(BM) Lecture Material 8 MID TEST

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Subject : English Specific Propuse

Class : Informatika Regular A / B / C

Lecturer : Muhammad Taufik, SS. M. Hum


Name : Muh Nur Ihcsan Maulana BM

NIM : 19024014031

Signature :

1. Reading Text
Bits and Bytes

Computer do all call calculation using code keyboard has its own arrangement of eight
made of just two number – 0 and 1. This bits. For example 01000001 for the letter A
system is called binary code. The electronic 01000010 for B, and 01000011 for C.
circuits in digital computer detect the Computers use standard code for the binary
difference between two states: ON (the representat on of characters. This is the
current passes though) or OFF (the current Americans Standard Code for Information
doesn’t pass through) and represent these intechange, or ASCII. In order to avoid
states as 1 or 0. Each 1 or 0 is callled a binary complex calculations of bytes, we use bigger
digit or bit. units such as kilobytes, megabytes and
Bit are grouped into eight-digit codes that gigabytes.
typically represent characters (letters, We use these units to describe the RAM
numbers and symbols). Eight bit together are memory, the storage capacity of disks and the
called a byte. Thus, each character on a size of a program or document.

Answer the following sentences based on the text above!

1. How many digit does a binary system use?
Answer :

➢ The binary system only uses two numbers : 0 and 1.

2. What is a bit?
Answer :
➢ The electronic circuits in digital computer detect the difference between two states:
ON (the current passes though) or OFF (the current doesn’t pass through) and
represent these states as 1 or 0. Each 1 or 0 is callled a binary digit or bit.

3. What is a collection of eight bits called?

Answer :
➢ Eight bit together are called a byte.

4. What does ASCII stand for?

Answer :
➢ ASCII stand for “Americans Standard Code for Information intechange”

5. What is the purpose of ASCII?

Answer :
➢ In order to avoid complex calculations of bytes, we use bigger units such as kilobytes,
megabytes and gigabytes.

2. Technical Specifications
A. Read the advertiment and translate the technical specification into your own
Dell Inspiron 9200
• Intel Core Duo processor at 2.4GHz
➢ Prosesor Intel Core Duo pada 2.4GHz
• 2048MB RAM, expandable to 4GB
➢ RAM 2048MB, dapat diperluas hingga 4GB
• 500GB hard drive
➢ Hard drive 500GB
• Comes with Windows Vista Home Premium
➢ Dilengkapi dengan Windows Vista Home Premium

B. Inside a PC system. Answer these questions.

1. What the main function of a computer processor?
Answer :
- Fetch. The first step of a CPU is to fetch instructions from the program
memory. Program memory is the location of instruction which a program
counter determines.
- Decode. After fetching information CPU will determine what to do with that
data next, this step is the decode step. The circuitry known as the instruction
decoder performs this step.
- Execute. After the fetching and decoding steps, the execute step takes place.
Depending on the CPU architecture, this step may consist of a single or
sequence of actions.
- Store. Since CPU must have to give the feedback after executing the data, so
the output data is stored in the memory. These memories are slower and less
expensive than registers, these are high capacity main memories.

2. What unit of frequency is used to measure processor speed?

Answer :
- Hertz. The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a
CPU(central processing unit), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and
is used as an indicator of the processor's speed. It is measured in the SI unit
In a computer, clock speed refers to the number of pulses per second generated
by an oscillator that sets the tempo for the processor. Clock speed is usually
measured in MHz (megahertz, or millions of pulses per second) or GHz
(gigahertz, or billions of pulses per second)

3. What are the main part CPU?

Answer :
- The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit , the
immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit .

4. What is the function of system clock?

Answer :
- In order to synchronize all of a computer's operations, a system clock—a small
quartz crystal located on the motherboard—is used. The system clock sends out
a signal on a regular basis to all other computer components.

5. How much is one gigahertz?

Answer :
- One gigahertz is equal to 1,000 megahertz (MHz) or 1,000,000,000
Hz. Gigahertz is often used to measure central processing unit (CPU) clock
6. What does RAM stand for?
Answer :
- Random Access Memory
RAM (pronounced ramm) is an acronym for random access memory, a type
of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of
memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is found
in servers, PCs, tablets, smartphones and other devices, such as printers.

3. Complete these sentences with the word in brackets and one of these noun suffixes:
- tion, er, -ing, - logy, - ness.
1. Kodak is a (manufacture) Manufacturer of photographic and imaging equipment.
2. To avoid red eyes, use the camera’s red eye (reduce) reduction feature.
3. (Crop) Cropping a photograph mean cutting out the parts of an image you don’t need.
4. The (sharp) Sharpness of a photograph is a combination of resolution and acutance – the
ability to represent clear edges.
5. Digital (techno) Technology is evolving so rapidly that some cameras have a resolution of 12
megapixes-that’s 12 milion pixels.

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