1.1 Project Site Conditions
1.1 Project Site Conditions
1.1 Project Site Conditions
Aparna Infra Energy (AIE), had conceived setting up a 1x250 MW Coal
Based Thermal Power Plant at Kavthala, Tahsil Chimur, District Chandrapur,
Maharashtra. The selected site is located at latitude 20 32’ 2.3” N and
longitude 79 25’ 42” E at a distance of 6 km from Chimur town . The location
map enclosed (Plate-I A). The present hydrogeological report covers core
(proposed plant area- 250 acres ) and 10 Km buffer zone (10 Km around the
core zone). The Key map enclosed (Plate-I B) The purpose of the study is to
predict impact of on ground and surface water in respect of quality and
quantity due to operation of proposed 1x250 MW Coal Based Thermal Power
The proposal is mooted to deploy the technology with best track record and
accordingly one unit of 250 MW is considered. State-of-the-art technology
has been considered for design of the proposed station. To achieve
efficiency without sacrificing availability, it is considered to limit the choice of
steam parameters within the sub critical range, in line with the established
practice of most of the manufacturers of units in 250 MW range. One (1) no.
steam turbine set complete with all auxiliaries, accessories and controls for
driving electric generator sets of nominal rating 250,000 kW operating on unit
system with independent steam generator feeding the respective turbine is
considered for the station. The electric generators would be 3-phase, 50 Hz,
hydrogen-cooled, 3000 rpm machines with static or brushless excitation
system and would generate power at 20 kV as per manufacturer’s standard
at 0.85 power factor (lagging). The electrical system proposed would be
equipped with adequately sized equipment and with generous redundancy to
ensure uninterrupted operation.
The proposed station envisages the state-of-the-art Distributed Digital
Control System (DCS) which will integrate various closed loop sub-systems,
open loop sub-systems, monitoring and information sub-system covering the
entire plant.
Fly ash generated is proposed to be extracted in dry form and stored in fly
ash silos. Ash from the silos will be evacuated by closed trucks. Ash will be
used for manufacturing bricks, cement and balance will be used for filling
abandoned open cast mines as well as road construction.
The plant layout for the proposed station has been developed keeping in
view optimum use of land available within the identified land limit, land
contour, windrose pattern of the area, direction of supplies of input, direction
of road access, location of mine, operational ease and initial investment
Approximately 806 m3/hr of raw water would be required for the 250 MW
station. The Government of Maharashtra has accorded an In-Principle
Approval for allotment of 6 million m3 of water per annum from Nand
Reservoir for the project. The details of Nand Reservoir is given in table
Table 1
Salient Features of Nand Reservoir
No. Description Values
1 Total Catchment Area 397.6 sq.km
2 Total Submergence Area 2656 Ha.
3 Total Storage 62.182 MCM
4 Live Storage 53.182 MCM
5 Dead Storage 9 MCM
6 Lowest Sluice Level (LSL) 241 m
Minimum Draw Down
7 (MDDL) 242.5 m
8 Highest Flood Level ( 248.05 m
9 Water for Irrigation 45.832 MCM
10 Water for other use 7.35 MCM
It was learnt that a lot of excess water is released during monsoon from the
reservoir. In view of overall water situation in Vidarbha region, it is planned to
raise the MDDL by another 500 mm which will ensure additional live storage
of 13.28 million m3. Thus, water source of Nand will not only suffice the
requirement of the possible extension of the station and but avoid additional
investment of arranging from alternate source.
While selecting the intake pump house location on the water body, the prime
features needing attention are adequate availability of water on sustained
basis, history of draught in the catchment area, possibility of any construction
on upstream or downstream sides and the design of intake pump house
proper so that year-round availability is ensured. It is proposed to lay one
800/1000 mm diameter pipelines from intake pump house to plant which will
cater to the present plant capacity.
Raw water for the power station is estimated at 19,344 m 3 per day. Ten(10)
days’ storage is proposed at site in a reservoir covering an area of about 27
acres. Raw water would be received in a twin chamber reservoir from which
the station would draw its raw water requirement. The Water balance
diagramme is given in (Plate II).
