Sex Education Argumentative Essay

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Sex education is essential for our youth. A large number

of teenagers are never taught about the consequences of having sex. They are not
taught the truth about sexually transmitted infections or early pregnancies. Could
changing this help our children and futices, or at the very least be aware of the
risks associated with having sex? It's something we all wonder about as teenagers:
sex. Teenagers frequently feel awkward discussing sex with their parents. As a
result, sex education is effective when taught in schools. Many people believe that
this will pique adolescent curiosity and lead to experimentation. Sex education, if
thoroughly taught, will be informative and provide teens with a good understanding
of sex and why it is such a big deal.

First and foremost, Sex education reduces teen pregnancy.

The course will teach teenagers (both boys and girls) about the negative
consequences of having a child at a young age. Teens are not physically or
emotionally mature enough to carry a child, even if they are biologically ready.
For example, the stress and difficulty of body changes frequently leads to pre-
mature births, which can result in life-long problems for both the mother and the
baby.This not only has an impact on the mother's health, but it can also have an
impact on the mother's education. Only 40% of teen mothers complete high school.
Grades tend to drop, and the simplest way out is to refuse to go. The parents are
exhausted after staying up all night providing care and support for the baby. How
can they concentrate in school when they have a life at stake? This connects
towards the abortion rate. Teenagers who become pregnant are frequently pressured
to do an abortion. Both pregnancy and abortion can be avoided if the adolescent is
responsible and practices abstinence or safe sex.

Furthermore, Sex education in schools is needed to

reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Many teenagers will not
consider this when they are intimate with another person, but it is the school's
responsibility to keep the teenagers informed. Diseases not only cause health
problems, but they can also cause infertility in women, and HIV AIDS is lethal to

Lastly, Sex education can keep children and teenagers

safe from sexual abuse. Victims of sexual abuse do not report their abuse because
they are afraid of being humiliated. They may be oblivious about sexual abuse. The
abuser brainwashes the victims into believing that what they are doing is
justifiable. Sex education will not provide any guidance or steps to take once you
are abused. twStudents need to understand that they have the right to say "no."
Children and teenagers should acknowledge health relationships, boundaries, and

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