ComCell Manual v3.5
ComCell Manual v3.5
ComCell Manual v3.5
1. Introduction .......................................................................... 4
3. Measurement....................................................................... 26
3.1. Setup necessary values ......................................................................................26
3.2. Connecting the hardware ..................................................................................29
3.3. Running the test and storing the results ..........................................................31
3.4. Analyzing the results ........................................................................................32
3.5. Adding measurement-points to an existing set of data ....................................33
3.6. Auto-zero-measurement for diode-switching .....................................................33
3.7. Dual-device-mode ..............................................................................................34
3.8. Distributed current measurement .....................................................................35
3.9. Combined SwitchingOn and DiodeSwitching with 8ch-Oscilloscopes ...............35
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5. KDEE_MfPG Pulse-Generator.............................................. 44
5.1. General description ...........................................................................................44
5.2. Possible output-signals ......................................................................................44
5.3. Communication protocol ...................................................................................44
5.4. Connection of peripheral devices ......................................................................47
5.4.1. Gate-controller ................................................................................................................ 47
5.4.2. Thermo-couples ............................................................................................................... 47
5.4.3. OMRON E5CC ............................................................................................................... 47
5.4.4. FuG voltage-source ......................................................................................................... 48
5.4.5. ThermoStream ................................................................................................................ 48
5.4.6. Interlock .......................................................................................................................... 49
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1. Introduction
ComCell is a MatLAB toolbox for automated measuring of semiconductor-switch-
ing- and conduction-losses. Due to the fact that these kinds of losses will change their
values with temperature, DC-link voltage and gate-resistance, the semiconductor losses
are measured under several conditions.
The ComCell toolbox will help to analyze and verify the losses of a semiconductor
and create an interactive datasheet of the tested device. After setting up the parameters
for the measurement, the program will record data of different points of operation and
will create an ELoss(IC)-curve at the end. Afterwards all measured data can be exported
as an interactive Excel-report-sheet or XML-file for documentation and further calcula-
• Oscilloscopes
o Tektronix TDS7104 (more models possible)
o Yokogawa (several models)
o LeCroy (most models with GPIB-connection)
• DC-Link-Source
o FuG MCP 350-2000 (automated over NI-board or KDEE_MfPG)
o all other DC-sources (manual mode)
• Pulse-Generator
o NI-board (minimum resolution 1µs)
o KDEE generator (100ns resolution)
o 3rd party generators (minimum code-modifications required)
• Temperature
o Omron E5CC temperature controller with RS485 connection
o 3rd party temperature controller (minimum code-modifications required)
over the VISA-connection of MatLAB. Run “NIVISA1600full.exe” and install the NI-
VISA software into a directory on the computer. Important: if you are using a domain-
based network-computer, the installation of NI-DAQmx-software may abort with errors.
If this is the case please log-in as a local user on this computer and run the installation
After installing the NI-VISA-toolboxes the path to the file “NIDAQmx.h” has to
be set within the configuration-file “ComCell.ini” under the tag “NIHeaderPath”. If you
used the standard-settings this path should be:
“C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include\NIDAQmx.h”
Then run the installed NI-MAX software and check the device-ID of the con-
nected NI-board. It should be “Dev1” if this is the first NI-board on the computer. If it
has a different device-ID, please update this ID within the configuration-file
“ComCell.ini” under the tag “NIBoardID”:
The KDEE_v2 pulsegenerator as well as the KDEE_MfPG control-device uses both the
well-known FTDI-chip for the USB-communication. Please download and install the re-
quired driver for your computer from and extract the down-
loaded driver-file “CDM vX.YY.ZZ WHQL” to a directory. After extraction
please use the Windows-driver-wizard and direct it to the extracted driver-files. After
installing the driver a new COM-Port will be shown within the Windows-device-manage.
Warning: this COM-Port may change if you use another USB-Port or other devices using
a FTDI-USB-Chip on the same computer!
