Customs of The Tagalogs Then NOW: Ext A

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1. Datu- chief of war whom Datu is currently a barangay chairman/captain, which
government obeyed and is a representative of a single barangay that governs
reverence. and preserves peace.
The highest elected official in a barangay, the
smallest level of administrative divisions in the
Philippines, is a barangay captain (Filipino: punong
barangay), also known as a barangay chairman.
Sitios and puroks are barangay sub-divisions, but
their leaders are different..
2. Nobles or Maharlika – Now, there are only few nobles around the world.
Free-born they do not pay Particularly exist in Dutch Republic in the year 1581-
taxes. 1795.
They are not really nobility now. Being a member of
the house of the lords is no longer heredity, these are
the last batch who were with job. They can only be
appointed now. …
3. Divorced – the dowry will Currently, if a couple divorces and their children are
all be return, or an equal still young, the child's custody will be granted to the
additional amount will be mother; but, if their children are of legal age, it will be
given to the husband. When up to them to determine who they want to be with; if
the husband left his wife the they are unable to do so, the law will make the
half of the dowry will not be decision based on the parents' ability to care for the
returned to him and if he children.
possessed children at the Prohibition in the Philippines<foreign-
same time of his divorce the news>article
dowry and the fine will went
to their children and will be
held by their grandparents or
any other responsible
4. slaves or aliping sa Slavery today is way to different from before, laws for
guiguilir – they served their the maid or laborers are invented and implemented.
master in his house up to his The slave would not need to serve his master up to
afterlife. his afterlife. The style of aliping sa guiguilir is
changed into style of aliping namamahay.
There are an estimated 261,200 people in modern
slavery in the Philippines – equivalent to 0.2655
percent of the entire population. Modern slavery
exists in the Philippines in all its forms. However, the
issue of forced labor for Filipinos working abroad is a
significant concern.
5. houses – are made of Houses are now made of cement and installed in
wood, bamboo’s, and nipa phases according to the wishes of the owner. Houses
palm. of this century are often referred to as new houses.
A post-and-beam structure with a flat or wide low-
pitched gable or sched roof was the most common
form of Modern building.
6. Their manner of burying Now, the manner of burying is way too different. We
the dead: have this place called cemetery where all the dead
The deceased was buried people are going to be buried whether you are a chief
beside his house. If he were a or not.
chief, he was buried beneath The family of the deceased often chooses to
a little which they made for commemorate the person with religious burial ritual.
that purpose. … on the funeral day, the coffin is generally loaded
into a hearse or borne by family members, relatives,
or friends in a procession towards the church and
later the cemetery.
7. Commoners or aliping In today's world, aliping mamahay is referred to as
namamahay – they live in "helpers" or "katulong" in Tagalog. They have the
their own houses and lords of same rights as before of returning to their homes to
their property and gold. protect their lives and dignity.
8. Unmarried women no This culture is way too far from now. Women in the
property or land. modern generation finally got the equality that they
deserved. What men can do can also be done by
women. Unlike before, that they cannot fight and
shout for their freedom that has been taken away
from them.
Now, unmarried women can have their ownership of
the assets.
9. Mode of dressing for In the modern world, women's makeup emphasized
female lips and countered cheeks, and nude color palettes
Baro or Camisa and Saya were also common. Their fashion consists of dresses
and t-shirts worn with shorts, skirts, and trousers.
Their fashion sense is a far cry from the conservative
style of the past.
10. Ascertained that this The barangay was the dominant organizational
barangay in its origin was a pattern among the indigenous communities in the
family of parents and Philippine archipelago until now. then, slaves were
children, relations, and not accepted to be part of the barangay, but we
slaves. cannot exclude them because they have their rights
and freedom to be respected.

1. The Prudent man Nowadays, the freedom of keeping a privacy is alarming
is sparing in words maybe it was brought of the new invented technologies,
and faithful keeping specifically the social media. Well there is this the law that
secrets. protects the privacy of an individual. The Republic Act 10173 –
Data Privacy Act Of 2012.
2. . In the thomy It is said that a parent is his child's first teacher, so if his
path of life, man is parents do bad things, his children are likely to do the same. It
the guide of his wife is likely that anything could happen before this time, so
and children, if he parents must teach their children to be healthy. The third
who guides moves chapter of article 220, titled "Effects of Parental Authority on
toward evil, they who the Persons of Children," discusses what parents should be
are guided likewise doing, in particular.
move toward evil.
3.It is rational to be These days, there are people losing out their kindness and
charitable and one’s respect but behind them are the people keeping the norms of
fellow creature, and valuing the culture of politeness. It simply seen by sharing and
to adjust one’s giving help to other people.
conduct, acts and
words to what is during-coronavirus-outbreak.
4. Diligence the work Love has always been there, in our current situation the love
that gives we exert grow much stronger. Amidst this pandemic the love
sustenance to you is connected us all, we learned the real meaning of it, it produces
true basis of love – extra ordinary efforts just for example is the OFW’s they
love your own self, became more connected and appreciated because even
for your wife and though every one of are experiencing different kind of situation
children, and for aboard they still stick and helped each other.
your brothers and
countrymen. struggles-html?m=l
5 In so far as it is On and before the pandemic the government and the other
within your power, institution or organization are spreading and using their
share your means powers to help and share goods deeds to people, they
with the poor and the became a lending hand to hold every time people would be
unfortunate. needing help.
6. The life that is not The new generation seems to forgot the purpose of life instead
consecrated to a of focusing and determining important details of the world,
lofty and reasonable they would choose to do and enjoy the new invented
purpose is a tree technologies they haven’t realize the real meaning of life and
without a shade, if not seeing what more to life.
not a poisonous
weed. generations/

7. Love God with all Up until now, this rule is still embodied in everyone human
your heart. beings. We must love God the creator of heaven and earth,
we must never be ashamed of asking for his forgiveness
because we never know what will happen next.
8. All your good The reason and believe to achieve all the necessities in life will
wishes will be be crowned if we know how to hold and keep going. The
crowned with serenity to help people in need could be a reason that can be
success if you have an exert of achieving the successful life that we want.
serenity, constancy,
reason, and faith in matagumpay-na-negosyante-ngayon
your acts and
9. whether our skin The Republic Act No. 9710 highlights the equality. And when it
be black and white, says equality it means it does not matter whether you are poor
we are all born or rich, black, or white and your educational background won’t
equal: superiority in matter if you cannot see the equality among people. We may
knowledge, wealth be divided by the society but still, it the group you belong to
and beauty are to be will not matter because there is no such called superior. An act
understood, but not actually says “ No one, therefore, should suffer discrimination
superiority to nature on the basis of ethnicity, gender, age, language, sexual
orientation, race, color, religion, political, or other opinion,
national, social, or geographical origin, disability, property,
birth, or other status as established by human rights

10. to do good for In the present time, the people’s concern takes place not only
personal gain and for themselves but also for the people around them, the
not for its own sake sharing become constant virtue among them. Especially these
is not a virtue. days, most of us have our personal issues and problems in life
but still there are people who chose to help and do good
deeds that sure help bigtime to others, we the Filipinos love to
share’s help whole heartedly.

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