Easter Sunday Bulletin

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675 Riverside Road Roswell, GA 30075 ~ www.standrewcatholic.com
770/641-9720, Ministerio Hispano 770-649-9392, Fax 770/641-8584
Rev. Michael Kingery, Pastor and Rev. Carlos Vargas, Parochial Vicar
Deacons: Rev. Mr. William Keen, Rev. Mr. Tom Gotschall,
Rev. Mr. José Campos and Rev. Mr. Gary Schantz


Monday ~ Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday ~ Thursday
9:00am, and 12:15pm
6:30am, 9:00am &12:15pm

Saturday: 9:00am,
5:00pm Family Vigil

Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am,

10:30am, 12:00pm,
5:00pm Life Teen
7:30am & 7:00pm Spanish
Civil Holidays: 10:00am

Sunday 9:00am
and 10:30am Masses

Monday ~ Friday
9:30am ~ 9:00pm

Mondays at 7:15pm

Monday 7:00pm-9:00pm
in Fr. Carlos Vargas office
Saturdays 9:30am -10:30am
in church & on request

Please keep us informed so
that we can be attentive
to those who are ill.
Mass Intentions for the Week

Monday, April 25
9:00 a.m. Bart Miller ((SI)
12:15 p.m. People of the Parish

Tuesday, April 26
Catholics Returning Home
9:00 a.m. †Rose G. Miles Do you have questions about why we do the things we do?
12:15 p.m. People of the Parish Would you like to have a deeper understanding of your faith?
If you have been away from the Church for awhile or would just like to
Wednesday, April 27 know more about your Catholic faith, these sessions are for you!
9:00 a.m. Lynn Gricus & Tiffany Alemand (SI)
If you know of someone who has been away from the Church, please
12:15 p.m. For those in the Armed Forces and their Families
invite them to return home by attending these sessions.
Thursday, April 28 Our sessions cover a variety of topics and will allow time for your
9:00 a.m. †Gretta Conroy questions and concerns. We want to address issues concerning you.
12:15 p.m. †Bob Hamlin Each session is a separate topic. You may attend any of the below
evenings, even if you miss others.
Friday, April 29 Sessions are Tuesday nights 7:30-90pm in Bldg B. For
6:30 a.m. information, call Larry or Tracie Vicario at 770-998-5971.
9:00 a.m. †James & †Beatrice Gallagher
12:15 p.m. †Rev. Jack Druding April 26 – Changes since Vatican II

Saturday, April 30 May 3 – Scriptural Basis of the Catholic Faith (Apologetics)

9:00 a.m. †Lowell Sherwood May 10 – Understanding the Mass
5:00 p.m. †Stanley Lamberski
May 17 – Reconciliation
Sunday, May 1 May 24 – Dogma and Doctrine
7:30 a.m. Spanish Mass in the Family Center
7:30 a.m. Deceased Priests of the Archdiocese May 31 – Overview of the Bible
9:00 a.m. †Jolaine Kingery
10:30 a.m. †Betty Demps
5:00 p.m. Sal & Bernadette Sanzone (SI) The Adoration Chapel and Church Offices will be closed tomorrow
7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Monday, April 25th. The regular schedule will resume on Tuesday,
April 26th..
Readings for the week
Monday (Acts 2:14,22-33, Ps 16, Mt 28:8-15) Go tell my brothers All are invited to participate in our Annual Easter Egg
Hunt after the 12:00 Mass on Easter Sunday. Wear your
to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.
Easter bonnets and bring your baskets to find and collect
Easter eggs.
Tuesday: (Acts 2:36-41, Ps 33, Jn 20:11-18) I have seen the
Lord, and He said these things to me.

Wednesday: (Acts 3:1-10, Ps 105, Lk 24:13-35) They recognized DIVINE MERCY NOVENA
Jesus in the breaking of the bread. The Feast of the Divine Mercy was granted to the Universal
Church by Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the canoni-
Thursday: (Acts 3:11-26, Ps 8, Lk 24:35-48) Thus it was written zation of Sr. Faustina on April 30, 2000.
that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded
by a Novena of Chaplets to the Divine Mercy which began
Friday: (Acts 4:1-12, Ps 118, Jn 21:1-14) Jesus came over and on Good Friday and will end next Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday. The
took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. schedules for the times of the Novena are located on tables in the back
of church.
Saturday: (Acts 4:13-21, Ps 118, Mk 16:9-15) Go into the whole . St. Faustina wrote in her diary that Jesus told her:
world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.
"On each day of the novena you will bring to My Heart a different
Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My
mercy... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My
(Acts 2:42-47, Ps 118, 1 Pt 1:3-9, Jn 20:19-31) Eight days later
passion, for the graces for these souls. By this novena I will grant
Jesus came and stood in their midst.
every possible grace to souls." (Diary 1209, 796)

