Summative Assessment B 2020S1 MEMO PDF
Summative Assessment B 2020S1 MEMO PDF
Summative Assessment B 2020S1 MEMO PDF
YEAR: 2020
Theory (Section A)
a. Use the answer book to answer questions.
b. Show all steps where applicable.
c. Write legibly
Practical (Section B)
a. Use Java/C++ to create the programs required in section 2
b. Write your code legibly and provide comments
c. To evidence your output, capture the output (screen prints) of all the various functionality requirements into a
word document (correctly numbered) and save it as a PDF file at the end.
d. You are then required to put the PDF output file and the associated code into a folder (named suing student
number) and send it to the Lecture PC.
1.2 A heap is a complete binary tree, except for last level. True/False (2)
1.3 An abstract data type specifies an implementation not the interface of a data structure. True/False (2)
1.4 C++ has a Standard Template Library that implements basic data structures. True/False (2)
1.5 Elements in a queue are removed from the front of the queue. True/False (2)
Select the correct answer for each question from the given options.
2.1 A stack is a ________ structure. (2)
2.3 The number of edges on the longest path from root node to a leaf node of a tree data structure. (2)
a. Length
b. Height
c. Depth
d. Level
2.4 Deletion of elements in a heap tree only takes place from ________. (2)
a. The root node
b. The last element entered
c. The rear of the tree
d. The leaf
2.5 The number of nodes in a tree data structure are computed using the ________ function. (2)
a. root()
b. depth()
c. height()
d. size()
Deleting any node requires one to recalculate the balance factors to determine if the tree is still balanced
after the deletion. If not balanced, one needs to balance it out. When deleting a node with children, replace
that node with its inorder predecessor (largest element from the left subtree) or inorder successor (smallest
element from the right subtree).
The ArrayQueue from the previous section is a data structure for representing a sequence that allows us to
efficiently add to one end of the sequence and remove from the other end. The ArrayDeque data structure
allows for efficient addition and removal at both ends.
3.3 What condition needs to hold before the dequeue() function can successfully be executed? (2)
3.4 Which condition must be satisfied for a resize() function to increase the array size? (2)
a.length > 3n
3.5 What is the formula to calculate the balance factor for AVL trees? (2)
4.1 Construct a min heap using the following elements or insert the following elements into a min heap: 10, 20,
30, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 21, 41. (10)
2 3
1 1 3 4
1 0 0
2 2 4
0 1 1
40 20
70 50 60 30
40 30
70 50 60
Question 5 [30]
Develop a simple java or C++ program that uses integer stack and list data structure. The stack should be called
NumberStack and list NumberList. Perform the following operations:
5.1 Create and initialise NumbersStack with the following values: 55, 46, 90, 39, 20, 13, 56, 100, 20 and 77 using
the appropriate function. Each initialisation operation should display a message such as “value XX added into
stack Numbers”. (9)
Answer: NumbersStack stack should have the values 55, 46, 90, 39, 20, 13, 56, 100, 20 and 77
[allocate 6 marks for correct initialisation using the stack data structure and 3 marks for displaying a message
as each initialisation operation is taking place]
Answer: NumbersStack stack should have the values 55, 46, 90, 39, 20, 13, 56, 100, 20 and 77
[allocate 3 marks for displaying the values in the correct order from the stack]
DTD117V – Summative Assessment B. (2020S1)5
5.3 Display the size of the NumberStack data structure. (2)
Answer: 10
5.4 Create the NumberList list data structure and initialise it by moving the top half numbers of the NumberStack
data structure into the NumberList data structure. (12)
Answer: NumbersList list should have the values 77, 20, 100, 56 and 13
[allocate 1 mark for each pop() operation, 1 mark for each insert() operation totaling 10 marks and 2 marks
for having the list elements in the correct order]
Answer: NumbersList list should have the values 77, 20, 100, 56 and 13
[allocate 2 marks for displaying the values from the list in the correct order]
Answer: 5
Question 6 [20]
Develop a simple java or C++ program to demonstrate the use of the binary search tree data structure. Perform
the following operations on a String linked list:
6.1 Create and initialise a balanced binary search tree called NumbersTree with the following values: 5, 9, 7, 3, 8,
12, 6, 4 and 20. (10)
Answer: check the code and verify with the output displayed in the following questions.
[allocate 10 marks for correctly initialization the BST data structure and balancing the tree]
6.2 Write a function to and display the values of NumbersTree in Preorder transversal. (10)
Answer: 5, 3, 4, 9, 7, 6, 8, 12 and 20
[allocate 10 marks for correct displaying the values in the correct order]
The End