HR Analytics: A Literature Review and New Conceptual Model: June 2020
HR Analytics: A Literature Review and New Conceptual Model: June 2020
HR Analytics: A Literature Review and New Conceptual Model: June 2020
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All content following this page was uploaded by H.H.D. Pooja Jayani Opatha on 09 June 2020.
DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.06.2020.p10217
Abstract: Human resource analytics has emerged as a new trend and challenge in the business context emphasizing
the strategic value of Human Resource Management (HRM) to the top management leaders. This paper tries to achieve
five objectives: 1) what HR analytics means and its importance, 2) what the process of HR analytics is, 3) possible
HR questions that can be answered by HR analytics, 4) a new model for HR analytics, and 5) challenges that exist for
HR analytics. A comprehensive literature review analysis was done to achieve the mentioned objectives of the paper.
This study is conceptual in nature as it discusses some aspects like definitions, importance, process, models, challenges
etc. under HR analytics. HR analytics is an application of research designs and advanced statistical tools for evaluating
HR data to find solutions or to make sustainable decisions relating to HR issues based on evidences. Many scholars
have identified that contribution of HR analytics in attaining the competitive advantage for the organization is highly
Sustainability means a deliberate continuous attempt to utilize natural resources and other resources to meet the needs
of current human beings and non-human beings while not harming the ability of future human beings and non-human
beings to utilize natural and other resources to meet their needs (Opatha, 2019). According to Kirtane (2015)
sustainable HRM practices include green HR practices, HR analytics and HR Metrics which are being used in various
functions of HRM. Rapid digital transformation has increased the requirement of HR analytics solutions and services
and this has caused the world including the Asia pacific region to grow fastest in HR analytics (Gurusinghe et al.,
It was in 1978 that Dr. Jac Fitz-enz emphasized the idea of developing metrics that can determine the impact of HR
activities on organization’s bottom line and developed the notion as HR analytics (Jain and Nagar, 2015). After the
great recession period 2008, most of the organizations recognized the necessity of accurate evidence based people
management practices which involve analytics, decision making and problem solving (Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi,
2017). Big data in HR gifted HR analytics to the evidence based HRM concept to make accurate decisions regards to
HR (Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi, 2017).
In present context the language of business is considered as numbers. Based on the numbers which derive from
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analyses organizational decision makers take decisions. Thus, organizations
are trying to improve the accuracy of decisions while improving their effectiveness and efficiency through data
analytics. Data related to every aspect of employees in the organization should be well assessed, evaluated and
analyzed to make suitable decisions regarding to employees’ issues (Lochab et al., 2018). HR analytics is a powerful
tool that has the possibility of adding positive value to the functions of HR department and improving the effectiveness
and efficiency of every associated aspects of it through logical and numerical explanations. The use of data in HR is
referred as “workforce analytics,” “human capital analytics” or “HR analytics”. With the help of HR analytics, HR
professionals make decisions which enable to attract, retain and improve the employee performance and an
organization can maintain its’ success in the long run only if it keeps itself updated with the latest trends happening
in the field of HR analytics (Reena et al., 2019). One of the major advantages with HR analytics is that it is an evidence
based study, which helps the HR professionals in making rational decisions whilst enhancing the strategic impact of
HR on the business performance (Singh et al., 2017). Thus, HR analytics has moved from an operational partner to a
more strategic center of excellence (Malla, 2018).
In Sri Lanka only several researches have been done on HR analytics. Thus, there is a contextual gap regarding the
HR analytics literature in Sri Lanka and also there is an intellectual curiosity to know about HR analytics. This paper
is an attempt to explore and describe what HR analytics means and its importance, what the process of HR analytics
is, the possible HR questions that can be answered by HR analytics, a new model for HR analytics and challenges
exist for HR analytics.
This research paper has its objectives to find answers for the above mentioned four specific research questions and to
introduce a new model on HR analytics.
This research paper is a study which gives a theoretical contribution to the existing body of knowledge in HR analytics.
It introduces a new model of HR analytics with an example and tries to find answers for four research questions
systematically. A comprehensive literature survey was done by using the desk research strategy in addition to the
logical beliefs of the author.
Human resource management has become one of the most critical functional fields in an organization (Opatha and
Uresha, 2020). Opatha (2009) defines HRM as the efficient and effective utilization of human resources to achieve
goals of an organization and the generic purpose of HRM is to generate and retain appropriate and contented
employees who give their maximum contribution to achieve organizational objectives and goals. Human resources
include all types of employees who work for the organization. In present competitive business environment human
resource has become a strategic asset to the company as it is rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substitutable.
