the specific tire tread width by the
4. On the Tire Width screen, enter the specific width aspect ratio, then reduce 7 percent from the
of the tires. amount by multiplying by 93 percent to
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, enter 245. approximate load on the tire reducing the sidewall
5. On the Aspect Ratio screen, enter the specific height.
aspect ratio of the tires. For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, tread width
For example: Fora P245l45/R18 tire, enter 0.45. 245 mm X aspect ratio as a decimal 0.45 = 110 mm
X 0.93 = approximate sidewall height 102.30 mm.
6. On the Rim Diameter screen, enterthe specific rim
diameter size. 4. Convert the calculated approximate tire sidewall
height from millimeters to centimeters.
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, enter 18.0.
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, approximate
7. On the Driveshaft Configuration screen, enter sidewall height 102.30 mm converts to 10.23 cm.
FWD, even if the vehicle is a rear wheel drive.
5. Calculate the approximate tire and wheel assembly
8. The next screen will display the tire size just radius by adding the rim radius and approximate
entered for confirmation.
sidewall height, both in cm.
For example: 245 04518.0 —FrontWheel Drive.
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, rim radius
Itthe tire size displayed is correct, press Enter.
22.86 cm +10.23 cm = approximate tire and wheel
9. On the Vehicle Speed Units screen, press Enter, assembly radius 33.09 cm.
disregard mph or kmlh.
6. Calculate the approximate circumference of the tire
10. Press the Exit key several times slowly while and wheel assembly by multiplying 2 X pi,
watching the backwards progression of the or 6.283185 X the approximate tire and wheel
screens. Stop at the Tire Info Source screen. assembly radius.
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, 6.283185 X
approximate tire and wheel assembly radius
33.09 cm = approximate tire and wheel assembly
circumference 207.911 cm.

2013 (5377994)
'l=42 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
7. Calculate the approximate revolutions per Note: Ifthe EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer
kilometer by dividing the number of cm in 1 km, (EVA) 2 is not available, compare the calculated
100,000 cm by the approximate tire and wheel rotational speed to the frequency range associated with
assembly circumference. the symptoms of the vibration concern. Refer to .
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, 100,000 cm Symptoms - Vibration Diagnosis and Correction on
divided by approximate tire and wheel assembly page 1-62.
circumference 207.911 cm =approximate 4. Compare the rotational speed of the tires at the
revolutions per kilometer 480.975. specific vehicle speed at which the disturbance
8. Calculate the approximate revolutions per second occurs, to the dominant frequency recorded on the
(RPS), or Hz, by dividing the approximate EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
revolutions per kilometer by the number of seconds during testing. Ifthe frequencies match, then a
to travel 1 km at a speed of 8 km per hour, first-order disturbance related to the rotation of the
450 seconds. tire/wheel assemblies is present.
For example: For a P245/45/R18 tire, approximate lfthe frequencies do not match, then the
revolutions per kilometer 480.975 divided by the disturbance may be related to a higher order of tire/
number of seconds to travel 1 km at a speed of wheel assembly rotation.
8 km per hour, 450 seconds =approximate RPS, 5. To compute higher order tire/wheel assembly
or Hz 1.069 rounded to 1.07. rotation related disturbances, multiply the
Calculating Tire Revolutions Per rotational speed of the tires at the specific vehicle
speed at which the disturbance occurs, by the
Second, or Hz at Concern Speed order number:
A size P235/75R15 tire rotates ONE complete 13 Hz X 2, for second order =26 Hz
revolution per second (RPS), or 1 Hz, at a vehicle second-ordertire/wheel assembly rotation related
speed of 8 km/h (5 mph). This means that at 16 km/h 13 Hz X 3, for third order =39 Hz third-ordertire/
(10 mph), the same tire will make TWO complete wheel assembly rotation related
revolutions in one second, 2 Hz, and so on.
if any of these computations match the frequency
1. Determine the rotational speed of the tires in of the disturbance, a disturbance of that particular
revolutions per second (RPS), or Hertz (Hz), at order, relating to the rotation of the tire/wheel
8 km/h (5 mph), based on the size of the tires. assemblies and/or driveline components, also
Refer to the preceding Tire Rotational Speed rotating at the same speed, is present.
For example: According to the Tire Rotational Component Rotational Speed
Speed information, a P245/45R18 tire makes Worksheet
1.08 revolutions per second (Hz) at a vehicle
speed of 8 kmlh (5 mph). This means that for every Utilize the following worksheet as an aid in calculating
increment of 8 km/h (5 mph) in vehicle speed, the the first, second and third order of tire/wheel assembly
tire's rotation increases by 1.08 revolutions per rotational speed related disturbances that may be
second, or Hz. present in the vehicle.
2. Determine the number of increments of8 km/h Ifafter completing the Tire/Wheel Rotation Worksheet,
(5 mph) that are present, based on the vehicle the frequencies calculated do NOT match the dominant
speed in km/h (mph) at which the disturbance frequency of the disturbance recorded during testing,
occurs. either recheck the data, or attempt to rematch the
figures allowing for 11/2—8 km/h (1—5mph) of
For example: Assume that a disturbance occurs at speedometer error.
a vehicle speed of 96 km/h (60 mph). A speed of
96 kmlh (60 mph) has Ifthe possible tire/wheel assembly rotational speed
121NCREMENTS of8 km/h (5 mph): related frequencies still do not match the dominant
frequency of the disturbance, the disturbance is most
96 km/h (60 mph) divided by 8 km/h (5 mph) likely torque/Ioadsensitive.
= 12 increments
Ifafter completing the Tire/Wheel Rotation Worksheet.
3. Determine the rotational speed of the tires in one of the frequencies calculated DOES match the
revolutions per second, or Hz, at the specific dominant frequency of the disturbance, the disturbance
vehicle speed in km/h (mph)at which the is related to the rotation of that component group —tire/
disturbance occurs. wheel assembly related.
For example: To determine the tire rotational speed
at 96 km/h (60 mph), multiply the number of
increments of 8 km/h (5 mph) by the revolutions per
second, or Hz, for one increment:
12 increments X 1.08 Hz =12.96 Hz, rounded
to 13 Hz

Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:43

Vehicle Information
mph Year: Model:
Complaint Speed:
Symptom: VIN:
Engine: Trans:
Tire Size: Axle Ratio: __
Engine Speed: rpm

Gear: TPC Spec:

Tire/Wheel Speed

= increments of 8 km/h
Vibration mph +8 (km/h)5 (mph)
/5 mph
Occurs at:
Tire/Wheel Speed,
RPS (Hz)
8/ 5km/h x kmlh*
at 8 RPS
tire = 1st order
increments [5 mph

x 2 = 2nd order
1st order

x 3 = 3rd order
1st order

'RPSrevolutions equates
second; per
locycles (Hz).

9. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit marginal
Vibration Analysis - Tire and Wheel runout—within acceptable limits, but close to the
maximum—when measured off of the vehicle could
Test Description still be contributing to a vibration disturbance, if its
The numbers below refer to the step numbers in the mating hub/axle flange also exhibits marginal
diagnostic table: runout. When the tire and wheel assembly and the
4. A build—upof foreign material on a tire and wheel hub axle flange are mounted to each other, the
assembly and/or a damaged, abnormally or combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of
excessively worn tire and wheel assembly could runout could combine to produce an excessive
cause a vibration disturbance. amount of runout, which could cause a vibration
6. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive
runout when measured while mounted on the 14. Brake rotors and/or brake drums, if equipped, that
vehicle, may or may not be contributing to, exhibit excessive imbalance could contribute to,
or causing a vibration disturbance. On—vehicle or possibly cause a vibration disturbance.
runout, if present, could contribute to, or cause a 15. A hub/axle flange and/or wheel studs that exhibit
vibration disturbance, but the cause of the excessive runout could cause a vibration
on—vehiclerunout may not be the tire and wheel disturbance.
7. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive
runout when measured off of the vehicle could
cause a vibration disturbance.

2013 (5377994)
1=44 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
16. When the tire and wheel assembly and the hub 20. Vibration disturbances could be affected by,
axle flange are mounted to each other, the or possibly caused by, components that are
combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of susceptible to steering input and/or torque—load
runout could combine to produce an excessive input.
amount 0f runout, Wh'ChC(?U'dcause a.V'brat'°U 22. On-vehicle balancing, or finish-balancing can be
disturbance. Match-mountlng or vectoring the tire used to reduce small amounts Ofimbalance which

modify the amount of combined runout. stack-up of the tire and wheel assembly with other
18. Force variation may be present in a tire and wheel components which may exhibit marginal balance.
assembly that exhibited acceptable balance and
runout. Force variation, if present, could contribute
to, or cause a vibration disturbance.

Vibration Analysis - Tire and Wheel

Step Action Yes No
Has theVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtablebeencompleted? Go to Vibration
Go to Step2 Testingonpage 1-39
Basedon theVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtable,is the
concernfirst-ordertireandwheelassemblyrelated? Go to Step4 Go to Step3
Basedon theVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtable,is the Go to Vibration
concernsecond-order,or higher—order
tireandwheelassembly Analysis-Road
related? Go to Step 18 Testingonpage 1-39
' Debrisbuild—up, suchas packedmud,undercoating,ice/snow
0 Damage,abnormalor excessivewear
Referto Tireand WheelInspectiononpage 1—64.
conditionslisted? Go to Step5 Go to Step6
1. Removethedebrisfromthetireandwheelassemblies.
2. Replacethedamaged,abnormallyor excessivelywornwheels
or tiresas necessary.
Didyoucompletetherepairor replacement? Go to Step23
Referto Tireand WheelAssemblyRunoutMeasurement-
On-Vehic/eonpage 1-65.
Doestherunoutmeasurementindicatea runoutconcern? Go to Step 7 Go to Step12
Referto Tireand WheelAssemblyRunoutMeasurement- Off
Vehicleonpage 1—66.
Doestherunoutmeasurementindicatea runoutconcern? Go to Step 19 Go to Step8
Isthevehicleequippedwithrun-flattires? Go to Step 12 Go to Step9
Are anyofthetireandwheelassemblyrunoutmeasurements
marginal;withinacceptablelimits,butclosetothemaximum? Go to Step 10 Go to Step15
Note: Ensurethateachtireandwheelassemblythatis
match-mounted is properlybalancedbeforereinstallingtothe
1. Match-mountthetire-to-wheel
assemblywithmarginalrunout.Referto Tire-to—Wheel
10 Match-Mounting(Vectoring)onpage 1—77.
2. Measuretherunoutof each match-mounted tireandwheel
assembly.Referto Tireand WheelAssemblyRunout
Measurement—OffVehicleonpage 1—66.
Wereyouabletosignificantlyreducetheamount0ftire andwheel
assemblyrunout? Go to Step 11 Go to Step19
Referto Tireand WheelAssemb/yRunoutMeasurement-
11 On-Vehic/eonpage 1-65.
Doesthemeasurementindicatea runoutconcern? Go to Step 15 Go to Step23

Diagnosis and Correction “L45

Vibration Analysis - Tire and Wheel (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
inspectthe balanceof thetireandwheelassemblies.Referto 1~72.
and WheelAssembly Balancing— Off Vehicle onpage
12 Go to Step 13 Go to Step14
Are anyor thetireand wheelassembliesoutof balance?
Tire Go to Vibration
Balancethetireand wheelassembliesas necessary.Referto 1—72. DiagnosticAids on
13 and WheelAssembly Balancing- Off Vehicleonpage page 1-60
Go to Step23
Wereyou ableto achievebalance?
1. inspectthebrakerotorsand brakedrums,if equipped,
2. Inspectthe balanceofthe brakerotorsand brakedrums,
Brake Rotor/Drum Balance Inspectionon
if equipped.Referto
14 page 1—69.
3. Replace brakerotorsand/orbrakedrums,if equipped,
damaged and/orout of balance.
Go to Step23 Go to Step 17
Didyou findand correcta condition?
1. Measuretherunoutofthe hub/axleflangesandthe
studs,if equipped.
2. Inspectthewheel bolts,if equipped,for straightness
3. Referto Hub/Ax/eFlange and WheelStud Runout
onpage 1-70.
15 4. Ifthe inspectionprocedureindicatesa runoutconcern,
the appropriate components:
° Wheel studs,if equipped
« Wheel bolts,if equipped
. Wheel bearing/hubassembly Go to Step16
Go to Step23
Didyou findand correcta condition?
1. Match-mountthetireandwheelassemblies-to-hub/axle
flanges.Referto Tireand WheelAssembly-to-Hub/Axle
Flange Match-Mounting onpage 1-78.
2. Re-measure the on-vehicle runoutof tireand wheel
16 assemblies.Referto Tireand WheelAssembly Runout
Measurement- On-Vehicleonpage 1-65.
Wereyou ableto significantlyreducethe amountof on—vehicle Go to Step23 Go to Step2
andwheel assembly runout?
Inspectforradialand lateralforcevariation.Referto Tireand
Assembly IsolationTeston page 1—71.
Wereyou ableto isolateoneor moreof thetireandwheel Go to Step19 Go to Step20
assembliesas thecause ofthedisturbance?
Inspectforradialand lateralforcevariation.Referto Tireand
AssemblyIsolationTeston page 1-71.
Wereyou ableto isolateoneor moreof thetire andwheel Go to Step19 Go to Step21
assembliesas thecause ofthe disturbance?
Replace anytires and/orwheelsthatwere isolatedas thecause
19 the disturbance,as necessary.
Go to Step23
Didyou completethe replacement?
20 VibrationAnalysis- Hub and/orAxle Inputonpage 1-46. Go to Step22
Go to Step23
Didyou findand correcta condition?
Referto Go to Vibration
PerformtheVibrationAnalysis—Hub/AxleInputtable. DiagnosticAids on
21 VibrationAnalysis- Hub and/orAx/eInputonpage 1-46. page 1—60
Go to Step23
Didyou findand correcta condition?
Finish-balancethetire andwheelassemblieson-vehicle.Referto 1-76.
22 Tireand WheelAssembly Balancing- On-Vehic/eonpage
finish balancing? Go to Step23
Didyou completethe on—vehicle

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
l=46 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Tire and Wheel (cont'd)

‘ Step Action Yes No
1. Installor connectanycomponentsthatwereremovedor
23 2. PerformtheVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtable.Referto
VibrationAnalysis- Road Testingonpage 1-39.
Isthevibrationstillpresent? Go to Step2 SystemOK

Vibration Analysis _ Hub and/or Axle 8. Damaged orworn wheel bearings may cause a
noise or vibration that may be transferred into the
InPUt passenger compartment.
- - 9. Damaged or worn suspension components may
TeSt Description cause a noise or vibration that may be transferred
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the into the passenger compartment,
diagnostic table: . . . 10. Damaged or worn powertrain mounts andlor
2. ThIStest WI|l_determine the effect 0f turnlng Input exhaust mounts may cause a noise of vibration
0“ the Vibration. that may be transferred into the passenger
6. This test will determine the effect of an initial heavy compartment.
torque load 0” the Vibration. 11. Incorrect trim height may cause binding and/or
7. Damaged or worn wheel drive shafts may cause a interference between components that may
noise or vibration that may be transferred into the produce a Vibration.
passenger compartment.

