Theory, Production and Mechanism of Formation of Monodispersed Hydrosols
Theory, Production and Mechanism of Formation of Monodispersed Hydrosols
Theory, Production and Mechanism of Formation of Monodispersed Hydrosols
ume of a miscible non-solvent like water has al- Schematically Fig. 1 shows that the concentra-
ways resulted in a polydispersed preparation, tion of sulfur builds up during stage I a t a rate
commonly called “milk of sulfur.’16 The process which varies as (Naz$zOa)’’X and (HCl)’’; until a
(1) V. K.LaMer, Paper read before the Division of Physical and
critical concentration is reached.* On reaching
Inorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, N. Y., this reproducible metastable condition the system
September, 1947. V. K. LaMer and R. H. Dinegar, Paper read becomes heterogeneous by a process of self-nuclea-
before the Division of Colloid Chemistry of the American Chemical tion yielding droplets of supercooled liquid lambda
Society, Atlantic City, N. J., September, 1949.
(2) M. Volmer, “Kinetik der Phasenbildung,” Edwards Bros., sulfur. The rate of nucleation, as judged by the
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1945. reproducibility of the timing and the concentra-
(3) J. J. Frenkel, “Kinetic Theory of Liquids,” Oxford Univer- tion of sulfur a t which the system becomes hetero-
sity Press, 1946, Chapter 7. geneous, is so exceedingly sensitive to an increase
(4) V. K. LaMer and D. Sinclair, N. D. R. C.-0. S. R. D. Report
57, July 1, 1941-see Sinclair and LaMer, Chemical Reuiews, 44, 245 in the concentration of dissolved sulfur that the
(1949). rate becomes effectively infinite. For practical
(5) V. K. LaMer and M. D. Barnes, J. Colloid Science, 1, 71-79 purposes it may be considered a critical phenom-
(1946); I. Johnson and V. K. LaMer, THISJ O U R N A L , 69, 1184 enon. 1 ~ 2 This critical concentration consequently
( 6 ) A. W. Thomas, “Colloid Chemistry,” McGrow-Hill Co., 1934, (7) LaMer and Kenyon, J. Colloid Science, S, 257 (1947).
p. 135; R. Audubert, in Alexander, “Colloid Chemistry,” Chemical (8)E. M. Zaiser and V. K. LaMer, ibid., 5, 571 (1948).
Catalog Co., New York, N. Y., 1926, Vol. I, p. 354, mentions a (9) H.Bassett and R . G. Durant, J. Ckem. Soc., 1401 (1927).
thesis b y Boutaric (Paris, 1918) in which i t is pointed out t h a t (IO) C.K. Jablcynski and 2. Warszawska-Rytel, Bull. Soc. Ckim.
large spheres transmit blue light better than red and on p. 361 France, 59, 409 (1926).
discusses the problem of particle growth in a preliminary way which (11) A. F. Holleman, Rcc. frao. chim., 14,71 (189).
proves t o be in accord with the treatment we present. (12) F.Prakke and E. Stiasny, ibid., 13, 615 (1933).
H. DINEGAR Vol. 72
process of growth of stable nuclei to form discrete
particles can proceed by diffusion of molecularly Fig. 2 -Schematic representation of the critical super-
dissolved sulfur to the nuclei. The concentration saturation and equilibrium saturation concentration of dis-
of molecularly dissolved sulfur, in this region (111), solved sulfur in an organic solvent-water mixture as a
represents a balance between the rate of produc- function of the volume fraction of water.
tion by the chemical reaction and the removal by Experimental Results.-The experimentally determined
diffusion to the nuclear sinks. The final rate of critical curve for sulfur dissolved in 100% ethanol is shown
growth is accordingly controlled by the rate of the as in Fig. 3, where the log of the final concentration is plotted
a function of the partial molal volume fraction of water.
chemical reaction. The sulfur used was purified by the method of Bacon and
If the initial concentrations are not dilute ( > Fanellils and dissolved in 100% c. P. ethyl alcohol (%%D
ca. 0.01 M> the rate of production of sulfur by the 1.3600).
chemical reaction will become so rapid that the point Two methods of noting the phase transition or critical
exceed the concentration at which Rn - were employed in the construction of this curve-
concentration of dissolved sulfur will continually a visual method and a turbidimetric analysis. In the
0. A first the diluted sulfur-ethanol solutions were titrated drop-
continual cascading of nuclei in addition to growth wise with distilled water with continuous stirring at room
(-25 ”) . The end-point in the titration was
then ensues. Obviously, then, the size of any temperature
taken to be that point a t which the further addition of one
given particle will depend upon when it was drop of water produced an immediate large increase in the
formed. Non-uniform growth and a polydis- turbidity of the solution. The end-point was observed
persed sol is the final result in this case. visually, the solution being illuminated by approximately
There is nothing in the foregoing treatment that parallel white light, oriented 90 degrees to the observer.
