Sabrina Q. Jordan: Sablayan National Comprehensive Highschool

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Introduction and rationale

The coronavirus disease (COVID) 2019 crisis has impacted not only the economic,

psychological, and social aspects of the world but also particularly, the educational sector to a

great extent. The present COVID-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and has

affected the educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end. Every country is presently

implementing plans and procedures on how to contain the virus, and the infections are still

continually rising. In the educational context, to sustain and provide quality education despite

lockdown and community quarantine, the new normal should be taken into consideration in the

planning and implementation of the “new normal educational policy”. The key purpose of this

research was to find out the effectiveness of the modular approach in teaching in order to assess

student learning, performance, and achievement and to determine whether modular teaching is

more effective than traditional methods. The study was an experimental type. This study utilized

the survey design in determining the challenges on the usage of Modular Distance Learning

Modality (MDLM) and descriptive design in identifying the different solutions to these challenges.

What do you intend to do?

The primary goal of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the modular approach

in teaching in order to analyze student learning, performance, and accomplishment and to

determine if modular teaching is more successful than traditional methods. The current state of our

educational system was the inspiration for our proposal. Because of the pandemic, we

unexpectedly switched to Modular Learnings, and as a student, I want to determine the impact of

the modular approach on the academic performance of Senior High School STEM students at

Sablayan Comprehensive between the two learning systems, and what the ideal way is for us

students to study and perform effectively.


This study will be significant to the following:

• School

This study aims to establish the methods, interventions, or solutions of an

educational institution. Schools need to know how students feel about distance education

and learn more about their experiences. By collecting data, sending out a survey on remote

learning for students. Having the results, the management team can know what students

like in the existing setup and what they would like to change.

• Teacher

This study can help the teacher to be more effective in helping student in possible

way they can help. How they can adjust for the student. How they should re-evaluate the

modules, and they must make sure that all the lessons or activities are appropriate to the

needs of the learners.

• STEM student

This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of the modular approach to the

academic performance of Senior Highschool's STEM’s students at Sablayan Comprehensive

Highschool who were exposed to the usual lecture method and using modules in teaching subjects.

The intent behind creating a remote learning questionnaire for students should be to know how

schools and teachers can better support them.


• Does modular learning are effective in enhancing student ACADS knowledge and skills.

• How effective has remote learning been for students

• How helpful the Sablayan National Comprehensive School has been in offering student the

resources to learn from home.

• Do student have access to a device for learning modular.

• How well could a student manage time while learning remotely.

Literature Review

Much has been documented recently in regard to modular instruction and its role in

technology education. The review of literature will attempt to examine both the positive and

negative impacts of modular instruction on the students, teachers, and technology education

Positive Impacts

Many see modular instruction as another tool to help technology education achieve its goal

of exposing students to new technologies. Linnel (1995) said that students must deal with the fact

that the world is continuously changing and be able to cope with different technological situations.

Walker (2000) stated that we must present as many situations as possible to our students so they

can cope with the unpredictable future. Gloeckner & Putnam (1995) cited that modern technology

labs are pictured as examples of how to blend vocational and academic education. Gloeckner &

Putnam (1995) stated that it is possible to integrate technology education with academic related


Negative Impacts

Individualized instructional modules have long been known to be concept oriented,

meaning the project is not the end to the means. Technology educators have traditionally used the

take-home project as a method of teaching tool skills and developing a sense of pride in students.

According to Luna (1998), take-home projects are a good motivating tool and middle school

students are anxious to take their projects home to show parents. Johnson (1997) stated that

businesses are complaining that students coming out of high school and college have little skills

or knowledge of materials and how to process them. According to Loveland (1999), “students need

these applied projects to make the connection from their classroom to their future careers”(p. 14).

Technology education instructors need to choose between individualized modules or projects to

drive home skills to their students. Johnson (1997) stated that modular tech systems have students

make toy-like projects of little or no lasting value. Luna (1998) finds that many middle school
students are proud of their work and anxious to take projects home to show parents. LaPorte (1999)

stated, “A person might think about the unique sense of satisfaction that comes from creating

something with one’s own hands, and that this is a fundamental need of humans” (p. 2).

Modularized instruction downplays the skills that take-home projects may teach, thereby

emphasizing concepts for learning instead. So, are the vendors selling education or is this just

another way to make technology education like every other subject? According to Loveland

(1999), in a module process is a priority over content. As a result the repetitive nature of

modularized activities bores students, leaving them to jump through imaginary hoops (Loveland,


Scope and limitation of the study

The study is mainly concern is to determine the effectiveness of the modular approach to

the academic performance of Senior Highschool's STEM’s students at Sablayan Comprehensive

Highschool who were exposed to the usual lecture method and using modules in teaching

subjects. The researchers carefully organized all the responses of the participants.

Nevertheless, this study face some limitations due to the effect of pandemic. In many

instances, however, the scope and impact of the pandemic is unprecedented for most of us so we

are continuing data collection efforts via web, email or text. Our interviewers, systems, and

protocols allow us to quickly switch to virtual approaches without major disruptions to projects.

Method and Data Gathering Method

Assessment and evaluation in distance education is among current interest areas with the

developing distinct distance education applications. The study was a descriptive study, therefore;
the data was gathered via a questionnaire developed by the researchers. The researcher will

conduct a survey at the Sablayan National Comprehensive Highschool STEM students by asking

or reaching them. Messenger, Emails, Google forms, and social media were used. Some questions

on how does modular learning satisfy individual students will be listed by gathering

recommendations or opinions of individuals, what are the advantages and disadvantages of

distance learning, and what is the barrier that affects the learnings of individual students. From the

survey conducted, several recommendations were gathered. The methods and strategies suggested

by the students to school to further improve the Modular Distance Learning will be listed.

Ethical issue

The survey in this study was done by first, asking the consent of the target participants.

The researchers explained that considering the current situation, their involvement is not

compulsory. It was also stressed that if they participate, their identity will remain anonymous and

The survey in this study was done by first, asking the consent of the target participants. The

researchers explained that considering the current situation, their involvement is not compulsory.

It was also stressed that if they participate, their identity will remain anonymous and their

responses will be analyzed.

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