Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1’39
7. Verify that the customer's concern has been Vibration Analysis - Road Testing
eliminated or at least brought to an acceptable
level. Test Description
8. Again perform the road testing steps in sequence The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
as identified in Vibration Analysis - Road Testing in diagnostic table.
order to verify that the vehicle did not have more
5. Obtaining rotational speed for the components
than one vibration occurring. rotating at tire/wheel speed is critical to
Preliminary Visual/Physical Inspection systematically eliminating specific vehicle
component groups. These component rotational
0 inspect for aftermarket equipment and speeds can be generated by using the
modifications which could affect the operation of EL—38792-VSVibrate Software, or through
the vehicle rotating component systems. calculating them manually.
- Inspect the easily accessible or visible Note: Be certain to OBSERVE for disturbances that
' components of the vehicle rotating component match the customer description.FIRST, then look at the
systems for obvious damage or conditions which EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2)
could cause the symptom. frequency which corresponds with that disturbance.
- Inspect the tire inflation pressures forthe proper
pressure. 10. Proper location of the EL—38792-AElectronic
Vibration Analyzer 2(EVA 2), sensor onto the
Diagnostic Aids component which is most excited by the vibration
disturbance is critical to obtaining an accurate
Impropercomponent routing or isolation, frequency reading.
or components which are worn or faulty may be the
cause of intermittentconditions that are difficult to This test will duplicate virtually any disturbance
duplicate. Ifthe vibration concern could not be which occurs while the vehicle is in motion.
duplicated by following the steps of the Vibration 11. Accelerate to a speed high enough above the
Diagnostic Process, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids speed of the disturbance to allow for the time
on page 1-60. needed to shift into NEUTRAL and for the engine
to decrease in RPM to idle speed, before coasting
down through the disturbance range.
12. This test will either eliminate or confirm the engine
as a contributing cause of the customer concern. '
Vibration Analysis - Road Testing
Step Action Yes No
1 DidyoureviewtheDiagnosticStartingPoint—VibrationDiagnosis? Go to Step2 -
whilethevehicleis standingstill? Go to Step6 Go to Step3
Visuallyinspectthe tireandwheelassemblies,steering
Are thetireandwheelassemblies,steeringcomponentsand
suspensioncomponentsin goodworkingcondition? Go to Step5 Go to Step4
Note: Do NOToperatethevehicleuntilthefaultsarecorrected.
Didyoucorrectthefaultswiththetireand wheelassemblies,
steeringcomponents,and/orthesuspensioncomponents? Go to Step5 Go to Step3
1. Obtainthedriveaxlefinaldriveratio.
2. IftheEL-38792-VSVibrateSoftware,is available,obtainthe
3. IftheEL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareis NOTavailable,take
noteofthetiresize oneachaxle,thencalculatethetire
rotationalspeedforeachsize tireused.Referto Component
RotationalSpeed Calculationonpage 1-41.
VibrateSoftware,or calculatethecomponentrotationalspeeds,
if EL-38792-VSVibrateSoftwareis NOTavailable? Go to Step6
1. Installa scantool.
2. Withthescan tool,bringupthePowertrainControlModule
Isthescantooloperatingproperly? Go to Step7
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140 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction '1=41
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'l=42 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
7. Calculate the approximate revolutions per Note: Ifthe EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer
kilometer by dividing the number of cm in 1 km, (EVA) 2 is not available, compare the calculated
100,000 cm by the approximate tire and wheel rotational speed to the frequency range associated with
assembly circumference. the symptoms of the vibration concern. Refer to .
For example: For a P245l45/R18 tire, 100,000 cm Symptoms - Vibration Diagnosis and Correction on
divided by approximate tire and wheel assembly page 1-62.
circumference 207.911 cm =approximate 4. Compare the rotational speed of the tires at the
revolutions per kilometer 480.975. specific vehicle speed at which the disturbance
8. Calculate the approximate revolutions per second occurs, to the dominant frequency recorded on the
(RPS), or Hz, by dividing the approximate EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2
revolutions per kilometer by the number of seconds during testing. Ifthe frequencies match, then a
to travel 1 km at a speed of 8 km per hour, first-order disturbance related to the rotation of the
450 seconds. tire/wheel assemblies is present.
For example: For a P245/45/R18 tire, approximate lfthe frequencies do not match, then the
revolutions per kilometer 480.975 divided by the disturbance may be related to a higher order of tire/
number of seconds to travel 1 km at a speed of wheel assembly rotation.
8 km per hour, 450 seconds =approximate RPS, 5. To compute higher order tire/wheel assembly
or Hz 1.069 rounded to 1.07. rotation related disturbances, multiply the
Calculating Tire Revolutions Per rotational speed of the tires at the specific vehicle
speed at which the disturbance occurs, by the
Second, or Hz at Concern Speed order number:
A size P235/75R15 tire rotates ONE complete 13 Hz X 2, for second order =26 Hz
revolution per second (RPS), or 1 Hz, at a vehicle second-ordertire/wheel assembly rotation related
speed of 8 km/h (5 mph). This means that at 16 km/h 13 Hz X 3, for third order =39 Hz third-ordertire/
(10 mph), the same tire will make TWO complete wheel assembly rotation related
revolutions in one second, 2 Hz, and so on.
if any of these computations match the frequency
1. Determine the rotational speed of the tires in of the disturbance, a disturbance of that particular
revolutions per second (RPS), or Hertz (Hz), at order, relating to the rotation of the tire/wheel
8 km/h (5 mph), based on the size of the tires. assemblies and/or driveline components, also
Refer to the preceding Tire Rotational Speed rotating at the same speed, is present.
For example: According to the Tire Rotational Component Rotational Speed
Speed information, a P245/45R18 tire makes Worksheet
1.08 revolutions per second (Hz) at a vehicle
speed of 8 kmlh (5 mph). This means that for every Utilize the following worksheet as an aid in calculating
increment of 8 km/h (5 mph) in vehicle speed, the the first, second and third order of tire/wheel assembly
tire's rotation increases by 1.08 revolutions per rotational speed related disturbances that may be
second, or Hz. present in the vehicle.
2. Determine the number of increments of8 km/h Ifafter completing the Tire/Wheel Rotation Worksheet,
(5 mph) that are present, based on the vehicle the frequencies calculated do NOT match the dominant
speed in km/h (mph) at which the disturbance frequency of the disturbance recorded during testing,
occurs. either recheck the data, or attempt to rematch the
figures allowing for 11/2—8 km/h (1—5mph) of
For example: Assume that a disturbance occurs at speedometer error.
a vehicle speed of 96 km/h (60 mph). A speed of
96 kmlh (60 mph) has Ifthe possible tire/wheel assembly rotational speed
121NCREMENTS of8 km/h (5 mph): related frequencies still do not match the dominant
frequency of the disturbance, the disturbance is most
96 km/h (60 mph) divided by 8 km/h (5 mph) likely torque/Ioadsensitive.
