Full Marks Zero Marks Negative Marks: SECTION-I: (Maximum Marks: 80) 20 Questions Only One Option Is Correct

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SECTION-I : (Maximum Marks: 80) 3. The kinetic energy of a particle moving along a
This section contains 20 questions. Each question has circle of radius 1 m depends on the distance
4 options for correct answer. Multiple-Choice
Questions (MCQs) Only one option is correct. For covered d as K = bd2 where b is a constant.
each question, marks will be awarded as follows:
Find the force acting on the particle when the
Full Marks           :   +4 If correct answer is selected.

Zero Marks         :    0 If none of the option is selected.

particle has covered –3m distance.

Negative Marks  :  –1 If wrong option is selected. – –

1. Two blocks of mass m each are connected by a (A) 4b√3 N (B) 2b√3 N
massless string while block A is connected to – –
(C) 3b√3 N (D) b√3 N
point O by another massless string. Both rotate
with constant speed ω on the horizontal surface 4. A spring has force F = – kx where k is the
with O as centre. If T1 is the tension in OA and spring constant and x is the displacement from
T2 is tension in string AB, then the relation its unstretched position. For the system shown,
between T1 and T2 is : a mass m connected to an unstretched spring
initially at rest, how far does the spring extend
before the system momentarily comes to rest?
Assume that all surfaces are frictionless and
that the pulley is frictionless as well.
(A) T1 = T2 (B) T1 > T2
(C) T1 < T2 (D) Data insufficient
2. A ring of mass m = 30g slides over a smooth
vertical rod. Attached to the ring is a light string
passing over a smooth fixed pulley at a distance of
0.8 m from the rod. At the other end of the string,
there is a mass M = 50 g. The ring is held level with
the pulley and then released (see figure). Determine
the distance by which the mass m moves down 3mg
before coming to rest for the first time.  (A) ( )
(B) ( )
(C) ( )

√ 3mg
(D) ( )
(A) 1.5m (B) 0.75m (C) 5m (D) 2.5m
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5. A horizontal plane support a stationary vertical 7. The figure shows a hollow circular tube fixed
cylinder of radius 1 m and a small disc A to a frictionless horizontal table. It is the top
attached to the cylinder by a horizontal thread view of the arrangement. A ball is shot into end
AB of length 4 m. An initial velocity 2 m/sec is A of the tube to leave the other end B at high
imported to the disc as shown. How long will it speed. The ball's diameter is slightly less than
the internal diameter of the tube. Which of the
move along plane until it strikes against the
paths below will the ball follow on the table
cylinder? The friction is assumed to be absent. after it leaves the tube?

(A) 2 seconds (B) 4 seconds

(C) 8 seconds (D) 6 seconds (A) (B)
6. A particle of mass 1 kg is given a horizontal
velocity of   4 m/s along a horizontal surface,
with which it has a coefficient of friction (both
(C) (D) None of these
static and kinetic) of 0.4. The particle strikes a
fixed ideal spring of force constant 6 N/m after
traveling a distance of 0.25 m. Assume 8. A bead of mass 'm' slide down with constant
acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. Find the speed on a helical wire as shown, where h is
maximum displacement of the particle from its the vertical displacement of the particle in one
complete revolution then magnitude of work
starting point.
done by friction in one complete revolution :-

− −

8 8 (A) mgh
(A) √ m (B) √ + 0.25m
3 3

(B) will depend on speed of the particle
(C) √ + 0.25m (D) 1.25 m (C) less then mgh
(D) more than mgh
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9. A body moves along a path PQR from P to R 11. A 20 kg block attached to a spring of spring
shown as a dashed line in figure. When the constant 5 N/m is released from rest at A. The
particle is at Q, its speed is decreasing. The spring at this instant is having an elongation of 1 m.
acceleration of the particle at Q is best The block is allowed to move in smooth horizontal
represented by the slot with the help of a constant force of 50 N in the
rope as shown. The velocity of the block as it
reaches B is (assume the rope to be light)

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

10. A system consists of two identical slabs each of
mass m linked by compressed weightless (A) 4 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) 3 m/s
spring of stiffness K as shown in figure. The 12. A ball of mass 'M' is released from angle 'θ' as
slabs are also connected by a thread which is shown and meets a peg  'P' that is  fixed  on the
burnt at a certain moment. Find at what wall as shown and moves in a circle thereafter.
minimum value of the initial compression x of What is the maximum value of cosθ for it to
spring, the lower slab will bounce up after the complete the circle if the dimensions of the peg
thread is burned through are negligible?

(A) 0.07
mg mg
(A) (B) (B) 0.06
2K K
3mg 5mg (C) 0.05
(C) (D)
K 2K
(D) 0.04
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13. A sphere of mass m held at a height 2R between a 16. A particle starts moving with velocity 
wedge of same mass and a rigid wall, is released. v i (m/s), and acceleration a
⃗ = ^ i j⃗ = (^ + ^ )
Assuming that all the surfaces are frictionless,
find the speed of the sphere when the sphere hits (m/s 2 ).Find the radius of curvature of the
the ground. (given: R = 1 meter and α = 37°) particle at t = 1sec.