One of the founders of the analytics movement has said: "Unquestionably, analytics is going to give HR a major
makeover and analytics is the engine of business intelligence while it is a prerequisite for sustainable performance of
the organization” (Fred and Kinange, 2015). Analytics has interactions with much disciplines like computer,
engineering, science etc. (Lochab et al., 2018). Analytics are three types i.e. descriptive analytics, predictive analytics
and prescriptive analytics (Fred and Kinange, 2015). Descriptive analytics applies simple statistical techniques like
mean, median, variance, standard deviation etc. and describe what contained in the data set (Fred and Kinange, 2015)
and answer the questions of “what happened?” or “what is happening?” (Jabir et al., 2019). Predictive analytics applies
advanced statistical methods (regressions analysis, correlation analysis, independent sample T test etc.) to identify
predictive variables and build predictive models to identify future trends, relationships, impacts, differences etc.
According to Jabir et al. (2019), its major outcome is to answer the questions of “what will happen?” or “why will it
happen?”. Prescriptive analytics applies decision making science, management science, and operations research
methodologies to make best use of limited resources (Fred and Kinange, 2015) while it answers the questions of “what
should be done?” or “why should it be done?” (Jabir et al., 2019).
Different scholars have defined HR analytics in various ways and following paragraphs consist of HR analytics
definitions given by some scholars and researchers.
Kirtane (2015) - HR analytics is an integrated process that improves the individual and organizational performance
by assisting to improve the quality of people related decisions. HR analytics mostly depends on statistical tools and
analyses and requires high quality data, well-chosen targets, talented analysts, leadership, as well as broad-based
agreement that analytics is a legitimate and helpful way to improve performance.
Dooren, (2012) as in Lochab et al. (2018) - A methodology for understanding and evaluating the causal relationship
between HR practices and organizational performance outcomes (such as customer satisfaction, sales or profit etc.),
and for providing legitimate and reliable foundations for human capital decisions for the purpose of influencing the
business strategy and performance, by applying statistical techniques and experimental approaches based on metrics
of efficiency, effectiveness and impact.
Jain and Nagar (2015) - A mixture of quantitative and qualitative data and information that derives important insights
which help to support in making decisions by the management.
Vihari and Rao (2013) as in Ben-Gal (2018) - The application of sophisticated data mining and business analytics
techniques to the field of HR.
Kapoor and Sherif (2012) - HR analytics means managing key HR related data and documents in order to analyze the
gathered data using business analytics models and disseminate the analyzed results to decision makers for making
appropriate decisions.
Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi (2017) - Evidence-based HR (EBHR) is a decision-making process combining critical
thinking with the use of the best available scientific evidences and business information. It uses data, analyses and
research to understand the connection between people management practices and business outcomes, such as
profitability, customer satisfaction and quality.
Jabir et al. (2019) - HR analytics is about analyzing and understanding how and why things happen, produces alerts
about what the next best action is, and make interpretation about what the best and the worst are that can happen based
on the analyzed data.
Boudreau and Ramstad (2004) as in Levenson (2005) - HR Analytics is about statistics and research design, but it
goes beyond them, to include identifying and articulating meaningful questions, gathering and using appropriate data
from within and outside the HR function, setting the appropriate standards for rigor and relevance, and enhancing the
analytical competencies of HR throughout the organization.
Bhattacharyya (2017) - The application of analytic logic for the HRM function.
Kiran et al (2018) - HR Analytics means providing a data driven framework for solving business problems using
existing information to drive new insights. It is about smart decision making, delivered with the combination of
software, hardware and methodologies that applies statistical models to work related data, allowing business leaders
to optimize human resource management.
Considering the above definitions, HR analytics can be defined “as the application of research designs and advance
statistical tools for evaluating HR data to find solutions or to make sustainable decisions relating to HR issues based
on evidences for the purpose of supporting in achieving competitive advantage for the organization through resource
based view”.
HR Analytical practices are contributing to build a sustainable organization as these practices are balancing social,
environmental and economic factors for short and long term perspectives (Kirtane, 2015). As per Ben-Gal (2018) HR
analytics has several goals 1) to gather and maintain data in a meaningful way for predicting short and long-term
trends in the supply and demands of employees in different industries and occupations; 2) to help global organizations
to make decisions relating to optimal acquisition; 3) to develop and retain of human capital; 4) to provide an
organization with insights for effectively managing employees in order to achieve business goals quickly and
efficiently; and 5) to positively influence the successful implementation of an organization’s strategies. In addition,
the major purpose of HR analytics is to enhance the organizational sustainability by making intelligent HR related
decisions after the analysis of gathered data in a meaningful way using analytical techniques in order to enhance
organizational performance. According to Kiran et al. (2018); Bhattacharyya (2017); Kirtane (2015); Reena et al.