= 12 increments
Ifafter completing the Tire/Wheel Rotation Worksheet.
3. Determine the rotational speed of the tires in one of the frequencies calculated DOES match the
revolutions per second, or Hz, at the specific dominant frequency of the disturbance, the disturbance
vehicle speed in km/h (mph)at which the is related to the rotation of that component group —tire/
disturbance occurs. wheel assembly related.
For example: To determine the tire rotational speed
at 96 km/h (60 mph), multiply the number of
increments of 8 km/h (5 mph) by the revolutions per
second, or Hz, for one increment:
12 increments X 1.08 Hz =12.96 Hz, rounded
to 13 Hz
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:43
Vehicle Information
mph Year: Model:
Complaint Speed:
Symptom: VIN:
Engine: Trans:
Tire Size: Axle Ratio: __
Engine Speed: rpm
Tire/Wheel Speed
= increments of 8 km/h
Vibration mph +8 (km/h)5 (mph)
/5 mph
Occurs at:
Tire/Wheel Speed,
RPS (Hz)
8/ 5km/h x kmlh*
at 8 RPS
tire = 1st order
increments [5 mph
x 2 = 2nd order
1st order
x 3 = 3rd order
1st order
'RPSrevolutions equates
second; per
locycles (Hz).
9. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit marginal
Vibration Analysis - Tire and Wheel runout—within acceptable limits, but close to the
maximum—when measured off of the vehicle could
Test Description still be contributing to a vibration disturbance, if its
The numbers below refer to the step numbers in the mating hub/axle flange also exhibits marginal
diagnostic table: runout. When the tire and wheel assembly and the
4. A build—upof foreign material on a tire and wheel hub axle flange are mounted to each other, the
assembly and/or a damaged, abnormally or combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of
excessively worn tire and wheel assembly could runout could combine to produce an excessive
cause a vibration disturbance. amount of runout, which could cause a vibration
6. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive
runout when measured while mounted on the 14. Brake rotors and/or brake drums, if equipped, that
vehicle, may or may not be contributing to, exhibit excessive imbalance could contribute to,
or causing a vibration disturbance. On—vehicle or possibly cause a vibration disturbance.
runout, if present, could contribute to, or cause a 15. A hub/axle flange and/or wheel studs that exhibit
vibration disturbance, but the cause of the excessive runout could cause a vibration
on—vehiclerunout may not be the tire and wheel disturbance.
7. Tire and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive
runout when measured off of the vehicle could
cause a vibration disturbance.
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1=44 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
16. When the tire and wheel assembly and the hub 20. Vibration disturbances could be affected by,
axle flange are mounted to each other, the or possibly caused by, components that are
combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of susceptible to steering input and/or torque—load
runout could combine to produce an excessive input.
amount 0f runout, Wh'ChC(?U'dcause a.V'brat'°U 22. On-vehicle balancing, or finish-balancing can be
disturbance. Match-mountlng or vectoring the tire used to reduce small amounts Ofimbalance which
modify the amount of combined runout. stack-up of the tire and wheel assembly with other
18. Force variation may be present in a tire and wheel components which may exhibit marginal balance.
assembly that exhibited acceptable balance and
runout. Force variation, if present, could contribute
to, or cause a vibration disturbance.
Diagnosis and Correction “L45
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l=46 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Analysis _ Hub and/or Axle 8. Damaged orworn wheel bearings may cause a
noise or vibration that may be transferred into the
InPUt passenger compartment.
- - 9. Damaged or worn suspension components may
TeSt Description cause a noise or vibration that may be transferred
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the into the passenger compartment,
diagnostic table: . . . 10. Damaged or worn powertrain mounts andlor
2. ThIStest WI|l_determine the effect 0f turnlng Input exhaust mounts may cause a noise of vibration
0“ the Vibration. that may be transferred into the passenger
6. This test will determine the effect of an initial heavy compartment.
torque load 0” the Vibration. 11. Incorrect trim height may cause binding and/or
7. Damaged or worn wheel drive shafts may cause a interference between components that may
noise or vibration that may be transferred into the produce a Vibration.
passenger compartment.
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1448 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
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1:50 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
2. Compare the dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded Engine Driven Accessories Related to
during duplication of the disturbance with the
Engine Order
engine firing frequency in Hz, just calculated, to
determine if they are related. Engine driven accessory systems can be related to
3. if the dominant frequency in Hz, recorded during specific engine orders depending upon the relationship
duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing of the accessory pulley diameter to the crankshaft
frequency in Hz, just calculated ARE related, then pulley diameter. For example:
an engine FIRING FREQUENCY related - if the crankshaft pulley measured 20 cm (8 in) in
disturbance is present. Engine firing frequency diameter and one of the engine driven accessory
disturbances are usually related to improper pulleys measured 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, than
isolation ofa component. Refer to the Engine that accessory pulley would rotate 2 times for
Order Related Disturbances table. every one rotation of the crankshaft pulley. Ifthat
4. Ifthe dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded during accessory system was not isolated properly,
duplication of the disturbance and the engine firing or was not operating properly, it would be
frequency in Hz, just calculated are NOT related, identifiable as a 2nd order engine related
then determine if the disturbance is related to disturbance.
another engine order classification. Proceed to - In like manner, if an engine driven accessory
Other Engine Order Classification. pulley measured 5 cm (2 in) in diameter, than that
accessory pulley would rotate 4 times for every
Other Engine Order Classification one rotation of the crankshaft pulley. lfthat
1. Multiply the engine speed, converted into Hz, accessory system was not isolated properly,
recorded during duplication of the disturbance by or was not operating properly, it would be
different possible order—numbers,other than 1 (first identifiable as a 4th order engine related
order) or the number used to determine the firing disturbance.
frequency of the engine. Engine driven accessories that contribute to, are
2. Compare the dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded excited by, or are the sole cause of a disturbance are
during duplication of the disturbance with the other usually doing so because of improper isolation that
possible engine orders just calculated, to causes a transfer path into the passenger compartment
determine if they are related. or to another major component of the vehicle body.