When the sulfur solution was titrated rapidly with water
limits the mechanism by which the value of C,, is three regions of different optical properties were noted
reached. Supersaturation can be achieved not depending on the initial concentration of sulfur. If the
only by building up the concentration of dissolved initial concentration of sulfur in alcohol was less than 1 X
sulfur in a medium of constant solubility-but also lo-’ g. at. S/1. no sharp end-point was observed-only a
starting with a certain Concentration of sulfur and 13) Hacon and Fanelli. I n d . Eng Chcm , 84, 1043 (1942).
Nov., 1950 THEORY,
optical density of each sample was measured as a it is to be expected on this basis that a sulfur con-
function of wave length a t 250 A. intervals be- centration of less than 1.5 X lo4 g. at. S/1. could
tween 4000 and 6000 A. The optical density as a not result in any perceptible turbidity a t any vol-
function of the volume fraction of water in the al- ume fraction of water attainable. Extrapolation
cohol-water solution for t k e e runs is shown in of the critical curve obtained by the present
Fig. 4,for wave length 5000 A. method gives 1 X lom6g. at. S/l. for the critical
concentration of sulfur in pure water. This figure
12 is in satisfactory agreement with the value given
by Zaiser16 when it is recognized that her deter-
10 mination was made spectrophotometrically as-
suming the extinction coefficient of sulfur in pure
water to be the average of those of a number of or-
ganic solvents.
5 Rate of Growth and the DiiTusion Coefficient of Ss:
(1) Experimental.-In order to study the rate of growth of
monodispersed sols produced by dilution with non-solvent
of sulfur in ethanol and acetone, another method of pre-
paring the sols was devised. It consisted of adding to the
1 sulfur-ethanol or sulfur-acetone solution by an hypoder-
mic syringe the amount of water needed to cause nuclea-
i tion. This technique afforded more instantaneous and
2 homogeneous inking. The heat of mixing, however,
raised the temperature to about 31 '--enough t o prevent
s" 0.5 immediate nucleation. The mixture was chilled in 90
seconds with continuous stirring to approximately 29 '.
Nucleation took place between these temperatures and the
particles grew uniformly producing monodisperse prepara-
tions. The slight rise in initial temperature prevented
0.1 iiucleation until all the water had been added thus insuring
homogeneity and the liberation of sulfur in equivalent
amounts a t all points in the solution. The solution was
then put in a constant temperature room a t 25". The
maximum particle size was reached in about 25 minutes
0.05 during which time thz temperature of the mixture had de-
creased only about 2 . Very little, if any, change in size
occurred as the sol reached equilibrium a t 25" some 70
minutes later, indicating that the temperature coefficient
of the solubility of sulfur is too small to be noted by the
0.00 accuracy of the method uwd, for particles of size greater
than 0.4 fi radius.
0.2 0.4 0.6 08 1.0 The method used for determining the size of the particles
Volume fraction H20. was developed by LaMer and Sinclair for aerosols4 and
applied to hydrosols by Johnson and LaMer.'? It utilizes
Fig. 4 -Optical density (log 10,'I) of sulfur dissolved the change in angular position, 6, of the red bands of the
in ethanol-water mixtures as a function of the volume higher order Tyndall spectra with particle size. The
fraction of water Initial concentration of sulfur gr. a t 11.: angular positions of the red bands were determined as a
A, 37.5 B, 588 C, 1.18 (IO)-'. function of time by viewing the sol itlumindted by ap-
proximately parallel white light through a telescope on
Log Io/I W. volume fraction of water showed a which wds mounted a Polaroid H filter No. 330, oriented
so as to pass only the scattered light whose electric vector
region in which a few small particles were pro- is perpendicular to the plane determined by the light
duced followed by another region in which the op- source, particle, and observer. 6 is the angle of observa-
tical density increased tremendously on addition tion measured from the backward direction of incident
of a small increment of water (see Initial C = light propagation. The calibration'" has been determined
by transmission methods, theoretical calculation, the rate
5.88 X lo-* g. at. S/l.). In this region rapid par- of deposition of sulfur hydrosols in aqueous solution and
ticle formation is accompanied by rapid growth. rechecked by Kerker and LaXerls for dependence of ra-
The critical points obtained by this method fell dius upon time of reaction.
on the same curve as those obtained by the visual The number of particles was determined from the wave
length and intensity value of the minimum in the optical
method and are shown by appropriate symbols in density us. wave length transmission curve measured by
Fig, 3. The curve could not be extended by using a model DU Beckman spectrophotometer, using 1O-cm.
this method to volume fractions of water greater quartz cells. The value of the optical density at the mini-
than 0.8. Initial sulfur concentrations as lorn as mum in the transmission curve is related to the number of
particles, n, having a radius, I, by the relationshipls~aO
1.5 X 10" g. at. S/l., were tried and no change in
turbidity was noticed even on tenfold additions of 2 3 log (10/1) min = (rr2nZ)-'R, =: 2.08
water volume fractions. This corresponds to a where 2rr/h' min. = 6 8 for X' > 3200 A., X' = wave
final sulfur concentration of less than 1.5 X 10-s length of the light in the medium, 1 = cell length = 10 cm.
g. at. S/1. Since it has been reported previously* (17) 1. Johnson and V. K. LaMer, THIS JOURNAL, 69, 1184 (1947);
that a sulfur concentration of 3.2 X lo4 g. at. S/1. (18) M.Rerker and V. K.LaMer, ibid., 72, 3516 (1960).