(2019); Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi (2017); Fred and Kinange (2015), benefits of HR analytics are as follows.
1. Improves the performance of the employees.
2. Improves ROI (Return on Investment) of human resources.
3. Provides opportunity to assess how employees contribute to the organization and assesses the extent to which
they can meet their career expectations.
4. Forecasts workforce requirements and determines how to fill the vacant positions.
5. Links workforce utilization to strategic and financial goals to improve business performance.
6. Forecasts future HR trends and patterns in terms of various aspects (Eg: turnover, absenteeism etc.).
7. Identifies the factors that lead to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
8. Discovers the underlying reasons for employee attrition and identifies high-value employees at risk of
9. Establishes effective training and development initiatives.
10. Assesses the information by using various HR metrics.
11. Helps managers in rational decision making.
12. Measures the financial impact on human resource practices.
13. Determines the individual who fits into the culture of the organization by analyzing job involvement,
employee engagement, employee commitment etc.
14. Gives useful inputs for HR to predict the employees who can be upskilled to become experts based on data
on employee performance, background education, discipline background etc.
15. Credibility for the discipline of human resource practice and for practitioners improves.
16. HR executives will be included in the strategic conversations, because they can quantify their numerous
impacts on business outcomes.
17. HR departments can be held accountable for impacting the bottom-line the same way business or product
leaders are held accountable.
18. Greater ability to justify human capital investments.
According to Jain and Nagar (2015) the road map of HR analytics consists of five stages.
1. Defining Objectives of HR Analytics
HR professionals must first determine the top most critical objectives to conduct HR analytics based on organizational
strategic aims. For example, objectives might be to know the factors that contribute to improve the employee
productivity, to estimate the turnover rate of employees for the next year, to find out the degree of employee
satisfaction, to find out the impact of work place hazards on employee performance etc.
2. Data Collection
Once HR professionals identified what HR-related objectives are, the data relevant to the variables of the objectives
needs to be collected. Surveys, observations, interviews, computerized systems (Eg: Human Resource Information
Systems) enable HR professionals to collect data.
3. Assessment of HR Metrics
Next step is to determine the HR metrics that an organization will use for decision-making based on the collected data
for the identified objectives. Simply this involves determining measurements to measure the HR variables. For an
example following Table 1 depicts the HR metric for each identified objective of HR analytics.
Objective HR metric
To find out the turnover rate of employees Rate of employee turnover
To find out the degree of employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction index
To find out the impact of work place hazards on Work place hazards index and employees’
employee performance performance evaluation scores
4. Analysis of data
This is the fourth stage of the process that requires highly developed statistical analyses to analyze the data in order to
derive meaningful information. This needs HR departments a strong logical establishment to make effective human
assets decisions. For an example to find out the impact of work place hazards on employee performance, needs to
carry out a regression analysis and if the regression analysis is negative and significant it can be said that there is a
significant negative impact from work place hazards on employee performance. Further, to find out the turnover rate
of employees, needs to divide the number of employees left from the organization during a specific time period by the
total number of employees stayed during that period.
Bhattacharyya (2017) has explained relevant steps for alignment of HR analytics with business goals and strategies.
1. Framing of queries or questions.
2. Understanding appropriate data and metrics.
3. Building an appropriate platform for HR analytics.
4. Gradual enhancement of HR analytics capabilities.
5. Disseminating the importance and value of HR analytics.
• Reporting
Reporting is about taking decisions regarding, (a) what HR metrics will be reported? (b) how? (c) when? and (d) to
whom they should be reported? It is necessary to identify the organizational strategies, HR problems and opportunities
in order to identify the HR metrics (eg- employee cost, turnover, return on human capital etc.) that need to be reported.
“How HR metrics should be reported?” involves depicting or presenting metrics for decision makers in a way that
they can clearly understand. “When” question is about the frequency of HR metrics are being reported. In most cases,
HR metrics are being reported annually, quarterly, monthly or weekly. “To whom” question addresses who receive
HR metrics data in order to make quality decisions relate to human resources. It is mostly common for metrics to be
reported first to senior executives. Kiran et al. (2018) revealed that HR analytics tools are used by majority of HR
executives in making strategic decisions for organization while non-HR executives use analytical tools for effective
decision making to some extent.
• Data Mining
Data mining is about using raw data and analyze them properly with the help of statistical tools and methods in order
to generate useful and meaningful information. For an example after analyzing two data bases relate to employee job
satisfaction and job performance with the assist of correlation analysis it is found that employee job satisfaction and
job performance are positively correlated.
