CS8079-Human Computer Interaction
CS8079-Human Computer Interaction
CS8079-Human Computer Interaction
Prepared by
The Human: I/O channels – Memory – Reasoning and problem solving; The computer: Devices –
Memory – processing and networks; Interaction: Models – frameworks – Ergonomics – styles –
elements – interactivity- Paradigms-Case Studies
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Define Human Computer Interaction. BTL -1 Remember
2 What are mental models and why are they important in interface
BTL -1 Remember
3 Describe the two types of photoreceptor. BTL -5 Understand
4 What is visual angle? How the visual angle is calculated? BTL -1 Remember
5 What is iconic memory? BTL -1 Remember
6 What type of HCI paradigm could be used to monitor eruptions of
BTL -4 Analyze
active and hazardous volcanoes? Analyze.
7 Summarize three types of memory or memory function. BTL -4 Understand
8 Define Reasoning. List its types. BTL -1 Remember
9 Express the text entry devices. BTL -2 Analyze
10 Point out distribution of practice effect. BTL -4 Analyze
11 Classify the two main theories of forgetting: BTL -3 Apply
12 Develop productive and reproductive problem solving. BTL -6 Create
13 Show ACT model. BTL -3 Apply
14 Examine the spreading activation affect the interferences effects
BTL -3 Apply
during information recall from memory.
15 Integrate the Models of interaction. BTL -6 Create
16 What is Ergonomics? BTL -2 Understand
17 Conclude the factors in the physical environment that directly affect
BTL -2 Evaluate
the quality of the interaction and the user’s performance.
18 Explain the use of scroll bars and title bars. BTL -5 Evaluate
19 Tabulate direct manipulation vs indirect manipulation. BTL -1 Remember
20 Discuss the importance of grouping controls. BTL -2 Understand
1 i) List Input and Output channels and discuss briefly about it. 7
ii) Draw the model of the structure of human memory with BTL -1 Remember
diagrammatic illustration. 6
2 i) Briefly discuss about the types of memory in detail. 7
ii) Describe five important differences between Short Term Memory BTL -2 Understand
and Long Term Memory. 6
3 i) Illustrate the similarities and differences in human memory and
computer memory. 7
BTL -3 Apply
ii) Classify mental models, and why are they important in interface
design? 6
4. Differentiate deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and abductive
BTL -2 Understand
reasoning. 13
5 i) Describe the guidelines for data display and data entry. 7
BTL -1 Understand
ii) State requirements to perform cognitive walkthrough of a system. 6
6 Examine in detail about the following:
(i) Digital paper. 7 BTL -1 Remember
(ii) Display devices. 6
7 Demonstrate how the system designer can minimize the memory 13
BTL -3 Apply
load of the user.
8 i) Discuss the factors that can limit the speed of an interactive
computer system. 7
BTL -2 Understand
ii) Draw the block diagram representing human-computer interaction
framework and explain it. 6
9 Compose the stages of Norman’s model of interaction. 13 BTL -6 Create
10 Briefly describe about the elements of the WIMP interface. 13 BTL -4 Analyze
11 Explain the various types of users and the organizational issues to be 13 BTL -5 Evaluate
considered in designing an interactive system with examples.
12 i)How the user performance is improved using ergonomics? Explain. 7 BTL -4 Analyze
ii)Point out briefly four different interaction styles used to
accommodate the dialog between user and computer. 6
13 i)Examine (in words as well as graphically) the interaction 7 BTL -1 Remember
framework introduced in Human–Computer Interaction.
ii) Show how it can be used to explain problems in the dialog
between a user and a computer. 6
14 Analyze briefly four different interaction styles used to accommodate 13
BTL -4 Analyze
the dialog between user and computer.
1 Integrate the ideas of how new, fast, high-density memory devices 15 BTL -6 Create
and quick processors have influenced recent developments in HCI?
Do they make systems any easier to use? Do they expand the range of
applications of computer systems?