1.4.1 Rainfall : Records of rainfall in the district are available for 11 raingauge
stations for the period ranging from 23 to 49 years. Tables 1 and 2 give the
details of the rainfall at these stations and for the district as a whole. The
average annual rainfall in the district is 1295.1 mm. The rainfall in the district
generally increases from the west towards the east and varies from 1151.4
mm at Warora to 1442.8 and 1448.4 mm at Sindewahi and Brahmapuri
observatory. The rainfall during southwest monsoon season from June to
September constitutes about 89% of the annual rainfall. July is the rainiest
month. The variation in the rainfall from year to year is large. During the fifty
year period 1941 to 1990 the highest annual rainfall in the district amounting
to 165% of the normal occurred in 1959 and 1972 was the year with the
lowest annual rainfall which was only 58% of the normal. In the same 50
years the annual rainfall was less than 80% of the normal in 11 years, two of
which were consecutive. It will be seen from Table 2 that the annual rainfall in
the district was between 1001 and 1600 mm in 37 years out of 50. On an
average there are 58 rainy days (i.e. days with rainfall of 2.5 mm or more) in a
year in the district. The heaviest rainfall in 24 hours recorded at any station in
the district was 448.2 mm at Warora on 14th August 1986. On an average
there are 58.4 rainy days (i.e. days with rainfall of 2.5 mm or more) in a year in
the district. The heaviest rainfall in 24 hours recorded at any station in the
district was 448.2 mm at Warora on 14th August 1986. The month wise normal
rainfall of the dist is depicted in Figure-1.
Table -2
Normal and Extremes of Rainfall
Station No. of Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec Annual Annual rainfall Heaviest rainfall in 24
. % of normal hours
of data Highest Lowest Amount Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Chandr 50 a 7.6 24.9 14.7 19.6 13.7 194. 6 392.9 308.1 215. 4 56.4 15.7 3.8 1267.4 187 49 254 12 Jul 1884
apur (1990) (1972)
b 0.6 1.6 1.2 0.7 1.3 9.6 17.13 14.5 10.5 2.8 1.1 0.5 62.5
b 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.1 0.8 8.9 16.8 14.4 8.9 2.8 0.6 0.5 57.8
Table - 3
Frequency of Annual Rainfall in the District
(Data 1941 -1990) (Chandrapur)
Range in mm No. of years Range in mm No. of years
701 – 800 2 1501 – 1600 3
801 – 900 4 1601 – 1700 0
901 – 1000 2 1701 – 1800 3
(Source - IMD)
1.4.2 Temperature : There are two meteorological observatories in the district, one
each at Brahmapuri and Chandrapur, where Chandrapur has a long data
record. The data of Chandrapur and Brahmapuri may be taken as
representative of the southern and northern parts of the district respectively.
After October, both day and night temperatures decrease progressively till
December which is the coldest month. In the northern parts of the district, the
mean daily maximum temperature in December is 28.0oC and the mean daily
minimum temperature is 12.8oC. The mean daily maximum temperature in the
southern half of the district is 28.9oC and the mean daily minimum is 12.8oC.
During the cold season, cold spells affect the district in association with the
passage of western disturbances across north India. The minimum
temperature on such occasions may go down to about 3oC. Temperatures rise
rapidly after February till May which is the hottest month of the year. The
mean daily maximum temperature in May is about 42oC to 43oC and the mean
daily minimum is about 27 to 28oC. The heat in summer is intense during the
day especially in the southern parts of the district. Occasionally the day
temperatures rise upto 48oC. The afternoon heat is sometimes relieved by
thundershowers. With the onset of the southwest monsoon in the district by
about the middle of June the temperatures decrease appreciably. Early in
October when the southwest monsoon withdraws from the district the day
temperatures increase a little and a secondary maximum is reached in
October. Later both day and night temperatures decrease progressively. The
1.4.3 Humidity : The air is generally dry over the district except during the
southwest monsoon season when the humidity is about 70-80%. The summer
months are the driest when the relative humidity in the afternoons is between
20 and 25%.