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USB address:
Using a GPIB-connection the GPIB-address has to be set under the tag “GPIB
address”. The address can be set in the range of 1 … 30:
GPIB address:
Using TCP/IP (Ethernet) the IP-Address of the scope has to be set under the
tag “TCPIP address” in the form IPADDRESS=
TCPIP address:
TCPIP address:
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TCPIP port:
USB address:
Afterwards the path where the software has been installed (mostly “C:\Program
Files\Yokogawa\matlab\dl20”) has to be set as MatLAB-path: within MatLAB click on
“Set Path” click on “Add Folder…” and enter the specific path to the DL-ToolKit.
USB address:
Using a GPIB-connection the GPIB-address has to be set under the tag “GPIB
address” in the range of 1 … 30:
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GPIB address:
Using TCP/IP (Ethernet) the IP-Address of the scope has to be set under the
tag “TCPIP address” in the form
TCPIP address:
It is important that the trigger-points and the timebases are set in such way, that
both the (gate-)voltages and currents are stable at the screen-borders, as the integration
borders, du/dt- and di/dt-values are based on the first and last 5% of the single curves.
During switching-on the blocking-voltage is falling down, while the current is ris-
ing. The trigger-point has to be set to the falling collector-emitter-voltage (drain-source-
voltage). An A/B-trigger is recommended so that the second impulse of the double-pulse
is triggered safely (see Fig. 2.1):
• Trigger A (the first one) should trigger on rising edge of the blocking-voltage at
a level of 50V to 100V (depending on the maximum blocking-voltage)
• Trigger B (the second one) should trigger on falling edge at the same voltage
range as trigger A
• As there is no trigger-delay or –counter necessary set the delay and counter to 1
so that both trigger-events are used directly
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• Trigger A (the first one) should trigger on falling edge of the diode-blocking-
voltage at a level of 100V to 150V (depending on the maximum blocking-voltage)
• Trigger B (the second one) should trigger on rising edge at the same voltage range
as trigger A
• As there is no trigger-delay or –counter necessary set the delay and counter to 1
so that both trigger-events are used directly
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The voltage-drop of a conducting switch can be measured using two channels for
each collector-current and collector-emitter-voltagedrop. Fig. 2.4 shows the trigger-set-
tings for a 450A switch:
The timebase of the measurement will be set by ComCell.m to get an optimized resolu-
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The voltage-drop of a conducting diode can be measured using two channels for
each forward-current and diode-voltagedrop. Fig. 2.5 shows the trigger-settings for a
450A diode:
The timebase of the measurement will be set by ComCell.m to get an optimized resolu-
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• Open the file “ValueCorrection.ini” with a text-editor like Notepad++ and attach
the correlating measured values in the following form:
DeviceName device-name
x,x,x,x,x\n only for input
x,x,x,x,x\n only for input
0.0,250.0,500.0,750.0,1000.0\n Desired output voltage
0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0\n Output-value that has to be sent to device
• Within the configuration-file “ComCell.ini” set the tag “DCSourceDevice” back
to the desired FuG-device (e.g. “FuG2.0kV” or “FuG6.5kV”)
The received values of the six thermo-couples can be corrected, too. For this the entry
“ThermoCouples” within the file ValueCorrection.ini can be used. Every two lines are in
correlation to each other. The first line is the original value read by the hardware and
the second line is the corrected value:
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Fig. 2.6 shows the data-structure of ComCell in version 3.x. Within the equip-
ment-setup all information about the used measurement-devices and the inductor will be
stored. The test-setup will then store the information about the D.U.T. and the safety-
limits. On creating a new test-setup (e.g. for a new D.U.T.) a new set of conduction- and
switching-setups are created. On saving the received data of the oscilloscope, all infor-
mation of equipment- and test-setup will be stored within the conduction- and switching-
data, too. So the analyzers are able to show the used equipment even when these data
are not available anymore.