3. lfthe dominantfrequency in Hz, recorded during Using the EL-38792-VS Vibrate Software, accurately
duplication of the disturbance and one of the other measuring the diameters of the accessory pulleys and
engine order frequencies in Hz, just calculated the crankshaft pulley, and performing the appropriate
ARE related, then an engine related disturbance of diagnostic procedures completely will lead to the
that order is present. Ifan engine related ‘ specific accessory system which is either contributing
disturbance is present that is NOT related to first to, or causing the customer's concern.
order or firing frequency, then it could be related to
an engine driven accessory system. Proceed to
Engine Driven Accessories Related to Engine
Engine Order Related Disturbances
Engine Arrangement
L4 L4 90 DegreeV6'
Engine W/O Balance With Balance With Balance
Order Shaft Shaft L5 60DegreeV6
L6 Shaft 90DegreeV8
Abnormal— Abnormal-
1/2Order Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— LikelySingle LikelySingle Abnormal-
LikelySingle LikelySingle LikelySingle LikelySingle Cylinder Cylinder LikelySingle
Torque Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Misfireandlor Misfireandlor Cylinder
Sensmve Misfire Misfire Misfire Misfire EGR/Fuel EGR/Fuel Misfire
Variance Variance
Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal— Abnormal — Abnormal — Abnormal— Abnormal-
1stOrder Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely Likely
Component Component Component Component Component Component Component
lmbalance Imbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance lmbalance
Abnormal— Abnormal-
LikelyBankto LikelyBankto
1%Order Possible Possible Possible Possible BankEGR/ BankEGR/ Possible
EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven EngineDriven FUBlVariance FuelVariance EngineDriven
Torque Accessory Accessory Accessory Accessory Possible Possible Accessory
SenSItIve Related Related Related Related EngineDriven EngineDriven Related
Accessory Accessory
Related Related
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1:52 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Analysis - Engine] 8. Non-rotating engine driven accessory component
A I I . systems can no longer produce a unique
ccessory SO at'on disturbance.
Test Description 9. Non—rotatingengine driven accessory components
can no longer produce a unique disturbance. Ifa
The numbers below refer to the step numbers 0” the disturbance is still present, but the characteristics
dIagnostIctable. . have been altered, it is possible that these
5. A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective component systems are acting as a transfer path
powertrain insulator and/or bracket may create a for engine firing frequency or a first order engine
transfer path into the passenger compartment. disturbance.
6. A loose, damaged, misaligned, or defective lfa disturbance is still present, but the
exhaust system insulator and/or bracket may characteristics have NOT been altered, it is NOT
create a transfer path into the passenger likely that these component systems are acting as
compartment. a transferIpathfor engine firing frequency or a first
7. Incorrectly seated andlor aligned powertrain order engIne dIsturbance.
components andlor exhaust system components 10. Ifthe mark placed on the face of an engine driven
may create a transfer path into the passenger accessory pulley seems to stand still while running
compartment. this test, then that accessory system is either
When loosening powertrain mounts in order to responding to an eXIstIngfrequency. SUChas
re—bedthe powertrain observe the following: engIne fIrIngpulses, or creatIng a disturbance.
Do not loosen the mount bracket—to-enginebolts/ 11. A toose, damaged, misalIgned, or defectIve engIne
nuts, do not loosen the mount bracket-to-vehicle drIven accessory system Insulatorandlor bracket
frame bolts/nuts if mount brackets are used. may create a transfer path '“to the passenger
Loosen the mount—to-mountbracket bolts/nuts if compartment. , _
mount brackets are used, or loosen the 12. Removmg the engIne drIven accessory and
mount-to-slotted holes in vehicle frame bolts/nuts if bracket, 0,"brackets from the ?“Q‘Pe allows a,,
a direct-mount design is used. thorough InspectIonto determine Ifany condItIons
are present that may create a transfer path into the
passenger compartment.
2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1:53
Isolation (cont'd)
Vibration Analysis - EngineIAccessory
Yes No
Step Action
' Loose andlormissingfasteners
- Jointsandlorcouplings:
Inadequateclearanceto bodyandlorchassis
system both COLD and HOT;in
0 Improperalignment
- Disconnectedandlormissinginsulators
and/oroil—soaked insulators
- Cracked,dry—rotted,
- Stretched,twisted,broken,torn,and/or
- Bent,twisted,cracked,andlordeformed
indicatedbythe inspection. Go to Step13 Go to Step 7
Didyou findand correcta condition?
if availableor
Performthe PowertrainMountBalance Procedure the powertrain:
performthefollowingprocedure to re-bed
mountsand exhaust
1. Loosen,butdo notremove,all powertrain
if equipped,moves
2. Ensurethatthe exhaustflexiblecoupling,
3. Startthe engine.
4. Settlethe powertrainby shiftingthe
5. Place the transmissionintoNEUTRAL.
6. TurnOFFtheignition.
powertrainin a
7. Tightenallof the loosenedfastenerswiththe
relaxed position.
Go to Step13
Didyou completethe operation?
than60 secondswiththe
Caution: Do notrun the enginefor longeroverheating
o r andlor
accessorydrivebelt,or beltsremoved,
damage may result.
1. Removetheengineaccessorydrivebelt,or
Block thefrontwheels.
Apply BOTH the servicebrakesandthe park
Withthe scan toolstill installed,startthe
Place the transmissionin NEUTRAL or PARK.
Increasethe engineRPM t0 the level recorded
duplicationof the disturbance.
transmissionin DRIVE.
T‘ Allowthe engineto idle,thenplace the
to the level recorded during
8. Increasethe engineRPM
duplicationof the disturbance.
9. TurnOFF the ignition.
10. installthe engineaccessorydrivebelt,or Go to Step10 Go to Step9
Was the disturbancesignificantlyreducedor Go to Step 15
alteredbutstill present? Go to Step11
Werethe characteristicsofthe disturbance
2013 (5377994)
1=54 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Replacethe enginedrivenaccessorycomponentcausingthe
17 disturbance.
Go to Step 18
Didyou completethe replacement?
1. Installor connectany componentsthatwereremoved
18 2. PerformtheVibrationAnalysis —Road Testingtable.
VibrationAnalysis - Road Testingonpage 1—39.
Go to Step2 SystemOK
Isthedisturbancestill present?
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1:56 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Analysis - Engine Balance 13. An engine flywheel that has excessive lateral
runout, when combined with the extra mass of the
Test Description clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate, can
produce a disturbance.
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the
diagnostic table. 14. The clutch pressure plate and the engine flywheel
are marked for proper indexing of the heavy—spotof
4. Ifsufficient clearance exists to separate the one to the light-spot of the other. Improperindexing
transmission torque converter from the engine of the pressure plate to the flywheel can produce a
flywheel/flexplate, then further tests can be used to disturbance.
isolate the transmission from the engine.