(A) 5 m (B) 5√5 m

(C) 6√5 m (D) None of these
17. A ring of mass m = 1.2 kg can slide over a smooth
vertical rod. A light string attached to the ring is
passing over a smooth fixed pulley at a distance of
(A) 1 m/s (B) 2.68 m/s L = 0.5 m from the rod as shown in the figure. At
(C) 2 m/s (D) 4/3 m/s the other end of the string mass M = 3 kg is
attached, lying over a smooth fixed inclined plane
14. A body of mass ‘m’ is moving in a circle of of inclination angle 37°. The ring is held in level
radius 'r' with a constant speed ‘v’. Let work
done by the resultant force in moving the body with the pulley and released. Determine the
over half circumference and full circumference velocity of the ring when the string makes an angle
is W and W' then  (α = 37°) with horizontal.
mv2 ′ mv2
(A) W = (πr),  W = (2πr)
r r
(B) W = (2r), W' = zero 
(C) W = (πr), W' = Zero
(D) W = 0, W' = 0 (A) 1.4 m/s (B) 0.84 m/s
15. In the figure, one fourth part of uniform disc of (C) 0.6 m/s (D) 1 m/s
radius ‘R’ is shown. The distance of the centre
of mass of this object from centre ‘O’ is : 18. A small particle of mass m attached with a light
inextensible thread of length L is moving in a
vertical circle. In the given case particle is
moving in complete vertical circle and ratio of
its maximum to minimum velocity is 2 : 1.
Minimum velocity of the particle is :
−−− −−−
gL gL
4R 2R (A) 4√ (B) 2√
(A) (B) 3 3
3π 3π −−− −−−
gL gL
– 4R – 2R (C) √ (D) 3√
(C) √2 (D) √2 3 63
3π 3π
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19. Bob B of the pendulum AB is given an initial 1. From the bottom of a cone of height h, a cone
velocity 3Lg  in horizontal direction. Find the

of same base is scooped out so that the centre
maximum height of the bob from the starting of mass of the remaining part remains at the tip
point if AB is a massless rod.
of the hollow cone. If the height of the hollow
cone is 2h/k, then k is :
2. A small block with a mass of 150 gm slides
without friction along a semicircular wire with
a radius of 8 cm that rotates about a vertical
axis at a rate of 2 revolutions per second as
(A) L/2 (B) L shown in the figure. The maximum value of θ
(C) 3L/2 (D) 2L for which the block will remain stationary w.r.t.
20. A particle moves on a rough horizontal ground the rotating wire is θ0, find value of sec θ0.
with some initial velocity say v0. If (3/4)th of its (Take : π2 = 10)
kinetic energy is lost due to friction in time t0
then coefficient of friction between the particle
and the ground is :
v0 v0 3v0 v0
(A) 2gt 0
(B) 4gt 0
(C) 4gt 0
(D) gt 0
SECTION-II : (Maximum Marks: 20)
This section contains 10 questions Candidates have
to attempt any 5 questions out of 10. If more than 5
questions are attempted, then only first 5 attempted
questions will be evaluated.
3. Consider a gravity-free hall in which a tray of
The answer to each question is a Numerical Value
Type questions.
mass M, carrying a cubical block of ice of mass
For each question, enter the correct numerical value m and edge L, is at rest in the middle. If the ice
(in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the melts, by what distance (in m) does the center of
second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –.30, mass of ‘the tray plus the ice’ system descend?
30.27, –127.30, if answer is 11.36777..... then both
11.36 and 11.37 will be correct)

Answer to each question will be evaluated according

to the following marking scheme:

Full Marks    :    +4 If ONLY the correct numerical

value is entered as answer.

Zero Marks  :    0 In all other cases.

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– 7. A block of mass 1 kg is pulled along the curve path
4. A string of length √ 5 
meter has its ends
fastened to two points A & B in the same ACB by a tangential force as shown in figure. The
vertical line at a distance 1 meter apart. If a work done (in joule) by the frictional force when
smooth bead O on the string rotates uniformly the block moves from A to B is (take g = 10 m/s2)
about B so that BO is always horizontal, find
the angular velocity (in rad/sec).

8. A force is given by F = kx2, where x is in meters

and k = 10 N/m2. What is the work done (in J) by
this force when it acts from x = 0 to x = 3 m? 
9. A snapshot of a petrol engine is given in
which piston is moving downwards with
5. 2 kg block is kept on 1 kg block as shown. The velocity 40 –3 m/ s. Find the angular velocity

friction between 1  kg block and fixed surface is
absent and the coefficient of friction between 2 kg (in rad/sec) of the shaft.
block and 1 kg block is μ = 0.1. A constant
horizontal force F = 4 N is applied on 1 kg block.
If the work done by the friction on 1 kg block in
1s is – XJ, then find  the value of X.

6. Block A has a mass of MA = 15 kg and B has a 10. A rope with a mass of 0.20 kg and length of 1.0 m
mass of MB = 45 kg. They are on a rotating hangs, initially at rest, on a frictionless peg that
surface and are connected by a cord passing has a negligible radius (Figure shown below).
around the frictionless pulley as shown in figure. Find the vertical velocity (in m/s) of the rope just
If the coefficient of friction between the masses as the end slides off the peg. Take g = 10 m/s2.
and the surface is µ = 0.25, determine the value (The rope has uniform mass density)
of ω(rad/sec) at which radial sliding will occur.

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