Mixing - Succeed at Scale Up
Mixing - Succeed at Scale Up
Mixing - Succeed at Scale Up
Succeed at Scale Up
ailure to properly scale up mixing in mixing to promote the growth of large uni
problems in
industrial reactor
thesl! six steps. We will consider
each of the steps in turn and provide
the impeller 10 distrihute the S,.uper
heated hydrocarhon vapor. The
achieved by sparging gas into a
3,SOO-gal pilot-plant reactor.
ex:ampJes of problems. impeller was supposed. to disperse Finally. it was shown 'that condi
the vapor into buhhles to· prtwide tions had been different in the pilot
Defining the .process need mass transfer for the liberation of plant vessel. Sparging was accom
. The design/~cale-up. process ammonia. driving the reaction ·(0 the plished by pas~ing nitrogen into the
should start with a thorough exami right to form the dimer (2 Al.On slurry of suspended solids in miner
nation of all process needs. start-up, however, solids accumulat ai oil. Nitrogen bubbles had provid
Requirements are often straightfor ed at the base of the vessel. causing ed the mass transfer needed to
ward. Sometimes. however. they the plant to shut down. The scale up remove the ammonia in the small
may he complex and even contlict had been based on invalid criteria, reactor, but, in the plant reactor, cal
ing: For example. it might be neces which led to inadequate mixing for culations ot heat transfer from the
sary to exceed minimum shear to sat- . suspension of the solid. buobles to the surrounding fluid
isfy dem;)nds for flow and indicated tpat all bubbles had
uniformity. Vapor to
collapsed due to condensa
Typical process needs Condenser tion. The liberated heat from
include: condensation was transported
• supplying a uniform slurry
to feed another processing
• facilitating a controlled
chemical reaction;
385·hp Drive
to the surface by convection.
where it caused the top layer
to boil. Mixing, therefore,
also had to rapidly circulate
reacting solids through the
Feed from
• providing for mass or heat Second boiling surface layer to
transfer: Stage remove ammonia. Many
• dispersing liquid drops for mixing designs were pro
a suspension polymerization posed. several were tested
45' psr Impeller
or extraction; and pro\'ided improvements,
• assuring continuous mixing but none was sufficiently
of added reactants or Isopar Vapor effective to permit continu
monomers. from ing to operate the plant.
Avoid the temptation to Superheater Fortunately, problems of
Vapor Distributor
quickly accept the obvious such magnitude occur
without evaluating Jess obvi- infrequently.
ous needs. For instance,
solids must be kept in sus Identifying all of the
pension. but sometimes that • Figure 1. Sparged, lOO,OOO-gallon cofltinuously-stirred operational parameters
may not be enough, as tank reactor containing 45% solids. List and then prioritize the
shown in the following reasons for mixing. These
example. The major mistake was thinking may include requirements for mixing
A complex, three-phase, continu that adequate suspension of solids time (blending). micromixing, heat
ous-stirred-tank-reactor system was was sufficient to produce desired transfer, shear. solids suspension.
being scaled up from test data production rates. The suspension mass transfer (including liquid-liq
derived in 3,SOO-gal vessels. The problem was solved by doubling the uid, liquid-solid. and gas-liquid 1.
reaction was an equilibrium dimer power per unit volume, as suggested introduction of gas into liquid, reac
ization, described by: in tests, but that necessitated trans tants, chain terminators, initiators.
2 A (solid) ~ (2 A) (solid) + 2 NH. ferring the original drive to a stand and reflux return.
(gas) .' by SO,OOO-gal reactor. As the Textbooks on mixing note that
The reactor was the last stage of a revised plant got back in production, these operational parameters do not
three-stage train. see Figure I, and tests revealed good solids suspen scale up equally. Oldshue (I) illus
contained reacting solids suspended sion was provided in all regions of trates this for scale up from a :::O-gal
in a light hydrocarbon. Melt from the the smaller SO.OOO-gal reaclor. The to a 2,SOO-gal \essel: If the power
second stage entered the 100,000-gal productivity, however, was only per unit volume (PlY) is held con
l stirred reactor and snliditled immedi about 2S% of the projected rate for stant, circulation lime increases
ately to form a fasl-:-;ettling slurry that size of vessel. The reaction rate threefold, tip speed by 70%, and th\.'
containing 4S% solids. Agitation was was an important problem that had impeller Reynolds number by a fac
' provided by a single. four-blade, 4So not heen solved, Further tests also tor of 8.S. I f processes reqUire both
1i -pi lched-blade turhine 16 ft in diam
eler operated at 26 rpm and driven
by a 38S-hp motor. A large, bell
revealed that sparging the superheat
ed hydrm.:arhon was not effective in
removing the ammonia, although
constant PlY and shear to be main
lained, condition;. of geomelric simi
larity need to he n:laxeJ.
shaped distributor \\as located under ~H.'ceptahlc reaction rates had heen In miniplanh. nonsill1ilar geol11\.'
the dispersion
at the bottom of the reactor. The
line are
polymerizers had two finger baffles dispersed.
placed 1800 apart.