Vibration Analysis - Hub andlor Axle Input

Step Action Yes No
Has theVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtablebeencompleted? Go to Vibration
Go to Step2 Testingonpage 1-39
1. Operatethevehicleatthespeed of thevibrationconcern.
2. Whilemaintainingtheconcernspeed,drivethevehicle
throughslow,sweepingturns—firstin onedirection,thenin the
3. Observethevehicleforchangesin thevibrationdisturbance.
4. Selecta smooth,levelsurface,suchas an emptyparkinglotor
2 a remoteroad.
5. Whilemaintainingthevehicleattheconcernspeedif possible,
one direction,thenin theotherdirection.
6. Observethevehicleforchangesin thevibrationdisturbance.
becomeworseor goaway*duringthesesteps? Go to Step3 Go to Step6
3 Didyou heara clickingnoiseand/orfeel a shudderduringthese '
steps? Go to Step7 Go to Step4
Didyou heara growlingnoiseduringthesesteps? Go to Step8 Go to Step5
Didyou heara poppingnoiseduringthesesteps? Go to Step9 Go to Step12
1. Withthevehicleat a stand-still,applytheregularbrakeand
placethetransmissionin thelowestforwardgear.
Note: Do notacceleratetothepointofcausingthedrivewheelsto
6 squeal,slip or hop—thiswouldobscuretheresultsof thetest.
3. Releasetheregularbrakesand accelerateaggressivelyto
32km/h(20mph?‘ . . . , Go to Vibration
4. ObservethevehlcleforchangesIntheVlbratlondisturbance. DiagnosticAids on
Didyoufeel a shudderor shakingduringthesesteps? Go to Step7 page 1—60
1. inspectthewheeldriveshafts,if equipped,fordamage,
7 2. if theinspectionindicatedthata wheeldriveshaftis damaged,
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? G0 to Step12 Go to Step9

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1:47

Analysis - Hub andlor Axle Input (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
1. inspectthewheelbearingsfor wear and/or Go to Vibration
bearings found to bewornandlor
8 2. Replace anyof thewheel DiagnosticAids on
damaged. Go to Step12 page 1-60
Didyou find and correcta condition?
1. Inspectthefollowingsuspensioncomponents
contact with othervehicle
damage, looseness andlor possible
- Struts/shockabsorbers
9 - Springs
' Bushings
- Insulators
foundto be worn,
2. Replace anyof the suspensioncomponents
other vehicle components.
damaged, loose andlor contacting Go to Step 10
Go to Step 12
Didyou find andcorrecta condition?
1. Inspectthe powertrainmounts—engine, equipped——and any
case, and direct-mount i
differential, f
powertrainbracesforthe followingconditions:
- Loose andlormissingfasteners
. Improperalignment
- Cracked,dry—rotted, and/oroil-soakedinsulators
- Twisted,broken,torn,and/orcollapsed
- Bent,twisted,andlordeformed brackets
2. Replace powertrainmountsas necessary.
3. inspectthe exhaustsystemcomponents
' Loose andlormissingfasteners
10 —Jointsandlorcoupling,nuts,bolts,studs,clamps,
° Inadequateclearanceto bodyandlorchassis
and HOT;in
Inspectwiththe exhaustsystembothCOLD
' Disconnectedandlormissinginsulators
- Cracked,dry-rotted,andloroil-soakedinsulators
' Stretched,twisted,broken,torn,andlor
' Bent,twisted,cracked,andlordeformed
system componentsas
4. Repair,replace,andlorrealignexhaust
necessary. Go to Step12 Go to Step11
Didyou findand correcta condition? Go to Vibration
inspectthevehicletrimheightand adjustas DiagnosticAids 0,,
11 TrimHeightInspection onpage 16—42. page 1—60
Go to Step12
Didyou findandcorrecta condition?
1. Installor connectany componentsthat
disconnectedduring diagnosis.
12 2. PerformtheVibrationAnalysis—Road Testing
VibrationAnalysis —Road Testingonpage 1-39. Go to Step2 SystemOK
Isthevibrationstill present?

2013 (5377994)
1448 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Engine

Special Tools
EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools and
Equipment on page 1—91.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
diagnostic table.
2. If powertrain related DTCs are present, there may
be a powertrain performance condition present
which could be a contributing cause to the
customer's concern.
5. Making comparisons of the customer‘s vehicle with
an equally equipped, same model year and type,
KNOWN GOOD vehicle will help determine if
certain disturbances may be characteristic of a
vehicle design.

Vibration Analysis - Engine

Step Action No
Warning: Refer to WorkStall Test Warningon page 0-7.
Has theVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtablebeencompleted? Go to Vibration
Go to Step2 Testingonpage 1-39
Usinga scantool,determineif anyDTCs are set. Go to Diagnostic
2 WereanyDTCs set? StartingPoint- Vehicle
onpage 6-66 Go to Step3
1. Blockthefrontwheels.
2. ApplyBOTH theservicebrakesandtheparkbrake.
3. WiththescantoolandtheEL-38792-AElectronicVibration
Analyzer(EVA)2, if available,stillinstalled,starttheengine.
4. Place thetransmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
5. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelatwhichthe
disturbanceis mostnoticeable.
6. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthescantoolandthe
mostdominantfrequencyreadingifobtainedon the
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, if available.
3 7. Place thetransmissionin DRIVE.
8. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelatwhichthe
disturbanceis mostnoticeable.
9. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthescantoolandthe
mostdominantfrequencyreadingifobtainedon the
_ EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, if available.
10. Ifnofrequencydatawas obtained,or if theEL-38792-A
ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, is notavailable,place
thetransmissionintoREVERSE, thenrepeatsteps8 and9.
Reverse-Ioading of thepowertrainmayincreaseor changethe Go to Vibration
characteristicsof thevibration. DiagnosticAids on
Wereyouabletoduplicatethecustomer'sconcern? Go to Step4 page 1-60
DidtheEL—38792-A ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2 detecta Go to Vibration
4 dominantfrequency,or was a significantvibrationpresent? Analysis - Engine/
Accessoty Isolationon
page 1-52 Go to Step5

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1449

Vibration Analysis - Engine (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
Comparethetestresultsof the customer'svehicle tothe resultsof
thesame testsrun, at thesame engine RPM, on an
equally-equipped, same modelyearand type,KNOWN GOOD
vehicle.Referto Vehicle-to-Vehicle DiagnosticComparisonon
page 1—64.
1. Installa scantool intothe knowngoodvehicle.
2. lnstallthe EL-38792-AElectronicVibration Analyzer(EVA)2,
known good vehicle; placethe sensorin
if available,intothe
exactlythesame locationas Itwas placedin thecustomer's
Apply BOTH the servicebrakesandthe park brake.
Startthe engine.
Place thetransmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
Slowlyincreasethe engineRPM to thelevel atwhich
disturbancewas mostnoticeablein the customer'svehicle.
RecordtheengineRPM obtainedon thescan tooland the
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtainedontheif available.
Place the transmissionin DRIVE.
. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM to thelevel atwhichthe
disturbancewas mostnoticeablein the customer'svehicle.
11. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthe scanonthe tooland the
most dominant f requency readingif obtained
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, if
obtained, o r ifthe EL-38792-A
12. Ifno frequencydatawas place
ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, is notavailable,and11. Go to Vibration
thetransmission into REVERSE, then repeatsteps10
the Analysis -Engine/
Reverse-loadingofthe powertrainmay increaseor change (30to Vibration
Accessory Isolationon
characteristicsof thevibration. DiagnosticAids on
page 1-60 page 1-52
Didbothofthevehiclesexhibitthesame characteristics?

Engine Firing Frequency Classification

Engine Order Classification
Engine firing frequency is a term used to describe the
number of firing pulses (one firing pulse =one cylinder
Engine First Order Classification of the
minute firing) that occur during ONE complete revolution
1. Convert the engine speed in revolutions per crankshaft, multiplied by the number of crankshaft
(RPM), recorded during duplication of the
revolutions per second, Hz.
disturbance into Hertz , revolutions per second
(RPS), by dividing the RPM by 60 seconds. Refer 1. Calculate the engine firing frequency.
to the following example: - To determine the firing frequency of a
engine during ONE complete revolution of the
1,200 RPM divided by 60 =20 HZ (or RPS)
crankshaft, multiply the engine speed,
Compare the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded converted into Hz, by HALF of the total number
during duplication of the disturbance with the of cylinders in the engine.
engine speed just converted into Hz, to determine into
if they are related. - For example: The engine speed, converted
Hz, was 20 Hz; if the vehicle was equipped with
Ifthe dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded during a V8 engine, 4 of the 8 cylinders would actually
duplication of the disturbance and the engine fire during ONE complete revolution of the
speed, converted into Hz, ARE related, then an crankshaft.
engine FIRST ORDER related disturbance is Hz)
present. Engine first order disturbances are usually —Multiply the converted engine speed (20
related to an imbalanced component. Refer to the by 4 cylinders firing.
Engine Order Related Disturbances table. 20 Hz X 4 =80 Hz
Ifthe dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during —The engine firing frequency for a V8 engine
of 1,200 RPM,
duplication of the disturbance and the engine the original engine speed
speed, converted into Hz, are NOT related, then recorded during duplication of the
determine if the disturbance is related to the disturbance, would be 80 Hz.
engine's firing frequency. Proceed to Engine Firing —In like manner, a 6—cylinderengine would
Frequency Classification. have a firing frequency of 60 Hz at the same
engine speed of 1,200 RPM.

2013 (5377994)
1:50 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
2. Compare the dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded Engine Driven Accessories Related to
during duplication of the disturbance with the
Engine Order
engine firing frequency in Hz, just calculated, to
determine if they are related. Engine driven accessory systems can be related to
3. if the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during specific engine orders depending upon the relationship
duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing of the accessory pulley diameter to the crankshaft
frequency in Hz, just calculated ARE related, then pulley diameter. For example:
an engine FIRING FREQUENCY related - if the crankshaft pulley measured 20 cm (8 in) in
disturbance is present. Engine firing frequency diameter and one of the engine driven accessory
disturbances are usually related to improper pulleys measured 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, than
isolation ofa component. Refer to the Engine that accessory pulley would rotate 2 times for
Order Related Disturbances table. every one rotation of the crankshaft pulley. Ifthat
4. Ifthe dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded during accessory system was not isolated properly,
duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing or was not operating properly, it would be
frequency in Hz, just calculated are NOT related, identifiable as a 2nd order engine related
then determine if the disturbance is related to disturbance.
another engine order classification. Proceed to - In like manner, if an engine driven accessory
Other Engine Order Classification. pulley measured 5 cm (2 in) in diameter, than that
accessory pulley would rotate 4 times for every
Other Engine Order Classification one rotation of the crankshaft pulley. lfthat
1. Multiply the engine speed, converted into Hz, accessory system was not isolated properly,
recorded during duplication of the disturbance by or was not operating properly, it would be
different possible order—numbers,other than 1 (first identifiable as a 4th order engine related
order) or the number used to determine the firing disturbance.
frequency of the engine. Engine driven accessories that contribute to, are
2. Compare the dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded excited by, or are the sole cause of a disturbance are
during duplication of the disturbance with the other usually doing so because of improper isolation that
possible engine orders just calculated, to causes a transfer path into the passenger compartment
determine if they are related. or to another major component of the vehicle body.
3. lfthe dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded during Using the EL-38792-VS Vibrate Software, accurately
duplication of the disturbance and one of the other measuring the diameters of the accessory pulleys and
engine order frequencies in Hz, just calculated the crankshaft pulley, and performing the appropriate
ARE related, then an engine related disturbance of diagnostic procedures completely will lead to the
that order is present. Ifan engine related ‘ specific accessory system which is either contributing
disturbance is present that is NOT related to first to, or causing the customer's concern.
order or firing frequency, then it could be related to
an engine driven accessory system. Proceed to
Engine Driven Accessories Related to Engine
Engine Order Related Disturbances
Engine Arrangement
L4 L4 90 DegreeV6'
Engine W/O Balance With Balance With Balance
Order Shaft Shaft L5 60DegreeV6
L6 Shaft 90DegreeV8
Abnormal— Abnormal-
1/2Order Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— LikelySingle LikelySingle Abnormal-
LikelySingle LikelySingle LikelySingle LikelySingle Cylinder Cylinder LikelySingle
Torque Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Misfireandlor Misfireandlor Cylinder
Sensmve Misfire Misfire Misfire Misfire EGR/Fuel EGR/Fuel Misfire
Variance Variance
Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal — Abnormal — Abnormal— Abnormal-
1stOrder Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely
Component Component Component Component Component Component Component
lmbalance Imbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance
Abnormal— Abnormal-
LikelyBankto LikelyBankto
1%Order Possible Possible Possible Possible BankEGR/ BankEGR/ Possible
EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven FUBlVariance FuelVariance EngineDriven
Torque Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Possible Possible Accessory
SenSItIve Related Related Related Related EngineDriven EngineDriven Related
Accessory Accessory
Related Related

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 151

Engine Order Related Disturbances (cont'd)