1.4.4 Cloudiness : The skies are heavily clouded to overcast during the southwest
monsoon season. In the rest of the year skies are lightly clouded.
1.4.5 Winds : Winds are generally light with some increase in the wind force during
the latter part of the summer season and in the southwest monsoon season.
In the post-monsoon and cold seasons winds blow mostly from directions
between north and northeast. In the first half of the summer season winds
gradually change over to direction between east and southeast in the
mornings and north-northwest in the afternoons and by May winds from
directions between south and northwest become more common. During the
southwest monsoon season the winds are mainly from the directions between
south or west.
The rocks of Archaean age include granites, gneisses, quartzites, brecciated
quartzites and banded magnetite rocks with intrusives. Granites are coarse-
grained and light pinkish in colour, primarily composed of biotite, flesh
coloured felspar and quartz. Most of the outcrops appear to be highly
decomposed, which are intruded by numerous quartz veins and quartz-felspar
pegmatite. The gneisses occupy a vast area. They show profound weathering
resulting in their forming the plains covered by mantle of soils derived from
them. Exposures of these gneissic rocks are sporadic due to their
susceptibility to quick weathering. Megascopically, the gneisses are
leucorcratic and fine to medium grained. They are generally massive and well
foliated. Quartz, felspar, muscovite and biotite are easily recognisable. Some
gneisses are intersected with thin veins of pink felspar. Amphibolites occur as
conformable bands and layers in the gneisses. They are, however, intensely
weathered and exposures of fresh rock are rare. Megascopically, the
amphibolites are light to dark green in colour but generally altered and soft.
Hornblende and felspars are the only recognisable minerals in hard
specimens. Phyllites occur in the extreme north of the area. They are fine
grained, compact and generally non-fissile. Two types of phyllites are
observed. One variety is pink to greenish grey in colour, comparatively soft
and shows faint schistose character. The other variety is dark grey in colour
and being arenaceous is comparatively hard and compact. The quartzites and
banded quartz-magnetites which appear to belong to one cycle of sedi-
mentation are remnants of the older metasediments (Dharwars) occurring as
isolated hills and knolls within the gneisses. The banded quartz-magnetite
rocks are composed of alternating layers of ore minerals (both crystalline
magnetite and hematite) and quartz. Brecciated quartzites stand out
prominent at many points as isolated small hills and are intensely fractured,
later filled up by the secondary silica. Granites, granite-pegmatites and basic
rocks are intrusives in gneisses and amphibolites and generally occur as thin
discordant and concordant bodies. The granites and granite-pegmatites are
medium to coarse grained some times with large phenocrystas of felspars.
The other recognisable minerals are quartz and little amount of ferro-
magnesian minerals. The basic intrusives are melanocratic, medium grained,
hard and compact, essentially composed of augites and plagioclase laths with
minor amounts of secondary hornblende.
Cuddapah System : The rocks of this system consist of shales, limestones
and quartzites. The quartzites are medium to coarse grained and show wide
ripple marks at several places. The quartzites are overlain by grey, silicious,
massive, impure lime-stones. These limestones usually do not show any
gradational relation with quartzites, but they probably lie on a disconformable
surface above the quartzite. Most of the limestones are lateritic and some are
silicious and dolomitic in character. The shales are generally grey to purple in
Lameta Beds : The group is composed of clays and calcareous white
sandstones. The clays are usually white with some reddish shales. The
sandstones are loose and purplish-white in colour and are slightly calcareous.
They present a sub-vitreous lustre on fractured surfaces.
Deccan Traps and lntertrappeans : A considerable part of the area is
covered by Deccan Traps and intertrappean beds. The Deccan Traps consist
of layers of basaltic lavas, varying from amygdaloidal basalt to fine grained
dolerite, at places, the amygdules being filled with various minerals, like
quartz amethyst, calcite, agate, chalcedony and jasper. The rocks are
generally dark-grey to dark-greenish grey in colour. The non-vesicular types
are hard, tough, compact and medium to fine grained, breaking with
conchoidal fracture. The vesicular types are comparatively soft and break
more easily.
