LAB 01 Deploying and Configuring Windows Server

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Lab: Deploying and configuring Windows Server


Contoso, Ltd. wants to implement several new servers in their environment, and they have decided to use Server Core.
They also want to implement Windows Admin Center for remote management of both these servers and other servers in
the organization.

• Deploy and configure Server Core

• Implement and configure Windows Admin Center

Estimated time: 45 minutes

Lab setup

VMs: WS-011T00A-SEA-DC1-B, WS-011T00A-SEA-ADM1-B, WS-011T00A-SEA-SVR4

Username: **Contoso*

Password: Pa55w.rd

For this lab, you’ll use the available virtual machines, WS-011T00A-SEA-DC1-B and WS-011T00A-SEA-ADM1-B.

Exercise 1: Deploying and configuring Server Core


As part of a deployment plan, you will implement Server Core and configure it for remote management. WS-011T00A-
SEA-SVR4-B is pre-configured to open from the Win2019_1809_Eval.iso to install Windows Server.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Install Server Core.

2. Configure Server Core with sconfig and PowerShell.

3. Install Features on Demand on Server Core.

Task 1: Install Server Core

1. Start WS-011T00A-SEA-SVR4-B. Windows will start loading the installation files.

2. Install Windows Server 2019 Standard Evaluation.

3. Accept the license.

4. Perform a custom install.

5. Accept the default install location.

6. Set the Administrator password to Pa55w.rd.

Task 2: Configure Server Core with sconfig and PowerShell

1. At the command prompt, open the sconfig tool.

2. Access the Network Settings.

3. Modify adapter index #1.

4. Modify the following settings:

• IP:

• Subnet mask:

• Default Gateway:

1. Set the DNS server to be Leave the alternate DNS server blank.

2. Return to the main menu and exit to command line.

3. Open PowerShell.

4. Run the Rename-Computer -NewName SEA-SVR4 -restart -force cmdlet.

5. Sign in and open PowerShell

6. Run the Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential Contoso\Administrator -restart -force cmdlet.
Enter Pa55w.rd when prompted for credentials.
Task 3: Install Features on Demand on Server Core

1. Mount the Win2019_FOD.iso image file to drive D of SEA-SVR4.

2. Sign in as **Contoso*.

3. At the command prompt, run Explorer.exe. Note that command fails and returns an error.

4. Open PowerShell.

5. At the PowerShell prompt, run Add-Windowscapability -Online -Name Servercore.Appcompatibility~~~~

-Source D:.

6. Run Restart-computer, and then sign in as Administrator.

7. Run Explorer.exe. Note that File Explorer now opens successfully.


After completing this exercise, you will have installed Server Core, configured the networking settings, renamed the
server, and joined the Contoso domain. You will have also installed Features on Demand.
Exercise 2: Implementing and using remote server administration


Now that you have deployed the Server Core servers, you need to implement Windows Admin Center for remote
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Install Windows Admin Center.

2. Add servers for remote administration.

3. Configure Windows Admin Center extensions.

4. Verify remote administration.

5. Administer servers with Remote PowerShell.

Task 1: Install Windows Admin Center

1. Connect to WS-011T00A-SEA-ADM1-B.

2. Sign in as **Contoso*.
3. Open File Explorer and browse to C:01.

4. Double-click or select WindowsAdminCenter1910.2.msi, and then select Enter. Install Windows Admen Center
by accepting all the defaults.
Task 2: Add servers for remote administration

1. Open Microsoft Edge and go to Https://Sea-Adm1.

2. In Windows Admin Center, add SEA-DC1 and SEA-SVR4.

Task 3: Configure Windows Admin Center extensions

1. Open Settings.

2. Select Extensions, and then select Feeds.

3. Add the package source C:01.

4. Select Available Extensions. Now you can observe the extensions.

5. Install the DNS (Preview) extension.

6. Switch to the Server Manager module.

7. Select DNS and install the DNS PowerShell tools. The tools will take a few moments to install.

8. Open the zone and observe the console.

Task 4: Verify remote administration

1. Select Overview. Note that the details pane contains basic server information performance monitoring much like
Task Manager. In the left pane, observe the basic administration tools available.

2. Select Roles and Features and note what is installed and what is available to install.

3. Install the Telnet Client.

4. Open Settings and enable Remote Desktop.

5. Close the browser.

Task 5: Administer servers with Remote PowerShell

1. Open PowerShell.

2. Run the Enter-PSSession -ComputerName SEA-DC1 cmdlet.

3. Run the Get-Service -Name AppIDSvc cmdlet. Note that the service is currently stopped.

4. Run the Start-Service -Name AppIDSvc cmdlet.

5. Run the Get-Service -Name AppIDSvc cmdlet. The service is running now.

After completing this exercise, you will have installed Windows Admin Center and connected the server to manage. You
performed management tasks of installing a feature and enabling Remote Desktop. Finally, you used Remote PowerShell
to check the status of a service and start a service.

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