BVH2359gb - Komunikace
BVH2359gb - Komunikace
BVH2359gb - Komunikace
Data Communication
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2 Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Information for operators of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 List of procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 The interface parameter of DISOMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Computer, PC Coupling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1 Protocols ............................................................9
4.1.1 SCHENCK Standard Protocol (DDP 8672). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1.2 SCHENCK Poll Protocol (DDP 8785) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.3 Schenck Minproz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.4 Siemens Protocol 3964R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1.5 ASCII-S5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.6 ASCII - Modbus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.1 User Data Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.2 EDP Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3 Commands Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Software versions
DISOMAT OPUS starting from version 20700-003
DISOMAT Satus starting from version 20900-001
DISOMAT Tersus starting from version 20450-002
n Procedures
n Data processing commands
n Bus interfaces
n The entire function block strategy
Internal numbers
2 Safety Instructions
Intended use
When controlling DISOMAT, please make sure that it is used for the intended
as described in the manual.
Any use beyond that is considered not for the intended purpose.
Safety-conscious work
n Anyone entrusted with the DISOMAT data processing should have read and
understood the manual and in particular the safety instructions.
n Only trained and authorised personnel may connect DISOMAT to a computer
and control it via data lines. The assumption is made that the personnel is
familiar with weighing equipment functions.
n Fault messages may only be acknowledged after the reason for the fault has
been rectified and there is no longer a hazard.
n Fault messages may only be acknowledged with a password after the reason for
the fault has been rectified. Beyond this, if control systems are connected to a
lower order DISOMAT, they have to ensure that the control systems stay in a
safe state after acknowledging default.
Legal provisions
Readings for commercial applications have to be obtained with calibrated
measuring instruments.
The readings may be forwarded to add-on non-verifiable equipment (computer
systems) for creating commercial vouchers assuming that the scale or the
configurable (i.e., approved) add-on equipment records or stores readings in a
non-deletable fashion and without making any changes *)
· and that the readings are accessible to both parties affected by the
*) The weights and measures regulations state that add-on equipment is equivalent to the measuring
instruments. The weights and measures act and weights and measures regulations take these circumstances
into consideration by making specific requirements of the data processing equipment and programs used in
commercial applications.
2. Labeling readings:
· Identification features (strings) such as
° Date/Time
° Cons. No.
° Vehicle No.
are or should be assigned to legal-for-trade readings for tracing them from the
legal-for-trade data memory to the commercial voucher.
3 Introduction
Agreements on electrical connections (on the physical level) and data exchange
are necessary if DISOMAT is supposed to be connected to and remote-controlled
by a higher-level data processing system (a process computer, PC or stored
program control).
DISOMAT can be connected into local networks via serial interface and data
exchange is geared towards the normal protocols in the stored program controls
(SPC). They are called procedures in this framework.
The data to be transmitted, known as user data, are packed into data telegrams
that also contain control and test characters.
Control characters define the beginning and end of the data telegram.
To do this, either the user data from the beginning and end characters are limited
or the entire length of the data telegram is given by the telegram head.
Block check characters (BCC) are used for data storage because they enable
the recipient to identify faults in data transmission.
The data and user data can be character-coded (such a 7-bit ASCII. 8-bit ASCII)
or transmitted as binary sequences of bits.
Other procedures may be visible in the selection depending upon the equipment
configuration such as DDP 8672-MS.
These procedures are only of importance in specific applications and they are
documented in each plant description.
The parameters can be keyed in or selected with DISOMAT in the menu tree under
the following menu items:
n PERIPHERY /interfaces
You can find an exact description of the settings in each operating manual.
4 Computer, PC Coupling
4.1 Protocols
In the following, the individual data transmission elements are characterized. The
sequence of elements is not to be understood as time sequence.
The sender starts data transmission with control character <ENQ>.
The receiver acknowledges the enquiry with
<ACK> (ready to receive)
or <NAK> (not ready).
Data Message
The data messages (send, request and response messages) are constructed as
<STX> User Data <ETX><BCC>
Receiver acknowledges successful data transmission with <ACK>; faulty data
transmission, with <NAK>.