Interbedded with the traps are found at several places thin beds of limestone,
sandstones and shales, which in places have been converted to porcellanite
and chert forming the intertrappean beds.
Laterite : Laterite is found in the area at many places capping over the
Deccan Traps and the gneisses at places. Laterite is a compact and vesicular
rock essentially composed of hydrated oxides of aluminium and iron with
small amounts of manganese oxides and titanium. Generally it is reddish
brown in colour.
Alluvium and Soil : The bedrocks at several places, specially the river valley
areas of the region are covered by recent alluvium deposited by the streams
and different types of soils derived from breaking up of the underlying rocks.
The typical soil derived from the Deccan Trap is "Regur"' or black cotton soil.
They contain high alumina and carbonate of calcium and magnesium with
variable amount of potash, low nitrogen and phosphorus. They are generally
porous and swell considerably on addition of water and dry up with cracks on
losing the moisture. The black soil areas have a high degree of fertility and do
not require manuring for long periods.
The gneisses and other rocks of the Archaean age on weathering give rise to
"Red Soil" which is most common in the area where those rocks are present.
The red soils are less fertile than the black soils.
2.2 TOPOGRAPHY & DRAINAGE : The general topography of the land for the
main plant area which is actually the water shed of Nand River shows a minor
slope from east to west. The eastern fringe of the area comes under the water
shed of Wainganga system. The plot does not have any history of inundation
and is well above HFL. The land feature reveals that there is hardly a level
difference of about 2 to 5 m in the identified plot.
The site is located on the south of Umred upland and north of Chimur hills
with Nand River weaving its way through the area before draining to river
Wardha. The catchment of this area on the west forms the water shed for
Wainganga which is a major tributary to Godavari. The area is flat ground
having occasional cultivation.
Major part the buffer zone is draining the water from the NW side to SE part.
The water divide located almost 7 Km NW side of the proposed plant area.
Streams of first order originating from NW part of the water divide forms the
tributaries of River like Gani, Nag passing through the study area and meeting
Mul River outside the study area finally meets the Wainganga River. There
are no major water tanks (artificial / natural) in the study area except some
villages tanks. The Drainage Map of the area is given at Plate IV.
the existing depth to the groundwater and its seasonal fluctuation well
inventory survey was undertaken. The information was collected from the
open dug wells, dug-cum-bore well for irrigation and drinking in the 10 km
buffer zone. This investigation has provided valuable information on range of
water table fluctuation during monsoon & pre-monsoon season buffer zone
(study area) from the proposed TPP.
2.3.1 Regional : Major parts of the district fall in water level trend of up to 20
cm/year is observed mainly in southern, north western and north eastern parts
of the district comprising almost entire Rajura, Gondpipri, Chandrapur,
Bhadravati, Warora and parts of Chimur, Brahmapuri and Sindewahi. The rise
of up to 20 cm/year has been observed mainly in central part of the district
and in small parts of Mul, Gondpipri and Rajura talukas. The Regional
Hydrogeological scenario of the area is depicted in PlateV.
2.3.2 Study Area: The water, which is available below the land surface in the
saturated zone, is termed as ground water. The principle purpose of data
collection is to evaluate the hydrologic equilibrium. Hydrogeological survey of
the core and buffer zone area of plant has been carried out. This included
recording the groundwater levels as found in dug wells/ dug-cum-bore wells.
For this purpose a standard format developed for collection above information
was used. A total 30 number of observation wells spread in 16 Villages has
been inventoried. The relevant data is placed in Table 5. The location of
studied wells is depicted in Plate-VI. The hydrogeological maps indicating
drainage, topography, water table, water level and recharge/discharge have
been prepared. The secondary data published by different state and Central
Govt. organizations have also been used. The watershed map of GSDA
Govt. of Maharashtra has also been used.
