IBM Systems: Workload Management Overview

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Workload Management Overview

Ron Barker
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM System p Advanced Technical Support
Coppell, TX

© 2007 IBM Corporation IBM Systems


ƒ Review of AIX Workload Manager (WLM)

ƒ How CPU and memory access priorities are calculated
ƒ The future of workload management

IBM Systems
Review of AIX WLM

ƒ Granular control of system CPU, real memory and disk I/O

ƒ Integrated with the AIX kernel
► AIX Scheduler (CPU)
► Virtual Memory Manager (Memory)
► Disk device drivers (Disk)
ƒ Allows users to define how resources are allocated
► Tiers
► Classes (Superclasses)
► Subclasses
ƒ Active and passive modes

IBM Systems
Review of WLM

ƒ Tiers 0 through 9 – most-favored to least-favored

ƒ Superclasses and subclasses
ƒ Targets – relative shares of total available resource
► Values from 1 to 65535
ƒ Limits – percentages of total available resource
► Minimum
► Soft maximum
► Hard maximum
ƒ Defined limits take precedence over shares

IBM Systems
Review of WLM

ƒ Defining classes
► Name

► Tier

► Number of shares
► Limits, if any
► Additional characteristics
● e.g., inheritance, localshm
ƒ Assigning threads to classes based on
► Process owner ID
► Process group ID
► Executable name (full path)
► Application tags

IBM Systems
WLM Monitor and Control Resource Utilization

ƒ WLM monitors all threads by class and determines utilization

ƒ Define minimum and maximum utilization values
► Per class
► Per resource
ƒ Define target values (shares)
► Per class
► Per resource

IBM Systems
More on Shares

ƒ Shares are a relative entitlement to available resource

► Superclass share values compared to other classes in the
same tier
► Subclassshare values compared to other subclasses in the
same superclass
ƒ Limits may be imposed on classes using shares
► Limit values take precedence over shares
● If there is a conflict between shares and limits, limits

IBM Systems
Example of Automatic Target Adjustment

ƒ Example 1 – three classes running

► Classes A, B and C with 50, 30 and 20 shares, respectively
► Total number of active shares is 100
► A’s target is 50/100, or 50 percent
► B’s target is 30/100 or 30 percent
► C’s target is 20/100 or 20 percent

IBM Systems
Example of Automatic Target Adjustment

ƒ Example 2 – one class exits, two continue running

► Class A stops (0), class B is 30, class C is 20
► Total active shares is 50
► Class B’s target is now 30/50 or 60 percent
► Class C’s target is now 20/50 or 40 percent

IBM Systems
Resource Limits

ƒ Class resource limits define the minimum and maximum

amount that may be allocated from total system resources
ƒ The minimum is the percentage that must be available when
requested until the target utilization has been reached
ƒ The maximum is the percentage that can be made available
when there is contention with other classes
► Soft maximum can be exceeded if there is no contention for the
► Hard maximum cannot be exceeded, even if there is no contention

IBM Systems
Rules for Limits

ƒ A minimum must be less than or equal to the soft maximum

ƒ The soft maximum must be less than or equal to the hard
ƒ The sum of all superclass minimums within a tier cannot
exceed 100
ƒ The sum of all subclass minimums within a superclass in a tier
cannot exceed 100
ƒ WLM will not allow users to set a hard limit on the System class

IBM Systems
Uniform Resource Access Priority (URAP)

ƒ WLM gathers CPU utilization for all threads in each class

► Once a second in AIX 5.2, ten times a second in AIX 5.3
● /usr/samples/kernel/wlmtune command
► CPU time used by all threads for the interval produces a time-
delayed average for each class
ƒ WLM then compares the average against
► Tier values
► Class targets
► Class limits
ƒ The comparison results in a number produced by the Uniform
Resource Access Priority (URAP) subsystem that either favors
or penalizes each thread when dispatched by the scheduler