2 What input and output devices would you use for the following 15 BTL -5 Evaluate
systems? For each, compare and contrast alternatives, and if
appropriate indicate why the conventional keyboard, mouse and c.r.t
Interactive Design basics – process – scenarios – navigation – screen design – Iteration and
Prototyping. HCI in software process – software life cycle – usability engineering – Prototyping in
practice – design rationale. Design rules – principles, standards, guidelines, rules. Evaluation
Techniques – Universal Design.
1 What is design? List out the design process. BTL -1 Remember
2 State the golden rule of design. BTL -1 Remember
3 Give a model of Interaction design process. BTL -2 Understand
4 Show the three main goals of Evaluation. BTL -3 Apply
5 What are the possible ways to set measurement levels in a usability
BTL -1 Remember
6 Compare the Levels of interaction. BTL -4 Analyze
7 Summarize the different implications of navigation design. BTL -2 Understand
8 Define localization or internationalization. BTL -1 Remember
9 Compare formative evaluation vs summative evaluation. BTL -4 Analyze
10 Do you think that prototyping will solve all problems associated with
BTL -4 Analyze
user interfaces design? Analyze it.
11 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Prototyping Model? BTL -1 Remember
12 Develop the three main approaches to prototyping. BTL -6 Create
13 Illustrate UIMS. BTL -3 Apply
14 Show the warning about iterative design. BTL -3 Apply
15 Write down the three categories of the principles to support usability. BTL -6 Create
16 Discuss on the usage of colors in emergency response panels. BTL -2 Understand
17 Compare Efficiency & Satisfaction. BTL -5 Evaluate
18 Summarize the basic categories of the Smith and Mosier guidelines. BTL -5 Evaluate
19 Define multithreading. BTL -1 Remember
20 Point out universal design. BTL -2 Understand
1 With a neat sketch, describe about Interaction design process and Remember
13 BTL -1
golden rule of Design.
2 Explain an example of a scenario for the personal movie player. 7
Draw the block diagram of application functional hierarchy and 6 BTL -4 Analyze
3 i)Illustrate about Navigation design through Levels of Interaction and 7 BTL -3 Apply
Screen design 6
ii) What is known as a hill-climbing approach? Explain.
4 Express the use of layout and other elements in the control BTL -2 Understand
5 Analyze in detail about the activities in the waterfall model and spiral BTL -4 Analyze
model of the software life cycle.
6 i) Describe the principles of good UI design. 7 BTL -2 Understand
ii)Using the tour booking form as an example, try to relate its suitability
for automation. 6
7 Summarize some of the techniques that are available for producing Evaluate
13 BTL -5
rapid prototypes.
8 i)List and describe the activities in the life cycle. BTL -1 Remember
ii) Briefly discuss about the three main approaches to prototypin
9 i) Examine the principles affecting learnability in detail. 7 BTL -1 Remember
ii) Give the summary of principles affecting flexibility in detail. 6
10 Consider the following usability objective. Theatre booking clerks with 13 BTL -3 Apply
low motivation, no computing experience and no previous training,
working in a small and hectic box office, are able to learn to reserve or
book seats within a one hour period. Demonstrate what measures could
be taken and which techniques would you consider appropriate to test
whether this objective was met?
11 i) Mention and Explain the Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of
Interface Design. 7
BTL -4 Analyze
ii) State and Explain Norman’s Seven Principles for Transforming 6
Difficult Tasks into Simple Ones.
12 i) With help of Norman’s Model of interaction, Examine the process of 7
execution evaluation cycle.
BTL -1 Remember
ii) Define gulf of execution and gulf of evaluation with respect to this 6
13 i)List and discuss seven stages of action model. 7
ii) What are the seven principles give us a good starting point in BTL -2 Understand
considering universal design. 6
14 Develop a short notes on
a)Cognitive walkthrough. 7 BTL -6 Create
b) Speech-based system is the phonetic typewriter. 6
1 Provide a usability specification for an electronic meetings diary or 15 BTL -6 Create
HCI models: Cognitive models –Socio-Organizational issues and stake holder requirements –
Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext, Multimedia and WWW.