2.4 WATERSHED : The area fall in the watershed no WGAMK as per watershed
map of GSDA Govt. of Maharashtra (Plate-VII). Categorization of Talukas in
Maharashtra are given in Plate-VII. Out of 353 Tahsils, 324 are categorized
as safe, 21 semi-critical, 1 critical and 7 as over-exploited. Talukawise
groundwater resources availability, utilization and stage of development in
Chandrapur is given in Table-6.
Ht. Of SWL (m)
Name of Well Dia Depth
S.N. Parapet Pre-
Village Code (m) (m)
(m) Monsoon
1 Navegoanpeth W-1 1.70 0.90 7.20 6.70
2 Navegoanpeth W-2 1.30 0.65 9.25 7.65
3 Pimparneri W-3 4.10 0.80 10.00 3.9
4 Pimparneri W-4 3.00 0.80 9.80 6.10
5 Umari W-5 5.30 0.55 9.60 6.55
6 Umari W-6 2.00 0.90 7.20 6.80
7 Malevada W-7 2.10 0.90 9.60 7.30
8 Malevada W-8 2.20 6.90 9.10 6.60
9 Khapri W-9 1.90 0.55 9.40 8.35
10 Khapri W-10 2.30 0.90 12.20 10.10
11 Yerkheda W-11 3.30 0.65 8.55 8.00
12 Yerkheda W-12 2.00 0.65 8.65 7.00
13 Kanalgoan W-13 2.30 1.00 15.10 8.50
14 Mahalgoan W-14 2.40 0.60 8.60 4.60
15 Mahalgoan W-15 2.20 0.65 10.50 4.90
16 Gardapar W-16 2.00 0.60 12.70 8.25
17 Gardapar W-17 1.30 0.75 11.55 5.85
18 Tirkhura W-18 2.00 0.0 9.90 5.85
19 Tirkhura W-19 3.20 0.70 8.80 5.40
20 Kawthala W-20 1.90 0.70 11.45 9.60
21 Kawthala W-21 2.90 0.70 10.00 7.50
22 Gadgoan W-22 2.90 0.70 5.90 4.65
23 Gadgoan W-23 3.80 0.0 7.85 3.40
24 Urkudpar W-24 2.00 0.80 8.60 6.70
25 Urkudpar W-25 1.00 0.50 6.20 5.70
26 Pitichuwa W-26 2.00 0.75 8.45
27 Pitichuwa W-27 2.80 0.0 12.50 8.20
28 Sonegoan W-28 2.00 0.70 10.30 3.85
29 Sonegoan W-29 2.00 0.80 12.00 6.55
30 Chimur W-30 1.50 0.50 6.45 6.00
Note - Depth, SWL bgl
Taluka wise Groundwater Resources Availability, Utilization and Stage of Development
3.1.2 Study Area : The depth to water level in the area varies from 5.9 m to 15.1 m
below ground level in pre-monsoon. The reported average annual fluctuation
in the area is 2.5 to 9.3 m. The deep water level normally observed in the
recharge area.
Annual fluctuations – Recharge/discharge : The depth to water level below
ground level depict the inequalities in the position of water level with respect
to ground surface and are useful in delineating recharge/discharge area.
Study flood potential difference in head distribution of respective water
3.2 WATER TABLE: The undulating surface at which pore water pressure is
equal to atmospheric pressure is called the water table. The atmosphere
exerts the pressure on the water table through the interstices (void & fracture)
in the zone of aeration as on the water column in the well. In the present
condition of pre-monsoon the water table is subdued replica of the land
surface. Reason being the primary control of topography. Positions of water
table is also influenced by geologic control like structure and hydraulic
trasmissivity/conductivity of formation.
The aquifer parameter data as recorded above will be used for water
resource estimation on the best hydrogeological consideration in the area.
The total groundwater recharge from the core and buffer zone is 40.00
4.2 GROUND WATER DRAFT: Groundwater draft in block buffer zone is mainly
through domestic industrial and irrigation. The annual groundwater draft has
been estimated as per GEC 1997 guidelines and is given in Table-9.