Error Recognition
Receiver acknowledges with <NAK> or one of the two stations fails to send
feedback within preset period of time.
Bit No. S A B 3 4 E B
7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
Parity bit 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
Here: Odd
Sending Priority
The DISOMAT units always have low priority. If both stations attempt to start data
communication, DISOMAT aborts sending and goes to receiving state.
1. Sample Sequence:
DISOMAT with address 01 is to transmit current weight values to EDP.
<ENQ> Enquiry
<ACK> Acknowledgement
<ACK> Acknowledgement
DISOMAT responds with response message comprising net and tare weights,
weight change per time unit (dW/dt) and scale status information.
<ENQ> Enquiry
<ACK> Acknowledgement
<ACK> Acknowledgement
Taring is possible only under certain conditions, e.g. DISOMAT must have
recognized no-motion.
<ENQ> Enquiry
<ACK> Acknowledgement
<ACK> Acknowledgement
DISOMAT tries to tare scale and, once command is successfully executed, sends
a response message including the information 01#AT#0# (user data).
If the command could not be performed (DISOMAT has not recognized
no-motion after a certain timeout), the response includes a number unequal to
0, e.g. 01#AT#1#.
<ENQ> Enquiry
<ACK> Acknowledgement
<ACK> Acknowledgement
n The feed result message (DO) may be output several hours after start of
n The delayed message of the taring command (AT) follows only in no-motion.
Protocol Agreements
Message Synchronization Data Message Data Protection
Enquiry Header User data Ending
IIn the following, the individual data transmission elements are characterized. The
sequence of elements is not to be understood as timely sequence.
Data Message
The data messages (send, request and response messages) are constructed as
Error Recognition
One of the two stations does not send feedback within preset period of time.
Sending Priority
The DISOMAT units always have low priority. If both stations try to start data
communication, DISOMAT aborts sending and goes to receiving state.
EDP sends command for weigh data acquisition and transmission to DISOMAT .
DISOMAT reponds directly with data message.
Master starts communication with the request message direct and DISOMAT
responds with the corresponding data record. On either side, this takes place
without acknowledgement, block check and repeat in case of error.
Protocol Agreements
Synchronisation Data Message Data Saving
—- <CR>
Data message
Data messages (send, request and reponse messages) are constructed as
EDP sends command for acquisition and transfer of weigh data to DISOMAT.
DISOMAT responds with data message direct.
< 01#TG#net#tare#dW/dt#status#<CR>
In the following, the individual data transmission elements are characterized. The
sequence of elements is not to be understood as timely sequence.
Sender starts data transmission with control character <STX>.
The receiver acknowledges the enquiry with <DEL> (ready to receive) or
<NAK> (not ready).
Data Message
Data messages (send, request and response messages) are construction as
Receiver acknowledges successful data transmission with <DLE>; faulty
transmission, with <NAK>.
Error Recognition
Receiver acknowledges with <NAK> or one of the two stations fails to send
feedback within preset period of time.
Sending Priority
DISOMAT aways has low priority. If both stations try to start data communication,
DISOMAT aborts sending and returns to receiving state.
Value Range
The value range of transmitted characters of a data section covers 8 bits, i.e. in
hexadecimal representation 00 to FF.
This value range requires a special treatment of user datas’ end code (<DLE>), if
the bit string of the <DLE> character is included in user data. This is done by
doubling the <DLE><DLE> Doubling<DLE> character.
<DLE> Doubling
1)1) EDP sends command for weigh data transmission upon no-motion.
EDP receives immediate response that command has understood. The code in
response message stands for the status of the EDP command.
0=OK, 1=Error
s = 0: Command execution OK
s¹ 0: Command execution faulty
Then, DISOMAT sends delayed message. If command can be executed within
preset period of time (20 seconds), delayed message includes requested data,
here: weight values and status. If not, corresponding error message is output after
elapse of preset period of time.
<STX> Enquiry
<DLE> Acknowledgement
<DLE> Acknowledgement
4.1.5 ASCII-S5
The protocol used with SIMATIC S5/S7 differs from the SIEMENS 3964R protocol
by the 10-byte message header ahead of user data which comprises address,
command and length information. In DISOMAT this protocol is called “S5”.