IBM Systems
Uniform Resource Access Priority

ƒ When calculating URAP, WLM constraints are given

precedence in the following order:
► Hard limits
► Tiers

► Soft limits
► Shares

IBM Systems
Memory Management

ƒ WLM monitors memory consumption at the same interval as

CPU usage
ƒ Percentage-based memory limits are enforced by the Virtual
Memory Manager’s (VMM) Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm
ƒ Classes receive a URAP priority for accessing new memory
ƒ Beginning in AIX 5.3 TL 5, virtual memory hard limits may be
set (real memory + paging space)
– Limits enforced with SIGKILL

IBM Systems
What are AIX Workload Partitions?
Created via software as virtualized OS environments within a single instance of AIX

ƒ Partitioned system capacity

► Each Workload Partition (WPAR) AIX Image
obtains a regulated share of the
processor and memory resources
► Each WPAR has its own network, file
systems and many system services Workload Workload
(e.g. telnetd, etc.) Partition Partition
App Svr Billing Svr
ƒ Separate admin control
► Each WPAR is a separate Partition
administrative and security domain Workload Test Svr
ƒ Shared system resources Web Svr E

► I/O Devices, CPUs, OS, shared library

and text

IBM Systems
AIX Workload Partitions can be used inside LPARs

Dedicated Dedicated MicroPartition Processor Pool

Processor Processor
Finance Planning Americas Asia EMEA


Bus Dev MFG eMail

Server WPAR #2

Planning WPAR #3

POWER Hypervisor

IBM Systems
IBM System p5 Flexible Resource Management
AIX Workload Partitions complement Logical Partitions
Ease of Administration

AIX Workload LPAR

Workload Isolation

IBM Systems
Positioning WPARs

ƒ IBM Logical partitioning is “best-of-breed” and is

based on decades of IBM experience
ƒ Challenge: How to reduce the number of OS images
being maintained?
ƒ WPARs reduce administrative effort
► Single AIX image can support multiple workloads
► Separate administrative control for each WPAR
► Application Mobility adds even more flexibility
ƒ WPARs can greatly increase administrative efficiency
and flexibility and are appropriate for many workloads

IBM Systems
When to use Workload Partitions

Requirement MicroPartitions Workload Partitions

Hardware enforced Isolation x

Minimal number of AIX images x

Server Consolidation x x

Greatest Flexibility x

Cross system workload management x x

Move workload between systems x x

IBM Systems
WPAR and Application Mobility Terminology

ƒ Global environment

ƒ Checkpoint and restart

ƒ Mobility

ƒ Departure system

ƒ Arrival system

IBM Systems
WPAR Types

ƒ Types of WPARS
► System WPAR
► Application WPAR
● Exists only as long as the application is running

ƒ Both types can be configured for mobility via the AIX Workload
Partition Manager product

IBM Systems
Characteristics of WPARs

ƒ Devices
► Managed and administered in the global environment
► Support pseudo-devices in WPARs
ƒ Networking
► Supports multiple addresses for login and network services
► A WPAR’s IP address is aliased to an IP address in the global
► Configurable at creation time or later
ƒ Security
► Limited interaction with global environment
► Limited interaction with persistent objects

IBM Systems
Characteristics of WPARs

ƒ WPAR isolation
► System WPARs and application WPARs are isolated from each other
► System WPARs are integrated with AIX Role Based Access Control
(RBAC) facility, which is not true for Application WPARs
ƒ Resource Control
► Ability to change resource allocations dynamically within a WPAR
► Allows share based allocation or percentage based allocation for
processor and memory resources
● Based on AIX WLM infrastructure

IBM Systems

ƒ WPARs reduce administration expense by leveraging a single

AIX image

ƒ LPARs and WPARs drive higher system utilization and

optimize the customer’s investment

ƒ WPARs provide dynamic resource allocation capabilities

ƒ WPARs provide “good enough” isolation for many workloads

IBM Systems

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