IBM Systems: Workload Management Overview
IBM Systems: Workload Management Overview
IBM Systems: Workload Management Overview
Ron Barker
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM System p Advanced Technical Support
Coppell, TX
IBM Systems
Review of AIX WLM
IBM Systems
Review of WLM
IBM Systems
Review of WLM
Defining classes
► Name
► Tier
► Number of shares
► Limits, if any
► Additional characteristics
● e.g., inheritance, localshm
Assigning threads to classes based on
► Process owner ID
► Process group ID
► Executable name (full path)
► Application tags
IBM Systems
WLM Monitor and Control Resource Utilization
IBM Systems
More on Shares
IBM Systems
Example of Automatic Target Adjustment
IBM Systems
Example of Automatic Target Adjustment
IBM Systems
Resource Limits
IBM Systems
Rules for Limits
IBM Systems
Uniform Resource Access Priority (URAP)
IBM Systems
Uniform Resource Access Priority
► Soft limits
► Shares
IBM Systems
Memory Management
IBM Systems
What are AIX Workload Partitions?
Created via software as virtualized OS environments within a single instance of AIX
IBM Systems
AIX Workload Partitions can be used inside LPARs
Server WPAR #2
Planning WPAR #3
POWER Hypervisor
IBM Systems
IBM System p5 Flexible Resource Management
AIX Workload Partitions complement Logical Partitions
Ease of Administration
AIX Workload LPAR
Workload Isolation
IBM Systems
Positioning WPARs
IBM Systems
When to use Workload Partitions
Server Consolidation x x
Greatest Flexibility x
IBM Systems
WPAR and Application Mobility Terminology
Global environment
Departure system
Arrival system
IBM Systems
WPAR Types
Types of WPARS
► System WPAR
► Application WPAR
● Exists only as long as the application is running
Both types can be configured for mobility via the AIX Workload
Partition Manager product
IBM Systems
Characteristics of WPARs
► Managed and administered in the global environment
► Support pseudo-devices in WPARs
► Supports multiple addresses for login and network services
► A WPAR’s IP address is aliased to an IP address in the global
► Configurable at creation time or later
► Limited interaction with global environment
► Limited interaction with persistent objects
IBM Systems
Characteristics of WPARs
WPAR isolation
► System WPARs and application WPARs are isolated from each other
► System WPARs are integrated with AIX Role Based Access Control
(RBAC) facility, which is not true for Application WPARs
Resource Control
► Ability to change resource allocations dynamically within a WPAR
► Allows share based allocation or percentage based allocation for
processor and memory resources
● Based on AIX WLM infrastructure
IBM Systems
IBM Systems