To address a scale,
n the data block (DB) for scale number (0...255) must be used and
n the message code must be included in data word (DW).
The address of the AD messages sent from DISOMAT consists of data block
and data word (firmly preset) for the message code. See Item 4.2.2.
Protocol Agreements
Synchronization Data Message Data Protection
IIn the following, the individual data transmission elements are characterized. The
sequence of elements is not to be understood as timely sequence.
Data Message
Error Recognition
Receiver acknowledges with <NAK> or one of the two stations fails to send
feedback within preset period of time.
Sending Priority
DISOMAT always has low priority. If both stations try to start data communication,
DISOMAT aborts sending and goes to receiving state.
Value Range
The value range of transmitted characters of a data section covers 8 bits, i.e. in
hexadecimal representation 00 to FF.
This value range requires a special treatment of user datas’ end code (<DLE>), if
the bit string of the <DLE> character is included in user data. This is done by
doubling the <DLE> character.
<DLE> Doubling
In ”S5” mode, all data in the message header are represented in hexadecimal
fashion. All messages start with two zero bytes ( ) followed by message type
(ED or AD), data block address, data word address and two coordination flags.
9 Coordination flag
To keep configuration work down and ensure maximum data
safety, value FF is expected for every byte.
11 ... Data; length indicated in 7th and 8th byte. (At least one data word must be
AD Message Construction
AD message in the Clear Tare example (AC)
Request message (SIMATIC DISOMAT )
ED Message Construction
ED message in the ”Request Weight” example (TG)
This command returns the weight values to SIMATIC without no-motion inquiry.
SIMATIC can read out scale status (see Item 4.3). In our example, net = -123.5kg,
tare=100.0kg and material flow=12.3kg/sec.
1 00
2 00
3 45 E Command: Input
4 44 D Type: Data
5 21 Source: DB = Scale number, e.g. 33
6 02 Source: DW = Request weight command code
7 00 Number
8 0e Number : 14 DW
9 FF Coordination flag (byte)
10 FF Coordination flag (bit)
Further Examples
Acquire Tare
Send message AT:
1st data byte - blank
2nd data byte - blank
Direct response message
Feeding Stopped
Send message BR:
Feeding Stopped code
Response message:
Restart stopped feeding operation with ‘Start Feeding’ (”GO”, hex 24).
For type and address values, see “ZDV Commands” table at Item 4.2.2.
Address Meaning
Used to distinguish multiple scales or DISOMAT units operating in group mode,
the scale address must have two digits, e.g. 04 and an ASCII code.
DISOMAT units equipped with two channels reserve 4 addresses/channel.
Enter scale address in menu tree at Item ‘4431:EDP’.
1st address identifies the displayed scale.
2nd address …Scale 1
3rd address …Scale 2
4th address …Twin-unit scale
EDP Commands
The ”EDP Command” field consists of a 2-digit ASCII code used as abbreviation
of the command to be executed on DISOMAT , see Table at Item 4.2.2.
Example: AT Aquire Tare
ES Enter Setpoint
For ASCII-S5, the ‘Address #EDP Command#‘ sequence is replaced by the
message header of SEND/FETCH (AD/ED) messages.
The ”EDP Command” field is converted into data words within the addressed data
The ‘Specific Data‘ are transmitted as user data in the ASCII code.
Specific Data
This part of the user data is variable and corresponds to the parameters sent to
DISOMAT using the relevant EDP command.
The Address and EDP Command fields are separated by #.
Scale adress 1 means:
Adress 1 = displayed scale
Adress 2 = Scale 1
Adress 3 = Scale 2
Adress 4 = Twin unit scale
If multiple devices are present on a bus, next DISOMAT receives scale address 5.
>Block keyboard LK AD 81 51 6 81
>Release keyboard UK AD 82 52 6 82
printing telegram DR AD 97 61 16 97
There are a series of telegrams sent on the initiative of DISOMAT along with the previously described telegrams, all of which were
initiated by the data processing partners.
This does not apply to Modbus operatioon (DISOMAT is always slave here). These telegrams are only sent in SIMATIC S5
operation if the target data module that can be entered in the DISOMAT dialog is not equal to zero. Then the telegrams are
sent to the data word in this target data module with a fixed offset.
Feeding ended DO1 AD 0 0 12 0c
Weight in the no-motion state TS AD 16 10 10 0a
Periodical weight transmission TG AD 32 20 14 0e
Feeding interrupted BR AD 80 50 1 1
Taring carried out AT AD 84 54 1 1
Zero setting carried out AZ AD 88 58 1 1
Print-out ended
DR AD 100 64
1 is only sent if it was started via telegram
(GO or SG).
1 wird nur gesendet, wenn über Telegramm gestartet wurde (GO bzw. SG).
The table of command formats for the data processing commands in DISOMAT
Taring AT WN#AT# WN#AT#s# The telegram is being processed WN#AT#s# Command executed
Key in tare ET WN#ET#tara# WN#ET#s# S 0 with the MT scale when the tare value
Tare = tare weight is greater than the small range.
Zero setting AZ WN#AZ# WN#AZ#s# The telegram is being processed WN#AZ#s# Command executed
Query weight in the TS) WN#TS# WN#TS#s# ? The telegram is being processed WN#TS#netto#tara#status#
no-motion state This telegram is sent after the weighing facility has
identified the no-motion state or the waiting time of
10 seconds is over.
The table of command formats for the data processing commands in DISOMAT
$) Note: The TG and TS commands do not trigger weight registration in DISOMAT (printout and legal-for-trade memory). This is why they never may be used for triggering legal-for-trade weighing. Please
only use the DR command for this.
nr: Number of form format 1/2/3/4 nr: Numbers 1-3 = printing format 1-3
Number 4 = data processing format
(variable part)
Number 5 = side head format
Number 6 = legal-for-trade memory
format (variable part)
Numbers 7-9 = format of printing 4-6
Pattern: format string of the
printing pattern
Set form format DS WN#DS#nr#muster# WN#DS#s#
Refer to under DL for parameters
Set time EU WN#EU#TT.MM.JJ#hh:mm:ss# WN#EU#s#
S = 0: Command execution OK
s>< 0: Command execution faulty
0 Underrange
2 Tare computed
3 Exact zero
4 —- Not used —-
5 Weight invalid
6 Tare acquired
7 No-motion recognized
8 Initialisation
9 —- Not used —-
12 In zeroing range
13 Twin-unit scale
14 Multi-divisional scale
15 Multi-range scale
0 Acquire tare
1 Clear tare
2 Set to zero
3 Start feeding
4 Stop feeding
5 Abort feeding
6 Clear balance
7 Acknowledge error
8-15 Standby
Selected command is executed only upon first sending of message (”rising edge”).
To have command executed, reset relevant signal..
1 Scale status
1 Overrange
2 Tare computed
3 Exact zero
4 Resolved mode
5 Weight invalid
6 Tare acquired
7 No-motion
8 Contact 1
2 Output of DISOMAT
physical input
9 Contact 2
10 Contact 3
11 Contact 4
12 EDP 1
13 EDP 2
Output of DISOMAT
virtual (EDP) outputs statusses:
14 EDP 3
15 EDP 4
16 Contact 1
3 Output of DISOMAT
physical output contact statusses
17 Contact 2
18 Contact 3
19 Contact 4
20 Contact 5
21 Contact 6
22 Standby
23 Standby
Sequence in message:
Bytes: 1 2 3
The equipment is called the controller below. The text will explicitly point out
whether parts of this description are only for one specific piece of equipment.
· The BV-H2331 System Manual describes the standard and short process
images of DISOMAT Satus that are compatible with DISOMAT T.
· The description of the Profibus is based upon the VPB8020 hardware.
· The description of DeviceNet is based upon the VCB8020 hardware.
· You can find the common database for all controllers and protocols in the
chapter on “Available Data” at the end of this document.
5.1 Modbus-RTU
The general specification of the Modbus protocol describes two ways to code data:
The following chapters describe:
HEXADECIMAL values in the form of 0x1234 and
DECIMAL values in the form of 1234.
Logical hierarchy
The process control system is bus master and the controllers are treated as
individual slaves.
One telegram cycle always consists of a query from the master (PLS) and a reply
from the slave. The reply is either the acknowledgment to an order from the
master or a data record that the master requested in its query.
Physical arrangement
The best way to couple the bus is via RS485 (2- or 4-wire) interface.
This is interface S3 with DISOMAT Satus and Opus while interfaces S1 or S2 are
available for DISOMAT Tersus.
You can find the connection diagram in the system manual.
Data position
The transmission begins at the same time as the MSB.
The setpoints and readings are transmitted both in the IEEE float format (IEEE
754, 32 bits) and in the integer format. You have a 16-Bit word available with the
integer format and you can adjust its resolution over a range of 0-MAXTEILE while
maximum resolution is 215-1 parts.
Here is an example of transmitting the value 150.5 in the IEEE format (this gives
the sequence in the circuit):
All control information and statuses are represented as a binary signal with the 8
data bits of each character.
Additionally, all control and status information can be treated as single-bit
Guaranteeing Transmission
The characters are secured by a parity bit (see MODBUS specifications).
The telegrams are secured by a checksum (CRC16; see Modbus specifications).
The Modbus specification defines the reaction to transmission errors.
You can guarantee the transmission between the controller and the control system
in the controller via TIMEOUT. Then, the controller expects a telegram from the
control system at specific intervals. The type of telegram is not important here.
You can set both the interval and the type of reaction from the controller to no
telegram on the controller via parameters and you can find the events notes in
each operating manual of the controller. The TIMEOUT = 0 setting means that the
data flow between the controller and master is not monitored by the controller.
Any routines important for specifying data are described in each section.
Subscriber addresses
Every controller is given a slave address beginning with 1 in ascending order. The
highest address it is possible to set is labeled MAXSLAVE in the following text.
You can set the address by dialog on the controller. MAXSLAVE has a value of
254. Address 0 is the broadcast address..
Function codes:
Function Description
6 Wordwise writing of control bits or setpoint values (always one data word)
16 Wordwise writing of setpoints in the IEEE format (one or several data words)
Often, the control system should add what is known as a “segment address”
(depending upon the function code) to the data address to be described.
Furthermore, the data address should be set up one because the register
addresses start at 1 with the Modbus protocol. In other words, the rule for
configuring the data address is:
The data address = segment address + controller address + 1.
The value 0x80 is added to the ‘Function Code’ value from the request in the fault
telegram. You can see the meaning of the fault codes in the table below.
You can only specify commands with FC 6 or 16 because this is a number, not
bit-coded data. This means that only one command can be executed per
For example, for bitwise presetting via function block (PLS-DIn 1-16):
0x0020 Low Byte function blocks PLS -DIn-1 bit address 0x0020
PLS -DIn-2 0x0021
PLS -DIn-3 0x0022
PLS -DIn-4 0x0023
PLS -DIn-5 0x0024
PLS -DIn-5 0x0024
PLS -DIn-6 0x0025
PLS -DIn-7 0x0026
PLS -DIn-8 0x0027
0x0020 High Byte function blocks PLS -DIn-9 bit address 0x0028
PLS -DIn-10 0x0029
PLS -DIn-11 0x002A
PLS -DIn-12 0x002B
PLS -DIn-13 0x002C
PLS -DIn-14 0x002D
PLS -DIn-15 0x002E
PLS -DIn-16 0x002F
For example: 0 ... MAXTEILE correspond to 0 ... scale final values in kg.
You can read back this information with function code 3.
Refer to the chapter on Available Data Settings for the table of valid addresses
Integer format values are always positive while negative values are set to zero.
Refer to the chapter on Available Data Settings for the table of valid addresses
If the number of text bytes is odd, fill up the text with a space at the end.
Refer to the chapter on Available Data for the Controller Data for the list of valid
Refer to the chapter on Available Data for the Controller Data for the list of valid
The base data address can be calculated from the IEEE address according to the
formula (refer to the section on available data for the controller data).
Integer format values are always positive while negative values are set to zero.
Refer to the chapter on Available Data for the Controller Data for the list of valid
q Reference value for converting a physical quantity into parts that are
transmitted (1-32767)
such as 10,000,000 kg <> 32 767 parts.
If monitoring is activated
-address errors
-function code errors, and
- incorrect length information
are also shown as communication errors in the controller’s display.
5.2 Modbus/TCP
The chapter below describes the functionality of the controllers as servers on
n This data representation is based entirely on the Modbus standard. The TCP
safety layer takes on the role of the Modbus telegram check sum (CRC 16). The
controllers evaluate the length field and protocol identifier and all other bytes are
sent back in the reply unchanged.
n Customer applications should always set the protocol identifier to zero.
Subscriber addresses
All stations in the Ethernet network are unambiguously identified via IP address.
This is the reason why the Modbus slave address can always be set to 1.
If you operate the controller on a local subnetwork with an internal network card for this network, it
would make sense to set the PC network adapter as follows:
n IP address:
n Network mask:
n Gateway:
n Controller 1-n: 192.168.240.n
where n=1-253
n IP addresses have to be unambiguous. This is why you should ask your system
administrator for valid addresses that are not in use.
Please remember that the last physical subscriber has to terminate the Profibus
with a terminating resistor. There may be communication malfunctions if this
subscriber is taken by the bus.
The following chapters describe:
HEXADECIMAL values in the form of 0x1234 and
DECIMAL values in the form of 1234.
Logical hierarchy
The process control system is bus master and the controllers are treated as
individual slaves.
One telegram cycle always consists of a query from the master (PLS) and a reply
from the slave (controller). The bus master cyclically acquires a process image of
the controller of no more than 70 bytes and cyclically transmits a command
telegram to the controller of no more than 56 bytes. The master is notified of the
current size of the process image by the selection of the correct modules from the
equipment master data file (refer to the table on ‘Assigning the Parameter Setting
of the Profibus Interface to Modules in the GSD File’ at the end of the chapter).
For example:
Set of parameters number ID 4
Text block 4-byte text
Module (refer to GSD) “Short Text - 4ID”
Data format
The setpoints and readings are transmitted in the IEEE float format (IEEE 754, 32
bits) or the Siemens float format.
The transmission always begins at the same time as the MSB..
Guaranteeing Transmission
The transmission between the controller and the control system can be secured in
the controller by TIMEOUT.
The controller expects a telegram from the control system at certain intervals. Both
the interval and the type of controller’s reaction
to no telegrams (refer to the chapter on Event Messages in the operating manual)
can be set on the controller via parameters. The setting TIMEOUT = 0 means that
the data flow between the controller and control system is not monitored by the
Any routines important for specifying data are described in each section.
Subscriber addresses
Every controller is given a slave address beginning with 0 in ascending order. The
highest address it is possible to set is labeled MAXSLAVE in the following text.
You can set the address by dialog on the controller and MAXSLAVE has the value
You can read or write texts with as many as 128 bytes with the TXT telegram part.
The section on “Text Transmission via Profibus DP” describes the necessary
mechanisms of order/reply identifiers.
We distinguish 4-and 20-byte text blocks where the longer variant should only be
used with greater quantities of text to keep the transmission period low.
You can use the process data to transmit control words and setpoints (orders:
master —> 6 controller) or state words and actual values (replies: controller —>
The process data transmitted go into effect immediately.
F P- P- 16 - 32 Bytes
o Preset Preset ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID
m value 1 value 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B 1 2
S Gross
F Gross
t ID in
C unroun Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5 Value6 Value7 Value8 14 - 46 Bytes
a 1 display
5.3 Profibus DP protocol
B ded
t format
F P- P- 24 - 40 Bytes
o Preset Preset ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID
Text block C ID ID
m value 1 value 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B 1 2
S Gross
F Gross
t ID in
Text block C unroun display Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5 Value6 Value7 Value8 22 - 54 Bytes
a 1
B ded
t format
Text Header
4 Byte
4 Byte
© Schenck Process
DISOMAT Opus, Satus, Tersus, Data Communication
5.3 Profibus DP protocol
The bright areas are the minimum parts of the telegram and they cannot be
changed. You can add as many IDs piecewise to the telegrams (depending upon
the set parameters) as needed in the current application.
Reading-writing in double words in S7 systems: please remember that the double
words cannot be read or written with the SFC14 and SFC15 function modules of
the S7 systems. Instead, use direct peripheral access.
Examples of telegrams
The following figure shows the basic structure of Profibus telegrams. The first line
is the telegram from the bus master to the controller and the second line is the
controller’s reply.
Parameter settings:
Text block no
number ID 0
bytes) (2 bytes) (2 bytes) (4 bytes) (2 bytes) (4 bytes)
The commando telegram that changes manual tare for scale/group 1 and specifies
the first analog value of the analog function block:
The identifier and corresponding values in the telegram from the master to the
controller are always expected in precisely this order and position. If an ID is
zero,the corresponding value will not be evaluated. The control and status
information is always combined into packets of four bytes. If the wrong identifier is
used, the datawill be rejected.
These specification data have to be pending at least 100 ms to ensure that the
controller can identify them without any problems.
The values in the reply telegram are identified using the position in the telegram.
This is the reason why identifiers are not needed.
Example 2: Data transmission without a text block and with 2 variable user-defined
identifiers (ID)
Parameter settings
Text block no
number ID 2
(2 (2 (2
bytes) bytes) bytes) (4 bytes) (2 bytes) (4 bytes) (2 bytes) (2
(2 (2 (2
Byte) (2 bytes) bytes) (4 bytes) (4 bytes) (2 bytes) bytes)
You can make the controller enter the desired values into the reply telegram by
adding identifiers in the telegram of the master to the controller. The order of
values corresponds to the order of the identifiers. The identifiers may come from
all data segments, which enables you to read back the predetermination values.
If an identifier is identified as incorrect, its value in the reply will be set to zero.
The identifiers should not be changed in regular user data operation because this
would make it impossible to unambiguously assign the ID to the value at the
switch-over point.
Example 3: Data transmission with text blocks and without variable user-defined
identifiers (ID).
Parameter settings:
Text header Text-user data FKB PLS-DIn Commands ID Manual tare or ID Manual tare
FKB analog or FKB
4 bytes 4 bytes (2 bytes) (2 bytes) bytes) (4 bytes) (2 bytes) (4 bytes)
Text header Text-user data FKB PLS- The status on Mirror-ID Gross Gross
Dout the scale in this case: on the scale The scale
displayed ZERO displayed displayed in the
display format
4 Byte rounded
4 bytes (2 bytes) (2 bytes) (2 bytes) (4 bytes) 4 bytes)
Important: AKT has to accept the value of MAX at the end of the text transmission for least one
telegram cycle. This indicates to the controller that all text segments were transmitted and that the
text should now be accepted in the controller.
MAX The byte always contains the total length of the text user data in bytes.
Meaning Text-ID
String text 1 1
String text 2 2
String text 3 3
String text 4 4
String text 5 5
You can find the meaning of the order identifier in Table 1 for the order telegram
(master —> controller).
0 No order
You can find the meaning of the reply identifier in Table 2 for the reply telegram
(controller —> master).
0 No order
The master has to repeat an order until he has received the appropriate reply.
The master recognises the reply to an order placed by evaluating the reply
If text information is not needed in cyclical operation, the order identifier has to be
set to “no order”.
Reading a text 21 bytes long with the 4-byte text block
(“This is an example”)
xx any characters
01 01 00 12 xx xx xx xx 1. request
02 01 00 12 54 68 69 73 1. reply (This)
01 01 04 12 xx xx xx xx 2. request
02 01 04 12 20 69 73 20 2. reply ( is )
01 01 08 12 xx xx xx xx 3. request
02 01 08 12 61 6E 20 65 3. reply (an e)
01 01 0C 12 xx xx xx xx 4. request
02 01 0C 12 78 61 6D 70 4. reply (xamp)
01 01 10 12 xx xx xx xx 5. request
02 01 10 12 6C 65 00 00 5. reply (le)
01 01 12 12 xx xx xx xx end telegram
(The master has read the entire text)
Specifying a text 21 bytes long with the 4-byte text block
(“This is an example”)
The end telegram where the current index is set equal to the maximum index
always has to transmit regardless of the length of the text. It is only transmitted to
the scale after transmitting this packet..
16 - 17 ID1
18 - 19 ID2
20 - 21 ID3
22 - 23 ID4
24 - 25 ID5
26 - 27 ID6
28 - 29 ID7
30 - 31 ID8
2. Other values:
The controller accepts the manual tare of the scale displayed and the data
PLS-AIN-1 - PLS-AIN-4 after changing the corresponding values.
When range 1 and range 2 are set, the scale is in range 3.
The bold print identifiers are not transmitted and they are only used to refer to the
list of the “Available Data”.
Refer to the chapter on Available Data for the Controller Data for the reading ID list
The number of IDs, text block and internal address parameters are only used after
reset and the old (i.e., effective) values are showed until then.
If monitoring is activated, the controller shows both timeouts and faulty identifiers
(ID) as communication malfunctions.
The names of the GSD modules are structured according to the following scheme:
For example:
· No Text, 0 ID
· No Text, 4 ID
· Short Text, 2 ID
· Long Text, 4 ID usw.
Logical hierarchy
The process control system is the bus master and the controllers are treated as
individual slaves.
One telegram cycle always consists of a query from the master (PLS) and a reply
from the slave. The bus master cyclically acquires a process image of the
controller and cyclically transmits a command telegram to the controller
Data Format
The setpoints and readings are transmitted in the IEEE float format (IEEE 754, 32
bits) or the Siemens float format.
They are transmitted according to standard procedure starting with the MSB.
You can use the swapping parameter to change the order all bytes.
Guaranteeing Transmission
Timeout can guarantee transmission between the controller and control system in
the controller so that the controller expects a telegram from the control system at
particular intervals. You can use parameters to set both the interval and the type of
reaction from the controller to no telegram on the controller. The setting TIMEOUT
= 0 means that the data flow between the controller and control system is not
monitored by the controller.
Any routines important for specifying data are described in the specific section.
Subscriber addresses
Every controller is given a slave address beginning with 0 in ascending order. The
highest address that can be set is marked in the following text as MAXSLAVE.
You can set the address by dialog on the controller. MAXSLAVE is 63.
0s = no monitoring
1-300 s = value range
q Baud rate on the DeviceNet (125 kB, 250 kB and 500 kB)
q User data “no text/4 ID”, “text/2 ID”, establishing the
composition of the data to be requested via
4 customised data can be requested WITHOUT text
and 2 customised data can be requested WITH text.
When monitoring is activated, both timeouts and faulty identifiers (ID) are shown
as communication malfunctions.
WRITE fieldbus
Identifiers Identifiers Data Type Meaning Added Information DISOMAT Satus DISOMAT Opus DISOMAT Tersus
Profibus Modbus
DeviceNet Modbus/TCP
(hex) (dec) (hex) (dec)
1000 4096 10 16 Num. DW Command number X X X
DW 86 Register
DW 87 Register
DW 88 Register
DW 128 Acknowledging the highest X X X
pending fault
1002 4098 20 32 DW Function blocks Refer to the loaded function X X
(16 bits) block linkage
PLS-DIn-xx for the meaning of the bits
Predetermination values (floating point values, IEEE)
2000 8192 100 256 DDW Manual tare Scale displayed Scale displayed Scale displayed
2004 8196 102 258 DDW unused
2008 8200 104 260 DDW unused
200C 8204 106 262 DDW PLS -AIn-1 X X X
2010 8208 108 264 DDW PLS -AIn-2 X X X
Texts/string (ASCII)
500 1280 String 1 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25
characters characters characters
510 1296 String 2 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25
characters characters characters
520 1312 String 3 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25
characters characters characters
530 1328 String 4 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25
characters characters characters
540 1344 String 5 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25 A maximum of 25
characters characters characters
Readings (floating point values, IEEE)
4000 16384 700 1792 DDW GROSS weight unrounded in kg Scale displayed Scale displayed Scale displayed
4004 16388 702 1794 DDW TARE weight unrounded in kg Scale displayed Scale displayed Scale displayed