3.1.2 Install Active Directory Presentation
3.1.2 Install Active Directory Presentation
3.1.2 Install Active Directory Presentation
Michael U. Mamitag
Michael U. Mamitag
In Windows NT, administrators were introduced to the concept of
domains. Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) builds on that
concept by creating a dynamic, easily accessible structure through
which directory and management information can be stored and
accessed centrally throughout an organization.
Michael U. Mamitag
What is Active Directory and
Why Should I care?
Michael U. Mamitag
Type of that active directory provides
Michael U. Mamitag
As a matter of fact, every time
you login in to a corporate
network, you’re using an Active
Michael U. Mamitag
Domain Controller
A domain controller is a
machine that runs Active
Directory Services.
Michael U. Mamitag
It is a logical group of
computers that share a
central directory database.
The machine is all named
with part of domain name
like itsmeismael.com (also
called a “suffix”) and
registered in the active
directory database so they
can be managed.
Michael U. Mamitag
Michael U. Mamitag
Server Role
Michael U. Mamitag
Open Server Manager and click on roles, this will bring up
the Roles Summary on the right side where you can click on
the Add Roles link.
Michael U. Mamitag
Select server role. Check
Active Directory Domain
Services then click install (see
Figure 1.1) from the list, you
will be told that you need to
add some features, click on the
Add Required Features (see
Figure 2.2) button and click
next to move on.
Michael U. Mamitag
Figure 2.2: Add features requirements
Michael U. Mamitag
A brief introduction to
Active Directory will be
displayed as well as a few
links to additional
resources, you can just
click next to skip past
here and click install to
start installing the
binaries for Active
Michael U. Mamitag
When the installation is
finished you will be shown a
message of successful
configuration, just click
Michael U. Mamitag
domain controller promotion
Michael U. Mamitag
Open Server Manager, expand Roles (click +) and click on Active Directory
Domain Services. On the right side click on the Run the Active Directory
Domain Services Installation Wizard (dcpromo.exe) link that show in Figure
1.6a or you can use an alternative method shows in Figure 1.6b.
Michael U. Mamitag
Figure 1.6b Using dcpromo.exe
Michael U. Mamitag
It will show another wizard,
this time to configure the
settings for your domain,
click next to continue.
Michael U. Mamitag
Figure 1.9 Deployment Configuration
You are now able to create
name for your domain, in this
lesson, I will be using a .com
Michael U. Mamitag
Figure 1.11 Set forest functional level
Include DNS in our
installation as this will
allow us to have an AD
Integrated DNS Zone,
when you click next you
will be prompted with a
message just click yes to
Review Summary
Michael U. Mamitag
You will be able to see what
components are being
installed by looking in the
following box. If the reboot
on completion check box was
not checked you will proceed
to manual reboot shows in
Figure 1.16b
Figure 1.16a Completing active directory domain
Michael U. Mamitag
Figure 1.16b Completing the Active Directory Domain
Services Installation Wizard
Michael U. Mamitag