Afomerly-Department of Fixplosives) : Nagpus, Date:. I6:03,2020

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tkSa T sve, Nagour


SRR FAX: 51057

3tw r l m and Fxplonves Sefety OOrganisation

AFomerly- Department of fixplosives)

"A Bke. 3° Floor, CCO Complex.
dd , AT 440 006 AT)
Seminary Ills, Nagpur- 440006

No G2N23 202 Nagpus, date:. I6:03,2020

-MKBdiwedi Cylinders Pv. Lal..
E-925. 1200 1201. Idhurial Area.
Rhiwedi. Dist- Alwr

R-600a Retngerants Gas cylinder bearing Sr. Nos. 4100

Sub:300 Nos .R22, R-134a, R407c, R410a & litres
41250 ) having water capacity 68.0
(excluding Sr. No 41138, 41143, 41158 &
To 41300 No. IlUBO/BTPS/235 to
IS:3196:(part-Il )2006 specification covered under certificate
Conforming to BTP Structural india PvL Ltd., Belgaum. -lnspected
238 dated 13/12/2019 manufactured by M/s.
and certitied by BIS - pcrmission for filling

Dear serS

Pirase reta :u »ur r : V. ".:019.20*TE°13 dated 03/03 2020 on the sbove subjec:

here s n0 vbiectvn to rf# l He bjeci cylinders wth R22, tR-134», R407e. R-J10a, R04a.
R-32. R-152a. R-290 & R-6dUn vot ute iu

S:3224 requirements o! e Gas

1. the cytioders are fitud wiih p.piialc vaíve conioming
Cylinders Rules 2016.
sureteh t s t l a pressure of 6.86 Mpa requircd under nik J5
.dhe cylinders are subjecied to hromuttc
Gos Cylinders Rules 2ülh,
of the R04a. R-32. R-I52a, R-290 & R-00a gas arc
t h cy lHnders fthed witlh k22. R-13á». R407, R-410.
hrkder of liceucc to possess such cylmders unless he is
any persul wha is *u a
nul supplied lw
therwisc cx cmnted unier these iuh.
for R-4I0a, 0.68
. ing ratio ahues nol
for R04s. 0.77 for
cAceed 0.M la. R22, 0.92 or R-134n, 0.87 for R4U7e, 0.813
R-32. 0.772 far R-152a. 0.421 for R-290 & 0,497 hr R-600» ní the wale

vapaciny of cylinders by weiglv'..

5, the cylinders ure sobjvtei ti pcrhdw examination/testing once in lve years as provided undcr tias
Cylinders Rules. 2016
6. Oher relevant provisians uies a complied wilh.
Ycurs faithlh

Controler of Lixpkrsives
for Chies Controller »f lExpsives
Stalion terprises
2, A-Wing, Knox Plaza, Off. Link Roo
Mindspace. Malad (W), Mumbai --400
Te: 922-28781700/43510000,
Fax: 91-22-28781600
Fmail Mallinn in

PRODUCT:-R-407C Customer Name: Fridge House
Invoice No.:300659 Bengaluru-560001.
Snvoice Dated: 16-09-2020 Involce Qty:50.00Kgs (01 nos. of SOK

Items Speciicatdons Resnts

Appearance Clear, Colourless,0dorless Clear, Colourless, Odorless
Purlty, h 99.5 min 99.98
R32,96 21-25 22.80
R125,% 23-27 25.06
R134a,% S0-54 52.20
|Moisture,6 s0,001 0.0008
Acidity (as HCI). % s0.0001 0.0001
Residue.4_ 0.01 0.0007
Non-condensable gas.,% sL50 0.9
R407C. 50.00 Kgs. Capacity: Cylinder Nos.

Sr.No. Cylinder No.


Fot Stailon Enteyprises

QC. Ichar

d P-Ssilra Enuprscs: esiae Par

Warhousing Corpaoion, Palaspe Pha Dl
. Te 0214iSioT49 Far. 2i4-3zt7. Ra
ed-i1oz21. M a s r a
Tarya Paal -Selan baapnse. Sckorá Pia No 65. HSwC, MT Maoes, Guraon-200 Hgen Td: O1 2910 e O 0

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