15. An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine
5. An engine flywheel/flexplate that has excessive crankshaft or that is cracked, damaged andlor
lateral runout,when combined with the mass of the missing balance weights; andlor a clutch pressure
transmission torque converter, can produce a plate and clutch driven plate that has loose
disturbance. springs, cracks, warpage, damage andlor missing
6. An engine flywheel/flexplate that is loose at the balance weights —can produce a disturbance
engine crankshaft or that is cracked or damaged, when their mass is combined.
when combined with the mass of the transmission 16. An engine flywheel that is loose at the engine
torque converter, can produce a disturbance. crankshaft or that is cracked, damaged andlor
7. This step is designed to isolate the transmission missing balance weights; andlor a clutch pressure
from the engine to determine if the disturbance is plate and clutch driven plate that has loose
related to the engine ONLY. springs, cracks, warpage, damage andlor missing
9. Re—indexingthe transmission torque converter to balance weights —can produce a disturbance
the engine flywheel/flexplate alters the balance when their mass is combined.
relationship between the torque converter and the 17. Re-indexing the pressure plate to the engine
rear of the engine. flywheel alters the balance relationship between
11. Placing the EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration the pressure plate/flywheel assembly and the rear
Analyzer (EVA) 2 sensor onto the underside of the of the engine.
engine oil pan along the FRONTand the REAR 18. An engine flywheel/flexplate that is damaged,
edge allows for a determination to be made, which misaligned, andlor imbalanced, can produce a
will help to narrow down the cause of the disturbance.
disturbance. ‘ 19. An engine crankshaft balancer that is damaged,
misaligned, andlor imbalanced, can produce a
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Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:57
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158 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
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Diagnosis and Correction 'l-59
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1=60 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Vibration Diagnostic Aids Ifyou have not been able to duplicate the vibration
concern or have only been able to duplicate the
Note: if you have not reviewed the Diagnostic Starting concern intermittently,review the following information.
Point —Vehicle and completed the Vibration Analysis
Most vibration concerns that cannot be duplicated are
tables as indicated, refer to Diagnostic Starting Point -
due to either specific conditions that are not present
Vehicle on page 6-66 BEFORE proceeding.
during the duplicating attempts, or due to notfollowing
The diagnostic information contained in this Diagnostic the procedures designed to duplicate concerns
Aids section will help you determine the correct course properly and in the sequence indicated.
of action to take for the following 4 main conditions.
Refer to the appropriate condition from this list: Specific Conditions Can Affect the
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Intermittent Condition
or Not Duplicated on page 1-60 Consider the following conditions which may not have
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Dup/icated, been present while attempts were made to duplicate
Component Not Identified on page 1-61 the vibration concern. Attempt to obtain more specific
. Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Duplicated, information from the customer as to the EXACT
Difficult to lsolate/Ba/ance Component on conditions that are present when they experience the
page 1-62 vibration which they are concerned about. Attempt to
duplicate the vibration concern again while recreating
- Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration Duplicated, the EXACT conditions necessary, except those which
Appears to Be Potential Operating Characteristic pose a safety concern or are outside the boundaries of
on page 1—62 normal operating conditions, such as loading the
vehicle beyond its designed weight ratings, etc.
Vibration Diagnostic Aids - Vibration
Most attempts to duplicate a vibration concern are
Intermittent or Not Duplicated made after the vehicle has been driven to the repair
Note: Ifyou have not completed the Vibration Analysis facility and perhaps even sat inside the building for a
tables as indicated and reviewed Vibration Diagnostic time; the vehicle may be too warm to detect the
Aids, refer to Vibration Diagnostic Aids on page 1-60 concern during duplication efforts. The opposite could
BEFORE proceeding.
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'l264 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
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Diagnosis and Correction l65
Tire Wear
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’l=oo Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
8. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one . Ifany of the tire beads were not properly or evenly
more complete revolution and measure the total seated, reseat the tire bead, then proceed to
amount of radial runout. step 6. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and
Installation on page 16-60.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly radial runout - . Mount a tire and wheel assembly on a spin-type
measured on-vehicle: 1.52 mm (0.060 in) wheel balancer.
Locate the tire and wheel assembly on the
balancer with a cone through the back side of the
center pilot hole.
9. Position the dial indicator on a smooth portion of
the tire sidewall, as close to the tread as possible, 176957
such that the dial indicator is perpendicular to the
tire sidewall surface. Wrap the outer circumference of each tire with
10. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one tape (1) in the center tread area.
complete revolution in order to find the low spot. Wrapping the tread with tape allows for a smooth
Ignore anyjumps or dips due to sidewall splices. and accurate reading of radial runout to be
11. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot. obtained.
12. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one Position the dial indicator on the taped portion of
more complete revolution and measure the total the tire tread such that the dial indicator is
amount of lateral runout. Ignore anyjumps or dips perpendicular to the tire tread surface.
due to sidewall splices and attain an average Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
runout measurement. complete revolution in order to find the low spot.
Specification 10. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly lateral runout - 11. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
measured on-vehicle: 1.52 mm (0.060 in) more complete revolution and measure the total
amount of radial runout.
13. Repeat steps 4 through 12 until all of the tire and
wheel assembly radial and lateral runout Specification
measurements have been taken. Maximum tire and wheel assembly radial runout -
14. Lower the vehicle. measured off-vehicle: 1.27 mm (0.050 in)
Diagnosis and Correction 'l=67
of 19. Position the dial indicator on the horizontal still
12. Position the dial indicator on a smooth portion surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire
the tire sidewall, as close to the tread as possible,
mounted —such that the dial indicator is
such that the dial indicator is perpendicular to the perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
tire sidewall surface.
Wheel runout should be measured on both the
13. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one inboard and outboard rim flanges, unless wheel
complete revolution in order to find the low spot. design will not permit. Ignore any jumps or dips
Ignore any jumps or dips due to sidewall splices. due to paint drips, chips, or welds.
14. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot. 20. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly
one spot.
15. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly complete revolution in order to find the low
more complete revolution and measure the total the low spot.
21. Set the dial indicator to zero at
amount of lateral runout. Ignore anyjumps or dips
due to sidewall splices and attain an average 22. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly total
more complete revolution and measure the
runout measurement.
amount of wheel radial runout.
Maximum tire and wheel assembly lateral runout - -
measured off—vehicle:1.27 mm (0.050 in) - Maximum aluminum wheel radial runout
and measured off—vehicle,tire mounted: 0.762 mm
16. Repeat steps 6 through 15 until all of the tire (0.030 in)
wheel assembly radial and lateral runout
measurements have been taken. o Maximum steel wheel radial runout -
measured off-vehicle, tire mounted: 1.015 mm
17. IfANY of the tire and wheel assembly runout (0.040 in)
measurements were NOT within specifications,
proceed to step 19.
18. IfALL of the tire and wheel assembly runout
measurements WERE within specifications, then
the off—vehicletire and wheel assembly runout
considered acceptable.
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,« and Correction
1-0 8 Vibration Diagnosis
31. Using the matchmarks made prior to removal,
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
32. Lower the vehicle.
Wheel Runout Measurement — Tire
1. On the tire and wheel assembly, or assemblies with
wheel runout measurements —tire mounted-
which were NOT within specifications, mark each
tire and wheel in relation to each other.
o/c L\_r_l 7““ Dismount the tire from the wheel. Referto Tire
Dismounting and Mounting on page 16-63.
