Unit 1 Introduction To Economics
Unit 1 Introduction To Economics
Unit 1 Introduction To Economics
Introduction to
Economics is about making choices.
1776 by Adam Smith, “An inquiry into nature and cause of wealth
of a nation.” He explained how a nations wealth is generated. He
considered that the individual in the society wants to promote only his
own gain and in this, he is led by an invisible hand to promote the
interest of the society though he has no real intention to promote the
society’s interest.
He explained only about wealth and not in terms of human welfare.
Alfred Marshall
Economics not only covers the decision making behavior of individuals
but also the macro variables of economics like national income, public
finance, international trade, inflation, employment, monetary, fiscal
policy, etc.
Division of economics
1.Traditional approach:-
a. Consumption
b. Production
c. Exchange
d. Distribution
2.Modern approach:-
a. Micro economics (Price theory)
b. Macro economics (Income and employment theory)
3.Growth Economics
a. Whether Economics is a science?
Economics is no doubt a Science, but it is not a pure (exact) science like Physics, Chemis
Biology or even Mathematics. Economics is a social science concerned with how we
solve society’s economic problems. Because of the abundance of economic data and
the ample opportunity for scientific research in the real world, Samuelson calls it ‘the
queen of social sciences’.
Economics is a science since its laws have widespread soundness such as the law of
diminishing returns, the law of diminishing marginal utility, the law of demand etc. It is
called as a science since its self-remedial nature. It goes on amendments in the dawn of
new specifics based on interpretations. Hence Economics is a science like any other
science that has its own generalizations , theories or laws of economics which traces
out a casual relationship between two or more phenomena.
Normative Economics
With contrast to the Positive Science, Normative Science deals with the "what is
ought to happen" cases. That is predictions of future economic development with
regards to the present conditions are discussed in this. The postulations on which
economic laws, theories or principles are based relate to man and his problems. If
we attempt to test and forecast fiscal actions on their basis the subjectivity elements
always penetrates. Therefore, the laws of economics are at best propensities.
1.Deductive Method:- We start with a few indisputable facts about human nature o
general principles and draw inferences about individual or particular cases.
From general to particular
Eg. We assume that self-interest alone governs human behaviour and we explain or
predict about the behaviour of a particular individual on this assumption.
Merits:- 1.Simple method
2.Explains complex phenomena
3.It is certain
4.Easy to apply
Demerits :- 1. assumptions are imp.
2. method is dangerous in terms of practical policy
1.Value in exchange:-
It refers to the goods that can be obtained for it. We
cannot exchange fresh air for anything ;its value in
economic sense is therefore zero even though it is
otherwise so valuable. A pencil on the other hand has
value because it can be exchanged for something.
The term used in two senses:-
2. Value in use:- for this economist use the term
utility . for eg. We often says education has great value,
or that fresh air is very valuable. Here the term is used in
the sense of usefulness.