S.N. PURPOSE NOS. Total Quantity of
Withdrawal MCM
Ground Water Total
a. Domestic 43666(Population) 0.50 0.50
b. Irrigation 894 hect. 1.83 1.83
c. Total Ground water draft 2.33 2.33
The total groundwater draft from the Buffer zone is 2.33 MCM.
The total ground water draft is 2.33 MCM. Additional allocation for domestic,
industrial water requirement for 25 years is 0.95 MCM. Thus, total Ground
Water draft after 25 years will be 4.30 MCM.
The existing water resources, both surface and groundwater, were identified
through reconnaissance in the study area (10 km radial distance). These
locations were selected to assess the prevailing status of water quantity in the
impact zone. Water sample were analyzed for physico-chemical and
bacteriological parameters which are relevant to public health and aesthetics
point of view. The details of water quality locations are given below in Table
Table 11
Details of water Quality Locations
Code Names
SW-1 Kalhar River near Khapri
SW-2 Uma River near Chimur
GW-1 Handpump in Urkudpar
GW-2 Handpump in Kawthala
GW-3 Handpump in Gadegaon
GW-4 Handpump in Gardapar
GW-5 Well water in Wadala
GW-6 Handpump in Khapri
GW-7 Well water in Gadpipri
Results of Surface Water
Parameters Units Desirable Permissible SW-1 SW-2
1. Ambient Temperature C - - 27.5 27.5
2. Colour Hazen 5 25 CL CL
3. Odour UO UO UO UO UO
4. Taste AG AG AG AG AG
5. Turbidity NTU 5 10 5.0 6.0
6. pH at 25 C - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 8.04 7.98
7. Dissolved Oxygen mg/l - - 6.7 6.8
8. B O D 3 days 20 C mg/l - - 3.2 4.4
9. COD mg/l - - 17.7 23.2
10. Electrical Conductivity μS/cm - - 450.0 410.0
11. Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 500 2000 297.0 271.0
12. Total Suspended Solids mg/l - - 8.0 7.0
13. Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l 200 600 73.8 66.1
14. Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 300 600 56.3 51.4
15. Calcium as Ca++ mg/l 75 200 14.2 13.0
16. Magnesium as Mg mg/l 30 100 5.0 4.6
17. Chlorides as Cl mg/l 250 1000 27.1 23.8
18. Sulphates as SO4 mg/l 200 400 15.2 16.7
19. Nitrates as NO3 mg/l 45 NR 0.9 1.1
20. Fluoride as F mg/l 1.0 1.5 0.04 0.04
21. Total Iron as Fe mg/l 0.3 1.0 0.21 0.15
22. Copper as Cu mg/l 0.05 1.5 0.043 0.039
23. Zinc as Zn mg/l 5.0 15.0 BDL BDL
< <
24. Manganese as Mn mg/l 0.1 0.3
0.01 0.01
25. Aluminium as Al mg/l 0.03 0.2 BDL BDL
26. Boron as B mg/l 1.0 5.0 BDL BDL
27. Total Oil & Grease mg/l 0.01 0.03 Nil Nil
28. N. Hexane Extract mg/l - - Nil Nil
29. Phenolic Compounds mg/l 0.001 0.002 Nil Nil
Note – All parameters are in mg/lit. Except Colour, Turbidity and pH Colour in Hazen unit,
Turbidity in NTU
Table 13
Results of Ground Water
Sr. No. Parameters Units Desirable Permissible GW-1 GW-2 GW-3 GW-4 GW-5 GW-6 GW-7
1. Ambient Temperature C - - 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 27.0 26.5 27.0
2. Colour Hazen 5 25 CL CL CL CL CL CL CL
5. Turbidity NTU 5 10 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 3.5 < 1.0 3.5
6. pH at 25 C - 6.5 – 8.5 NR 7.32 7.41 7.29 7.36 7.68 7.24 7.61
7. Dissolved Oxygen mg/l - - 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.8 4.6 1.7 4.7
8. B O D 3 days 20 C mg/l - - < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 2.2 < 1.0 2.5
9. COD mg/l - - 5.3 6.1 6.1 5.3 8.5 6.1 9.6
10. Electrical Conductivity μS/cm - - 1210.0 980.0 1240.0 1120.0 810.0 1150.0 890.0
11. Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 500 2000 814.0 658.0 834.0 752.0 538.0 772.0 592.0
Total Suspended
