Counter Flow Regeneration
Counter Flow Regeneration
Counter Flow Regeneration
Conventionally the regenerant flow follows the same route through the resin bed as the
service water. Counter flow regeneration reverses this pattern. It has long been suspected
that considerable savings in regenerants could be achieved by this method, but it was not
until the late “fifties” that an acceptable technique was established to hold the resin bed
packed during regeneration. The technique involved the placing of a rubber bag above or
within the resin bed. During regeneration the bag was inflated to take up the free board in
the column. This pressed-bed system has now been superseded and the techniques in
current use will be discussed in the following sections. By counter flow regeneration the
lower resin layers are most highly regenerated and act as a polishing layer on the end-
product as it leaves the plant. Leakage is low even at normal regeneration levels and the
chemical efficiency of the resin is also increased significantly by counter flow
regeneration . Counter flow regenerated plants are used in industry and power stations
where high – purity water is required at the lowest possible cost and in large volumes.
30 36 48(H2SO4) <0.01
21 47 60(HCL) <0.20
21 47 45(HCL) <0.01
44 30 48(H2SO4) <0.15
46 15 56(H2SO4) 0.04
Capacity of strongly acidic cation resin
Feed analysis mg/l as CaCo3, Na 10, Mg 20, Ca 70, HCO3 60
Coflow Counterflow
Book capacity, g CaCO3/l 22.5 24.5
Actual capacity, g CaCO3/l 20.3 24.5
Regeneration ration at 48 g H2SO4/l 2.41 2.00
Feed analysis , mg/l as CaCO3, Na 50, Mg 30,Ca 20,HCO3 60
Coflow Counterflow
Book capacity, g CaCO3/l 27.3 30
Actual capacity, g CaCO3/l 24.5 30
Regeneration ratio at 48 g H2SO4/l 2.00 1.63
Capacity of strongly basic anion resins
Coflow Counterflow
Regeneration level, g NaOH/l 64 48
IRA 910 capacity , g CaCO3/l 34.0 34.5
IRA 458 capacity, g CaCO3/l 35.0 35.0
The main differences between coflow and counterflow regenerated units are flow
patterns, valves and distribution systems used to control them. The most important
engineering function which a counterflow regeneration system must perform is to prevent
the resin from mixing during or after regeneration. It is essential therefore to maintain the
resin bed in a packed condition during regeneration, and a number of different methods
for achieving this are available:
a) Packed bed
b) Air hold down
c) Water hold down
d) Fluidized bed
a) Packed bed:- In the simplest packed bed system the resin column a nozzle plate at the
top and another at the bottom. The space between the two nozzle plates is filled
completely with resin. Service flow may be upwards or downwards with regenerant flow
in the reverse direction. The system has one major drawback: there is no space to allow
for the expansion which takes place when the resin changes its form from “exhaustion” to
fully regenerated. Although this swelling may be no more than about 7 % of the
exhausted resin volume it may be sufficient to impose large mechanical stresses. For this
reason packed-bed systems are limited to small plants where the total swelling effect is
not great.
In this design the resin bed is held in compaction by a cushion of air. The ion exchange
column is of conventional design. At the surface of the active(or working) resin bed a
series of collector pipes are positioned. These consist of perforated, lateral tubes wrapped
with mesh and connected to a header pipe. Perforations are provided in both the top and
bottom of the tubes, the top being for air collection and the bottom for water collection.
The material used is stainless steel.
A layer of ion exchange resin is provided above the stainless steel collector to assist in
bed retention. This additional resin plays no part in plant ion exchange capacity. There is
a free board between the top of the resin bed and backwash water outlet.
Each regeneration is preceded by a surface flush of the top layers of resin. The flow
enters via the buried header and lateral and leaves via the backwash outlet. The working
resin is undisturbed during this operation which removes any suspended matter filtered
out by the resin and, of course, resin fines. Water inflow is then stopped and air is
introduced at the top of the vessel, displacing all the water above the buried collector.
Regenerant enters the unit under the bottom nozzle plate and passes upflow through the
resin and out of the buried collector. After injection the regenerant is displaced from the
active resin by a slow in upflow. The air flow is maintained through the resin above the
collector during injection and displacement. The unit is then refilled with water via the
buried collector and is then given a final rinse downwards.
This design is essentially similar to that used for air hold-down systems but instead of air
it is the feed water which performs the hold-down action. Two variants of the system
have been used , the first reusing spent regenerant as the hold-down medium, the other
using fresh regenerant. This latter system is known as “split –flow” or counterflow
regeneration. Here the buried collector is located near the bottom of the bed and the
regenerant flows from the top and bottom collectors simultaneously . Since the resin
above the collector is regenerated (in the coflow direction) there is no wasted resin , in
contrast to the other designs.