CNN - Continued Convolution Neural Networks (Continued)
CNN - Continued Convolution Neural Networks (Continued)
CNN - Continued Convolution Neural Networks (Continued)
3. CNN - Continued
Convolution Neural Networks (Continued)
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The output of the CNN is calculated as Pool (ReLU (Conv (I))) where ReLU is
the recti�ed linear activation function given by:
Also assume that the stride for the convolution and pool layers is 1
For the following values of the image I and �lter weights F enter below the value of
the output of the CNN (hint - it will be a single integer):
⎡1 0 2⎤
I = ⎢3 1 0⎥
⎣0 0 4⎦
1 0
F =[ ]
0 1
5 Answer: 5
⎡1 0 2⎤
I = ⎢3 1 0⎥
⎣0 0 4⎦
1 0
F =[ ]
0 1
⎡1 0 2⎤ 1 0
Conv (I) = ⎢ 3 1 0 ⎥ . [ ]
⎣0 0 4⎦ 0 1
2 0
Conv (I) = [ ]
3 5
2 0
ReLU (Conv (I)) = ReLU ([ ])
3 5
2 0
ReLU (Conv (I)) = [ ]
3 5
2 0
Pool (ReLU (Conv (I))) = Pool ([ ])
3 5
CNN Meaning
1/1 point (graded)
If you are trying to recognize a large number of features, you should have a small
number of �lters.
Each �lter represents a distinct set of weights, which corresponds to searching for a
particular feature in the image. If you have a large number of features, you want
many �lters.
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