Case 2 - Lady M-2
Case 2 - Lady M-2
Case 2 - Lady M-2
COGS Price of Goods $80
(為 Variable Costs, 因為隨著銷量增加,COGS會上升) $40
Contribution Margin $40
Fixed Costs Point
Break-Even (Rent+Utility+Labor)
(units) $943,994
(要賣多少塊蛋糕才能打平 =FC/CM)
(至少要達到多少收入才能打平 23599.85
BEP units
daily * Average Price of Goods)
(units) $1,887,988
(一天要賣多少塊蛋糕,假設全年無休) 64.65712329
與 Bryant Park
Ans: BEP in 2014 will be 23600 units, which means need to break even in
To see if it's feasible, we calculated the annual units sold at Bryant Park,
Compare to 65 cakes/day in World Trade Center, we think it's feasible to
與 Bryant Park 地區銷售比較是否可行
$ (884,272.74)
0 1 2 3
Initial Investment Uncovered $1,000,000 $993,015 $978,487 $ 955,821.33
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
$2,294,861.21 $2,409,604.27 $2,530,084.49 $2,656,588.71 $2,789,418.15 $2,928,889.06
$1,147,430.61 $1,204,802.14 $1,265,042.24 $1,328,294.36 $1,394,709.07 $1,464,444.53
$1,147,430.61 $1,204,802.14 $1,265,042.24 $1,328,294.36 $1,394,709.07 $1,464,444.53
4 5 6 7 8 9
$ 924,390.27 $ 883,526.10 $ 832,521.34 $ 770,626.03 $ 697,045.43 $ 610,937.57
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
$3,075,333.51 $3,229,100.18 $3,390,555.19 $3,560,082.95 $3,738,087.10
$1,537,666.75 $1,614,550.09 $1,695,277.60 $1,780,041.48 $1,869,043.55
$1,537,666.75 $1,614,550.09 $1,695,277.60 $1,780,041.48 $1,869,043.55
10 11 12 13 14
$ 511,410.62 $ 397,520.24 $ 268,266.63 $ 122,591.57 $ (40,624.78)
假設 2027 年 Profit 平均分攤
Total Profit 1,000,000
Growth Rate 12.50% 答案是13.39%
Annual Sales $1,887,988.00 2,123,987
Annual COGS $943,994.00 0
Contribution Margin $943,994.00
Fixed Cost
Annual Rent $310,600.00
Utility $38,644.00
Annual Labor Costs $594,750.00
Profit $0.00
Payback Period 5
Growth rate (目標搜尋) 0.1319086728
$ (0.00)