As the data-structure shown in the previous chapter 2.2 allows multiple equip-
ment-setups, test-, conduction- and switching-setups the ComCell-software is able to act
as a data-management-software for the measured DUTs as well as the used measurement
hardware. Each of the four setup-screens described in the following chapters 2.4 to 2.7
have the ability to create and navigate through multiple setups. If you are using different
voltage-probes for different types of DUTs than create two or more setups for each hard-
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With a click on the button “+” and “-“ (Fig. 2.7) you can create and delete
additional setups that can be browsed with the two buttons “<-“ and “->”:
The button “STORE” will store the values of all input-boxes to the current setup.
This is necessary if a value has been changed (input-boxes with red background). Click
the “Copy”-button to mark the current setup for copying. Navigate with the “<-“ or “-
>” to another setup and click the “Paste”-button and all values (except the unique IDs)
of the marked setup will be inserted to the new destination.
For each DUT create an own setup with the specific free-wheeling-diode within
the screen “2: Test setup”. So each DUT will be stored with the corresponding safety-
limits. In Fig. 2.6 it is shown, that each test-setup will create its own groups of conduc-
tion- and switching-setups. So if you creates a test-setup for switch A, you will see the
conduction- and switching-setups of switch A only within the screens “3: conduction-
setup” and “4: switching-setup”. Navigating to the test-setup for switch B will show up
the conduction- and switching-setups of switch B only. Indeed all measured values will
be stored to a common measurement-folder “ComCellResults” but the data-management
is much easier using this setup-management.
To set up the measurement equipment please click on the button “1: Equipment
setup” to enter information about the used hardware for documentation. Fig. 2.1 shows
some demo-values within the equipment setup screen:
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Most of these values are only for documentation-purpose. Solely the values of the
lime-colored fields for the inductors, the intermediate circuit capacitance and the current-
measurement will be used to calculate the necessary pulse-widths for the double impulses.
So make sure that these input-fields have the correct values used in your hardware. More
information about the pulse-calculation can be found in chapter 6.2.
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When you have finished the configuration of the equipment, you can click on the
button “2: Test setup” to configure the DUT (device under test). Here the names and
maximum ratings for the used switch and diode have to be set.
Fig. 2.9 shows the input-fields of the name for switch and diode. Please enter the
name without special characters (“,;.:-_#’+*~´`\/()[]{}&%$§”!”) as these values will be
used for creating the folder-structure on the computer.
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The safety-limits (Fig. 2.10) will be compared with the values measured by the
The buttons “+”, “-“, “STORE”, “Copy” and “Paste” have the same functions as
described in chapter 2.3. Fig. 2.2 shows the screen of the test setup with some demo
Within the conduction-loss setup shown in Fig. 2.3 you can enter a minimum and
maximum value and type of distribution for the gate-voltage and temperature, the DC-
link voltage, as well as the current together with a number of steps (generally the number
of current-steps should be set to 1 for the conduction-loss-measurements). With these
values the program will calculate all single measurement steps. The gate-voltage- and
temperature-distribution can be chosen between “Linear” and “Self-defined”. In linear-
mode the minimum and maximum value will be used together with the number of steps
to create an individual vector. Choosing “Self-defined” a MatLAB-vector like “[5:5:15; -
5:-5:-15]” (gate-voltage, [GATEON; GATEOFF]) or “[25, 75, 150]” (temperature) can be
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• “ Measure negative current” will invert the measured current. This is necessary
if a shunt is used within the inverted current-path
• “ Dual device mode (Ch1..3 and Ch5..7)” will measure two DUTs at the same
time using an oscilloscope with 8 instead of 4 channels (see chapter 3.7)
• “ Record all channels (Ch1..4 (Ch5..8))” will download and save the values of
channel 1 and 2 (and 5 and 6 in dual device mode) even they are not used by the
conduction-loss-measurement. This will take more time but the measured chan-
nels can be used for additional signals
• “ Convert voltage to current on Ch3/7 (Ch 2/6)” will use the set current-sensor-
values of the tab “1: Equipment setup” to auto-scale the oscilloscope-channels 3
and 7 (as well as channels 2 and 6 on distributed current measurements). The
measured shunt- or Rogowski-voltage will be converted to a current using the
resistance of the shunt or the mV/A-ratio of the Rogowski-coil. If you are using
a shunt, set the mV/A-ratio to 0mV/A or if you are using a Rogowski-coil set the
shunt-resistance to 0Ohm. The scaling will be used for both directions: reading
values from the oscilloscope and sending scaling-settings to the scope.