• Dashboards
The dashboard allows decision makers to identify the current snapshot of key HR metrics in a more simple and
dramatic way. Dashboard helps HR professionals to make graphical presentations on conclusions and information
derived after analyzing large scale of data. This helps all the managers to simply understand the information depicts
through the charts and tables at a glance. Due to the interactive nature, HR dashboard is an effective tool for reporting
and presentations (Chib, 2019).
• Predictive Analysis
This attempts to develop policies, procedures and models for organizational HR systems after analyzing the future
outcomes, trends and patterns extracted from the current data sets. For an example after analyzing the employee job
satisfaction and turnover data, it is identified that employee turnover rate will increase within next year as their job
satisfaction is low. To prevent this situation organization needs to take immediate actions to enhance the employee
job satisfaction by making changes into their HR system.
• Operational Experiments
The evidence-based management argues that managers should take their decisions based on evidence/data about the
actual functioning of its systems rather than using personal philosophies or hypothetical models or assumptions about
“how things work” (Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi, 2017). HR analytics provides evidence based data which ultimately
contributes to make correct decisions relating to human resources. It is the responsibility of HR department to look
back on the decisions they made using HR analytics and see whether expected outcomes were received.
Considering the above literature the author has developed a process for HR analytics and this is explained under the
topic of “New Model for HR Analytics”.
LMR (Labor Management Relations) a) What factors contribute most to maintain positive
relationships between employers and employees?
b) Does healthy LMRs positively impact on organizational
c) What union actions negatively impact the business process
d) What factors contribute employees to form trade unions?
Above possible questions and many other questions can be answered by HR analytics using statistical tools or
algorithms. Data can be gathered by developing questionnaires, conducting interviews and utilizing financial and other
related business reports. As an example, to find the ROI of a training program, training cost and training benefit must
be calculated and the relevant formula is [(Training Benefits – Training Cost) / Training Cost]. If the ROI is more than
1 it implies that organization has gained more benefits than they spent. Further, to find the accident ratio, number of
accidents needs to be divided by the number of employees. If the accident ratio is high then decision makers have to
take remedial actions against workplace accidents.
Mohammed (2019) has developed a modern tool (Figure 1) in HR for predictive decision making which explains that
HR data relating to employee performance, attrition, recruitment and training etc. are analyzed through the use of HR
analytics tools or statistical tools. As a result, based on the analyzed data predictive decisions can be made with regard
to employee performance, attrition, recruitment and training etc. This model was designed considering the relevance
of effective decision-making for organizational success and progress of success.
In addition, another framework for HR analytics which is called LAMP framework was developed by Boudreau and
Ramstad in 2004. LAMP stands for logic, analytics, measures and process. It is believed that these components
contribute to drive the organizational effectiveness and efficiency (Bhattacharyya, 2017). Considering the above
literature review a new model for HR analytics is developed and it is depicted in Figure 2.
Step 01 - Decide objectives and queries relating to employee performance, training, recruitment, selection, turnover,
absenteeism, employee health and safety and other HR related practices that need to be answered through HR
Step 02 – Decide metrics for the variables that need to be measured to derive the final conclusion in accordance with
the identified objectives.
Step 03 - Collect, organize and store the data for the identified metrics. Data can be collected using methods like
questionnaires, interviews, observations etc.
Step 04 - Analyze the data using statistical tools or mathematical algorithms. For this, statistical tools like SPSS,
Minitab, Stata, SAS, R, JASP, Excel can be utilized. Further, statistical techniques like descriptive statistics analysis,
factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis etc. can be performed.
Step 05 - After analysis, derived conclusions and information need to be present using HR dashboards to the decision
Step 06 - Appropriate decisions are made relating to the identified HR objectives and questions in descriptive,
predictive and prescriptive ways.
HR Analytics
Objectives Decide Collect Analyze Present Desicion
and Metrics Data Data Conclusions Making
Step 01 – If the organization wants to invest funds on initiatives which raise the employee satisfaction, what impact
will it cause for employee turnover
Step 03 - Collect, organize and store data for the identified metrics. Assume that organization could gather employee
satisfaction survey data and employee turnover data for at least last 12 months.
Step 04 – SPSS statistical tool was used and as statistical techniques, descriptive statistics analysis, regression analysis
and correlation analysis were utilized. Using hypothetical data correlation and regression analyses were carried out.
Descriptive analysis is depicted in Table 3 while correlation analysis is shown in Table 4 and regression analysis
results are shown in Table 5, 6, and 7. As per the analysis correlation value is negative and significant, which means
that lower the employee satisfaction higher the employee turnover will be. Under regression analysis, the R square
value is positive and significant (35% of variance in employee turnover is explained by employee satisfaction). So
that, it can be concluded that investing funds on initiatives which raise employee satisfaction will have a positive
impact on reducing employee turnover for future months and years.