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com


Welcome Visitors and Newcomers Faith Formation

We invite you to register and become Summer Religious Education
a part of our St. Andrew parish family!
Classes are filling up fast. If you have not registered your child for
this week long Faith, Formation and Fun please do so. Registration
Please fill out a registration form located on the informa-
forms are located on the information walls in the Narthex and in the
tion wall in the narthex (main church entrance) or stop by
Religious Education Hall. The fee is $100.00 for one child and
the parish office during the week. Welcome!
$150.00 per family of two or more.
Volunteers Needed
Join our Q&A sessions
about our Catholic Faith We are still accepting applications for volunteer catechists in the Faith
most Sundays from 9-10am in the RCIA room Formation Programs for Summer and Fall sessions. If you are inter-
(upstairs in Building B). Questions? Please call ested in sharing your faith with the children of St. Andrew, please
Deacon Tom Gotschall: 7/490-9436 contact the Faith Formation Office at 770-641-9720. We also need
lunch volunteers for the summer program.

REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER JPII Bookstore is looking for some volunteers. If you are interested in
working in the bookstore after any of the Saturday or Sunday Masses,
Remember your mother in a Novena of Masses for please contact the church office to be put on the schedule. Simple
MOTHERS DAY. The Novena begins Sunday, May training is provided.
8th and will continue each day until May 16th. Mass
cards are available on the tables in the back of church.
Sundays 5:00pm-8:00pm
FAMILY LIVING ROSARY For more information please contact Cassi Villanueva at
“KNIGHT” [email protected].

All high school teens are invited to join us on Sundays for the Teen
Pick up your favorite beads and make your
Mass at 5:00pm followed by Lifenite directly after in the Parish
favorite dessert. We are celebrating families and our Blessed Mother.
On Monday, May 16th at 7:15pm we will meet in the church to pray a Hall. We enjoy a homemade dinner, games, fellowship and teachings
on topics ranging from the Holy Bible to hot topics in the lives of teens
Living Rosary to honor Mary, our Blessed Mother. Bring your special
today. Bring a friend and come hang out with us!
prayer requests and put them in a basket we will place them on the
altar to pray for as we recite the rosary. After our family prayer, we Tonight, Sunday, April 24th—No Lifeteen (Easter)
will head down to the Multi-purpose room and celebrate by sharing May 1—Lifeteen!
desserts and each other’s company. You bring your dessert (and May 8th—No Lifeteen (Mother’s Day)
recipe too, if not a secret) to share and brag about, and the Knights of May 15th—Lifeteen!
Columbus will have ice cream, coffee, milk, and soft drinks. Come May 22nd—Lifeteen!
Celebrate our Faith! Contact Phil Cote at 770-992-0391 for ques-
tions. Calling all juniors and seniors! Come join our Peer Ministry team.
We meet on Thursday nights at 6:00pm for pizza, prayers and plan-
ning in the teen lounge.
The Knights of Columbus will have their annual Vidalia
Onion Sale on the weekend of April 30th and May 1st. EDGE/CHAMPS
We will again have 10 pound bags fresh from the farm delivered for The Youth Programs for grades 4th through 8th will begin in
that weekend. full force again in September. Registration forms for this
The St. Andrew Council 10632 is celebrating their 20th Anniversary wonderful social and service organization for youth will
on May 1. We encourage all men of the parish that are 18 years or begin this summer. Watch the bulletin for more information on up-
older to consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Please contact Bill coming events.
Leach, Grand Knight, at [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you for your support of our council's efforts. Please join other Archdiocesan Catholics for a fun day in the park at
Six Flags over Georgia on Sunday, May 1, 2011. Gates will open
early for us (8:30am) as we will be celebrating Mass at 9am. Mass
will be celebrated by Father Ricardo Bailey.
Please join us on Friday, April 29th at 1:00pm for our Over 55 Ticket package is $39.25 per person and includes: parking, park en-
Luncheon at Pappadeaux. If you are interested please call Roselyn trance, all you can eat lunch buffet, and a FREE return ticket for use
Pritchard at 770-993-0388 before April 25th. The cost is $17.00 per between May 27 and July 4, 2011. If you have a season pass, you
person. can purchase a 'meal only' ticket for $13.00.