Engine Arrangement
L4 90 DegreeV6
With Balance With Balance
Engine W/O Balance Shaft 90 DegreeV8
Shaft Shaft L5 L6 60 DegreeV6
Characteristic Characteristic
Characteristic of Engine of Engine .
of Engine . . .
PPSS'b'? Arrangement Arrangement EnginePF’SS'blfe
2ndOrder Arrangement 9035'“? P959“? , . Driven
Non . EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven T P089“? Accessory
Accessory Accessory Accessory T POSS'bl.e
Torque T PossublIe Powertra'“ Powertram Related
Sensitive Powertra'" Related Related Related Isolation Isolation
isolation Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic
—ENG|NE —ENGlNE Abnormal_
Possible Possible Possible Bank EGR/
2ndOrder - Possible - Possible Possible
Powertrain Powertrain EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven FuelVariance
Isolation Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory
TorunIe Isolation Related
Related Related Related Related
Sensutlve Related
Possible Possible Engine Driven
EngineDriven EngineDriven Accessory
Accessory Accessory Related
Related Related
Possible Possible Possible Possible
2 1/2 Possible Possible - Possible Driven EngineDriven
Powertrain Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine
T EngineDriven EngineDriven Accessory Accessory Accessory
Accessory Accessory |SO|at|00 Accessory
8 orunIe Related Related Related Related
ensutlve Related Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
—Possible - Possible _ Possible Possible
3rdOrder Possible Possible Possible Engine Driven
Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain
EngineDriven Engine Driven EngineDriven lSOlathh ISOIatIOD Accessory
TorunIe Accessory Accessory Accessory Isolation Related
Related Related Related Related Related Related
Possible Possible Possible
EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven
Accessory Accessory Accessory
Related Related Related
Characteristic Characteristic _ ENGINE
—Minimal —Minimal
Amount—of Amount—of FREgRLIJhéfiCY
Engine Engine . | P 'bl
.l . . l
Arrangement Arrangement Posstble Posstbe POSSlb e - OSS|I9
th0 d _ - _ . POSSIbe Powertrain
Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven Engine Driven
4 r er p $38629 P PVSesfilblie A ccessory Accessory Isolation
R |t d
Torque ° F '"
Isolation ° Ta“
Isolation A ccessory Accessory
Sensitive Related Related Related ea e
Related Related Related
Possible Possible Engine Driven
EngineDriven Engine Driven Accessory
Accessory Accessory Related
Related Related

2013 (5377994)
1:52 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Analysis - Engine] 8. Non-rotating engine driven accessory component
A I I . systems can no longer produce a unique
ccessory SO at'on disturbance.
Test Description 9. Non—rotatingengine driven accessory components
can no longer produce a unique disturbance. Ifa
The numbers below refer to the step numbers 0” the disturbance is still present, but the characteristics
dIagnostIctable. . have been altered, it is possible that these
5. A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective component systems are acting as a transfer path
powertrain insulator and/or bracket may create a for engine firing frequency or a first order engine
transfer path into the passenger compartment. disturbance.
6. A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective lfa disturbance is still present, but the
exhaust system insulator and/or bracket may characteristics have NOT been altered, it is NOT
create a transfer path into the passenger likely that these component systems are acting as
compartment. a transferIpathfor engine firing frequency or a first
7. Incorrectly seated andlor aligned powertrain order engIne dIsturbance.
components andlor exhaust system components 10. Ifthe mark placed on the face of an engine driven
may create a transfer path into the passenger accessory pulley seems to stand still while running
compartment. this test, then that accessory system is either
When loosening powertrain mounts in order to responding to an eXIstIngfrequency. SUChas
re—bedthe powertrain observe the following: engIne fIrIngpulses, or creatIng a disturbance.
Do not loosen the mount bracket—to-enginebolts/ 11. A toose, damaged, misalIgned, or defectIve engIne
nuts, do not loosen the mount bracket-to-vehicle drIven accessory system Insulatorandlor bracket
frame bolts/nuts if mount brackets are used. may create a transfer path '“to the passenger
Loosen the mount—to-mountbracket bolts/nuts if compartment. , _
mount brackets are used, or loosen the 12. Removmg the engIne drIven accessory and
mount-to-slotted holes in vehicle frame bolts/nuts if bracket, 0,"brackets from the ?“Q‘Pe allows a,,
a direct-mount design is used. thorough InspectIonto determine Ifany condItIons
are present that may create a transfer path into the
passenger compartment.

Vibration Analysis - EnginelAccessory Isolation

Step Action I Yes I No
Warning: Refer to WorkStall Test Warningon page 0-7.
Wereyou sentherefromtheVibrationAnalysis—Enginetable? Go to Vibration
1 Analysis-Engineon
Go to Step2 page 1-48
2 IstheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, available? Go to Step3 Go to Step5
1. UsingtheengineRPM andfrequencydatarecordedforthe
customer's vehicle,determinetheorderofenginerotationto
2. Determinethepossiblecausesofthedisturbanceas it relates
to a specificorderofenginerotation.
Referto EngineOrderClassificationonpage 1-49.
disturbanceis ofthesameorderas theenginefiringfrequency? Go to Step5 Go to Step4
4 DoestheEngineOrderClassificationtableindicatethatthe
disturbanceis likelyrelatedtoenginedrivenaccessories? G0 to Step8 Go to Step5
Inspectthepowertrainmounts—engine, transmission,transfer
case, anddirect—mount driveaxle,if equipped—andanypowertrain
' Loose andlormissingfasteners
' Improperalignment
5 - Cracked,dry-rotted,andloroil—soaked insulators
- Twisted,broken,torn,andlorcollapsedinsulators
Realignor replacepowertrainmountsas indicatedbythe
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? G0 to Step 13 Go to Step6

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1:53

Isolation (cont'd)
Vibration Analysis - EngineIAccessory
Yes No
Step Action
' Loose andlormissingfasteners
- Jointsandlorcouplings:
Inadequateclearanceto bodyandlorchassis
system both COLD and HOT;in
0 Improperalignment
- Disconnectedandlormissinginsulators
and/oroil—soaked insulators
- Cracked,dry—rotted,
- Stretched,twisted,broken,torn,and/or
- Bent,twisted,cracked,andlordeformed
indicatedbythe inspection. Go to Step13 Go to Step 7
Didyou findand correcta condition?
if availableor
Performthe PowertrainMountBalance Procedure the powertrain:
performthefollowingprocedure to re-bed
mountsand exhaust
1. Loosen,butdo notremove,all powertrain
if equipped,moves
2. Ensurethatthe exhaustflexiblecoupling,
3. Startthe engine.
4. Settlethe powertrainby shiftingthe
5. Place the transmissionintoNEUTRAL.
6. TurnOFFtheignition.
powertrainin a
7. Tightenallof the loosenedfastenerswiththe
relaxed position.
Go to Step13
Didyou completethe operation?
than60 secondswiththe
Caution: Do notrun the enginefor longeroverheating
o r andlor
accessorydrivebelt,or beltsremoved,
damage may result.
1. Removetheengineaccessorydrivebelt,or
Block thefrontwheels.
Apply BOTH the servicebrakesandthe park
Withthe scan toolstill installed,startthe
Place the transmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
Increasethe engineRPM t0 the level recorded
duplicationof the disturbance.
transmissionin DRIVE.
T‘ Allowthe engineto idle,thenplace the
to the level recorded during
8. Increasethe engineRPM
duplicationof the disturbance.
9. TurnOFF the ignition.
10. installthe engineaccessorydrivebelt,or Go to Step10 Go to Step9
Was the disturbancesignificantlyreducedor Go to Step 15
alteredbutstill present? Go to Step11
Werethe characteristicsofthe disturbance

2013 (5377994)
1=54 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - EnginelAccessory isolation (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
1. Markthefaceofthesuspectedaccessorypulleys,including
any relatedidlerpulleys,neartheouteredgewitha paintmark.
2. InstalltheEN—38792-25 inductivePickupTimingLight,tothe
EL—38792-A ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2.
For informationontheuse of theEVA features,referto
ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)Descriptionand Operation
onpage 1-88.
3. Blockthefrontwheels.
4. ApplyBOTHtheservicebrakesandtheparkbrake.
5. WiththescantoolandtheEL-38792-AElectronicVibration
Analyzer(EVA)2, stillinstalled,starttheengine.
6. SelecttheSmartStrobefeatureontheEL-38792-AElectronic
7. Entertherecordedfrequencyofthedisturbanceas theinitial
8. Havean assistantplacethetransmissionin NEUTRAL
or PARK.
10 9. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM t0thelevelrecordedduring
10. UsingtheEL-38792-AinductivePickupTimingLight,check
each ofthesuspectedaccessorypulleystodetermineif anyof
themis relatedtothefrequencyofthedisturbance.
undermaximumloadanddisengagedor underminimumload.
11. Allowtheengineto idle,thenplacethetransmissionin DRIVE.
12. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelrecordedduring
13. UsingtheEN-38792-25InductivePickupTimingLight,check
eachofthesuspectedaccessorypulleystodetermineif anyof
themis relatedtothefrequencyofthedisturbance.
undermaximumloadanddisengagedor underminimumload.
14. TurnOFF theignition. Go to Vibration
Didyouidentifyanenginedrivenaccessorysystemas beingrelated DiagnosticAids on
tothefrequencyofthedisturbance? G0 to Step 11 page 1—60
- Loose and/ormissingfasteners
—-HeatShields,if equipped
' Inadequateclearancetobodyand/orchassis components
Inspectwiththeaccessorysystembothundera LOAD and NOT
- Improperalignment
' Bentor damagedpulleys
° Disconnectedandlormissinginsulators
- Cracked,dry-rotted,andloroil-soakedcomponentinsulators
- Stretched,twisted,broken,torn,and/orcollapsedcomponent
. Bent,twisted,crackedand/ordeformedcomponentbrackets
componentsas indicatedbytheinspection.
Didyoufindandcorrecta condition? Go to Step 13 Go to Step12

Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

- Engine/Accessory Isolation (cont'd)

Vibration Analysis
Yes No
Step Action
or brackets
1. Removetheenginedrivenaccessoryand bracket,
fromthe engine.
2. Thoroughlyinspectthe accessorybracket,or the following:
nuts/studs, andthe accessory itselffor signsof
12 Bent,twisted,crackedandlordeformedconditions
3. Replaceanyof the componentsfoundto exhibitanyof
4. Reinstallthecomponentsto theengine. Go to Step 17
Go to Step13
Didyoufindand correcta condition?
Checkthe vehicleto determineifthe disturbance is nowsignificantly
reducedor eliminated.Performthefollowingsteps:
1. lnstalla scantool intothecustomer'svehicle.
2. lnstallthe EL—38792-A ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2,
if available,intothe customer's vehicle;placethe sensorin
exactlythesame location as itwas originallyplacedin the
Apply BOTH the servicebrakesandthe parkbrake.
Startthe engine.
Place the transmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
Slowlyincreasethe engineRPM to thelevel atwhichthe
disturbancewas mostnoticeable.
13 8. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthe scantool
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtainedontheif available.
9. Place the transmissionin DRIVE.
10. Slowlyincreasethe engineRPM tothe levelat whichthe
disturbancewas mostnoticeable.
11. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthe scantool
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtainedontheif available.
12. Ifthedisturbancehas beensignificantlyreduced or eliminated,
confirmthe‘results by placing the transmission into REVERSE,
thenrepeatsteps10 and11.Reverse-loadingofthe powertrain
may increaseor changethe characteristicsofthevibration. Go to Step14
Go to Step 18
Hasthe disturbancebeensignificantlyreducedor eliminated?
cause of
Haveyou investigatedpowertrainisolationas a possible Go to Step 15 Go to Step5
14 the disturbance?
possible Go to Vibration
Haveyou investigatedenginedrivenaccessoriesas a Analysis - Engine
15 causeof the disturbance? Balanceonpage 1—56 Go to Step 16
available? Go to Vibration
Isthe EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2 DiagnosticAids on
16 Go to Step8 page 1-60

Replacethe enginedrivenaccessorycomponentcausingthe
17 disturbance.
Go to Step 18
Didyou completethe replacement?
1. Installor connectany componentsthatwereremoved
18 2. PerformtheVibrationAnalysis —Road Testingtable.
VibrationAnalysis - Road Testingonpage 1—39.
Go to Step2 SystemOK
Isthedisturbancestill present?

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
1:56 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance 13. An engine flywheel that has excessive lateral
runout, when combined with the extra mass of the
Test Description clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate, can
produce a disturbance.
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
diagnostic table. 14. The clutch pressure plate and the engine flywheel
are marked for proper indexing of the heavy—spotof
4. Ifsufficient clearance exists to separate the one to the light-spot of the other. Improperindexing
transmission torque converter from the engine of the pressure plate to the flywheel can produce a
flywheel/flexplate, then further tests can be used to disturbance.
isolate the transmission from the engine.
15. An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine
5. An engine flywheel/flexplate that has excessive crankshaft or that is cracked, damaged andlor
lateral runout,when combined with the mass of the missing balance weights; andlor a clutch pressure
transmission torque converter, can produce a plate and clutch driven plate that has loose
disturbance. springs, cracks, warpage, damage andlor missing
6. An engine flywheel/flexplate that is loose at the balance weights —can produce a disturbance
engine crankshaft or that is cracked or damaged, when their mass is combined.
when combined with the mass of the transmission 16. An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine
torque converter, can produce a disturbance. crankshaft or that is cracked, damaged andlor
7. This step is designed to isolate the transmission missing balance weights; andlor a clutch pressure
from the engine to determine if the disturbance is plate and clutch driven plate that has loose
related to the engine ONLY. springs, cracks, warpage, damage andlor missing
9. Re—indexingthe transmission torque converter to balance weights —can produce a disturbance
the engine flywheel/flexplate alters the balance when their mass is combined.
relationship between the torque converter and the 17. Re-indexing the pressure plate to the engine
rear of the engine. flywheel alters the balance relationship between
11. Placing the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration the pressure plate/flywheel assembly and the rear
Analyzer (EVA) 2 sensor onto the underside of the of the engine.
engine oil pan along the FRONTand the REAR 18. An engine flywheel/flexplate that is damaged,
edge allows for a determination to be made, which misaligned, andlor imbalanced, can produce a
will help to narrow down the cause of the disturbance.
disturbance. ‘ 19. An engine crankshaft balancer that is damaged,
misaligned, andlor imbalanced, can produce a

