8D Human Error Root Cause Analysis Worksheet Revision Date: 4/3/2018 Revision #: 1
8D Human Error Root Cause Analysis Worksheet Revision Date: 4/3/2018 Revision #: 1
8D Human Error Root Cause Analysis Worksheet Revision Date: 4/3/2018 Revision #: 1
Human Error Root Cause Analysis (HERCA) Worksheet Because human error is a poor root cause, this tool is intended to help the team dig
D4 Root Cause Analysis deeper in order to identify the underlying Process/Design Root Causes that caused the
human error to occur.
The team should use the questions to help focus the investigation on elements of the
process, tools, tooling, equipment, process documentation, work environment, and
Investigation Questions Next Steps training/competency system that could have caused the problem. (More than one may
1 Is the process complex? Yes No
The team should also investigate any other questions that come up during the use of this
2 Is the process highly repetitive? Yes No tool. This list is not all encompassing.
Investigate the process
3 Is the operator being rushed? Yes No further in order to The Corrective Action(s)
identify the need to make physical
4 Are there any ergonomic difficulties? Yes No Process/Design Root changes to the process
5 Are there any visual obstructions that make parts of the job hard to see? Yes No
Does the operator need to do anything out of the ordinary to complete the
6 process? Yes No
8 Does the operator have all the tools needed to complete the job? Yes No
9 Is the tooling error proofed? Yes No Investigate the tools, The Corrective Action(s)
tooling and/or
10 Is the tooling in good shape? Yes No equipment to identify the need to make permanent
changes to the tools,
Process/Design Root tooling, or equipment
11 Is the equipment adequate to complete the process successfully? Yes No Cause(s)
13 Can the equipment settings be changed more than the process allows? Yes No
14 Are the process steps documented in a clear and easy to understand way? Yes No
Are the work instructions (or other process documentation) missing any
15 steps/operations? Yes No
16 Are the work instructions (or other process documentation) up to date? Yes No Investigate the process
documentation further to The Corrective Action(s)
identify the need to make permanent
Do the work instructions (or other process documentation) indicate when to use changes to the process
17 each tool? Yes No Process/Design Root documentation
Do the work instructions (or other process documentation) indicate when to use
18 each piece of tooling? Yes No
19 Do the work instructions (or other process documentation) indicate when to use Yes No
each piece of equipment?
Is the workstation well laid out? (parts and tools easy to reach, adequate space to
20 perform job, etc.) Yes No
21 Is the workstation organized? (everything has a designated place) Yes No The Corrective Action(s)
Investigate the
22 Is lighting in the workstation adequate? Yes No workstation and/or work need to make permanent
changes to the
environment to identify workstation or work
23 Are there similar but different parts or tools in the workstation? Yes No the Process/Design Root
Cause(s) environment
24 Is it possible to tell the status of each part in the workstation? Yes No
25 Are there any significant sources of distraction near the workstation? Yes No
27 Has the operator been trained on the work instructions (or other process Yes No
documentation) for the job?
28 Was the training adequate? Yes No
Investigate the The Corrective Action(s)
Does the job require any special qualifications/training that the operator does not competency and training need to make permanent
29 have? Yes No
system to identify the changes to the
Process/Design Root competency and training
30 Is the operator qualified to perform the job? Yes No Cause(s) systems
31 Does the operator know how to verify their work? Yes No
32 Does the operator know what to do if something is out of the ordinary? Yes No