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The buttons “+”, “-“, “STORE”, “Copy” and “Paste” have the same functions as
described in chapter 2.3.
A click on the button “Run test” will start the test-sequence either for the switch
if “[x] Switch” is selected in the box “Test options” or for the diode if “[x] Diode” is
chosen. The button “View results” will open the conduction-loss-analyzer for analyzing
already measured values.
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Fig. 2.4 shows the screen of the switching-loss setup. A minimum and maximum
value for the gate-resistance, positive/negative values, number of measurement-steps and
step-distribution for gate-voltage, temperature, the DC-link voltage and the current can
be set. With these values the program will calculate all single measurement steps. Similar
to the conduction-loss setup the distribution of the parameters can be switched between
“Linear”-mode and a “Self-defined”-mode. The gate-resistance- and gate-voltage-vectors
have to be defined in the following style “[RGON; RGOFF]” and “[UGON; UGOFF]”.
The temperature, DC-link-voltage and the current can be define as a standard vector:
• “ Measure negative current” will invert the measured current. This is necessary
if a shunt is used within the inverted current-path
• “ Dual device mode (Ch1..3 and Ch5..7)” will measure two DUTs at the same
time using an oscilloscope with 8 instead of 4 channels (see chapter 3.7)
• “ Record all channels Ch1..4 (Ch5..8)” will download and save the value of
channel 4 (and 8 in dual device mode) even it is not used by the switching-loss-
measurement. This will take more time but the measured channel can be used for
an additional signal
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• “ Convert voltage to current on Ch3/7 (Ch4/8)” will use the set current-sensor-
values of the tab “1: Equipment setup” to auto-scale the oscilloscope-channels 3
and 7 (as well as channels 4 and 8 on distributed current measurements). The
measured shunt- or Rogowski-voltage will be converted to a current using the
resistance of the shunt or the mV/A-ratio of the Rogowski-coil. If you are using
a shunt, set the mV/A-ratio to 0mV/A or if you are using a Rogowski-coil set the
shunt-resistance to 0Ohm. The scaling will be used for both directions: reading
values from the oscilloscope and sending scaling-settings to the scope.
• “ Distributed current measurement (Ch3+4 / 7+8)” will allow to measure to
current paths at the same time with two separated current measurements. The
spare channel 4 (and 8 in dual device mode) will be used to measure the second
current. Afterwards the analyzers will auto-zero both channels independently and
calculate the summarized value (see chapter 3.8).
• “ SwitchingOn (Ch1..3) + DiodeSwitching (Ch6..7)” will record Eon and Erec at
the same time using an 8ch-oscilloscope (see chapter TODO)
• “ Compensate voltage drop over DC-link” will calculate the expected current-
based voltage drop over the DC-link. This is done by increasing the DC-link by
the expected voltage-drop before the pulse is started. Using this function a weak
DC-capacitance can be used for higher currents
• “ Use averaging” will allow an automated re-run of all steps with the given
amount of runs. Afterwards the switching-loss-analyzer (see chapter 4.2) will cal-
culate the mean-value of all measured values to minimize the measurement-error
In the preview-area you can plot the calculated impulse-lengths for all DC-link
voltages and currents with the button “Plot calculated impulse length” to get an idea of
the pulse-signals the program will send to the hardware. Two graphs will be drawn show-
ing the pulse-lengths over steps (left graph) and the voltage-error over steps (right
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graph). Disabling the checkbox “ Steps” will switch both graphs from “steps” to “Cur-
rent in A”. Furthermore you can switch the right graph to absolute DC-link-voltage with
the checkbox “ DC-Link-Voltage”.
Within the section “Manual pulse output” you can configure and start a manual
double-impulse for debugging and first setup of the DUT. Enter the desired values for
pulse-duration 1, pause-duration and pulse-duration 2 in microseconds and click the but-
ton “Fire manual pulse”. You may enter comma values in the form “5.1”. Important: on
manual pulses the oscilloscope will not be read by the software automatically so the
limits-section of the test-setup will have no effect!