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance

Step Action Yes No
Wereyou sentherefromtheVibrationAnalysis—Engine/Accessory Go to Vibration
1 Isolationtable? Analysis-Engine/
Go to Step2 page 1-52
is theEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2,available? Go to Vibration
2 DiagnosticAids on
Go to Step3 page 1-60
3 Isthevehicleequippedwitha manualtransmission? Go to Step11 Go to Step4
1. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe
Vehicleonpage 1-31.
2. Removetheflywheel/flexplate-to-torque converterbolts
access cover,if equipped.
3. Determineif sufficientclearanceexiststoseparatethe
4 transmissiontorqueconverterawayfromtheengineflywheel/
flexplate? G0 to Step5 G0 to Step11

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:57

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
. Withthe flywheel/flexplate—to-torque
_x converteraccess cover
stillremoved,andwiththevehiclestill raised,markthe the engine
ofthe transmission torque converter in relationto
2. Disconnectthetorqueconverterandmoveit awayfrom
9° Secure thetransmissiontorqueconverterawayfrom e ngagement with
engine flywheellflexplatet o avoid accidental
Lowerthe vehicle,starttheengineandallowthe engineto
Referto Lifting and Jacking the
.01?Raise and supportthevehicle.
Vehicleon page 1-31.
6. Visuallyinspecttheflywheellflexplate for excessivelateral
7. Lowerthe vehicle.
8. TurnOFF the ignition. Go to Step6
exhibitexcessivelateralrunout? Go to Step8
Jacking the
1. Raise and supportthevehicle.Referto Liftingand
Vehicleonpage 1-31.
2. Inspecttheflywheellflexplate forthefollowing:
- Loosenessat theenginecrankshaft
- Cracks andlordamage
- Missingbalanceweights Go to Step7
exhibitanyof the conditionslisted? Go to Step8
1. Withthe transmissiontorqueconverterstill secured e ngagement
theengine flywheellflexplate t o avoid accidental
withthe flywheel/flexplate, lowerthevehicle.
. Apply BOTH the servicebrakesandthe parkbrake.
. Withthe scantool andthe EL-38792-AElectronic
Analyzer(EVA)2 still installed,startthe engine.
Place the transmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
.035” Slowlyincreasethe engineRPM tothe levelat whichthe
disturbanceis mostnoticeable.
‘1. Recordthe engineRPM obtainedon thescanonthe tooland the
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtained
EL-38792—A ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2.
8. TurnOFF the ignition. Go to Step11
Go to Step9
Hasthedisturbancebeensignificantlyreducedor eliminated?
1. Iftheflywheellflexplate is looseat the enginecrankshaft,
tightenthe flywheellflexplate mountingboltsin sequenceand
to specification.
2. Iftheflywheellflexplate is cracked,damaged,andlorhas
missingbalanceweights,replacethe damagedflywheel/
Go to Step20
Didyou completethe tighteningor replacement?

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonlc (5377994)
158 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe
Vehicleonpage 1~31.
. Re-indexthetransmissiontorqueconvertertotheengine
Reconnectthetransmissiontorqueconverterto theengine
Analyzer(EVA)2 stillinstalled,starttheengine.
9° Place thetransmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelatwhichthe
disturbanceis mostnoticeable.
10. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthescantoolandthe
mostdominantfrequencyreadingifobtainedon the
11. if thedisturbanceis stillnoticeable,re—indexthetorque
converteragainto obtaintheleastamountof disturbance.
Has thedisturbancebeensignificantlyreducedor eliminated? Go to Step20 Go to Step 10
Replacetheout—of—balance transmissiontorqueconverter.
1O Go to Step20
1. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe
Vehicleonpage 1-31.
2. PositiontheEL—38792-A ElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2
sensorontotheundersideof theengineoil pan,alongthe
Withthescantoolandthe EL-38792-AElectronicVibration
Analyzer(EVA)2, stillinstalled,starttheengine.
11 .“ Place thetransmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelatwhichthe
disturbanceis mostnoticeable.
RecordtheengineRPM obtainedonthescantooland the
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtainedon the
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2 fromthe
undersideoftheengineoil pan.
10. Repeatsteps1 through9, placingtheEL-38792—A Electronic
VibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2 sensorontotheundersideofthe
engineoil pan,alongtheREAR edge.
IsthedisturbancegreateralongtheFRONTofthe engine? Go to Step19 Go to Step 12
12 ls thevehicleequippedwithan automatictransmission? Go to Step18 Go to Step 13
1. Raise andsupportthevehicle.Referto LiftingandJackingthe
Vehicleonpage 1-31.
2. Removetheflywheelinspectioncover.
13 3. Starttheengine.Allowthe enginetoidle.
4. Visuallyinspecttheengineflywheelclutchsurfacefor
runout? Go to Step18 Go to Step 14

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 'l-59

Analysis - Engine Balance (cont'd)

Yes No
Step Action
Inspectthe clutchpressureplateto engineflywheel
14 properfactoryindexing. Go to Step16 Go to Step 15
tothe engineflywheel?
ls the clutchpressureplateproperlyindexed
1. Removethe clutchpressureplateand clutch
the engineflywheel.
2. Inspectthe engineflywheelforthefollowing:
' Loosenessat the enginecrankshaft
- Cracks,warpageandlordamage
- Missingbalanceweights
drivenplatefor the
15 3. inspectthe clutchpressureplateand clutch
- Loose and/ordamagedclutchdrivenplate
' Loose andlordamagedclutchpressureplate
- Cracks,warpageandlordamage
' Missingbalanceweights Go to Step18 Go to Step17
Do anyof the aboveconditionsexist?
1. Removethe clutchpressureplateand clutch
the engine flywheel.
2. Inspectthe'engineflywheelforthefollowing:
- Loosenessat the enginecrankshaft
- Cracks,warpageandlordamage
- Missingbalanceweights
drivenplatefor the
16 3. lnspeetthe clutchpressureplateand clutch
- Loose and/ordamagedclutchdrivenplate
clutchpressureplate diaphragm
. Loose andlordamaged
spnngs Go to Vibration
- Ctachs,warpageanId/or damage
DiagnosticAids on
' Missmg balanceweights page 1-60
Go to Step 18
Do anyof the aboveconditionsexist? _
17 Re-indexthe pressureplateto the engineflywheel. G0 to Step20
Didyou completethe re-indexing? _
18 Replacethe engineflywheellflexplate. G0 to Step20
Didyou completethe replacement? _
19 Replacethe enginecrankshaftbalancer. Go to Step20
Didyou completethe replacement?

2013 (5377994)
1=60 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance (cont'd)

Step Action Yes No
Checkthevehicletodetermineif thedisturbanceis nowsignificantly
reducedor eliminated.Performthefollowingsteps:
1. Installor connectanycomponentsthatwereremovedor
2. Installa scan toolintothecustomer'svehicle.
3. installtheEL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2,
if available,intothecustomer'svehicle;placethesensorin
exactlythesamelocationas itwas originallyplacedin the
Place thetransmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelat whichthe
20 disturbancewas mostnoticeable.
RecordtheengineRPM obtainedon thescantoolandthe
mostdominantfrequencyreadingif obtainedon the
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, if available.
10. Place thetransmissionin DRlVE.
11. SlowlyincreasetheengineRPM tothelevelatwhichthe
disturbancewas mostnoticeable.
12. RecordtheengineRPM obtainedon thescan toolandthe
mostdominantfrequencyreadingifobtainedon the
EL-38792-AElectronicVibrationAnalyzer(EVA)2, if available.
13. Ifthedisturbancehas beensignificantlyreducedor eliminated,
confirmtheresultsby placingthetransmissionintoREVERSE,
thenrepeatsteps11and12.Reverse-loadingofthepowertrain Go to Vibration
mayincreaseor changethecharacteristicsofthevibration. DiagnosticAids on
Has thedisturbancebeensignificantlyreducedor eliminated? Go to Step21 page 1—60
PerformtheVibrationAnalysis—RoadTestingtable.Referto Go to Vibration
21 VibrationAnalysis-Road Testingonpage 1-39. DiagnosticAids on
Isthedisturbancestillpresent? page 1-60 SystemOK

Vibration Diagnostic Aids Ifyou have not been able to duplicate the vibration
concern or have only been able to duplicate the
Note: if you have not reviewed the Diagnostic Starting concern intermittently,review the following information.
Point —Vehicle and completed the Vibration Analysis
Most vibration concerns that cannot be duplicated are
tables as indicated, refer to Diagnostic Starting Point -
due to either specific conditions that are not present
Vehicle on page 6-66 BEFORE proceeding.
during the duplicating attempts, or due to notfollowing
The diagnostic information contained in this Diagnostic the procedures designed to duplicate concerns
Aids section will help you determine the correct course properly and in the sequence indicated.
of action to take for the following 4 main conditions.
Refer to the appropriate condition from this list: Specific Conditions Can Affect the
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Intermittent Condition
or Not Duplicated on page 1-60 Consider the following conditions which may not have
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Dup/icated, been present while attempts were made to duplicate
Component Not Identified on page 1-61 the vibration concern. Attempt to obtain more specific
. Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Duplicated, information from the customer as to the EXACT
Difficult to lsolate/Ba/ance Component on conditions that are present when they experience the
page 1-62 vibration which they are concerned about. Attempt to
duplicate the vibration concern again while recreating
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Duplicated, the EXACT conditions necessary, except those which
Appears to Be Potential Operating Characteristic pose a safety concern or are outside the boundaries of
on page 1—62 normal operating conditions, such as loading the
vehicle beyond its designed weight ratings, etc.
Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration
Most attempts to duplicate a vibration concern are
Intermittent or Not Duplicated made after the vehicle has been driven to the repair
Note: Ifyou have not completed the Vibration Analysis facility and perhaps even sat inside the building for a
tables as indicated and reviewed Vibration Diagnostic time; the vehicle may be too warm to detect the
Aids, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids on page 1-60 concern during duplication efforts. The opposite could
BEFORE proceeding.

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 161

cold ° Fluid Level in Accessory Systems

also occur; perhaps the vehicle has sat out in the
for a time and fails to reach full operating temperatures Accessories could exhibit a noise condition due to
during attempts to duplicate the concern. an abnormal amount of fluid contained in the
system of which the accessory is a part. For
Temperature, Ground-Out, example:
Accessory Load —An improper power steering fluid level could
produce noises in the power steering system.
Flat Spots on Tires —An improper air conditioning refrigerant level
Tires which have sat and been cool for a time can an excessive amount of refrigerant oil could
develop flat spots. produce noises or possibly vibrations in the air
conditioning system.
Irregular Wear on Tire Treads
- Incorrect Fluid Type in Accessory Systems
Tires which have sat and been cool for a time will be Accessories could exhibit a noise condition due to
stiffer and any irregular wear conditions will be more
noticeable than they will be once the tires have warmed the incorrect type of fluid contained in the system
of which the accessory is a part.
and softened.
Exhaust System Growth Vehicle Payload
Exhaust systems may exhibit a ground-out condition The vibration concern may only occur when the
or towing a trailer; the
when cool which goes away once the system is hot. is carrying heavy payloads
The opposite may be true that the exhaust system
is vehicle may have been empty during duplication
fine when cool but a ground-out condition occurs once efforts.
the system reaches operating temperatures. Exhaust Heavy Payload
systems can grow by 21/2—5 cm (1—2in) when hot.
The vehicle may have been empty during attempts
Engine-Driven Accessory Noises duplicate the vibration concern, but the customer may
Note: When a stethoscope equipped with a probe is actually experience the vibration concern while the
used to assist in identifying possible vibrating vehicle is carrying a large payload.
components, the results must be compared to the
Trailer Towing
sound quality of the same accessory, in a
equally-equipped, same model year and type, KNOWN The customer may experience the vibration concern
GOOD vehicle, and under the same conditions. Refer only while towing a trailer.
to VehicIe-to-Vehic/e Diagnostic Comparison on Selection
page 1-64. Roadway
as The selection of roadways used to perform the vicinity
A stethoscope equipped with a probe can be used duplication procedures is likely to be in the near
means to assist in identifying accessories surface
an additional of the repair facility and may not provide a road
which may be causing or contributing to a vibration that is similar enough to the surface on which the
concern. customer usually drives the vehicle.
- Belt Whipping on a
The customer may only experience the vibration
An engine accessory drive belt, or belts could particular roadway. Perhaps the roadway is overly
exhibit a whipping condition if a belt is crowned or is very bumpy or rough.
deteriorating and deposits are building up on the
underside of the belt. Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration
' Loose Mounting Brackets or Component Duplicated, Component Not
Engine-driven accessories such as a generator, a ldenfified
power steering pump, or an air conditioning Analysis
Note: Ifyou have not completed the Vibration
compressor could exhibit noise conditions due to tables as indicated and reviewed Vibration Diagnostic
either loose mounting brackets or due to related Aids, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids on page
components of the system in a ground-out BEFORE proceeding.
condition during certain operation of that
accessory system. Aftermarket Add-On Accessories
- Cold or Hot Aftermarket accessories which have been added to
Accessories could exhibit noise conditions when vehicle can actually transmit and magnify lNHERENT
cool which go away once they are fully component rotational frequencies, if the accessories
warmed—up,or the opposite may be true. were not installed correctly.
that it is
- Load on an Accessory Component An accessory should be installed in such a way
isolated from becoming a possible transfer path into the
Accessories could exhibit a noise condition while if a set of running
vehicle. For example,
under a heavy load —perhaps when combined rest of the
with a cool orfully warmed—upcondition. boards has been installed improperly and they are
sensitive to a particular frequency of a rotating
- Bent or Misaligned Pulleys component, the running boards could begin to respond
Bent or mis—alignedpulleys in one or more
engine-driven accessory systems could contribute
to a noise or vibration condition.
2013 (5377994)
ln62 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
to the frequency and actually create a disturbance once Check Service Bulletins
the amplitude of the frequency reaches a high enough If BOTH of the following statements are TRUE, then
point , probably at a higher vehicle speed. check service bulletins for the condition identified. it the
it the same set of running boards were installed condition has already been identified and investigated
properly——isolatedproperly—the transfer path would be prior to this vehicle, and has been determined to be
removed and the disturbance would no longer be something that is not truly an operating characteristic or
present. that perhaps is not design-intent, there will likely be
adjustments or corrections identified which will address
Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration the condition.
Duplicated, Difficult to lsolatel - You CAREFULLY followed the steps indicated
through reviewing the Diagnostic Starting Point -
Balance Component Vibration Diagnosis and completing the Vibration
Note: Ifyou have not completed the Vibration Analysis Analysis tables identified and you have duplicated
tables as indicated and reviewed Vibration Diagnostic the vibration concern.
Aids, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids on page 1-60 . You have come to the conclusion through
BEFORE proceeding. comparison with a very equally-equipped, same
Ifyou have duplicated the vibration concern but have model year and type, KNOWN GOOD vehicle that
had difficulty in balancing a component or isolating a the customer's concern is a condition that appears
component, refer to the following information. to be a potential operating characteristic of the
Most vibration concerns are corrected or eliminated
through correcting excessive runout of a component, Diagnosis and
correcting balance of a component or isolating a Symptoms - Vibration
component which has come into abnormal contact with Correction
another object/component. Note: Perform the following steps in sequence
Components which can generate a lot of energy and BEFORE using these symptom tables.
are experiencing excessive runout, imbalance or
ground—outcan produce a vibration with a strong 1. Begin the diagnosis of a vibration concern by
enough amplitude that the vibration can transmit to reviewing Diagnostic Starting Point —Vehicle on
components which are closely related. This type of a page 6—66to become familiar with the diagnostic
condition is usually related to and sensitive to process used to properly diagnose vibration
torque-load. The most likely system that could exhibit concerns.
this type of a condition is the driveline. 2. Perform the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing on
page 1—39table before using these symptom
Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration tables in order to duplicate and effectively
diagnose the customer's concern.
Duplicated, Appears to Be Potential
Operating Characteristic Symptom Tables
Note: Ifyou have not completed the Vibration Analysis Refer to a Vibration Analysis table as indicated in the
tables as indicated and reviewed Vibration Diagnostic following symptom tables, based on the most dominant
Aids, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids on page 1-60 characteristic of the customer's vibration concern, felt
BEFORE proceeding. or heard, that is evident during the appropriate
condition of the occurrence.

Vibration Symptoms that are Felt

Category Description Range Condition of Occurrence Area of Focus
VehicleSpeed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis-
IStilloccursduringcoastdown Wheel0'7
Can sometimesbe seen orfeltin the 'n NEUTRAL page 143
steerIngwheel,seator console. 5—20Hz VehicleSpeedSensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis-
Shake . .
RelatedtermInology:shimmy. Affectedby torque/loadandlor HUDand/orAx/eInputon
wobble,waddle,shudder,hop steeringinput page 1-46
. .. Go to VibrationAnalysis-
EngineSpeedSenSItIve Engineonpage 1-48

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1163

Vibration Symptoms that are Felt (cont'd)

Frequency Area of Focus
Description Range Condition of Occurrence
VehicleSpeed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnaIySis-
Still occursduringcoast down Tire317dWheelon
'InNEUTRAL page 1-43
VehicleSpeed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis -
Similarto thefeelingof holdinga 20—50Hz HUband/orAx/eInputon
Rou9hness JIgsaw. Affectedby torque/loadandlor
steeringinput page 7'46
. .. Go to VibrationAnalysis-
EngineSpeed SenSItIve Engine onpage 1-48

Vah‘C'eSpeed Sens'ttive Go to VibrationAnalysis -

Similarto thefeelingof holdingan Affectedby torque/loadandlor HUband/orAxle Input0"
electricrazor. page 1‘46
Maybe feltin the handsthroughthe 50—100HZ steerlng'“pUt
BUZZ . .. Go to VibrationAnal sis -
steeringwheel,in thefeet through EngIneSpeed senSIthG Engineonpage 1-4g
thefloor,orin theseat ofthe pants.
VehicleSpeed Sensitive G0 ‘0 VibrationAnalysis ‘
May producea "pinsand needles" Affectedby torque/loadandlor HUDand/orAxIeInput0”
sensationor mayputhandsor feet page 1-46
thge‘l?)t8:-iz steeringinput
Tingling "toSleep"- ,. G t V'b t' n An I ,- _
Highestvibrationfrequencyrange EngIneSpeed Sensmve 5,3ng ghaplgge1223/8 s
thatcan stillbe felt.

Vibration Symptoms that are Heard

Frequency Area of Focus
Description Range Condition of Occurrence
Category Go to VibrationAnalysis -
heardas an interiornoise VehicleSpeed Sensitive
Usually Still occursduringcoast down Tireand Wheelon
SImIlartothe n0Iseof a bowlingball in NEUTRAL page 1-43
rollingdownan alley,deep thunder,
ora bass drum.
0 Related terminology—droning, 20—60Hz
Boom - - .
VehicleSpeed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis -
QFOVgI'.“9' marmgv HUband/orAx/e“7P“t0”
Affectedby torque/loadandlor
rum Ing, ummIng _ steeringinput page 1—46
- May notbe accompanledby a
Vehicle Speed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis _
Similartothe soundof a bumblebee Affectedby torque/loadandlor Hub and/orAx/eInputon
or blowmgairacross thetop ofa P399 1'46
Moanor - Relatedterminology—humming, 607120HZ b I
Drone buzzing,resonance . .. Go to Vi rationAna ysis -
. EngIneS eed SenSItIve »
. May be accompanIedby a p EngIneonpage 1'48
perceptiblevibrationsuch as
a buzz
VehicleSpeed Sensitive Go to VibrationAnalysis -
Affectedby torque/loadand/or HUband/orAx/eInput0'7
S' .| t th d h .d P399146
hmni‘bo e 30”“ 0” ew'“ Hz steeringinput
Howl .. Go to VibrationAnalysis-
. Engine onpage 1-48
EngIneSpeed SenSItIve
Vehicle8 peed Sensmve - -
to transmISSIon
mosquitoes, Go
. . soundof
or vacuum 300 500Hz Affectedby torque/load
WhIne tclI‘ratgiIrIigrtsanglnes,

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
'l264 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Diagnostic Tire and Wheel Inspection

Comparing the customer's vehicle to a KNOWN GOOD
vehicle that is essentially identical will help determine if
the customer's concern may be characteristic of a
vehicle design. To arrive at a valid conclusion, the
comparison must be performed under the same
conditions, using the same criteria, on a vehicle that
has the same option content as the customer's vehicle.
5? EO- 1072 "s
The comparison vehicle must match the customer's
vehicle in the following areas: ) 1‘” /?7@mg§
' Model Year
- Make
- Model
- Body style
- Powertrain configuration
- Driveline configuration
- Final drive ratio
- Tire/wheel size and type
- Suspension package
- Trailering package 182126
- GVW rating The tires on all new production models have a tire
- Performance options performance criteria (TPC) rating number molded on
the sidewall. The TPC rating will appear as a 4—digit
- Luxury options number preceded by the letters TPC SPEC on the tire
wall near the tire size. A replacement tire should have
the same TPC rating.

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction l65

Tire Wear


Legend (4) Heavy Acceleration/Overinflation

(1) Hard Cornering/Underinflation (5) Wearlndicator
(2) lncorrectAlignment/Lack of
(3) Incorrect Alignment/Non-uniform
the following
Inspect the tire and wheel assemblies for
flat spots, and/or
- Unusual wear such as cupping,
heel-and-toe wear
tire howl,
These conditions can cause tire growl, the
slapping noises, andlor vibrations throughout
for the vehicle
' Proper inflation to specifications
I- Bulges in the sidewalls
Do not confuse bulges, which are an are
condition, with normal ply splices which
indentations in the sidewall.
commonly seen as
- Bent rim flanges
Assembly Runout
Tire and Wheel
Measurement - On-Vehicle
1. Raise and support the vehicle.
and even bead
2. ClosIely inspect each tire for proper 176957
tire with tape (1) in
properly or evenly
3. Ifany of the tire beads were not proceed to 4. Wrap the circumference of each
seated, reseat the tire bead, then and the center tread area.
step 4. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal for a smooth
Wrapping the tread with tape allows
Installation on page 16-60. reading of radial runout to be
and accurate
taped portion of
5. Position the dial indicator on the is
the tire tread such that the dial indicator
perpendicular to the tire tread surface.
assembly one
6. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel the low spot.
complete revolution in order to find
at the low spot.
7. Set the dial indicator to zero

2013 (5377994)
’l=oo Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
8. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one . Ifany of the tire beads were not properly or evenly
more complete revolution and measure the total seated, reseat the tire bead, then proceed to
amount of radial runout. step 6. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and
Installation on page 16-60.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly radial runout - . Mount a tire and wheel assembly on a spin-type
measured on-vehicle: 1.52 mm (0.060 in) wheel balancer.
Locate the tire and wheel assembly on the
balancer with a cone through the back side of the
center pilot hole.

9. Position the dial indicator on a smooth portion of
the tire sidewall, as close to the tread as possible, 176957
such that the dial indicator is perpendicular to the
tire sidewall surface. Wrap the outer circumference of each tire with
10. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one tape (1) in the center tread area.
complete revolution in order to find the low spot. Wrapping the tread with tape allows for a smooth
Ignore anyjumps or dips due to sidewall splices. and accurate reading of radial runout to be
11. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot. obtained.
12. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one Position the dial indicator on the taped portion of
more complete revolution and measure the total the tire tread such that the dial indicator is
amount of lateral runout. Ignore anyjumps or dips perpendicular to the tire tread surface.
due to sidewall splices and attain an average Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
runout measurement. complete revolution in order to find the low spot.
Specification 10. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly lateral runout - 11. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
measured on-vehicle: 1.52 mm (0.060 in) more complete revolution and measure the total
amount of radial runout.
13. Repeat steps 4 through 12 until all of the tire and
wheel assembly radial and lateral runout Specification
measurements have been taken. Maximum tire and wheel assembly radial runout -
14. Lower the vehicle. measured off-vehicle: 1.27 mm (0.050 in)

Tire and Wheel Assembly Runout

Measurement - Off Vehicle
1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Mark the location of the wheels to the wheel studs
and mark the specific vehicle position on each tire
and wheel —LF, LR, RF, RR.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies from the
4. Closely inspect each tire for proper and even bead

Diagnosis and Correction 'l=67

of 19. Position the dial indicator on the horizontal still
12. Position the dial indicator on a smooth portion surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire
the tire sidewall, as close to the tread as possible,
mounted —such that the dial indicator is
such that the dial indicator is perpendicular to the perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
tire sidewall surface.
Wheel runout should be measured on both the
13. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one inboard and outboard rim flanges, unless wheel
complete revolution in order to find the low spot. design will not permit. Ignore any jumps or dips
Ignore any jumps or dips due to sidewall splices. due to paint drips, chips, or welds.
14. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot. 20. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly
one spot.
15. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly complete revolution in order to find the low
more complete revolution and measure the total the low spot.
21. Set the dial indicator to zero at
amount of lateral runout. Ignore anyjumps or dips
due to sidewall splices and attain an average 22. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly total
more complete revolution and measure the
runout measurement.
amount of wheel radial runout.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly lateral runout - -
measured off—vehicle:1.27 mm (0.050 in) - Maximum aluminum wheel radial runout
and measured off—vehicle,tire mounted: 0.762 mm
16. Repeat steps 6 through 15 until all of the tire (0.030 in)
wheel assembly radial and lateral runout
measurements have been taken. o Maximum steel wheel radial runout -
measured off-vehicle, tire mounted: 1.015 mm
17. IfANY of the tire and wheel assembly runout (0.040 in)
measurements were NOT within specifications,
proceed to step 19.
18. IfALL of the tire and wheel assembly runout
measurements WERE within specifications, then
the off—vehicletire and wheel assembly runout
considered acceptable.

I 2013 (US/Canada)
-Sonic (5377994)
,« and Correction
1-0 8 Vibration Diagnosis
31. Using the matchmarks made prior to removal,
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
32. Lower the vehicle.
Wheel Runout Measurement — Tire
1. On the tire and wheel assembly, or assemblies with
wheel runout measurements —tire mounted-
which were NOT within specifications, mark each
tire and wheel in relation to each other.
o/c L\_r_l 7““ Dismount the tire from the wheel. Referto Tire
Dismounting and Mounting on page 16-63.
9’ Mount the wheel on a spin-type wheel balancer.
Locate the wheel on the balancer with a cone
through the back side of the center pilot hole.

23. Position the dial indicator on the vertical outer
surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire still
mounted —such that the dial indicator is
perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
Wheel runout should be measured on both the
inboard and outboard rim flanges, unless wheel
design will not permit. Ignore any jumps or dips
due to paint drips, chips, or welds.
24. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
complete revolution in order to find the low spot.
25. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
26. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
more complete revolution and measure the total
amount of wheel lateral runout.
Specification 176960
0 Maximum aluminum wheel lateral runout -
measured off-vehicle, tire mounted: 0.762 mm Position the dial indicator on the horizontal inner
(0.030 in) surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire
dismounted —such that the dial indicator is
0 Maximum steel wheel lateral runout - perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
measured off—vehicle,tire mounted: 1.143 mm
(0.045 in) Wheel runout should be measured on both the
inboard and outboard rim flanges. Ignoreany
27. Repeat steps 19 through 26 until all of the wheel jumps or dips due to paint drips, chips, orwelds.
radial and lateral runout measurements have been
taken on each of the - tire and wheel —assemblies . Slowly rotate the wheel one complete revolution in
with assembly runout measurements which were order to find the low spot.
NOT within specifications. ." Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
28. Ifany of the wheel runout measurements were Slowly rotate the wheel one more complete
NOT within specifications, proceed to Measuring revolution and measure the total amount of wheel
Wheel Runout —Tire Dismounted. radial runout.
29. For any of the wheel runout measurements which Specification
WERE within specifications, while the —tire and
- Maximum aluminum wheel radial runout-
wheel —assembly runout measurements were measured off—vehicle,tire dismounted:
NOT within specifications, replace the tire, then 0.762 mm (0.030 in)
balance the assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle on page 1—72. ' Maximum steel wheel radial runout-
measured off-vehicle, tire dismounted:
30. After replacement of any tires, always re—measure 1.015 mm (0.040 in)
the runout of the affected tire and wheel assembly,
or assemblies.

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1269
15. For any of the wheel runout measurements and
WERE within specifications, while the ~tire
wheel —assembly runout measurements were
NOT within specifications, replace the tire,
balance the assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Assembly Balancing —Off Vehicle on page 1—72.
16. Using the matchmarks made prior to
the tire, or tires, mount the tire, or tires to the
LU assembly,
wheel, or wheels, then balance the
or assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Balancing - Off Vehicle on page 1—72.
Always measure the runout of any of the tire
wheel assemblies which have had the tires
dismounted and mounted.
17. Using the matchmarks made prior to
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
18. Lower the vehicle.