16 Contrast the three basic ways to define a color palette. BTL -2 Understand
17 Explain with example the Mobile design tools? BTL -5 Evaluate
18 Explain the two distinct types of navigation layouts for mobile devices? BTL -5 Evaluate
19 Define Iconography. BTL -1 Remember
20 Draw and give the typical flow of information on mobile devices. BTL -2 Understand
1 i) Briefly describe the layers of the mobile ecosystem. 7 BTL -1 Remember
ii) Describe several unique disciplines of Information Architecture. 6
2 i)Discuss what is information Architecture BTL -2 Understand
ii)Give in detail about mobile information architecture with a neat
3 Elaborate and classify the broader set of devices supports operating BTL -3 Apply
4 List and Explain the elements of mobile design.
i) Layout 4 BTL -4 Analyze
ii) Colour 3
iii)Typography 3
iv) Graphics 3
5 Compare and contrast
7 BTL -5 Evaluate
i) Mobile application medium types
ii) Mobile application media matrix
6 i) Define Jesse James Garrett’s Elements of User Experience. 7 BTL -1 Remember
ii) Describe about awful mobile user experience. 6
7 i) Give the teasing content to confirm the user’s expectations. 7 BTL -2 Understand
ii) Brief with an example clickstream for an iPhone web application. 6
8 State and discover an example process flow diagram. 13 BTL -3 Apply
Discuss the various elements of Mobile Design with a step by step
BTL -4 Analyze
method explain how to design an registration page foe movie ticket 13
10 List some ways to do some simple and fast mobile prototyping. 13 BTL -1 Remember
11 Specify and develop the six simple rules for user with excellent BTL -6 Create
12 i) Describe the types of Mobile Applications. BTL -2 Understand
ii) Discuss the various contexts in mobile application.
13 i)What is Mobile 2.0 ? 3 BTL -4 Analyze
ii)Mention and analyze the seven principles of Web 2.0. 10
14 i) Mention tools and what interface toolkits are available for it. 7 BTL -1 Remember
ii) Examine the design for different screen size and write devices 6
1 List the ten world large Mobile operators and compose the rank, BTL -6 Create
markets, technologies used, and subscriber numbers.
2 Formulate the advantages and disadvantages of using the following BTL -6 Create
Mobile Applications
ii.Mobile Websites
iii. Mobile Web Widgets
iv.Mobile Web Applications 15
3 Give an example mobile information architecture that was designed
with desktop users in mind rather than mobile users. Summarize the 15 BTL -5 Evaluate
pros and cons of the Architecture
4 Compare the Mobile web applications and Native applications with
suitable case studies. BTL -5 Evaluate
Designing Web Interfaces – Drag & Drop, Direct Selection, Contextual Tools, Overlays, Inlays and
Virtual Pages, Process Flow. Case Studies.
1 Define Object Selection. BTL -1 Remember
2 Define Mystery Meat and Soft Mode. BTL -1 Remember
3 Discuss the various approaches for Drag and Drop Modules. BTL -2 Understand
4 Write down the purpose of drag and drop. BTL -1 Remember
5 What is auto complete pattern? BTL -1 Remember
6 Analyze the best practices for Drag and Drop List? BTL -4 Analyze
7 Differentiate Dragged object versus drop target. BTL -2 Understand
8 Tabulate the types of selection patterns. BTL -1 Remember
9 Differentiate modal and non-modal overlays. BTL -4 Analyze
10 Mention and point out some nice attributes for toggle selection. BTL -4 Analyze
11 State and discover Fitt’s law. BTL -3 Apply
12 Develop some issues with showing contextual tools. BTL -6 Create
13 Demonstrate Anti pattern? BTL -3 Apply
14 What is mutton? Discover why it is used? BTL -3 Apply
15 Develop Lightweight overlays. BTL -6 Create
16 Express Lightbox Effect. BTL -2 Understand
17 Mention and explain few things to keep in mind when using Input
BTL -5 Evaluate
18 Summarize Inlay Versus Overlay. BTL -5 Evaluate
19 Quote an example for virtual scrolling. BTL -1 Remember
20 Describe Carousel. BTL -2 Understand
1 Briefly describe the events available for cueing the user during a drag
BTL -2 Understand
and drop interaction. 13
2 Tabulate the principles for designing rich web interface. 13 BTL -1 Remember