9’ Mount the wheel on a spin-type wheel balancer.
Locate the wheel on the balancer with a cone
through the back side of the center pilot hole.
23. Position the dial indicator on the vertical outer
surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire still
mounted —such that the dial indicator is
perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
Wheel runout should be measured on both the
inboard and outboard rim flanges, unless wheel
design will not permit. Ignore any jumps or dips
due to paint drips, chips, or welds.
24. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
complete revolution in order to find the low spot.
25. Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
26. Slowly rotate the tire and wheel assembly one
more complete revolution and measure the total
amount of wheel lateral runout.
Specification 176960
0 Maximum aluminum wheel lateral runout -
measured off-vehicle, tire mounted: 0.762 mm Position the dial indicator on the horizontal inner
(0.030 in) surface of the wheel rim flange —with the tire
dismounted —such that the dial indicator is
0 Maximum steel wheel lateral runout - perpendicular to the rim flange surface.
measured off—vehicle,tire mounted: 1.143 mm
(0.045 in) Wheel runout should be measured on both the
inboard and outboard rim flanges. Ignoreany
27. Repeat steps 19 through 26 until all of the wheel jumps or dips due to paint drips, chips, orwelds.
radial and lateral runout measurements have been
taken on each of the - tire and wheel —assemblies . Slowly rotate the wheel one complete revolution in
with assembly runout measurements which were order to find the low spot.
NOT within specifications. ." Set the dial indicator to zero at the low spot.
28. Ifany of the wheel runout measurements were Slowly rotate the wheel one more complete
NOT within specifications, proceed to Measuring revolution and measure the total amount of wheel
Wheel Runout —Tire Dismounted. radial runout.
29. For any of the wheel runout measurements which Specification
WERE within specifications, while the —tire and
- Maximum aluminum wheel radial runout-
wheel —assembly runout measurements were measured off—vehicle,tire dismounted:
NOT within specifications, replace the tire, then 0.762 mm (0.030 in)
balance the assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle on page 1—72. ' Maximum steel wheel radial runout-
measured off-vehicle, tire dismounted:
30. After replacement of any tires, always re—measure 1.015 mm (0.040 in)
the runout of the affected tire and wheel assembly,
or assemblies.
2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction 1269
15. For any of the wheel runout measurements and
WERE within specifications, while the ~tire
wheel —assembly runout measurements were
NOT within specifications, replace the tire,
balance the assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Assembly Balancing —Off Vehicle on page 1—72.
16. Using the matchmarks made prior to
the tire, or tires, mount the tire, or tires to the
LU assembly,
wheel, or wheels, then balance the
or assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Balancing - Off Vehicle on page 1—72.
Always measure the runout of any of the tire
wheel assemblies which have had the tires
dismounted and mounted.
17. Using the matchmarks made prior to
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
18. Lower the vehicle.
2013 (5377994)
1270 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
182237 205276
7. Ifa brake rotorwas replaced as a result of . Position the GE—8001Dial IndicatorSet,
following the previous steps, or if necessary to or equivalent, on the machined surface of the
confirm the results obtained during the previous wheel hub/axle flange outside of the wheel studs.
steps, and/or to check the non-drive axle . Rotate the hub one complete revolution in order to
components, performthe following: find the low spot.
7.1. Mount the brake rotor/drumon a balancer in . Set the GE—8001Dial Indicator Set, or equivalent,
the same manner as a tire and wheel to zero at the low spot.
. Rotate the hub one more complete revolution and
Note: Check brake rotors/drumsfor static imbalance measure the total amount of wheel hub/axle flange
only; ignore the dynamic imbalance readings. runout.
7.2. lnspect the rotor/drumfor static imbalance. Specification —Guideline
There is not a set tolerance for brake rotor/drumstatic Wheel hub/axle flange runout tolerance guideline:
imbalance. However, any brake rotor/drummeasured in 0.132 mm (0.005 in)
this same manner which is over 21 9 (V402) may have lfthe runout of the wheel hub/axle flange IS within
the potential to cause or contribute to a vibration. specification and the vehicle is equipped with
Rotors/drums suspected of causing or contributing to a
wheel studs, proceed to step 13.
vibration should be replaced. Any rotor/drumthat is
replaced should be checked for imbalance in the same 10. if the runout of the wheel hub/axleflange IS within
manner. specification and the vehicle is equipped with
wheel bolts, proceed to step 19.
Hub/Axle Flange and Wheel Stud 11. Ifthe runout of the wheelhub/axle flange is
marginal, the wheel hub may or may not be the
Runout Inspection source of the disturbance.
Special Tools 12. Ifthe runout of the wheel hub/axle flange is
GE—8001Dial IndicatorSet, or equivalent excessive, replace the wheel hub/axle flange.
Measure the runout of the new wheel hub/axle
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and flange.
Jacking the Vehicle on page 1-31.
2. Mark the location of the wheels to the wheel studs
and mark the specific vehicle position on each tire
and wheel —LF, LR, RF, RR.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies from the
vehicle. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and
Installation on page 16-60.
4. Remove the brake rotors andlor brake drums from
the vehicle. Clean the mounting surfaces of the
brake rotors, the brake drums, if equipped, and the
hub/axle flanges of any loose debris, rust, and
Wosis and Correction 1:71
Force Variation
movement of
Force variation refers to a radial or lateral
which acts much like
the tire and wheel assembly
runout, however, force variation has to do with
variations in the construction of the tire. These
variations in tire construction may actually cause
vibration in a vehicle, even though the tire and
assembly runout and balance may be within
Radial Force Variation
i —
2013Sonic Service
(US/Canada) (5377994)
'l-72 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Lateral Force Runout 4. If the vibration is eliminated when using the known
good set of tire and wheel assemblies, install one
of the original tire and wheel assemblies using the
matchmarks made prior to removal. Refer to Tire
and Wheel Removal and Installation on
page 16-60. Road test the vehicle to determine if
the vibration has returned. Refer to Vibration
Analysis —Road Testing on page 1-39.
5. Continue the process of installing the original tire
and wheel assemblies one at a time, then road
testing the vehicle, until the tire and wheel
assembly, or assemblies which is causing the
vibration has been identified.
/ Q \\\\ 6. Replace the tire, or tires on the vibration-causing
tire and wheel assembly, or assemblies, then
W balance the assembly, or assemblies. Refer to Tire
M and Wheel Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle on
page 1-72.
Repair Instructions
Diagnosis and Correction 1:73
at the new
9. Cycle the balancer with the assembly
Tire and Wheel Assembly locaflon.