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com.

Two Hearts Vigil May 6th
THE RACE TO NOWHERE First Friday/First Saturday Mass
Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 7 p.m., there will be a 8:00 pm – Rosary & Confessions
showing of "The Race to Nowhere." 9:00 pm – Mass for Sacred Heart
10:00pm- Adoration
This remarkable new film shines a light on the price
1:00 am - Mass for Immaculate Heart
young people pay for this "race to nowhere." High-stakes testing has
replaced meaningful teaching and learning. Cheating is common-
place. Stress-related illness, depression and burnout are ram-
pant. Many young people arrive at college and the workplace unpre-
pared and uninspired.
Around the Diocese
Attend this screening and become part of the grassroots phenomenon
that is feeding a groundswell for change. For tickets go to: http:// The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception's Emmaus Young Adult
rtnstandrewga.eventbrite.com/ Club (Catholic singles & couples in their 20's-30's) will meet 7:00pm
Fri., April 29th at Cheesecake Factory on Peachtree Rd for a presen-
tation by Fr Henry Atem on The Importance of Daily Prayer, Spiritual
Reading & Fasting in Christian Formation. Also, we are reading Redis-
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION covering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. If you don't have access to a
Please sign-up for Eucharistic Adoration for the month of copy, we have limited number of free copies. RSVP emmaussocial-
May. You can spend a quiet hour once a week with Our [email protected]. Call James at 404-543-8779 for a free copy or more
Lord, listening and praying before the Blessed Sacrament. information.
You can sign-up in the chapel during the week or in the
narthex on weekends. Guardians commit to one hour a week (for REVOLUTION RUNNING
four to five consecutive weeks in a row for one month at a time. The second annual Monastery 5K Run at the Monastery of the Holy
Spirit in Conyers will be held on May 7th. It is open to both runners
We have several time slots open. Won’t you please consider help- and walkers alike The race benefits the Monastery Food Bank. For
ing?: more information check their website www.revolutionrunning.net
Monday 1:00-2:00 or call 404-513-4238.
Tuesday 1:00—2:00 and 8:00– 9:00pm
Thursday at 4:00-5:00pm

The Spanish Ministry would like to thank everyone who donated the
formal dresses for the teens fashion show. It made this event a won-
derful experience for the youth.


Join our Prayer Shawl Ministry. All skill levels are welcome, CAMPUS MINISTRIES NEEDS YOUR HELP!
we can even teach you! We meet the first Thursday of each Off to College this coming Fall? The Archdiocese of Atlanta has eight
month (Thursday, May 5th) at 6:30pm in room 201. campus ministries that exist to help college students grow in faith dur-
Please join us! We are also accepting donations of yarn to be made ing their college years. Because of the Family Educational Rights and
into “prayer shawls”. To donate yarn or for more info, call Christy Privacy Act it has become increasingly difficult for some Catholic Cam-
Medina: 770-521-2857. pus ministries to obtain information from the schools about student’s
religious affiliation, even when the question is asked on application
THE ELIJAH CUP forms, especially at secular colleges and universities. Please let the
The Elijah Cup is a chalice that is given to parishioners campus ministries know when students are coming their way so that
and families to take home from Mass to use as a focal can reach out. It would help them to know the prospective student’s
point while praying for vocations. You may sign up for the name, emails, phone number, home address, parish and college ad-
Mass of your choice in the main church entrance or call dress if known.
Liz Schantz: 7/518-6836. Links and phone numbers to most of our campus ministries are pro-
vided on the archdiocesan website at www.archatl.com >Ministries
>Campus Ministries.