The buttons “+”, “-“, “STORE”, “Copy” and “Paste” have the same functions as
described in chapter 2.3.
A click on the button “Run test” will start the test-sequence either for the switch-
ing-on or -off if “[x] SwitchingOn” or “[x] SwitchingOff” is selected in the box “Test
options” or for the diode if “[x] Diode” is chosen. Switching-on and –off can be measured
together while the diode-measurement needs a different hardware-configuration. Im-
portant: read the information about the safety-limits in chapter 2.5. The button “View
results” will open the switching-loss-analyzer for analyzing already measured values.
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3. Measurement
3.1. Setup necessary values
For switching-losses the program will use the inductance in µH and its resistance
in Ohm from page “1: Equipment setup” to calculate the necessary pulse-length.
From tab “2: Test setup” the program will use the name of the DUT (Switch-
Name combined with Diode-Name, see chapter 3.3) to create the measurement-folders.
Furthermore the “Safety limits” will be used, to check if the values of the DC-sources
and the dynamic device voltages are within the range of the DUT.
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With the options called “R_Gate distribution”, “Voltage distribution”, “DC link
distribution” and “Current distribution” the behavior of the gate-resistance-, gate-
drive-voltage, DC-link voltage and current step-distribution can be configured. It can
be chosen between “Linear” and “Self-Defined”. With “Self-Defined” a MatLAB vector
can be set like “[1:1:9, 10:5:25, 30:10:100]”. For the current two additional options
“Non-Linear 1” and “Non-Linear 2” are available for a better current distribution. The
following figures will show the different distribution-methods for the current:
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In the ComCell program you can choose between several connection-types of the
oscilloscope in the upper right corner of the program. The options shown within this box
depends on the selected oscilloscope within the configuration-file “ComCell.ini”. The os-
cilloscope can be connected by clicking on “Connect Osci”.
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Within the oscilloscope several presets are used to recall the trigger- and probe-
setups. There are several preset-slots within the Tektronix-, LeCroy- or Yokogawa-oscil-
loscope that can be used together with the ComCell-software. Open the file “ComCell.ini”
to setup the desired preset-slot for each measurement-type (see Fig. 3.10). The given
preset number stored in ComCell.ini will be used to load the preset-slot out of the oscil-
loscope-memory during the test.
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By clicking “Run test” the ComCell program tries to set the gate-resistance, the
gate-voltage, the device-temperature of the DUT, the DC-sources and the oscilloscope.
Some of the functions are not automated yet – here a message will open and give instruc-
tions what to do. Then the software fires the impulses and will read out the waveforms
out of the oscilloscope. Afterwards the software calculates the values of the losses curve
and stores all values to the following folder-structure:
• ROOT is the location of the database. You can see this location at the lower left
corner of the program:
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For each measurement-step the program will create a single csv file like “step_1
@ 1A, 4µs.csv” and the original oscilloscope-screenshot as png-file within the RUNx
folder. There are two additional files within each “MEASUREMENT”-folder called
“EquipmentSetup.csv” and “TestSetup.csv”. These two files contain detailed information
about the used equipment and test setup you’ve setup in the ComCell program.
After the measurement is finished you have two options for analyzing the data:
• either you can use the csv-files out of the described folder-structure above for a
manual processing (in Excel for example)
• or you can use the “Analyzer”-tools to analyze the data and export a report au-
tomatically. These two programs will be described in chapter 4.
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If you are missing some points of data (for example an additional temperature, or
another set with different gate-resistors) you can do the following:
The new results will be inserted into the current folder-structure. If a set of old
measurement results with the same settings (same gate-resistance, same gate-voltage,
same temperature and same dc-link-voltage) is existing the folder will be renamed to
“OLDNAME_backup (DATE TIME)” to prevent an interruption of the automatic test.
You will be informed with an info-message within the MatLAB command-window only!
