Economics Is A Field of Social Science That Studies The
Economics Is A Field of Social Science That Studies The
Economics Is A Field of Social Science That Studies The
Microeconomics deals with the analysis of indi vi dual
parts of the economy. It concerns
factors deter mi ni ng the behavi or of a consumer, the
behavi or of a fir m, the demand for
a good, the suppl y of a good, the price of a good, the
quantity of a good, the perfor mance
of a market, etc.
Mi croeconomi cs studies how i ndi vi dual peopl e and
busi nesses functi on i n specific
situati ons.
Macroecono mi cs on the other hand, l ooks at the
economy as a whol e. That i ncl udes
tryi ng to understand what dri ves the busi ness cycl e
from boom to bust, or from growt h
to recessi on, and what control s overarchi ng economi c
i ndi cators such as gross domesti c
product, unempl oy ment and i nfl ati on. For those
reasons, macroeconomi cs l ends itself
less to experi mentati on than mi croeconomi cs, and
the sci ence has, i n some ways, been
sl ower to devel op.
The rel ati on of Econo mi cs to other Soci al Sci ences
Economi cs is cl assifi ed as a soci al sci ence. Thi s vi ew
makes economi cs an acade mi c
rel ati ve of political sci ence, soci ol ogy, psychol ogy
and anthropol ogy. All of these
di sci pli nes study the behavi or of human bei ngs i ndi vi
duall y and i n groups.
Econo mi cs as an Art
It is sai d that “knowl edge is sci ence, acti on is art.”
Economi c theories are used to sol ve
vari ous economi c problems i n soci ety. Thus, it can be i
nferred that besi des bei ng a soci al
sci ence, economi cs is al so an art.