Variable Mean
Employee Turnover 33.91
Employee Satisfaction (5 point likert scale) 2.4
Turnover Satisfaction
Turnover Pearson Correlation 1 -.597*
Sig. (2-tailed) .041
N 12 12
Satisfaction Pearson Correlation *
-.597 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .041
N 12 12
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 44.952 4.918 9.141 .000
Satisfaction -4.566 1.941 -.597 -2.352 .041
a. Dependent Variable: Turnover
If the organization increases initiatives on enhancing employee satisfaction by 20%, employee turnover will reduce
by 39.47%.
Step 05 - Derived conclusions need to be present using charts (Figure 3) tables, graphs in a HR dashboard to the
decision makers for effective decision making.
Step 06 - Decisions are made for the following questions in accordance with the performed descriptive, predictive and
prescriptive analyses.
• Descriptive – Whether the degrees of employee satisfaction and employee turnover are high? (Consider mean
• Predictive – Will organization need to invest more funds on increasing employee satisfaction efforts to reduce
turnover? (Consider correlation and regression analyses)
• Prescriptive – What need to be done to low satisfied employees to reduce their possibility of leaving the
organization? (Eg – Increase employee benefits, enhance working conditions, improve opportunities for
career development etc.)
Further, a strong platform which includes following characteristics needs to be possessed by the organization in order
to perform HR analytics successfully:
• Top management support
• Analytic capabilities and immense experience of HR professionals
• Communicate value of HR analytics among the organizational members
• Adequate investment on HR analytics
Stronger the organizational platform for HR analytics it is easier for the HR professionals to execute HR analytics.
Successful performance of HR analytics will lead to enhance the strategic value of human resource management.
Curating data: It is vital to organize and integrate data, collected from many operations and departments within the
organization in order to implement HR analytics. Further, HR professionals need to properly present the data in a way
that they can be evaluated meaningfully and these collected data should be remained carefully for future purposes.
Lack of data analytics knowledge and skills: Even though HR analytics has become a major source for competitive
advantage, the truth is that the analytics abilities of most HR professionals are limited and not enough to carry out the
process of HR analytics. Thus, organization needs to invest on training of suitable managers to perform HR analytics
in order to make decisions relate to human resources efficiently and effectively. Training on statistical methods is
highly important to convert data into meaningful insights. Without analytical capabilities HR professionals and
business leaders cannot take accurate conclusions (Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi, 2017).
Privacy and compliance: HR professionals must consider privacy when collecting data from employees. Collecting
personal details of employees may sometimes lead the company to have legal troubles.
Lack of support from the top management: Support from senior executives is also essential to successfully carry out
the HR analytics within the organization. If they do continuously encourage a data driven culture within the
organization, it becomes a source of motivation for other managers to engage in evidence based processes and they
try to make more accurate people related decisions based on data experiments.
Further, Kiran et al (2018); Dooren, (2012) as in Lochab et al. (2018); Jabir et al. (2019) have identified major
impediments to the application of HR analytics.
• Translating business issues into data analysis questions is quite hard
• Presenting results back to the business in a clear, compelling way using HR dashboards
• Inconsistent and inaccessibility of data
• Data quality issues
• Lack of standard/generic methodologies to analyze HR data
• Funding issues
• Wrong or not targeting the right analytical opportunities
• Improper timing
• Lack of experienced people that can understand and deploy the analytical systems
• Models are complex to deploy and take much time
Organizations are required to apply an integrated approach that combines technology and skill manpower to implement
human resource analytical solutions for better results.
HR analytics is more important as it improves the performance of the employees, improves ROI of human resources,
provides opportunity to assess how employees contribute to the organization, forecasts workforce requirements and
determines the best ways to fill the vacant positions, links workforce utilization to strategic and financial goals to
improve business performance etc.
It provides statistically valid information and evidences that can be used in the process of creating new HR decisions
during the implementation of existing HR strategies and other measures. The relationship between human resource
analytics and the role it plays in improving strategic value of HR is positive and considerably high. Business
understanding, data gathering and mining skills, analytical skills, communication and presentation skills etc. are
crucial for any HR professional who intends to execute HR analytics.
This study concludes that HR analytics provides a data-driven framework for solving workforce problems through
analyzing data with a combination of software and methodologies that applies statistical models and derives new
insights for smarter decision making that allow enterprise leaders to optimize human resource management while
enhancing the strategic value of HRM.
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