The polymerizer had to sequen Log Impeller Speed
tially mix the phm;es (waler with sus
pl'nding agl'nt. and monomers with • Fi~llre -I. Dispersioll-suspensio/l relations/ri/ls ill slispensioll poIYllleri:.atio/l.
drops arc hetter slispenued as Becaus.e proUllCliol1 schedules occurs elsewhere. except initiallv.
impeller speed" increase. Decreasing usually do no! allow for allain111ent . 2. Coalescence occurs e,ery
the agilalor spe\.:d uo\.:s the opposite, of "complete" dispersion. scale up where drop colli~ions can OCCllr.
The drop sile eorn.:sponciing. to the becomes more complicated. One 3. Circulation times increase
inter.scctipn Ill' the dispersion and ends up comparing completely dis greatly in large '·e,sels.
suspension line" is the largest mean perscd drops made in sillall equip The net effect of these three f~\Ctr)r\
drop size that can he produced under ment with partly dispersed drops is that dispersion dominates in sma! l
those specific conditions. The aver produced in large polymerizers. scale equipment and coalescem:c
age size of drops depends on either Therefore. agilation speed has to be dominates in large-scale. commer
turbulent or laminar shear. while increased in the large vessel to pro cial equipment. .
suspension depends on drop sizes. duce drop size:.. equivalent to those Solid-liquid dispersiolls com
density differences. and agitation made in the miniplant polymerizer. monly involve the suspension of
parameters (-J.). Coalescing systems are, by com solids' that are more dense than the
Another factor to consider is that parison. complicated to scale up suspending phase. A reliable way to
the time to reach a completely dis for a number of reasons. Rates of predict how much agitation is need
persed condition is short in small chemical reactions often depend on ed to suspend solids is provided b:
equipment but long in large equip the interfacial area, which in turn the Zweitering equation (5;:
ment. A light-transmission apparatus hinges on two dynamic factors: i.;N = [5 VO• I d ~.: (g/).nlpp4~ X<),I3] I
- p p ~
for measuring interfacial area was coalescence and dispersion. Other
placed on a I.OOO-gal suspension important points for these systems .-DO.X5 "Iiu
polymerizer to measure the time are as follows: where: N., represents revolutions per
required for complete dispersion. The 1. Dispersion is localized near 5
second; isa constant that depends
noneoalescing drops were still being the impeller in regions of high on the selected impeller, its diameter
dispersed after 24 h of agitation. shear; practically no dispersion ratio. and bottom clearance: v is the
~ kinematic viscosit,·. m 2/sec; d is the
~' mean particle size, m; D "is tht
Table 1. Rules for scaling-up similar vessels under impeller diameter. m; X is the per
centage of solids: (gt::.plp) is the
turbulent conditions gravitational constant times the den
sity difference di\ided by the liquid
NDX =Constant density. mlsec:::'
Value of X Rules Processes The just-suspended criterion is
good for dissolving solids. but it is
Constant tip speed, Same maximum shear, inadequate if homogeneity is
constant torque/volume simple blending required; see Table 1 for recommen
dations for homogeneous suspension.
0.85 Solids suspension Used in Zweitering A more difficult. and less studied.
i· equation for Nis, for problem is the one of predicting the
I easily suspended solids N for solids less dense than the sus
pgnding fluid. In this case, the free
0.75 Solids suspension Scale-up of average solids surface does not provide efficient
suspensions geometry for flow reversal compared
to the curved bottom of a tank. An
0.S7 Power/volume Suspension of fast-settling effective solution for the case of
slurries, turbulent floating solids is to place a second
dispersion, gas-liquid impeller close to the free surface to
operations where kLa's help disperse tloating solids. This ini
must be scaled, tiates suspension. and the second
refctions requiring impeller provides needed unifonnity.
micromixing An example for !loating solids is
.. 0.5 Constant Reynolds Similar heat transfer,
a process to produce foaming-in
place beads. The process involved
number equal viscous/inertial adding cylindri,'ai thermoplastic
forces polymer granules ll1 hOI water con
taining an antil'oagulanl. A foaming
0.0 Constant speed Equal mixing time, fast or blowing agent was added. and the
reactions contents were heated to above the
glass-transition temperature. The
Note: Using these rules for scale-up requires a Reynolds number greater than 10', granules changed from cylindrical to
and geometry of similar proportions. spherical particlc~ during the heating
en'le. Batches were cooled to ambi Coagulated the entry point for diluent addition.