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3.7. Dual-device-mode
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** The information on this channel will be stored within the csv-file but ignored by the
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General information about the conduction loss-calculation can be found in chapter 6.2.
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In five diagrams you can see the following data. Fig. 4.2 shows the GUI of the
• Gate-Emitter-voltage Uge(t)
• Collector-Emitter-voltage Uce(t)
• Current of the shunt IC(t)
• Values of the calculated math-channel Psw(t)
• and the calculated losses curve Esw(IC)
Like in the conduction-loss analyzer you can select the measurement you want to
view in the lower left corner. You can select the gate-resistance, the temperature, the dc-
link-voltage and the measurement. For each measurement you can browse through each
measurement-step (buttons “Step+” and “Step-“). If the averaging-function was enabled
during the measurement, you can browse through the averaging-runs, too (buttons
“AVG+” and “AVG-”). A click on “View Screenshot” shows the original oscilloscope
screenshot for comparison.
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• “ Use measured current for…”. If checked, the software will use the measured
current for x-axis of the energy-curve: for switch-on (Eon) the software will cal-
culate a mean-value over the last 10% of the current-waveform. For switching-off
(Eoff) it will search for the peak-current and calculates a mean-value of 5 meas-
urement-points left to 5 measurement-points right of the peak. For diode-switch-
ing (Err) it takes the first 10% of the current as mean-value. If deactivated, the
analyzer will take the calculated reference-current which is necessary if parts of
the current are clipped by the scope (e.g. for reverse-recovery-current).
• “ Comp. Voltage Drop over Shunt” takes the resistance-value of the shunt (1:
Equipment Setup, see 2.3) and removes the voltage drop over this shunt from
voltage-measurement in channel 2
• “ Autozero current” will remove a DC-offset within the current. For this the
mean-current of the first (switching-on) or last (switching-off) 5% of the current-
waveform will be used as offset. For diode-switching the zero-compensation can
be activated within the configuration-file “ComCell.ini”. In chapter 3.6 this fea-
ture will be explained in detail.
• “ Autozero voltage” will remove a DC-offset within the voltage. For this the
mean-voltage of the last (switching-on) or first (switching-off) 5% of the voltage-
waveform will be used as offset-reference.
• “ Zoom dydt by 10x” enlarges the green signals by factor 10 drawn below chan-
nel 2 and channel 3 (only for display – no changes for calculation). They are
showing the du/dt for channel 2 and di/dt for channel 3.
• “ Export summarized energies” will export the summarized calculated energies
of channels 1-4 and channels 5-8 if the ComCell was set to dual-device-mode dur-
ing measurement
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To calculate the losses, the program uses some integration borders, which are
shown in the math-channel graph. The ComCell program has already analyzed these
curves and set the integration borders to default values. You can change these pre-set
limits simply by moving the scrollbars under the math-channel plot. To apply the changes
click on “Set borders”. “Autoset borders” will reset your changes to the default values
for the current step. If you like to autoset the borders of all steps, click on “Autoset
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broders of all measurements”. When the integration limits are OK for all steps and all
average-runs, you can click on the following buttons:
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The menu “Export” “Export to KDEE TopBench” allows the calculation and
export of all measured steps into an XML-based *.cle-file. This file can be opened in the
KDEE TopBench topology-calculation-program to compare and benchmark the meas-
ured semiconductor with other devices.
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5. KDEE_MfPG Pulse-Generator
5.1. General description
Attention: The device must not be opened. Inside, there are components that work
with mains voltage. There is a risk of electric shock when opening the appliance and
therefore a life hazard! If the seal is broken, the user waives any claims for damages if
the use of the device causes injury or damage.
Note: The USB interface of the controller is electrically isolated from the rest of
the board. The USB interface is supplied via the connected computer. If the USB cable
is not connected, the shield port of the USB port is not grounded. The grounding must
be carried out via the controlling PC.