12. mg/l - - < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 3.0 < 1.0 3.0
Total Alkalinity as
13. mg/l 200 600 192.6 158.3 183.2 167.4 134.5 181.3 142.6
Total Hardness as
14. mg/l 300 600 214.2 186.4 193.6 185.1 167.3 209.6 158.4
15. Calcium as Ca++ mg/l 75 200 54.0 47.7 50.3 45.9 42.8 52.8 39.9
16. Magnesium as Mg mg/l 30 100 19.0 16.1 16.3 16.9 14.5 18.6 14.1
17. Chlorides as Cl mg/l 250 1000 117.4 112.3 134.7 128.2 84.6 119.3 79.6
18. Sulphates as SO4 mg/l 200 400 79.2 53.8 81.4 69.6 53.4 78.5 61.4
19. Nitrates as NO3 mg/l 45 NR 8.3 5.4 7.2 6.3 9.1 8.7 9.3
20. Fluoride as F mg/l 1.0 1.5 0.54 0.59 0.51 0.63 0.47 0.61 0.45
22. Copper as Cu mg/l 0.05 1.5 0.71 0.55 0.49 0.35 0.27 0.46 0.22
23. Zinc as Zn mg/l 5.0 15.0 0.044 0.046 0.047 0.052 0.049 0.053 0.048
24. Manganese as Mn mg/l 0.1 0.3 0.128 BDL BDL BDL 0.055 BDL BDL
25. Aluminium as Al mg/l 0.03 0.2 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
26. Boron as B mg/l 1.0 5.0 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
27. Total Oil & Grease mg/l 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 BDL 0.02 BDL
28. N. Hexane Extract mg/l - - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
29. Phenolic Compounds mg/l 0.001 0.002 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
30. Cyanide as CN mg/l 0.05 NR Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
31. Free CO2 mg/l - - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
32. Free Ammonia mg/l - - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
33. Free Chlorine as Cl2 mg/l 0.02 - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
34. Coliform - - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
00 ml
Cadmium & its
35. mg/l 0.01 NR 0 0 0 0 3 0 2
Compounds as Cd
Lead & its Compounds
36. mg/l 0.05 NR < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005
as Pb
Hexavalent Chromium
37. mg/l 0.05 NR < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
as Cr6+
Selenium & its
38. mg/l 0.01 NR < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Compounds as Se
Arsenic & its
39. mg/l 0.01 NR < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005
Compounds as As
40. Mercury as Hg mg/l 0.001 NR < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005
41. Pesticides mg/l Absent 0.001 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL
Polynuclear Aromatic
42. mg/l - - Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Hydrocarbon (PAH)
Note – All parameters are in mg/lit. Except Colour, Turbidity and pH Colour in Hazen unit, Turbidity in NTU
The Kalhar river is a major surface water source including Uma river, few ponds and
nallah, which are found in study area of the proposed site area. The water samples
were analyzed as per Standard Methods for Analysis of Water and Wastewater,
American Public Health Association (APHA) Publication.
The data indicates that the ground water as well as the surface water quality is below
the stipulated standard for drinking water (IS 10500 – 1991) except high
concentration of total coliform, which may be due to the human activities.
Surface water samples have shown slightly higher pH value than ground water
samples. High pH value is very common in case of surface water, as these waters
have algal growth and also is used for domestic purposes. The pH values for both
surface water samples are 8.04 and 7.98, whereas pH values for all seven ground
water samples are ranging between 7.24 and 7.68 pH. These values are within
desirable range of 6.5 to 8.5 as per IS 10500:1991 standards for drinking water.
