Guess What I Am Doing
Guess What I Am Doing
Guess What I Am Doing
Language Focus
Begin by asking the students to watch you and guess what you
Present continuous
are doing. Mime a simple activity and encourage the students to
affirmative sentences
call out their answers in the present continuous tense, e.g. 'You
beginning with 'You
are washing the dishes'.
When the students have guessed what you are doing, tell them
that they are going to play a similar game in teams.
To guess present Divide the class into two teams.
continuous sentences
from mimes. Explain that the aim of the game is for the students in the teams
to guess present continuous sentences from mimes.
Preparation Tell the students that all the sentences are present continuous
affirmative sentences beginning with 'You are...'
Make one copy of
the cards and cut as One team goes first and chooses a team member to do the first
indicated. mime.
The chosen student comes to the front of the class and is given a
Level present continuous sentence card.
The student asks the class 'What am I doing?' and then does the
mime on the card.
Time When a member on either team thinks they know what the
25 minutes student is doing, they call out their answer by making a present
continuous sentence, e.g. 'You are eating a pizza'.
Team members must say the exact words on the mime card to
win. The first student to guess the sentence wins a point for their
Then, a student from the other team comes to the front of the
class and so on.
The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
You are flying a kite. You are waiting for the bus.
You are riding on a roller coaster. You are doing your homework.
You are listening to hip hop music. You are taking a test.