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For communication with the device a MatLAB-library can be used which offers
several commands for interacting with the hardware. Here only the commands for gen-
erating the pulses will be explained:
PulseID Description
1 OnTime1
2 OffTime / Pause-Time
3 OnTime2
4 Deadtime
5 PulseID:
0 Single Pulse
22 Double Pulse
44 Synchronous Rectifier pulse
66 SoftSwitching pulse
The pulse can be fired using the command pulseCMD(CmdID), where the
“CmdID” can be chosen from the following options:
CmdID Description
0 Standard pulse (Single, Double, Synchr., SoftSwitch.)
3 PWM with n pulses
4 Turn output on
5 Turn output off
If using the “PWM with n pulses”-mode, the following settings can be done using
TimeID Description
1 Period time in Nanoseconds
2 When PulseID 0, 22 or 44 desired On-Time in Nanoseconds
When PulseID 66 Phase-Shift in percent
3 Number of Pulses
4 Desired deadtime in Nanoseconds
5 Mode-Selection:
0 Standard-PWM on output 1 and 2
22 Complementary PWM
44 Push-Pull PWM
66 Phase-shifted PWM with fixed 50% duty-cycle
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Pulse-Name Picture
SoftSwitching pulse
Standard PWM
Complementary PWM
Push-Pull PWM
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5.4.1. Gate-controller
The signals are output via two BNC jacks. The primary and secondary outputs
are marked on the chassis. The housing contact of the BNC sockets is grounded. A
galvanic separation, which may be necessary, must be carried out externally. A successful
pulse output is indicated by the short flashing of the LED marked “Pulse”.
5.4.2. Thermo-couples
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The digitally controllable voltage source is connected via a standard RS-232 cable
whose slot is marked on the housing. Only one device can be connected at the same time.
The pin-assignment of the Sub-D-connector is as follows:
A and B are the differential input while Y and Z are the differential output of the FuG
device. So A/B have to be connected to the Y/Z pins of the the FuG while Y/Z have to
be connected to the A/B of the FuG to allow the communication.
5.4.5. ThermoStream
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Sub-D-KDEE_MfPG Sub-D-ThermoStream
2 3
3 2
5 5
5.4.6. Interlock
Interlock switches are connected via the “Interlock” connector. The two slots are con-
nected in series. To operate connected voltage sources and heating elements in an auto-
mated manner, the connected switches must make an electrical contact between their
connection terminals. If only one safety switch is used, the second slot must be short-
circuited with a plug-in bridge.
As soon as one of the two interlock switches disconnects the contact, the voltage source
and the heaters are switched off if they are connected via their control lines and are
configured for remote control properly. The user is responsible for checking the safety
shutdown before commissioning.
The discharge of existing capacitances and storages is not caused by the controller and
must be carried out via a separate circuit.
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6. Additional content
6.1. ComCell configuration file
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The pulse-widths of the double-impulse are mainly dependent on the used induct-
ance and the voltage of the intermediate circuit. The voltage-drop over the inductor and
the shunt will influence the accessible current with increasing current. Likewise the de-
creasing voltage over the capacitors of the intermediate circuit during the discharge will
influence the length of the pulse. So ComCell will compensates these parameters and
increases the length of the pulses dynamically.
The compensation of the decreasing voltage over the capacitors is done by calcu-
lating both the (inductor-limited) current drawn out of the capacitors and the remaining
charge. Fig. 6.2 shows the equivalent circuit for the voltage drop over the intermediate
circuit capacitance, while Fig. 6.3 is showing the voltage- and current-curves on dis-
charging the capacitors.
Fig. 6.2: Equivalent circuit for voltage drop over intermediate circuit
ComCell is calculating the drawn current, the remaining charge and afterwards
the remaining voltage for the capacitors for several thousand steps. Then the original
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𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 = 100𝑛𝑠
𝑛 = 100000
( 𝐿 )
𝑈𝐶 − 𝑈𝑅 𝑅𝐿 +𝑅𝑆ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡
𝐼𝐿,𝑛 = 𝐼𝐿,𝑛−1 + ( )∗ 1−𝑒
𝑅𝐿 + 𝑅𝑆ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡
( )
𝐼𝐿,𝑛 − 𝐼𝐿,𝑛−1
𝑄𝐶 = (𝑈𝐶,𝑛−1 ∗ 𝐶𝑍𝐾 ) − ( + 𝐼𝐿,𝑛−1 ) ∗ 𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝
𝑈𝐶,𝑛 =
𝑡𝑜𝑛,𝑛 = 𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 ∗ 𝑛
Fig. 6.4 shows the original calculated pulse-width of 0.897ms. Due to the voltage-
drop the desired current of 200A could not be reached. Instead a current of 174A is
switched-off by the device under test which is too low. The green line shows the corrected
time of 1.07ms to reach the 200A by the device. This value is calculated by searching
the calculated current-vector for the desired current and using the corresponding value
of the time-vector. If the desired current is out of the capability of the intermediate
circuit a time-value of 0µs is returned.
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Source: Semikron Application-Note AN1403, 19.08.2014, Dr. Ulrich Nicolai
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Again, you can use two types of integration-borders. The standard type uses the
IEC60747-9 rule and uses the zero-crossing of the current as well as the 2%-limit of the
peak-current to find the borders. The other (simplified) type uses the peak of the
power-curve again. The left border will be set at 0,5% of the peak-power. The right in-
tegration border is set at the first zero crossing to the right of the peak-power (see Fig.
All dynamic parameters are calculated by using the definition of dynamic param-
eters shown in Fig. 6.10. Turn-on- and turn-off-delays are calculated using the 90%-
/10%-limits of the gate-emitter-voltage- and the collector-current-peak. Fall- and rise-
times of voltage and current are calculated using the 90%-/10%-limits of the peak-values,
too. Fig. 6.10 shows the definition for both an IGBT and a diode.
Source: Semikron Application-Note AN1403, 19.08.2014, Dr. Ulrich Nicolai
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90% tf,i
IC 90% IF
10% 10% trr
t 90%
td,off tf,i
td,on tr,i 10% 10%
90% Uovershoot UR t
UCE 90% Irr 10%
10% 10%
t 90%
tf,u tr,u
Eon Erec
Psw Prec
3% 2% 3% 2% 0,5% 0%
t t
t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2
(a) (b)
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The ComCell toolbox can be started within MatLAB using the m-files, or without
MatLAB by using the precompiled 32-Bit Windows-executables:
• ComCell.exe
• ConductionLossAnalyzer.exe
• SwitchingLossAnalyzer.exe
ComCell.exe does not require parameters and can be started directly by double-
clicking on ComCell.exe. The program can be used the same way as the MatLAB-version.
StartConductionLossAnalyzer.bat IKW40N120H3_IDT16S60C
id_a35f8be4_4b8b_4c71_bfeb_bd7a776d3fef 15 25 130 Conduction 1
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ConductionLossAnalyzer([’C:\ComCell\’ ‘IKW40N120H3_IDT16S60C’
‘id_a35f8be4_4b8b_4c71_bfeb_bd7a776d3fef’ ‘15V’ ‘25°C’ ‘130V’ ‘Conduction’ ‘1’])
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StartSwitchingLossAnalyzer.bat IKW40N120H3_IDT16S60C
id_51eb42b4_8d57_498c_a95a_26395fe26d07 4_4 15_-10 75 300 SwitchingOn 5
SwitchingLossAnalyzer([’C:\ComCell\’ ‘IKW40N120H3_IDT16S60C’
‘id_a35f8be4_4b8b_4c71_bfeb_bd7a776d3fef’ ‘4_4Ohm’ ‘15_-10V’ ‘75°C’ ‘300V’
‘SwitchingOn’ ‘5’])
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Kompetenzzentrum für dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungstechnik
Dr.-Ing. Christian Nöding | 0561/804-6166 | [email protected]
AN: C=DE, S=Hessen, L=Kassel,
O=Universitaet Kassel, OU=EECS,
OU=Universitaet Kassel / FB16 /
KDEE-EVS, CN=Christian Noeding
© KDEE 2011-2017 Grund: Ich bin der Verfasser dieses
Ort: Kassel
Datum: 16-10-2017 13:19:58
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