Blue Candle of Life

burns in the Chapel for the memory of THE DRAKE WALK AND FESTIVAL
Sophie Kloss and Frederick Kloss
For your intentions sign-up in the Pro-Life book This is a Community Walk Celebrating Family. Bring your family,
by the Chapel door. friends and neighbors for a walk through beautiful Historic Roswell and
help homeless women and their children get back on their feet.
$10 donation to the Pro-Life Ministry.
The walk takes place on Saturday, May 14th. Please check
www.active.com/walking/roswell-ga/the-drakewalk-2011 for more

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com

Catholic Charities Atlanta will host a conference for Adoptive Families Do you have long hair? Please consider donating you locks for the
on May 14, 2011 from 8:00am-2:00pm at the Cathedral of Christ the 5th Annual “It’s Just Hair’ Cut-a-thon to benefit Locks of Love and
King. This conference is for all persons who have “adoption: in their children with long-term medical hair loss. The cut-a-thon will take
lives. The conference topic is : “Keeping the Connections in all Adop- place on Monday, May 23rd in Alpharetta. Hair must be at least ten
tions”. For more information please register at inches and cuts and styles are complimentary. Please contact Diane
www.catholiccharitiesatlant.org/services/ppa/index.html. Regis- Cooley for more info at [email protected].
tration deadline is on April 27th.
Catholic Therapists
St. Andrew has several professional therapists who provide services in
an office area here at church. Each is a licensed and independent prac-
WEEK AT A GLANCE titioner, and a member of the Catholic Therapist Association. You may
call them individually for an appointment:
Mon. Apr. 25 Church Offices Closed Dr. Tom Spudic, Ph.D. (7/596-5869), Ann Howe, Ph.D. (6/887-7800)
No Adoration
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm
Divine Mercy Novena at 6:30pm Ministry Contacts
Venturing Crew at 7:00pm
Tues. Apr. 26 Adoration 9:30am to 9:00pm
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm Altar Care Lisa Biagioni 770-777-5912
Altar Servers Sheryl Hess 770-998-6766
Divine Mercy Novena at 6:30pm
American Heritage Girls Sara Boyle 770-410-9237
Catholic Returning Home at 6:30pm Bereavement Ministry Jenny Smentek [email protected]
Wed. Apr. 27 Adoration 9:30am to 9:00pm Bible Study (Friday Night) Elaine Ruppenthal 678-665-1100
Bible Study (Friday Morning) Gene O’Brien 770-664-5639
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50 pm
Bible Study (Tues. Morning) Christine Caveness 770-393-1816
Divine Mercy Novena at 6:30pm Boy Scout Troop 2006 Victor Wunschel 770-363-2013
Thu. Apr. 28 Adoration 9:30 to 9:00pm Caring Connection Ginny Boll 770-993-8738
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50 pm Catholics Returning Home Larry/Tracie Vicario 770-998-5971
Legion of Mary at 10:00am CHAMPS Youth Group 4th & 5th Grade Christen Barrett 404-242-6029
Divine Mercy Novena at 6:30pm Christ Renews His Parish Katie Troline 678-352-1311
Fri. Apr. 29 Adoration at 9:30am to 9:00pm Columbian Squires Circle 4976 Don Boyle 770-410-9237
Cub Scout Pack 2006 Bill Leach 404-717-7706
Rosary 8:25am and 12:50pm
EDGE Youth Group Christen Barrett [email protected]
Divine Mercy Novena at 6:30pm Elijah Cup Liz Schantz 770-518-6836
Sat. Apr. 30 Divine Mercy Novena at 2:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Guardians Christa Frye 678-277-8930
or [email protected]
Sun. May 1 Divine Mercy Novena at 3:00pm Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
Eucharistic Ministers Parish Office 770-641-9720
Familia Sara Sullivan 678-965-5351
Faith Formation Eileen DeJulio 770-641-9720x228
Please Pray for the Sick Homeschoolers of St. Andrew Carolyn Rittmueller 678-524-4950
Homestretch Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
Oskar Alvarez, Jean Austin, Donna Bateman, Mardy Baugh, Donald Bedell, JIFF-Journey in Faith Formation Rick Medina 678-687-8308
Howard Bennett, Jillian Bendtsen, Settembrina Biagioni, Mary Blake, Mary Knights of Columbus Bill Leach 404-717-7706
Lou Bornhorst, Carol Valentine Boyd, John W. Boyle, Mary Boyle, Graciela Lectors Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Buzeta, Stephen Capano, Cooper Card, Joseph Charles, Justin Chekoua, Legion of Mary Carol Albright 770-993-7903
San Juanita Chico, Noel Childs, Marijane Cross, Mike Crowley, Christopher Life Teen/High School Youth Group Cassi Villanueva 770-641-9720
Currere, Cheryl Dabny, Bill Davis, Josh Davis, Juan DeMiguel, Jane De- Marriage Encounter Dave/Ronnie Gorzynski 770-594-7608
maso, Christopher Denny, Hank Deren, Jeannette Derum, Rita Dusza, Ra- Men’s Fellowship Mike Lerch 678-521-1583
chel Fischer Tripodi, Miriam Flanagan, Marge Fleming, Julia Friedman, Pam Moms of St. Andrew Julie Franklin 678-320-0444
Frost, Tom Flynn, Nancy Fowler, Lucille Gallagher, Montye Gardner, Eliza- Shannon Wiggins 770-552-0701
beth Jane Gricus, James Hardin, Brittany Healy, Michael Healy, Kim Hender- Music Ministry Bernie Sotola 770-641-9720 x231
son, Heidi Hendrick, Martha Hill, Pat Hodges, David Holland, Carole Hunt, or [email protected]
Carol James, Rose James, John Johnston, Alice Jones, Jim Jordan, Andrew Over 55 Club Gert Mullin 770-772-6280
Korn, Johnny Kranyecz, Dolores Lamb, Deacon Mike Landaiche, Jr., Terry Parish Council John Miles 770-518-8512
Lenich, Jane Lennon, Arlene Lewandowski, Jackie Lewis, Kelly Lynn, Mar- Prayer Shawl Ministry Regina Fueher 770-640-6122
tha Macias, Chip Madren, Lee Means, Leyda Martinez, Nancy Mattox, Jane or Christy Medina 770-521-2857
Mayer, Ursula Medlen, Ted Michorczyk, Victoria Moon, David Morsa, Patrick Preschool Carol Hastings 770-642-1636
Mowete, Gert Mullin, Lori Nichols, James Nielsen, Rita Neilson, Alexandra Chris Lovejoy 770-642-1636
Odish, Aura Oliver, Annastasia Onwuachi, Audrey & Mike Pascual, Christo- or [email protected]
pher Pascual, Jesse Phillips, Marie Louise Phillips, Marilyn Phillps, Eugenia R.C.I.A. Tom Gotschall 770-490-9436
Piedrahita, Peggy Plunkett, Bill Plunkett, Renee Poole, Bill Radtke, Billy Respect Life Sally Mrus 678-352-9337
Robertson, Kelly Ross, Trenton Ross, Elaine Ruppenthal, Elva Saltafor- Hope Gricus 770-552-1168
St. Martin de Porres Sandy Lashley 770-641-9720
maggio, Helga Schleismann, Edward Schuster, Trudy Scully, Barbara Sicard,
St. Vincent de Paul Denise Fisher 770-641-9720
Steve Smith, Sharon Somers, Emmett Stallings, IV, Elaine Stephens, Shirley
Spanish Ministry Cecilia Campos 770-649-9392
Stevens, John Stevens, Rich Sullivan, Ms. Surangie, Bill Swiger, Noel Tiu, Ushers Guild John Miles 770-518-8512
Sarah Todd, Edward Tomko, Laila Utley, Tom Valentine, Blake Wood, Brian Venturing Crew 2006 Bill Leach 404-717-7706
& Honor Wynn-Higgins, Frank Zilinskas Wedding Coordinators Carol Meurer 770-641-9720
To add or delete names please contact Carol Meurer at Welcoming Committee Claudette Piper 770-518-9604
770-641-9720 or Christy Medina 770-521-2857
or [email protected]. Women’s Guild Lisa Biagioni 770-777-5912

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com

Rev. Padre Carlos Vargas. Telf. 678-824-5396
Horario: Martes, Miércoles, Jueves de 10:00 am a 3:00 pm. Viernes 10:00 am –6:00 pm
Cerrado los Lunes, Sábados y Domingos


TALLER: CONOCE LAS LEYES? PASOS A SEGUIR SI TE En el año 2001 El Papa Juan Pablo II estableció de
Presentado por el abogado Peter Hill y la Licenciada nuevo la tradición del peregrinaje de la Divina
Evangelina Herrera de la corte de Roswell, GA. Temas: Misericordia. St. Andrew comienza esta tradición
Ciudadanía y los riesgos de solicitarla si ha cometido algún con la novena a la Divina Misericordia el Viernes
delito. Defensa contra manejar sin licencia. Necesidad de
presentarse con abogado antes de declararse culpable. Santo a las 2:00 pm en la iglesia y termina Mayo
Deportación. Detenidos por inmigración en espera. 1ero. El horario durante la semana se encuentra en
Terminología y procesos en la corte.
las bancas de atrás de la iglesia.
St. Andrew Catholic Church
7-9pm Salon Multi-uso GRUPO DE ORACION SEMILLAS DE PAZ Y AMOR. Para todos
los que deseen conocer al Señor leyendo la palabra y
aprendiendo a orar en un ambiente amoroso y relajado. Todos
Donación los martes de 7-9 pm. Salón 202. Coordinadora Marina Urrea.
Durante la cuaresma cuatro reflexiones impartidas por las
consagradas del Regnun Christi.
Campamento para jóvenes (Teens) 13-17 anos, junio 23-25. hora a la semana de oración y silencio al Señor expuesto.
Ven, te sorprenderemos con diversión, compañerismo y Apúntate para hacerle guardia. HORARIO de lunes a viernes
crecimiento. Necesario apuntarse, cupo para 30 jovenes. 9:00 am a 9:00 pm.
Madres y padres que quisieran ser chaperones del grupo por ADORACION NOCTURNA. TODOS LOS SABADOS DE 9:00PM-
7:00AM. Comienza Febrero 28.
favor apuntarse en la oficina.
Reunión de Ministerios de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta. St. lunes a las 6:30 pm en la capilla. Estudio a las 7:00 pm.
Andrew 23 de Julio. 9-4pm. Centro Familiar.
Día Catequético 30 de Julio 2011. El departamento de 7 –9 pm .Salón 202
Formación en la Fe de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta requiere que
todas las catequistas y asistentes tomen cursos de formación
anualmente, El Día Catequético cumple con este requisito. El Redescubra la chispa que estaba allí en el día de su
taller es en St. Andrew Catholic Church. Misa de apertura a las boda!
9:00 am con el Obispo Luis Zarama. Te esperamos. Redescubra el mejor amigo que usted tenía cuando
estaban recién casados!
Retiros Abril 29 Junio 10, Agosto 19, Sept 30
El pertenecer a St. Andrew le permite recibir múltiples beneficios como:
participar de clases, talleres, seminarios de crecimiento espiritual como SACRAMENTOS
personal y profesional. De igual manera le da la oportunidad de integrarse y
hacer nuevas amistades, de recibir el numero de inscripción que lo BAUTISMO. Los padres tienen que estar registrados EN
identificara como miembro de St. Andrew Catholic Church Este numero es NUESTRA IGLESIA y asistiendo a la misa dominical por tres meses
el que debe usar en los sobres que encontrara en las bancas todos los antes DE TENER DERECHO A PEDIR EL SACRAMENTO.
domingos para que deposite su diezmo. Al usar el sobre para el diezmo cada REQUISITOS: DEBE presentar Acta de Nacimiento del niño/a.
domingo, usted deja constancia de que cumplió la obligación de oír misa y DEBEN los padrinos estar casados sacramentalmente Y traer copia
que es un miembro activo de la comunidad. del certificado de Matrimonio. Solteros: DEBEN ser mayores de 16
Si llegara a necesitar una carta para la escuela de sus hijos, constancia de
años de edad, y presentar certificado de CONFIRMACION.
que vive en el condado o para inmigración, solo podemos confirmar esa
información si usted está inscrito como miembro activo. De igual manera PAREJAS EN UNION LIBRE NO CALIFICAN PARA SER PADRINOS.
cuando necesite ayuda económica o medica de San Vicente de Paul se le da Platicas de preparación: OBLIGATORIAS PARA PADRES Y PADRINOS EN
preferencia si esta inscrito en St. Andrew. EL HORARIO DE :7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Primer Martes de mes. Ceremonia
Bautismal SEGUNDO SABADO de mes a las 11:00 am. Todos los documentos
tienen que ser entregados antes del día de la platica. LOS BAUTISOS SE
EL DIEZMO. Una hora de salario a la semana es lo HACEN EN ESPANO Y NO BILINGUES.
mínimo que debes considerar ofrecerle al Señor.
Pon tú donación en los sobres que encontraras en las MATRIMONIO. Inscritos en la parroquia. Reservar la fecha con
bancas. Al usarlos con tu numero de registro a seis meses de anticipación. Certificado de bautismo actualizada,
cumples con tu responsabilidad de tesoro y asistencia a la misa. licencia pre-matrimonial, clases de preparación LLASU (Llamados a
ser uno). Cita con el padre.

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com

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