HVR 2 W - Eval - Oraa, Jamie Lee

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Name: Florianne Jamie Lee S. Oraa

Year and Section: BSN 3-A


Name: Manilyn Villamor Age: 28 Sex: Female

Address: Zone 2, Hda. Carmen,Brgy. Granada, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Date of Visit: September 22, 2021


After 2 hours of After 2 hours of nurse-

nursing intervention, client interaction, the
my client will be able client was able to:

Conduct a health Explain the health risk GOAL MET- The client
teaching regarding that comes with established an
tuberculosis. tuberculosis and what understanding regarding
safety measures they the health risk of
Establish an should be taking as a tuberculosis for her
understanding that family. family.
change of lifestyle is
essential in order to Discuss with the client GOAL MET- The client
improve their health the importance of verbalized “Oo dai, naka
status. incorporating healthy bakal nako kagina sa
food such as fruits and merkado”
Determine healthy vegetables into their diet.
food choices and GOAL MET- The client
activities that will Encourage client to to be expressed that they will
promote healthy more active in their day insert daily walking into
living. to day lives because this their routine.
will boost their immune
Conduct Core Group system GOAL MET- The client
Election within the attended the meeting
community. Encourage clients to and voted officials for the
participate in the election core group.
as a step forward to new
changes within the
Manilyn Villamor
Client’s Signature

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