C;ll tcmperatures. vented to remove layer of beads If diluenh are intniduccd near the
C " , ; flammable blowing agen!.
j intake of the impeller. uniformity
;lIll. ,11en inspected prior to being
!ran~ferred out of the rolymerizeL
I j '\ can often be reachl.'d in time, ,hort
enou!!h to allow crystal !.!rowth to
In~pcction~ provided a rough quality
l'heck. Suspension conditions in the -- , domi~ate over nucl~ati(ln~ Because
one of the biggest unknowns is
reactor were never ideal. as evi
denced by c~usting on the walls. baf
V shear and its effect on cry~tah. vari
able-speed drives are commonly
tle. impeller. and shaft.
On one occasion. conditions at the ~ ' -,"
...,J used for tank crystallizers.
bridge was formed across the sur
face of the contents. The level of liq
uid above the impeller is very criti
cal in marginal cases of floating \ / j.
t, ,j
I . I
suspensions. and it may have been
the cause of the failure. although this
is not certain.
Agitation requirements in crystal
lization processes involve suspend
'g solids in liquids, providing low
Guv J
lear (so as not to fral..'llIre the crys • Figllre 6. Dijlerences ill ol'em/lfloll' pallerlls hetweell a ./5°_
tals). and supplying sufficient blend- pitclted-blade turbi/le al/{I a 1t,I'dmflJiI.
Big Eddies Vortex
tages - their di~charge pallerns
match rather than conflict. as in other
designs. A second impeller is helpful
for solids suspension to provide mix
ing even while draining the contents
of the vessel. The upper impeller of a
dual-impeller systel11 ,hould be posi
tioned at a diswnce of about half an
impeller diameter (Dl from the liquid
surface while introducing solids, and
even for entraining gas into the sys
tem. Normally. the upper turbine is
placed about one impeller diameter A 8 c
from the surface. • Figure 7. Typical surface conditiolls: (A) Turbulellt large eddies promote good
The selection of the ratio of the surface mixi/lg; (B) Laminar conditiolls with large ce1ltral vortex - good for addi
impeller diameter to diameter of the tion; (C) Flat surface, IlOt recommended for chemical additions.
tank (Din is also important. In·
industrial applications. ratios from higher viscosities, particularly where stall such problems. it generally is
0.25 to 0.65 are used for common heat transfer is a problem, special preferable to add feed streams close
impellers, while larger ratios are impellers - including anchor, gate. to the impeller inlet. Feed can some i
used for anchors, gates. and helical nelical. and double-helical types times be added to the bottom of the
types of impellers. If the process should be used. In cases where peri reactor where an impeller is usually
requires flow rather than turbulence, odic sweeping by blades of vessel located. In continuous processing.
dispersion. can handle much more making it more difficult to entrain take place and backmixing must be
gas before flooding. and lIses less solids, liquids, and even gases. avoided. In-line mixers are also used
power than the Rushton turbine. A Baffles placed below the surface to improve heat transfer to exchang
new hydrofoil with three wide blades allow the fOf-mation of a free vortex. ~ ers and pipe walls. Simple distribu
is also useful. It disperses gas effec which assists the transfer of materi- :) tive mixing depends on the length of
tively and has little tendency to als into the vessel. the mixer and the number of ele
flood. even at high gas tllnv rales. Careful consideration must be ments. Dispersive mixing. such as
The four-blade, 45 c -pilch-blade given to locations or the entries and drop sizing. depends not only on the
turbine is still used for systems of exits in stirred vessels. Materials number of elements but also the
moderately high viscosity. e.g .. those arc often added directly to the free pressure drop and !low rate, which
up to 40.000 cPo It pnnides more surface to avoid using dip pipes. rclate to energy dissipation.
local shear than the ncw wide-blade whit.:h can beconle plugged. Ir the An advantage of motionless mix
J hydrofoil designs: the latll..' 1'. howev reaction is fast, the free surface ing over stirred-\·essel mixing is the
er. supply more flow and a beller must be turhulent to adequately elimination of bypassing. All Iluids
pattern and u~c less energy. At sti 11 cope with reaction kinetics. To fore pass through regions of uni form