Calibration Test 10. Inspect the balancer readings:
in this
Note: Ifthe balancer fails any of the steps Specification
the balancer should be calibrated
calibration test,
Ifthe Maximum variation: 7 g (1A02)
according to the manufacturer's instructions. the tire and wheel
balancer cannot be calibrated, contact the 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 until at each of
assembly has been cycled and checked
manufacturer for assistance. on the balancer shaft.
the 4 locations
Inspect the calibration of the tire and wheel Balancing
balancer according to the manufacturer's Tire and Wheel Assembly
recommendations, or perform the following test. Guidelines
Note: Tire and wheel assemblies which
vibrations even if the
excessive runout can produce
assemblies are balanced.
and wheel
Itis strongly recommended that the tire if
assembly runout be measured and corrected
BEFORE the assemblies are balanced.
assemblies has not
if the runout of the tire and wheel
and Wheel Assembly
yet been measured, refer to Tire
Off Vehicle on page 1-66 before
Runout Measurement -
There are 2 types of tire and wheel balance:
Static Balance
any of the
1. Spin the balancer without a wheel or
adapters on the shaft.
2. Inspect the balancer readings.
Zero within 7 g (‘4 oz)
3. Ifthe balancer is within the specification is within
balance a tire and wheel assembly —that
radial and lateral runout tolerances —to
using the same balancer.
4. After the tire and wheel assembly has to the
balanced, add an 85 g (3 oz) test weight
wheel at any location. 70074
Note the
5. Spin the tire and wheel assembly again. Static balance is the equal distribution
of weight around
wheel balance
balancer the wheel circumference. The in order to
- in the static and dynamic modes, the weights (2) are positioned on the wheel that have
should call for 85 g (3 oz) of weight, offset the effects of a heavy spot (3). action called
180 degrees opposite the test weight. static imbalance can produce a bouncing
should be
o In the dynamic mode, the weight opposite
called for on the flange of the wheel
the test weight.
g (3 oz), cycle
6. With the assembly imbalanced to 85
the balancer 5 times.
7. Inspect the balancer readings:
Maximum variation: 7 g (%oz)
the balancer
8. index the tire and wheel assembly on location.
shaft, 90 degrees from the previous
2013 (5377994)
1:74 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Dynamic Balance
V I/I\I 7
\ /
Note: Carefully follow the wheel balancer
70079 manufacturers's instructions for proper mounting of the
Dynamic balance is the equal distribution of weight on center cone (1).
each side of the tire and wheel assembly centerline. 1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and .
The wheel balance weights (2) are positioned on the Jacking the Vehicle on page 1—31.
wheel in order to offset the effects of a heavy spot (3). 2. Mark the location of the wheels to the wheel studs
Wheels that have dynamic imbalance have a tendency and mark the specific vehicle position on each tire
to move from side to side and can cause an action and wheel —LF, LR, RF, RR.
called shimmy.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assemblies one at a
Most off—vehiclebalancers are capable of checking time and mount on a spin-type wheel balancer.
both types of balance simultaneously. Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
As a general rule, most vehicles are more sensitive to on page 16—60.
static imbalance than to dynamic imbalance; however, 4. Carefully follow the wheel balancer manufacturer's
vehicles equipped with low profile, wide tread path, instructions for proper mounting techniques to be
high performance tires and wheels are susceptible to used on different types of wheels.
small amounts of dynamic imbalance. As little as
14—21g (1/2—% oz) imbalance is capable of inducing a Regard aftermarket wheels, especially those
vibration in some vehicle models. incorporating universal lug patterns, as potential
sources of runout and mounting concerns.
Balancing Procedure 5. Be sure to use the correct type of wheel balance
Note: When balancing tire and wheel assemblies, use weights for the type of wheel rim being balanced.
a known good, recently calibrated, off-vehicle, Be sure to use the correct type of coated wheel
two—planedynamic balancer set to the finest balance balance weights on aluminum wheels. Refer to
mode available. Wheel Weight Usage.
6. Balance all four tire and wheel assemblies as close
to zero as possible.
7. Using the matchmarks made prior to removal,
install the tire and wheel assemblies to the vehicle.
Refer to Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
on page 16-60.
8. Lower the vehicle.
2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction ’l=75
Clip-on Weights
S w
Note: Use a nylon or plastic—tippedhammer to
installing coated clip—onwheel balance polyester
minimize the possibility of damage to the
flange will
08 The contour and style of the wheel rimweight (1) should
determine which type of clip—onwheel
contour of the
be used. The weight should follow the grip the rim
rim flange. The weight clip should firmly
Wheel Weight Placement —CIip-on
wheels with
Note: When balancing factory aluminum
use special
clip-on wheel balance weights, be sure to
polyester—coatedweights. These coated weights
damage to
reduce the potential for corrosion and
aluminum wheels.
for corrosion
These coated weights reduce the potential
and damage to aluminum wheels.
approved for
- MC (1) and AW (2) series weights are
use on aluminum wheels.
for use on steel
- P (3) series weights are approved
wheels only.
approved for use
- T (4) series coated weights are
on both steel and aluminum wheels.
When static balancing, locate the wheel g (1 02) or
if only 28
weights on the inboard flange (2)
oz) is called for,
less is called for. If more than 28 g (1 between the
split the weights as equally as possible
inboard (2) and outboard (1) flanges.
wheel balance
When dynamic balancing, locate the
and outboard (1) rim flanges
weights on the inboard (2)
specified by the wheel balancer.
at the positions
2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
'l-76 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
Adhesive Weights 4. To ensure there is no remaining residue, wipe the
balance weight attachment areas again, using a
clean cloth or paper towel with a mixture of half
isopropyl alcohol and half water.
5. Dry the attachment areas with hot air until the
wheel surface is warm to the touch.
6. Warm the adhesive backing on the wheel balance
weights to room temperature.
7. Remove the protective covering from the adhesive
backing on the back of the balance weights. DO
NOT touch the adhesive surface.
8. Apply the wheel balance weights to the wheel,
press into place with hand pressure.
9. Secure the wheel balance weights to the wheel
with a 90 N (21 lb) force applied with a roller.
2013 (5377994)
Diagnosis and Correction l-77
a tire
than 56 g 3. Mount the tire and wheel assembly on
° Ifthe on—vehiclebalancer calls for more machine and break down the bead. Do not
(2 oz) of additional weight, split the weight the wheel at this time.
dismount the tire from
between the inboard and outboard flanges of the the
wheel, so as not to upset the dynamic balance
of Rotate the tire 180 degrees on the rim so that
balance. valve stem reference mark (8) is now at the
the assembly achieved in the off—vehicle
stem (6).
For wheel balance weight information, refer
to Tire 6 o‘clock position in relation to the valve
the bead in order to
and Wheel Assembly Balancing —Off Vehicle on You may need to lubricate
easily rotate the tire on the wheel.
page 1-72.
the fenders Reinflate the tire and seat the bead properly.
- If available, tape—offan area on top of
and the quarter panels, then place the vibration Mount the assembly on the tire balancer and
of the
sensor of the EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration remeasure the runout. Mark the new location
the tire.
Analyzer (EVA) 2 on the fender or quarter panel assembly runout high spot on
while it
above the specific tire and wheel assembly Ifthe assembly runout has been reduced
and is
is being on-vehicle balanced. within tolerance, no further steps are necessary.
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer Balance the tire and wheel assembly, then install
(EVA) 2 will provide a visual indication of the the assembly to the vehicle. Refer to the
amplitude of the vibration, and the effect that the . Tire and Wheel Assembly Balancing — Off
on-vehicle balance has on it. Vehicle on page 1-72
Match-Mounting - Tire and Wheel Removal and Installation
Tire-to-Wheel page 16-60
at or
(Vectoring) Ifthe clock location of the high spot remained (7)
original clock location of the high spot
near the
and the assembly runout has NOT been
major contributor to the assembly
the wheel is the
runout concern.
Note: After remounting a tire to a wheel or after and
replacing a tire andlor a wheel, remeasure the tire
wheel assembly runout in order to verify that the to 182231
amount of runout has been reduced and brought
within tolerances. Ensure that the tire and wheel to the 9. Ifthe clock location of the high spot has
assembly is properly balanced before reinstalling however the assembly runout has NOT been
vehicle. reduced, perform the following steps:
the tire as is now
1. Mark the location of the high spot (3) on 9.1. Ifthe clock location of the high spot (7)
the off-vehicle tire and wheel 180 degrees from the
determined during at or near a position
assembly runout measurement. original clock location of the high spot, the
the assembly runout
2. Place a reference mark (2) on the tire
sidewall at is the major contributor to
the location of the valve stem (5). concern.
- Always refer to the valve stem as the 12
o'clock 9.2. Ifthe clock location of the high spot is tire
in—between the 2 extremes, then both the
its and the wheel are both contributing to the
- Refer to the location of the high spot (3) by assembly runout concern. Rotate the tire an
clock position on the wheel, relative to the additional 90 degrees in both the clockwise
valve stem.
and the counterclockwise directions to obtain
the lowest amount of assembly runout.
2013 (5377994)
’1-78 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
2013 (5377994)
and Correction 1479
Vibration Diagnosis
and correcting the
path. Aligning the exhaust system eliminate the
grounded condition at the frame would
transfer path.
Basic Vibration Terminology
components of vibration
The following are the 2 primary
- The physical properties of
conducting mechanical
- The object's properties of
The repetitive up and down or back and forth
movement of a component cause most the common
complaints. The following are
components that vibrate:
- The steering wheel
- The seat cushion
- The frame
- The IP
following simple
Vibration diagnosis involves the
95585 outline:
and assign a value
unbalanced 1. Measure the repetitive motion second or cycles
is the to the measurement in cycles per
Inthe preceding picture, the source vibrations travels
tire. The transfer path is the route the per minute.
into the
through the vehicle's suspension system steering wheel, 2. Relate the frequency back on
terms of the
steering column. The responder is the
rotational speed of a component that is operating
as vibrating. Eliminating
which the customer reports usually correct the at the same rate or speed.
any one of these three elements will information, which 3. Inspect and test the components
for conditions that
condition. Decide, from the gathered
Adding a cause vibration.
element makes the most sense to repair. steps will help
brace to the steering column may keep is not a
steering For example, performing the following
wheel from vibrating, but adding a brace demonstrate the vibration theory:
The most direct and effective repair
practical solution.
would be to properly balance the tire.
of a table, leaving
95586 1. Clamp a yardstick to the edge the edge of the
about 50 cm (20in) hanging over
Vibration can also produce noise. As an table.
exhaust pipe grounded stick and release
consider a vehicle that has an is the engine 2. Pull down on the edge of the of the stick.
of the vibration the movement
to the frame. The source exhaust. The while observing
firing impulses traveling through the exhaust
transfer path is a grounded or bound—upfloor panel
is the frame. The
hanger. The responder produces
vibrates, acting as a large speaker, which the transfer
would be to eliminate
noise. The best repair
2013 (5377994)
1:80 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
The motion of the stick occurs in repetitive cycles. The
cycle begins at midpoint, continues through the lowest
extreme of travel, then back past the midpoint, through
the upper extreme of travel, and back to the midpoint
where the cycle begins again.
The cycle occurs over and over again at the same rate,
or frequency. Inthis case, about 10 cycles in
one second. Ifwe measure the frequency to reflect the
number of complete cycles that the yardstick made in
one minute, the measure would be 10 cycles x
60 seconds =600 cycles per minute (cpm).
We have also found a specific amount of motion,
or amplitude, in the total travel of the yardstick from the
very top to the very bottom. Redo the experiment as
1. Reclamp the yardstick to the edge of a table,
leaving about 25 cm (10in) hanging over the edge
of the table.
2. Pull down on the edge of the stick and release
while observing the movement of the stick.
The stick vibrates at a much faster frequency: 30 cycles
per second (1,800 cycles per minute).
(1) 1stCycle (3) 3rd Cycle
(2) 2nd Cycle (4) Time
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1:81
(1) Spindle
(2) Pinion Nose
The word cycle comes from the same root as the word
circle. A circle begins and ends at the same point, as
thus, so does a cycle. All vibrations consist of repetitive
2013 (5377994)
H32 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
117: /\.
1112/ .
(1) Amplitude (3) Time in Seconds
(2) Reference (4) 1 Second
Frequency is defined as the rate at which an event The proper term for cycles per seconds is Hertz (Hz).
occurs during a given period of time. With a vibration, This is the most common way to measure frequency.
the event is a cycle, and the period of time is 1 second. Multiply the Hertz by 60 to get the cycles or revolutions
Thus, frequency is expressed in cycles per second. per minute (RPM).
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Dijgflosis and Correction 1:83
(1) Maximum
(2) Minimum
(3) Zero—to-PeakAmplitude
(4) Peak-to-Peak Amplitude
2013 (5377994)
"l-84 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
(1) Location of lmbalance (Degrees) (2) Centrifugal Force Acting on Spindle
A spinning object with an imbalance generates a Centrifugal force is trying to make the nut fly outward,
centrifugal force. Performing the following steps will causing the pull you feel on your hand. An unbalanced
help to demonstrate centrifugal force: tire follows the same example. The nut is the imbalance
1. Tie a nut to a string. in the tire. The string is the tire, wheel, and suspension
assembly. As the vehicle speed increases, the
2. Hold the string. The nut hangs vertically due to disturbing force of the unbalanced tire can be felt in the
gravity. steering wheel, the seat, and the floor. This disturbance
3. Spin the string. The nut will spin in a circle. will be repetitive (Hz) and the amplitude will increase.
At higher speeds, both the frequency and the amplitude
will increase. As the tire revolves, the imbalance, or the
centrifugal force, will alternately lift the tire up and force
the tire downward, along with the spindle, once for each
revolution of the tire.
