Grade 6 - Arts: Caught

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Grade 6 - Arts

(Date Covered: November 8, 10, and 12, 2021)

By the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
 Define a poster
 Understand the importance of posters in advertising and spreading information
 Numerate ways to create an effective product or advocacy poster
 Create a product and advocacy poster

Topics: Lesson 8: Poster Design
Reference: Living with Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health 6
Materials: Desktop, Webcam, Headphones, Slide Presentation, Paper and pencil, and Digital art software
(Sketchpad or Ibis Paint)

Engage/Explore: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 The teacher will present a poster to the students about safety and hygiene to prevent
COVID-19. He will ask how did the poster helped us to be informed to the students. Did
the poster caught their attentions?
 The teacher will now present a poster about the importance of reading for their age. He
will ask what did they noticed or learned from the poster.
 Ask the students on the importance of making posters that are creative and informative.
Day 1
Discussion: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Provide a historical background on the use of posters
o How it was used to promote political parties, enlisting soldiers, marketing
products, and disseminating information to the public.
 Define what is a poster
o This is any form of printed material with graphical and textual context that
conveys information that is intended for an audience to see.
 Provide some tips in creating a poster
o Make it easy to read
o Communicate but at the same time attract
o Consider visual hierarchy
o Less is more
o Explore typography
o Consider the size and location
o Design for the audience
o Design outside the box
Day 2
Discussion: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Recap on the discussion about poster and its importance
 Review the tips in making a poster
 Students will create a poster of their own preferences

Day 3
Discussion: (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Review the tips in making a poster as we show each other’s’ work to the class
 Students will create a poster about their hobbies and passion
 Posters are an effective means to disseminate information to the public as long as they are
displayed in the proper venue or location
 Art appreciation, Social awareness, Creativity
 How can a poster influence an idea or information?

 A poster must communicate and at the same time attract its audience
 There are rules in designing a poster
 Always remember that “less is better”
 Typography works well with poster design

Day 2 (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 On a short bond paper or through your preferred digital art software, create a poster about
anything that comes in your mind. Either be in the world of technology, memes, etc.
 Make sure to apply the tips in making a poster as a guide
 Submit on Google Classroom – Nov. 10
Day 3 (visual spatial, verbal linguistic)
 Performance Task: On a short bond paper or through your preferred digital art software,
create a poster about your passion and hobbies. Make it creative and informative.
 The tips in making a poster must be applied
 RUBRIC: Creativity – 30pts. Originality – 10pts. Information – 10pts.
 Submit on Google Classroom – Nov. 12

 No Assignment

Prepared by:

Mr. Peter John D. Lockwood


Checked & Approved:
Dina M. Tuquero
Nov. 1, 2021

Nov. 2, 2021

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