Surface water samples have Dissolved Oxygen levels 6.7 to 6.7 mg/l. Ground water
samples have DO are ranging between 1.4 to 4.7 mg/l. Where surface and ground
water are not exchange ambient air and also may be due to unhygienic conditions of
The ground water samples have BOD values ranging from 3.2 to 4.4 mg/l . While
both surface water samples have BOD values ranging from <1.0 to 2.5 mg/l. All
samples are indicating very low organic pollution load and all BOD values are within
the prescribed limit (< 30.0 mg/l) as in IS 2490:1982.
Ground water samples shows COD values ranging from 6.1 to 9.6 mg/l whereas
both surface water samples shows COD values 17.7 and 23.2 mg/l respectively. All
water samples are indicating very low organic pollution load in terms of COD and all
COD values are within the prescribed limit (< 250.0 mg/l) as in IS 2490:1982.
Surface water samples have dissolved solids 297.0 to 271.0 mg/l and ground water
samples have dissolved solids values ranging between 538.0 to 834.0 mg/l, which
are more than desirable limit of 500 mg/l at some places but well below permissible
limit of 2000 mg/l as given in IS 10500:1991.
Surface water samples have Suspended Solids values 7.0 to 8.0 mg/l. Ground water
samples shows Suspended Solids in the range of less than 1.0 to 3.0 mg/l. All
Suspended Solids values are within the prescribed limit of 100 mg/l as given in IS
The Chlorides concentrations in both surface water samples in the range 27.1 to
23.8 mg/l which are below the desirable limit of 250 mg/l. The chloride
concentrations in ground water samples shows ranged between 79.6 to 134.7 mg/l
and these values are well below the desirable limit of 250 mg/l as given in IS
Surface water samples shows hardness ranging 56.3 to 51.4 mg/l which are below
the desirable limit of 300 mg/l. Hardness concentrations for ground water samples
were ranging between 158.4 to 214.2 mg/l, and these values are well below
desirable limit of 300 mg/l as prescribed in IS 10500:1991.
6.1 INTRODUCTION : Water scarcity has been felt in almost all the areas in
our country and has emerged as one of the critical issues in the shallow
aquifer of urban and rural areas as well as forest land nearby mining area.
This phenomenon could be attributed to many factors including population
increase, over exploitation of water sources, and failure in monsoon etc. plant
areas are not exception to the water scarcity particularly shallow aquifer and
forest lad area during summer seasons. In the context of ever
expanding situation of water scarcity, there would be no other way but to
conserve water through water harvesting mechanism to manage shallow
aquifer. This section deals with the strategies of simple and cost-
effective technologies on water harvesting which can be implemented in
industrial areas more particularly village land adjoining to border of plant area,
to minimize the basic problems of availability of water.
Hydrogeological study of core and buffer zone have been carried out. The
primary and secondary sources of data have been generated. Water shed
maps of G.S.DA have been utilized and found that state of development
percentage of Tahsil Chimur is 39.57, whereas buffer zone are a stage of
development is 9.02% falling under safe category. The movement of ground
water is toward drainage system which is suggestive of occurrence of ground
water runoff in the river. The occurrence of ground water is under unconfined
to semi confined / confined conditions.
Water quality assessment have been done and will be continued during plant
operation period. In case of any abnormality, a mitigative measure will be taken
up. Rain water harvesting study has also carried out and suggested some of
the method to be used. The study suggested the following recommendation :
1. After completion of plant project the detail water quality and quantity
monitoring scheme should be formulated in the line of recommendation of
2. A rain water harvesting scheme with detail project report (DRP) should be
formulated and implemented.
3. There may be need to check the water flow downstream of intake well in
order to maintain constant head flow system.
The hydrogeological study concluded that there will not be any adverse impact
on ground and surface water in respect of quality and quantity due to
operation of proposed 1x250 MW Coal Based Thermal Power Plant at Village
Kavthala, Tahsil Chimur, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra.