Romanian ID Issuer - SEID SEID v0.2: Release Note
Romanian ID Issuer - SEID SEID v0.2: Release Note
Romanian ID Issuer - SEID SEID v0.2: Release Note
SEID v0.2
Release Note
[Notes: The EOAPI is implemented according to EOAPI Specifications v1.0]
Release Features of EOAPI
GET /EconomicOperators
Returns all economic operators to which the current user has access
GET /EconomicOperators/{id}
Returns details of a specific economic operator
POST /EconomicOperators
Creates new Economic Operator
DELETE /EconomicOperators/{id}
Deactivate an Economic Operator
GET /Facilities
Returns all facilities to which the current user has access
GET /Facilities/{id}
Returns details of a specific facility
POST /Facility
Creates new Facility
DELETE /Facility/{id}
Deactivate a Facility
GET /Machines
Returns all machines to which the current user has access
GET /Machines/{id}
Returns details of a specific machine
POST /Machines
Creates new Machine
PUT /Machines/{id}
Update a Machine
DELETE /Machines/{id}
Deactivate a Machine
GET / UnitLevelIdentifiers
Returns all Unit Level Identifiers requested in the last 6 months
POST /UnitLevelIdentifiers
Creates new Unit Level Identifiers
GET /UnitLevelIdentifiers/{requestId}/status
Returns the status of a specific request for Unit Level Identifiers
PUT /UnitLevelIdentifiers/{requestId}/recall
Recall a specific request of Unit Level Identifiers.
GET /UnitLevelIdentifiers/{requestId}
GET / AggregatedLevelIdentifiers
Returns all Aggregated Level Identifiers requested in the last 6 months
POST / AggregatedLevelIdentifiers
Creates new Aggregated Level Identifiers
Useful resources
EOAPI Swagger
EOAPI Postman
Postman file