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction L85
ManualorResonantFTequency Resonance
,5 \
95595 95596
The natural frequency is the frequency at which an
object tends to vibrate. Bells, guitar strings, and tuning (1) Frequency—cps
forks are all examples of objects that tend to vibrate at (2) Suspension Frequency
specific frequencies when excited by an external force. (3) Unbalanced Excitation
Suspension systems, and even engines within the (4) PointofResonance
mounts, have a tendency to vibrate at certain (5) Problem Speed
frequencies. This is why some vibration complaints
occur only at specific vehicle speeds or engine RPM. All objects have natural frequencies. The natural
frequency of a typical automotive front suspension is in
The stiffness and the natural frequency of a material the 10-15 Hz range. This natural frequency is the result
have a relationship. Generally, the stiffer the material, of the suspension design. The suspension's natural
the higher the natural frequency. The opposite is also frequency is the same at all vehicle speeds. As the tire
true. The softer a material, the lower the natural speed increases along with the vehicle speed, the
frequency. Conversely, the greater the mass, the lower disturbance created by the tire increases in frequency.
the natural frequency. Eventually, the frequency of the unbalanced tire will
intersect with the natural frequency of the suspension.
This causes the suspension to vibrate. The intersecting
point is called the resonance.
The amplitude of a vibration will be greatest at the point
of resonance. While the vibration may be felt above and
below the problem speed, the vibration may be felt the
most at the point of resonance.
2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
1:86 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
(1) Low Damping (2) High Damping
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 'l=87
Beating (Phasing)
_; /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\31on
I I l I |
I I I—l
/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\ z
V‘V VV'V \vv';8”
I l I I l
Two separate disturbances that are relatively close
together in frequency will lead to a condition called
beating, or phasing. A beating vibration condition will
increase in intensity or amplitude in a repetitive fashion
as the vehicle travels at a steady speed. This beating
vibration can produce the familiar droning noise heard
in some vehicles.
Beating occurs when 2 vibrating forces are adding to
each other‘s amplitude. However, 2 vibrating forces can
also subtract from each other's amplitude. The adding
and subtracting of amplitudes in similar frequencies is »
called beating. In many cases, eliminating either one of
the disturbances can correct the condition.
Order refers to how many times an event occurs during
1 revolution ofa rotating component.
For example, a tire with 1 high spot would create a
disturbance once for every revolution of the tire. This is
called first-order vibration.
2013 (5377994)
1488 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
EVA Vibration Sensor
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
(EVA 2) vibration sensor incorporates a 6.1 m (20ft)
cord, that allows the sensor to be placed on virtually
any component of the vehicle where a vibration
concern is felt.
The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
(EVA 2) contains 2 sensor Inputports which can be
activated individually to allow for 2 individual vibration
sensor inputs. The vibration sensors can then be
placed in 2 different locations in the vehicle and their
individual inputs can be read without having to stop a
test, move the sensor and resume the test. The use of 2
vibration sensors can help in more quickly finding and
recording an accurate frequency of the vibration
concern, and in more quickly making comparisons
between 2 different areas of a single component, or a
vehicle system, during the diagnostic process.
EVA Vibration Sensor Placement
95601 Proper placement of the EL-38792-A Electronic
Vibration Analyzer2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor
An oval—shapedtire with 2 high spots would create a (accelerometer) is critical to ensure that proper
disturbance twice for every revolution. This is called vibration readings are obtained by the EL-38792-A
second—ordervibration. Three high spots would be Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2). The vibration
third-order,and so forth. Two first—ordervibrations may sensor should be placed on the specific vehicle
add or subtract from the overall amplitude of the component identified as being the most respondent to
disturbance, but that is all. Two first-order vibrations do the vibration. If no component has been identified,
not equal a second—order.Due to centrifugal force, an install the sensor to the steering column as a starting
unbalanced component will always create at least a point.
first-order vibration. EVA Vibration Sensor—to-Component Attachment
Electronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) Note: The EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer2
(EVA 2) vibration sensor must be attached to vehicle
Description and Operation components in the manner indicated in order to achieve
accurate frequency readings of the vibration
Special Tools disturbance.
- EL—38792—25 Inductive Pickup Timing Light
The vibration sensor of the EL-38792—AElectronic
~ EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration
Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) is designed to pickup
disturbances which primarily occur in the vertical plane,
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools and since most vibrations are felt in that same up-and-down
Equipment on page 1-91. direction. The EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration
The EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer 2 Analyzer2 (EVA 2) vibration sensor is therefore
(EVA 2), is a 12—voltpowered hand—helddevice, similar directional sensitive and must be attached to vehicle
to a scan tool, which receives input from an attached components such that the side of the sensor marked
vibration sensor or accelerometer and displays the UP is always facing upright and the sensor body is as
most dominate input frequency(ies) (up to three) on its close to horizontal as possible. The sensor must be
liquid crystal display. The vibration concern installed in the exact same position each time tests are
frequency(ies) are obtained through the use of the repeated or comparisons are made to other vehicles.
EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2 (EVA 2) The EL-38792-A Electronic Vibration Analyzer 2
while following the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic (EVA 2) vibration sensor can be attached to vehicle
Tables. The frequency(ies) obtained, when applied to components in various ways. For non-ferrous surfaces,
the Vibration Analysis Diagnostic Tables, are used as a such as the shroud of a steering column, the sensor
primary input to help determine the source of the can be attached using putty,or hook and loop
vibration concern. fasteners. For ferrous surfaces, the sensor can be
attached using a magnet supplied with the sensor.
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1189
2013 (5377994)
1:90 Vibration Diagnosis and Correction
2013 (5377994)
Vibration Diagnosis and Correction 1‘91
Due to the limited diagnostic capability, limited Illustration Tool Number/Description
availability and increasing costs of the reed tachometer,
it is NOT recommended as the primary tool to use in
diagnosing a vibration concern.
When diagnosing a vibration concern, use the
EL-38792—AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2. The EN 38792-25
EL—38792-AElectronic Vibration Analyzer (EVA) 2 has J 38792—25
been designed to overcome the shortcomings to the InductivePickupTiming
reed tachometer. Refer to Electronic Vibration Analyzer Light
(EVA) Description and Operation on page 1-88.
GE 8001
EL 38792—A J 8001
J 38792-A Dial IndicatorSet
EL 38792-VS
J 38792-VS