Brake RotorlDrum Balance

176964 hoist.
1. Support the vehicle drive axle on a suitable
Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle on
9. Position the dial indicator on the vertical inner
surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire page 1—31.
from the
dismounted —such that the dial indicator is 2. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies and
drive axle. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal
perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
Installation on page 16-60.
Wheel runout should be measured on both the
inboard and outboard rim flanges. Ignore any Warning: Refer to Work Stall Test Warning on
jumps or dips due to paint drips, chips, or welds. page 0-7.
one complete revolution in the brake
10. Slowly rotate the wheel 3. Reinstall the wheel nuts in order to retain
order to find the low spot. rotors.
11. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot. 4. Run the vehicle at the concern speed
the wheel one more complete inspecting for the presence of the vibration.
12. Slowly rotate
revolution and measure the total amount of wheel Caution: Do not depress the brake pedal with with
lateral runout. andlor the brake drums removed, or
brake rotors
the brake
Specification the brake calipers repositioned away from
the brake system may result.
rotors, or damage to
- Maximum aluminum wheel lateral runout - remove the rotors
measured off-vehicle, tire dismounted: 5. Ifthe vibration is still present, to the
from the drive axle, then run the vehicle back
0.762 mm (0.030 in)
concern speed.
' Maximum steel wheel lateral runout - brake rotors
measured off—Vehicle,tire dismounted: 6. Ifthe vibration is eliminated when the
are removed from the drive axle, repeat the test
1.143 mm (0.045in) time. Replace the rotor
wheel with one rotor installed at a
13. Repeat steps 2 through 12 until all of the that is causing or contributing to the vibration
radial and lateral runout measurements —tire concern.
dismounted —have been taken on each wheel with
runout measurements —tire mounted —which were
NOT within specifications.
14. if any of the wheel runout measurements —tire
dismounted —were NOT within specifications,
replace the wheel.
Always measure the runout of any replacement

2013 (5377994)
1270 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction



182237 205276
7. Ifa brake rotorwas replaced as a result of . Position the GE—8001Dial IndicatorSet,
following the previous steps, or if necessary to or equivalent, on the machined surface of the
confirm the results obtained during the previous wheel hub/axle flange outside of the wheel studs.
steps, and/or to check the non-drive axle . Rotate the hub one complete revolution in order to
components, performthe following: find the low spot.
7.1. Mount the brake rotor/drumon a balancer in . Set the GE—8001Dial Indicator Set, or equivalent,
the same manner as a tire and wheel to zero at the low spot.
. Rotate the hub one more complete revolution and
Note: Check brake rotors/drumsfor static imbalance measure the total amount of wheel hub/axle flange
only; ignore the dynamic imbalance readings. runout.
7.2. lnspect the rotor/drumfor static imbalance. Specification —Guideline
There is not a set tolerance for brake rotor/drumstatic Wheel hub/axle flange runout tolerance guideline:
imbalance. However, any brake rotor/drummeasured in 0.132 mm (0.005 in)
this same manner which is over 21 9 (V402) may have lfthe runout of the wheel hub/axle flange IS within
the potential to cause or contribute to a vibration. specification and the vehicle is equipped with
Rotors/drums suspected of causing or contributing to a
wheel studs, proceed to step 13.
vibration should be replaced. Any rotor/drumthat is
replaced should be checked for imbalance in the same 10. if the runout of the wheel hub/axleflange IS within
manner. specification and the vehicle is equipped with
wheel bolts, proceed to step 19.
Hub/Axle Flange and Wheel Stud 11. Ifthe runout of the wheelhub/axle flange is
marginal, the wheel hub may or may not be the
Runout Inspection source of the disturbance.
Special Tools 12. Ifthe runout of the wheel hub/axle flange is
GE—8001Dial IndicatorSet, or equivalent excessive, replace the wheel hub/axle flange.
Measure the runout of the new wheel hub/axle
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and flange.
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
2. Mark the location of the wheels to the wheel studs
and mark the specific vehicle position on each tire
and wheel —LF, LR, RF, RR.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies from the
vehicle. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and
Installation on page 16-60.
4. Remove the brake rotors andlor brake drums from
the vehicle. Clean the mounting surfaces of the
brake rotors, the brake drums, if equipped, and the
hub/axle flanges of any loose debris, rust, and

Wosis and Correction 1:71

Tire and Wheel Assembly

Isolation Test

Force Variation
movement of
Force variation refers to a radial or lateral
which acts much like
the tire and wheel assembly
runout, however, force variation has to do with
variations in the construction of the tire. These
variations in tire construction may actually cause
vibration in a vehicle, even though the tire and
assembly runout and balance may be within
Radial Force Variation


13. Position the GE-8001 Dial Indicator Set,

or equivalent, in order to contact the wheel
mounting studs.
Measure the stud runout as close to the flange as
register on
14. Turn the hub one complete revolution to
each of the wheel studs.
15. Zero the GE-8001 Dial Indicator Set, or
on the lowest stud.
16. Rotate the hub one more complete revolution
measure the total amount of wheel stud —stud
circle - runout.
Specification —Guideline 176971
Wheel stud runout tolerance guideline: 0.254 mm the
(0.010 in) Radial force variation refers to the difference in
stiffness of a tire sidewall as the tire rotates and
17. Ifthe runout of the wheel studs —stud circle contacts the road. Tire sidewalls have some
marginal, the wheel studs may or may not be the tire, but these
due to splices in the different plies of
contributing to the disturbance. stiffness differences do not cause a problem unless the
18. Ifthe runout of the wheel studs —stud circle force variation is excessive. Stiff spots (1) in a
excessive, replace the wheel studs as necessary. sidewall can deflect a tire and wheel assembly upward
Measure the runout of the new wheel studs. as the assembly contacts the road.
portion on
19. lnspect the threads and the tapered seat
each of the wheel bolts for damage.
20. Wheel bolts exibiting damaged threads andlor
damaged tapered seats require replacement.
21. Place the threaded portion of each wheel bolt
along a straight edge to inspect for straightness.
22. Wheel bolts that are not straight require

i —
2013Sonic Service
(US/Canada) (5377994)
'l-72 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Lateral Force Runout 4. If the vibration is eliminated when using the known
good set of tire and wheel assemblies, install one
of the original tire and wheel assemblies using the
matchmarks made prior to removal. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60. Road test the vehicle to determine if
the vibration has returned. Refer to Vibration
Analysis —Road Testing on page 1-39.
5. Continue the process of installing the original tire
and wheel assemblies one at a time, then road
testing the vehicle, until the tire and wheel
assembly, or assemblies which is causing the
vibration has been identified.
/ Q \\\\ 6. Replace the tire, or tires on the vibration-causing
tire and wheel assembly, or assemblies, then
W balance the assembly, or assemblies. Refer to Tire
M and Wheel Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle on
page 1-72.

Repair Instructions

Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing

- Off Vehicle
Lateral force variation refers to the difference in the Warning: Failure to adhere to the following
stiffness or conformity of the belts within a tire as the precautions before tire balancing can result in
tire rotates and contacts the road. Tire belts may have personal injury or damage to components:
some stiffness or conformity differences, but these
differences do not cause a problem unless the force - Clean away any dirt or deposits from the inside
variation is excessive. These variations in the belts of of the wheels.
the tire can deflect the vehicle sideways or laterally. - Remove any stones from the tread.
A shifted belt inside a tire may cause lateral force
variation. - Wear eye protection.
In most cases where excessive lateral force variation - Use coated weights on aluminum wheels.
exists, the vehicle will display a wobble or waddle at Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancer
low speeds, 8—40km/h (5—25mph), on a smooth road
surface. Calibration
Tire and wheel balancers can drift out of calibration
Isolation Test Procedure over time, or can become inaccurate as a result of
Perform the following test in order to determine if force heavy use. There will likely not be any visual evidence
variation is present in the vehicle. that a calibration problem exists. if a balancer is not
1. Substitute a set of KNOWN GOOD, pre-tested tire calibrated within specifications, and a tire and wheel
and wheel assemblies of the same size and type assembly is balanced on that machine, the assembly
for the suspected original assemblies. Refer to Tire may actually be imbalanced.
and Wheel Removal and Installation on Tire and wheel assembly balancer calibration should be
page 16-60. checked approximately every 2 weeks, if the machine is
2. Road test the vehicle to determine if the vibration is used frequently, and/orwhenever the balance readings
still present. Refer to Vibration Analysis - Road are questionable.
Testing on page 1-39.
3. Ifthe vibration is still present while using the known
good set of tire and wheel assemblies, then force
variation is not the cause of the vibration.

Diagnosis and Correction 1:73
at the new
9. Cycle the balancer with the assembly
Tire and Wheel Assembly locaflon.
Calibration Test 10. Inspect the balancer readings:
in this
Note: Ifthe balancer fails any of the steps Specification
the balancer should be calibrated
calibration test,
Ifthe Maximum variation: 7 g (1A02)
according to the manufacturer's instructions. the tire and wheel
balancer cannot be calibrated, contact the 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 until at each of
assembly has been cycled and checked
manufacturer for assistance. on the balancer shaft.
the 4 locations
Inspect the calibration of the tire and wheel Balancing
balancer according to the manufacturer's Tire and Wheel Assembly
recommendations, or perform the following test. Guidelines
Note: Tire and wheel assemblies which
vibrations even if the
excessive runout can produce
assemblies are balanced.
and wheel
Itis strongly recommended that the tire if
assembly runout be measured and corrected
BEFORE the assemblies are balanced.
assemblies has not
if the runout of the tire and wheel
and Wheel Assembly
yet been measured, refer to Tire
Off Vehicle on page 1-66 before
Runout Measurement -
There are 2 types of tire and wheel balance:
Static Balance

any of the
1. Spin the balancer without a wheel or
adapters on the shaft.
2. Inspect the balancer readings.
Zero within 7 g (‘4 oz)
3. Ifthe balancer is within the specification is within
balance a tire and wheel assembly —that
radial and lateral runout tolerances —to
using the same balancer.
4. After the tire and wheel assembly has to the
balanced, add an 85 g (3 oz) test weight
wheel at any location. 70074
Note the
5. Spin the tire and wheel assembly again. Static balance is the equal distribution
of weight around
wheel balance
balancer the wheel circumference. The in order to
- in the static and dynamic modes, the weights (2) are positioned on the wheel that have
should call for 85 g (3 oz) of weight, offset the effects of a heavy spot (3). action called
180 degrees opposite the test weight. static imbalance can produce a bouncing
should be
o In the dynamic mode, the weight opposite
called for on the flange of the wheel
the test weight.
g (3 oz), cycle
6. With the assembly imbalanced to 85
the balancer 5 times.
7. Inspect the balancer readings:
Maximum variation: 7 g (%oz)
the balancer
8. index the tire and wheel assembly on location.
shaft, 90 degrees from the previous

2013 (5377994)
1:74 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Dynamic Balance

V I/I\I 7
\ /

Note: Carefully follow the wheel balancer
70079 manufacturers's instructions for proper mounting of the
Dynamic balance is the equal distribution of weight on center cone (1).
each side of the tire and wheel assembly centerline. 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and .
The wheel balance weights (2) are positioned on the Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
wheel in order to offset the effects of a heavy spot (3). 2. Mark the location of the wheels to the wheel studs
Wheels that have dynamic imbalance have a tendency and mark the specific vehicle position on each tire
to move from side to side and can cause an action and wheel —LF, LR, RF, RR.
called shimmy.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies one at a
Most off—vehiclebalancers are capable of checking time and mount on a spin-type wheel balancer.
both types of balance simultaneously. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
As a general rule, most vehicles are more sensitive to on page 16—60.
static imbalance than to dynamic imbalance; however, 4. Carefully follow the wheel balancer manufacturer's
vehicles equipped with low profile, wide tread path, instructions for proper mounting techniques to be
high performance tires and wheels are susceptible to used on different types of wheels.
small amounts of dynamic imbalance. As little as
14—21g (1/2—% oz) imbalance is capable of inducing a Regard aftermarket wheels, especially those
vibration in some vehicle models. incorporating universal lug patterns, as potential
sources of runout and mounting concerns.
Balancing Procedure 5. Be sure to use the correct type of wheel balance
Note: When balancing tire and wheel assemblies, use weights for the type of wheel rim being balanced.
a known good, recently calibrated, off-vehicle, Be sure to use the correct type of coated wheel
two—planedynamic balancer set to the finest balance balance weights on aluminum wheels. Refer to
mode available. Wheel Weight Usage.
6. Balance all four tire and wheel assemblies as close
to zero as possible.
7. Using the matchmarks made prior to removal,
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
on page 16-60.
8. Lower the vehicle.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction ’l=75

Wheel Weight Usage

balanced using
Tire and wheel assemblies can be
either the static or dynamic method.

Clip-on Weights

S w


Note: Use a nylon or plastic—tippedhammer to
installing coated clip—onwheel balance polyester
minimize the possibility of damage to the
flange will
08 The contour and style of the wheel rimweight (1) should
determine which type of clip—onwheel
contour of the
be used. The weight should follow the grip the rim
rim flange. The weight clip should firmly
Wheel Weight Placement —CIip-on

wheels with
Note: When balancing factory aluminum
use special
clip-on wheel balance weights, be sure to
polyester—coatedweights. These coated weights
damage to
reduce the potential for corrosion and
aluminum wheels.
for corrosion
These coated weights reduce the potential
and damage to aluminum wheels.
approved for
- MC (1) and AW (2) series weights are
use on aluminum wheels.
for use on steel
- P (3) series weights are approved
wheels only.
approved for use
- T (4) series coated weights are
on both steel and aluminum wheels.
When static balancing, locate the wheel g (1 02) or
if only 28
weights on the inboard flange (2)
oz) is called for,
less is called for. If more than 28 g (1 between the
split the weights as equally as possible
inboard (2) and outboard (1) flanges.
wheel balance
When dynamic balancing, locate the
and outboard (1) rim flanges
weights on the inboard (2)
specified by the wheel balancer.
at the positions

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
'l-76 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Adhesive Weights 4. To ensure there is no remaining residue, wipe the
balance weight attachment areas again, using a
clean cloth or paper towel with a mixture of half
isopropyl alcohol and half water.
5. Dry the attachment areas with hot air until the
wheel surface is warm to the touch.
6. Warm the adhesive backing on the wheel balance
weights to room temperature.
7. Remove the protective covering from the adhesive
backing on the back of the balance weights. DO
NOT touch the adhesive surface.
8. Apply the wheel balance weights to the wheel,
press into place with hand pressure.
9. Secure the wheel balance weights to the wheel
with a 90 N (21 lb) force applied with a roller.

Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing

- On-Vehicle
Special Tools
EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
Ifafter following the tire and wheel vibration diagnostic
process, some amount of tire and wheel vibration is still
evident, an on-vehicle high—speedspin balancer may
be used to perform an on-vehicle balance in an attempt
to finish balance the tire and wheel assemblies, wheel
hubs, brake rotors, brake drums, if equipped, and
wheel trim, if equipped, simultaneously. On-vehicle
balancing can also compensate for minor amounts of
residual runout encountered as a result of mountingthe
tire and wheel assembly on the vehicle, as opposed to
the balance which was achieved on the off—vehicle
448752 balancer.
Note: When installing adhesive balance weights on In order to perform an on—vehiclebalancing procedure,
flangeless wheels, do NOT install the weight on the carefully follow the on-vehicle balancer manufacturer's
outboard surface of the rim. specific operating instructions and carefully consider
the following information before proceeding:
Adhesive wheel balance weights may be used on - Vehicles equipped with low profile, wide tread
factory aluminum wheels. Perform the following path, high performance tires and wheels are
procedure to install adhesive wheel balance weights. susceptible to small amounts of dynamic
1. Determine the correct areas for placement of the imbalance.
wheel weights on the wheel. - When performing an on-vehicle balance, great
~ When static balancing, locate the wheel care must be taken when placing the wheel
balance weights along the wheel centerline (1) balance weights on the wheels. Ifthe wheel
on the inner wheel surface if only 28 g (1 02) or balance weights are not placed accurately, they
less is called for. If more than 28 g (1 02) is can actually induce dynamic imbalance and thus
called for, split the weights as equally as increase the severity of the vibration.
possible between the wheel centerline and the - Inspect the vehicle wheel bearings to ensure that
inboard edge of the innerwheel surface (2). they are in good condition.
- When dynamic balancing, locate the wheel - Thoroughly inspect all on-vehicle balancing
balance weights along the wheel centerline and equipment and ensure that it is fully within the
the inboard edge of the inner wheel surface (2) manufacturer's recommended specifications.
at the positions specified by the wheel balancer.
~ Do not remove the off—vehiclebalance weights.
2. Ensure that there is sufficient clearance between The purpose of on—vehiclebalance is to fine tune
the wheel weights and brake system components. the assembly balance already achieved
Note: Do not use abrasives to clean any surface of the off—vehicle,not to start over.
wheel. - Leave all wheel trim installed whenever possible.
3. Using a clean cloth or paper towel with a general
purpose cleaner, thoroughly clean the designated
balance weight attachment areas of any corrosion,
overspray, dirt or any other foreign material.

2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction l-77
a tire
than 56 g 3. Mount the tire and wheel assembly on
° Ifthe on—vehiclebalancer calls for more machine and break down the bead. Do not
(2 oz) of additional weight, split the weight the wheel at this time.
dismount the tire from
between the inboard and outboard flanges of the the
wheel, so as not to upset the dynamic balance
of Rotate the tire 180 degrees on the rim so that
balance. valve stem reference mark (8) is now at the
the assembly achieved in the off—vehicle
stem (6).
For wheel balance weight information, refer
to Tire 6 o‘clock position in relation to the valve
the bead in order to
and Wheel Assembly Balancing —Off Vehicle on You may need to lubricate
easily rotate the tire on the wheel.
page 1-72.
the fenders Reinflate the tire and seat the bead properly.
- If available, tape—offan area on top of
and the quarter panels, then place the vibration Mount the assembly on the tire balancer and
of the
sensor of the EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration remeasure the runout. Mark the new location
the tire.
Analyzer (EVA) 2 on the fender or quarter panel assembly runout high spot on
while it
above the specific tire and wheel assembly Ifthe assembly runout has been reduced
and is
is being on-vehicle balanced. within tolerance, no further steps are necessary.
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer Balance the tire and wheel assembly, then install
(EVA) 2 will provide a visual indication of the the assembly to the vehicle. Refer to the
amplitude of the vibration, and the effect that the . Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing — Off
on-vehicle balance has on it. Vehicle on page 1-72
Match-Mounting - Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
Tire-to-Wheel page 16-60
at or
(Vectoring) Ifthe clock location of the high spot remained (7)
original clock location of the high spot
near the
and the assembly runout has NOT been
major contributor to the assembly
the wheel is the
runout concern.


Note: After remounting a tire to a wheel or after and
replacing a tire andlor a wheel, remeasure the tire
wheel assembly runout in order to verify that the to 182231
amount of runout has been reduced and brought
within tolerances. Ensure that the tire and wheel to the 9. Ifthe clock location of the high spot has
assembly is properly balanced before reinstalling however the assembly runout has NOT been
vehicle. reduced, perform the following steps:
the tire as is now
1. Mark the location of the high spot (3) on 9.1. Ifthe clock location of the high spot (7)
the off-vehicle tire and wheel 180 degrees from the
determined during at or near a position
assembly runout measurement. original clock location of the high spot, the
the assembly runout
2. Place a reference mark (2) on the tire
sidewall at is the major contributor to
the location of the valve stem (5). concern.
- Always refer to the valve stem as the 12
o'clock 9.2. Ifthe clock location of the high spot is tire
in—between the 2 extremes, then both the
its and the wheel are both contributing to the
- Refer to the location of the high spot (3) by assembly runout concern. Rotate the tire an
clock position on the wheel, relative to the additional 90 degrees in both the clockwise
valve stem.
and the counterclockwise directions to obtain
the lowest amount of assembly runout.

2013 (5377994)
’1-78 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Tire and Wheel Assemny-to-Hubl Description and Operation

Axle Flange Match-Mounting
Note: After remounting a tire and wheel assembly to a Vibration Theory and Terminology
hub/axle flange, remeasure the tire and wheel
assembly on-vehicle runout in order to verify that the Vibration Theory
amount of runout has been reduced and brought to
within tolerances. The designs and engineering requirements of vehicles
have undergone drastic changes over the last several
1. Mark the location of the high spot on the tire and years.
wheel assembly as determined during the Vehicles are stiffer and provide more isolation from
on—vehicletire and wheel assembly runout road input than they did previously. The structures of
measurement. today's stiffer vehicles are less susceptible to many of
2. Place a reference mark on the wheel stud that is the vibrations which could be present in vehicles of
located closest to the wheel valve stem. earlier designs, however, vibrations can still be
' Always refer to the reference mark on the wheel detected in a more modern vehicle if a transfer path is
stud as the 12 o'clock position. created between a rotating component and the body of
the vehicle.
- Refer to the location of the high spot by its clock
position on the tire and wheel assembly, relative There are not as many points of isolation from the road
to the marked wheel stud. in many vehicles today. Ifa component produces a
strong enough vibration, it may overcome the existing
3. Remove the tire and wheel assembly from the hub/ isolation and the component needs to be repaired or
axle flange. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and replaced.
Installation on page 16-60.
The presence/absence of unwanted noise and vibration
4. Rotate the tire and wheel assembly as close to
is linked to the customer's perception of the overall
180 degrees as possible on the hub/axle flange, so quality of the vehicle.
that the wheel valve stem is now approximately at
the 6 o'clock position in relation to the marked Vibration is the repetitive motion of an object, back and
wheel stud. forth, or up and down. The following components cause
most vehicle vibrations:
5. Reinstall the wheel lug nuts to secure the tire and
wheel assembly in the new position. Refer to Tire - A rotating component
and Wheel Removal and Installation on 0 The engine combustion process firing impulses
page 16—60. Rotating components will cause vibrations when
6. Remeasure the tire and wheel assembly excessive imbalance or runout is present. During
on-vehicle runout. Mark the new location of the vibration diagnosis, the amount of allowable imbalance
assembly on—vehiclerunout high spot on the tire. or runout should be considered a TOLERANCE and not
Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly Runout a SPECIFICATION. In other words, the less imbalance
Measurement - On—Vehic/eon page 1—65. or runout the better.
7. Ifthe assembly on-vehicle runout has been Rotating components will cause a vibration concern
reduced and is within tolerance, no further steps when they not properly isolated from the passenger
are necessary. compartment: Engine firing pulses can be detected as a
8. Ifthe assembly runout has NOT been reduced, vibration Ifa motor mount is collapsed.
perform the following steps: A vibrating component operates at a consistent rate
8.1. Ifthe clock location of the high spot remained (kmlh, mph, or RPM). Measure the rate of vibration in
at or near the original clock location of the high question. When the rate/speed is determined, relate the
spot, the hub/axle flange and/or the brake vibration to a component that operates at an equal rate/
rotor/drummounting flange is the major speed in order to pinpoint the source. Vibrations also
contributor to the assembly on—vehiclerunout tend to transmit through the body structure to other
concern. components. Therefore, just because the seat vibrates
does not mean the source of vibration is in the seat.
8.2. Ifthe clock location of the high spot is now at
or near a position 180 degrees from the Vibrations consist of the following three elements:
original clock location of the high spot, the tire ‘ The source —the cause of the vibration
and wheel assembly is the major contributor to ° The transfer path —the path the vibration travels
the assembly on—vehiclerunout concern. through the vehicle
8.3. Ifthe clock location of the high spot is now - The responder —the component where the
in-between the 2 extremes, then both the tire vibration is felt
and wheel assembly and the hub/axle flange
are contributing to the assembly on—vehicle
runout concern. Rotate the tire and wheel
assembly as close to an additional 90 degrees
as possible in both the clockwise and the
counterclockwise directions to obtain the
lowest amount of assembly on—vehiclerunout.

2013 (5377994)
and Correction 1479
Vibration Diagnosis
and correcting the
path. Aligning the exhaust system eliminate the
grounded condition at the frame would
transfer path.
Basic Vibration Terminology
components of vibration
The following are the 2 primary
- The physical properties of
conducting mechanical
- The object's properties of
The repetitive up and down or back and forth
movement of a component cause most the common
complaints. The following are
components that vibrate:
- The steering wheel
- The seat cushion
- The frame
- The IP
following simple
Vibration diagnosis involves the
95585 outline:
and assign a value
unbalanced 1. Measure the repetitive motion second or cycles
is the to the measurement in cycles per
Inthe preceding picture, the source vibrations travels
tire. The transfer path is the route the per minute.
into the
through the vehicle's suspension system steering wheel, 2. Relate the frequency back on
terms of the
steering column. The responder is the
rotational speed of a component that is operating
as vibrating. Eliminating
which the customer reports usually correct the at the same rate or speed.
any one of these three elements will information, which 3. Inspect and test the components
for conditions that
condition. Decide, from the gathered
Adding a cause vibration.
element makes the most sense to repair. steps will help
brace to the steering column may keep is not a
steering For example, performing the following
wheel from vibrating, but adding a brace demonstrate the vibration theory:
The most direct and effective repair
practical solution.
would be to properly balance the tire.


of a table, leaving
95586 1. Clamp a yardstick to the edge the edge of the
about 50 cm (20in) hanging over
Vibration can also produce noise. As an table.
exhaust pipe grounded stick and release
consider a vehicle that has an is the engine 2. Pull down on the edge of the of the stick.
of the vibration the movement
to the frame. The source exhaust. The while observing
firing impulses traveling through the exhaust
transfer path is a grounded or bound—upfloor panel
is the frame. The
hanger. The responder produces
vibrates, acting as a large speaker, which the transfer
would be to eliminate
noise. The best repair

2013 (5377994)
1:80 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
The motion of the stick occurs in repetitive cycles. The
cycle begins at midpoint, continues through the lowest
extreme of travel, then back past the midpoint, through
the upper extreme of travel, and back to the midpoint
where the cycle begins again.
The cycle occurs over and over again at the same rate,
or frequency. Inthis case, about 10 cycles in
one second. Ifwe measure the frequency to reflect the
number of complete cycles that the yardstick made in
one minute, the measure would be 10 cycles x
60 seconds =600 cycles per minute (cpm).
We have also found a specific amount of motion,
or amplitude, in the total travel of the yardstick from the
very top to the very bottom. Redo the experiment as
1. Reclamp the yardstick to the edge of a table,
leaving about 25 cm (10in) hanging over the edge
of the table.
2. Pull down on the edge of the stick and release
while observing the movement of the stick.
The stick vibrates at a much faster frequency: 30 cycles
per second (1,800 cycles per minute).

(1) 1stCycle (3) 3rd Cycle
(2) 2nd Cycle (4) Time

Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:81

Vibration Cycles in Powertrain


(1) Spindle
(2) Pinion Nose
The word cycle comes from the same root as the word
circle. A circle begins and ends at the same point, as
thus, so does a cycle. All vibrations consist of repetitive

2013 (5377994)
H32 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction


117: /\.
1112/ .



(1) Amplitude (3) Time in Seconds
(2) Reference (4) 1 Second

Frequency is defined as the rate at which an event The proper term for cycles per seconds is Hertz (Hz).
occurs during a given period of time. With a vibration, This is the most common way to measure frequency.
the event is a cycle, and the period of time is 1 second. Multiply the Hertz by 60 to get the cycles or revolutions
Thus, frequency is expressed in cycles per second. per minute (RPM).

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Dijgflosis and Correction 1:83

Amplitude is the maximum value of a periodically

Amplitude varying quantity. Used in vibration diagnostics, we
referring it to the magnitude of the disturbance.
A severe disturbance would have a high amplitude;
minor disturbance would have a low amplitude.
Amplitude is measured by the amount of actual
movement, or the displacement. For example, consider
.- at
“...—L the vibration caused by an out-of—balancewheel
as opposed to 40 km/h (25 mph). As
80 km/h (50 mph)
the speed increases, the amplitude increases.
Free Vibration
1 absence
Free vibration is the continued vibration in the
of any outside force. Inthe yardstick example, the
yardstick continued to vibrate even after the end was
Forced Vibration
Forced vibration is when an object is vibrating
continuously as a result of an outside force.

(1) Maximum
(2) Minimum
(3) Zero—to-PeakAmplitude
(4) Peak-to-Peak Amplitude

2013 (5377994)
"l-84 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

Centrifugal Force Due to an Imbalance

90 180 270 360 90

(1) Location of lmbalance (Degrees) (2) Centrifugal Force Acting on Spindle

A spinning object with an imbalance generates a Centrifugal force is trying to make the nut fly outward,
centrifugal force. Performing the following steps will causing the pull you feel on your hand. An unbalanced
help to demonstrate centrifugal force: tire follows the same example. The nut is the imbalance
1. Tie a nut to a string. in the tire. The string is the tire, wheel, and suspension
assembly. As the vehicle speed increases, the
2. Hold the string. The nut hangs vertically due to disturbing force of the unbalanced tire can be felt in the
gravity. steering wheel, the seat, and the floor. This disturbance
3. Spin the string. The nut will spin in a circle. will be repetitive (Hz) and the amplitude will increase.
At higher speeds, both the frequency and the amplitude
will increase. As the tire revolves, the imbalance, or the
centrifugal force, will alternately lift the tire up and force
the tire downward, along with the spindle, once for each
revolution of the tire.


2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction L85

ManualorResonantFTequency Resonance

,5 \


0 \32/20 64/40 97/60 \129/80 161/100

kmlh /mph

95595 95596
The natural frequency is the frequency at which an
object tends to vibrate. Bells, guitar strings, and tuning (1) Frequency—cps
forks are all examples of objects that tend to vibrate at (2) Suspension Frequency
specific frequencies when excited by an external force. (3) Unbalanced Excitation
Suspension systems, and even engines within the (4) PointofResonance
mounts, have a tendency to vibrate at certain (5) Problem Speed
frequencies. This is why some vibration complaints
occur only at specific vehicle speeds or engine RPM. All objects have natural frequencies. The natural
frequency of a typical automotive front suspension is in
The stiffness and the natural frequency of a material the 10-15 Hz range. This natural frequency is the result
have a relationship. Generally, the stiffer the material, of the suspension design. The suspension's natural
the higher the natural frequency. The opposite is also frequency is the same at all vehicle speeds. As the tire
true. The softer a material, the lower the natural speed increases along with the vehicle speed, the
frequency. Conversely, the greater the mass, the lower disturbance created by the tire increases in frequency.
the natural frequency. Eventually, the frequency of the unbalanced tire will
intersect with the natural frequency of the suspension.
This causes the suspension to vibrate. The intersecting
point is called the resonance.
The amplitude of a vibration will be greatest at the point
of resonance. While the vibration may be felt above and
below the problem speed, the vibration may be felt the
most at the point of resonance.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
1:86 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction


(1) Low Damping (2) High Damping

Damping is the ability of an object or material to

dissipate or absorb vibration. The automotive shock
absorber is a good example. The function of the shock
absorber is to absorb or dampen the oscillations of the
suspension system.

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 'l=87

Beating (Phasing)


_; /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\31on
I I l I |
I I I—l

/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\ z
V‘V VV'V \vv';8”
I l I I l

'/\ /\'/\ rx':


Two separate disturbances that are relatively close
together in frequency will lead to a condition called
beating, or phasing. A beating vibration condition will
increase in intensity or amplitude in a repetitive fashion
as the vehicle travels at a steady speed. This beating
vibration can produce the familiar droning noise heard
in some vehicles.
Beating occurs when 2 vibrating forces are adding to
each other‘s amplitude. However, 2 vibrating forces can
also subtract from each other's amplitude. The adding
and subtracting of amplitudes in similar frequencies is »
called beating. In many cases, eliminating either one of
the disturbances can correct the condition.
Order refers to how many times an event occurs during
1 revolution ofa rotating component.

For example, a tire with 1 high spot would create a
disturbance once for every revolution of the tire. This is
called first-order vibration.

2013 (5377994)
1488 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
EVA Vibration Sensor
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
(EVA 2) vibration sensor incorporates a 6.1 m (20ft)
cord, that allows the sensor to be placed on virtually
any component of the vehicle where a vibration
concern is felt.
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
(EVA 2) contains 2 sensor Inputports which can be
activated individually to allow for 2 individual vibration
sensor inputs. The vibration sensors can then be
placed in 2 different locations in the vehicle and their
individual inputs can be read without having to stop a
test, move the sensor and resume the test. The use of 2
vibration sensors can help in more quickly finding and
recording an accurate frequency of the vibration
concern, and in more quickly making comparisons
between 2 different areas of a single component, or a
vehicle system, during the diagnostic process.
EVA Vibration Sensor Placement
95601 Proper placement of the EL-38792-A Electronic
Vibration Analyzer2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor
An oval—shapedtire with 2 high spots would create a (accelerometer) is critical to ensure that proper
disturbance twice for every revolution. This is called vibration readings are obtained by the EL-38792-A
second—ordervibration. Three high spots would be Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2). The vibration
third-order,and so forth. Two first—ordervibrations may sensor should be placed on the specific vehicle
add or subtract from the overall amplitude of the component identified as being the most respondent to
disturbance, but that is all. Two first-order vibrations do the vibration. If no component has been identified,
not equal a second—order.Due to centrifugal force, an install the sensor to the steering column as a starting
unbalanced component will always create at least a point.
first-order vibration. EVA Vibration Sensor—to-Component Attachment
Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) Note: The EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer2
(EVA 2) vibration sensor must be attached to vehicle
Description and Operation components in the manner indicated in order to achieve
accurate frequency readings of the vibration
Special Tools disturbance.
- EL—38792—25 Inductive Pickup Timing Light
The vibration sensor of the EL-38792—AElectronic
~ EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration
Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) is designed to pickup
disturbances which primarily occur in the vertical plane,
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools and since most vibrations are felt in that same up-and-down
Equipment on page 1-91. direction. The EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration
The EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2 Analyzer2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor is therefore
(EVA 2), is a 12—voltpowered hand—helddevice, similar directional sensitive and must be attached to vehicle
to a scan tool, which receives input from an attached components such that the side of the sensor marked
vibration sensor or accelerometer and displays the UP is always facing upright and the sensor body is as
most dominate input frequency(ies) (up to three) on its close to horizontal as possible. The sensor must be
liquid crystal display. The vibration concern installed in the exact same position each time tests are
frequency(ies) are obtained through the use of the repeated or comparisons are made to other vehicles.
EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
while following the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic (EVA 2) vibration sensor can be attached to vehicle
Tables. The frequency(ies) obtained, when applied to components in various ways. For non-ferrous surfaces,
the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic Tables, are used as a such as the shroud of a steering column, the sensor
primary input to help determine the source of the can be attached using putty,or hook and loop
vibration concern. fasteners. For ferrous surfaces, the sensor can be
attached using a magnet supplied with the sensor.

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1189

EVA Software Cartridge EVA Strobe Balancing Function

The EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2 The EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2
(EVA 2) uses a software cartridge, the GE—38792-60, (EVA 2) can be used to identify the light spot on a
which provides various information to the EL-38792-A propeller shaft IF the propeller shaft rotational speed is
Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2). The GE- the dominant frequency of the vibration concern. The
38792—60provides the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) is
Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) with an additional feature which can equipped with a strobe light trigger wire which can be
be selected and utilized to assist Indiagnosing vibration used with an inductive pickup timing light, GE—38792—25
concerns. Inductive Pickup Timing Light, or equivalent included
with the J-38792—25—KIT, or available separately, and in
Note: The Auto—Modefunction of the EL-38792-A conjunction with the EL—38792-A Electronic Vibration
Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) cartridge, Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor to identify the light
GE-38792—60,is designed to be used in SUPPORT of spot on a propeller shaft and to help in making a
the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic Tables ONLY. determination as to when propeller shaft balance is
This support—featureis available through the obtained.
EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2)
AveraginglNon-Averaging Modes
Auto—Modefunction. When selected, the EL-38792-A
Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) will prompt the The EVA provides 2 modes of displaying the most
user to select which one of 2 vehicle systems (vehicle dominate frequencies which the EVA vibration sensor
speed or engine speed), is the SUSPECTED source of (accelerometer) detects; averaging and non-averaging
the vibration concern. Using the inputted vehicle data (instantaneous).
parameters along with the most dominate vibration The averaging mode uses multiple vibration samples
frequency obtained, it will identify a SUSPECTED taken over a period of time and then displays the most
source of the vibration concern, such as first—ordertire dominant frequencies which have been averaged-out.
and wheel. This can be a useful feature when used in Using the averaging mode minimizes the distractions
conjunction with the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic caused by a sudden vibration frequency being
Tables, to confirm results obtained through the displayed that is not related to the concern vibration,
diagnostic process. such as from pot holes or from uneven road surfaces.
EVA Smart Strobe Function The non-averaging (instantaneous) mode is more
sensitive to vibration disturbances than the averaging
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 mode. Using the non-averaging mode will generate
(EVA 2) can be used to identify some rotating instantaneous frequency displays which are not
components/systems which exhibit imbalance IF the
averaged across multiple samples over a period of
component rotational speed is the dominant frequency time; the specific vibration frequencies that occur at a
of the vibration concern. The EL-38792-A Electronic specific moment during diagnostic testing will be
Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) is equipped with a strobe displayed at that moment. The non-averaging
light trigger wire which can be used with an inductive (instantaneous) mode is useful when measuring a
pickup timing light, EL-38792-25 Inductive Pickup vibration disturbance that exists for only a short period
Timing Light, or equivalent included with the of time or during acceleration/deceleration testing.
GE—38792-25—KIT, or available separately. Using the
Smart Strobe function enables the user to input the When operating the EVA in the averaging mode along
vibration frequency to which the strobe will flash. By with the Auto Mode, “A" will be displayed along the top
marking the suspected rotating component, such as a of the screen to the left of the vibration sensor input port
pulley, adjusting the strobe frequency to match the being used. When operating the EVA in the averaging
dominant vibration frequency at the engine RPM noted mode and the Manual Mode, "AVG” will be displayed
along the top center of the screen. .
during diagnosis, and then operating the engine at that
specific RPM, the mark on the object will appear to be When operating the EVA in the non—averaging nluwill
stationary if that object is imbalanced. (instantaneous) mode along with the Auto Mode,
be displayed along the top of the screen to the left of
the vibration sensor input port being used. When
operating the EVA in the non-averaging (instantaneous)
mode and the Manual Mode, the top center of the
screen will be blank.

2013 (5377994)
1:90 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction

EVA Display Analyzer (EVA) 2, and a scan tool, to help in

determining the source of a vibration concern. The
EL-38792-VS Vibrate Software is designed to provide
quick calculations and produce a chart ofthe rotational
IRIPMIAIIAIVIaI I I I I I I6' SI speeds and frequency ranges for specific vehicle
mini — 1 I12. systems and components, based upon vehicle data
36°II-TIIII °~I2I5 parameters inputted by the user.
IEEEI IIIIIIIIIIEIEE The EL-38792—VSVibrate Software uses the vehicle
data parameters, such as axle ratio, number of engine
cylinders, etc. to create the base chart, depicting the
relationships of the various vehicle systems and/or
components. The chart view can be modified to show
STROBE data related to vehicle speed only, engine speed only,
or both vehicle speed and engine speed. The user can
then plot the dominant frequency reading obtained on
the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
EDIE IEIE-J which correlates with the vibration concern, and the
engine RPM obtained on a scan tool which correlates
IEDE with the concern. Once these pieces of data are
correctly plotted, the chart will point to the source of the
vibration concern, which should confirm the results
obtained through the Vibration Analysis diagnostic
Reed Tachometer Description
The most dominant input frequencies, up to three,
received from the EL—38792—A Electronic Vibration
Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor, are displayed in
descending order of amplitude strength.
The frequency readings are displayed along the left
side of the screen, followed to the right by either a bar
graph or the suspected source of the vibration -
depending upon the mode selected, then the amplitude
reading for each frequency along the right side of the REED
screen. The top row of the screen indicates the units of
measure being displayed for the frequencies along the IllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIII
left side and for the amplitudes along the right side. The 1o 12 14 16 1B 20
top row also indicates the vibration sensor input port
which was selected on the keypad (A or B) and which
mode was selected: averaging or non-averaging W
20 30 4D 50 60 70 80
The frequency(ies) can be displayed in either (ID @
revolutions per minute (RPM) or revolutions per
second; Hertz (Hz). The selected display type (RPM or
Hz) will be indicated at the left side of the screen, above
the frequency readings.
When the AUTO MODE function is not in use, a bar
graph is displayed next to each frequency to provide a
quick visual indication of the relative amplitude The reed tachometer consists of 2 rows of reeds
strength. arranged side-by-side. Each reed is tuned to vibrate or
When the AUTO MODE function is being used, the resonate when it is excited by a specific frequency. The
suspected source of the vibration is displayed next to reeds are arranged by their specific resonant
each frequency to provide support to the diagnostic frequency, increasing from left to right, ranging from
process. 10—80Hz. This arrangement allows for a visual display
The actual amplitude strength of each frequency is of the most dominate frequencies which fall within this
displayed at the right side of the screen and shown in range.
G's—of—acceleration force. The reed tachometer can be a helpful diagnostic tool,
however it is extremely sensitive to external inputs that
Vibrate Software Description and are not related to the vibration concern, such as rough
road surfaces, etc., and it is difficult to master its use.
Operation Due to these conditions, the reed tachometer has
The EL—38792—VSVibrate Software, is a computer limited diagnostic capability.
software program which is designed to be used in
support of the Vibration Analysis diagnostic tables,
along with the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration

2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1‘91
Due to the limited diagnostic capability, limited Illustration Tool Number/Description
availability and increasing costs of the reed tachometer,
it is NOT recommended as the primary tool to use in
diagnosing a vibration concern.
When diagnosing a vibration concern, use the
EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2. The EN 38792-25
EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2 has J 38792—25
been designed to overcome the shortcomings to the InductivePickupTiming
reed tachometer. Refer to Electronic Vibration Analyzer Light
(EVA) Description and Operation on page 1-88.

Special Tools and Equipment

Illustration Tool Number/Description

GE 8001
EL 38792—A J 8001
J 38792-A Dial IndicatorSet


EL 38792-VS
J 38792-VS



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