(IS) M. D. Barnes, A. S. Kenyon, E. M. Zaiser nnd V. R.Lahler,
must be generated by the reaction of acid and thio- J . Colloid Science, a, 349 (1947).
sulfate in water for light scattering to be observed, (20) Kenyon and LaMer, {bid , 8, 183 (1949).
Nnv., 1950 THEORY,
CT“ 0.090
s” 0.085
0.070 L- ~~ ~
The graph of theta ws. time in Fig. 5 is very similar t o problem has been treated by R e i ~ s . ~ ~Special-
those obtained previously for sols made by the acid de- izing this treatment to the case at hand, one may
composition of thiosulfate, except that the number and derive on theoretical grounds alone, an equation
position of the red orders reaches a constant value signify- giving the radius of the particles as a function of
ing the exhaustion of the liberated sulfur. The optical
density ws. wave length curve shows the characteristic the time after formation of nuclei.
“minimum” (Fig. 6). The numbers of particles per ml. Consider the situation within a very short inter-
calculated from these sols are in the same range as those val of time after mixing the solutions. Stable
obtained by acid decomposition, i. e., 1 to 4 X 106 per particles of super-cooled liquid sulfur have formed
ml. The final radius, number of particles per ml., along
with the initial concentration of sulfur and volume of in the midst of a mixture of organic solvent and
water added for fifteen runs for the solvents ethanol and water that is supersaturated with respect to dis-
acetone are shown in Table I. solved sulfur. Further deposition of sulfur on the
The sign of the electric charge on the particles of sols particles is a natural process and occurs spontane-
prepared by dilution methods is either positive or negative
depending upon the pH of the solution. For alcohol- ously, The final size to which the particles will
water sols the iso-electric point is a t PH 5.8 and for ace- grow and the rate a t which they will grow depends
tone-water sols, at pH 6.0, both sols being positive a t a upon three variables.
PH lower than the isoelectric point. The sign of the The first is the number of nuclei which are to
charge is reversible to titration with either HCl or NaOH.
The electrophoretic mobility of a n alcohol-water sol a t grow. This number is assumed constant through-
pH 6.9 of radius 0.5 p was -1.3 * 0.3 p/sec./volt/cm. out the growth and equal to the number of parti-
This corresponds t o a charge of 1500 electrons per particle, cles present at any time. Since the total amount
or a surface density of charge equal to 23 abs. e. s. u. cm. -2. of sulfur to be deposited is distributed homogene-
These electrophoretic experiments were performed jointly
with Robert H. Smellie, using apparatus he developed. ously throughout the solution one must propor-
He finds that traces of acetic acid produced by oxidation of tion l / n times this amount to each nucleus, where
the alcohol are responsible for the positive charges on the n equals the number of particles per ml. Then
sols below pH 5.8. each particle is influenced only as to growth by an
Theory of Growth.-The growth rates of sols amount of1 sulfur contained in a volume, spheri-
produced by the dilution method represent the dif- cally symmetric about the origin, of radius equal to
fusion of a substance in a thermodynamically un- lz and volume 4/3nh3. This “particulate volume”
stable state onto the surface of a nucleus. The associated with each nucleus equals l / n . Since
diffusing species are almost certainly S g rings,21,22 no material outside of this volume influences the
uncontaminated in the case of the dilution method growth of any one given particle, h is the radius of
by any other substances such as polythionates. an impermeable shell.
It is possible to gain information concerning the The second variable influencing the growth of
diffusion coefficient of SSfrom such measurements. the particles is the total amount of diffusible sul-
The results will be approximate, since the theory fur. Provided there are no other sources of dif-
used is not exact. In addition, certain approxi- fusable sulfur, this value is given by the difference
mations and assumptions concerning the experi- between the amount of sulfur originally in the
mental data are necessary. mixture and the solubility of supercooled liquid
The mathematical formulation of the diffusion sulfur in the medium, e. g., (ess- Cs). Unfortu-
(21) W. H. Latimer and J. Hildebrand, “Reference Book of Inor-
nately C, is not known independently. The dif-
ganic Chemistry,” The Macmillan Co.. New York, N. Y., Chapter (23) H.Reiss, Trans. N . Y. Acad. of Scicirccs, Series 11. Vol 11,
XII. No. 7 (1949).
(22) L. Pauling, Proc. Not. Acod. Sciences, 86, no. 9 (1949). (24) H. Reiss and V. K. LaMer, J . Chcm. Physics, 18, 1 (1950).
H. DINEGAR Vol. 72
the variations will tend to cancel one another.
Consider the flux, Q, through any spherical dx
x2 17dt
shell of radius, r , concentric with spheres of radii x
and It (r equals radius of the nucleus). Assuming with x ( 0 ) = 0, and for r =x we obtain
Fick’s law; this flux is given by px dx px3
Q(t) = -4rrZD dcldr (1)
C ( x , 1) = c,, - Ddt--F (7)
subject to the boundary conditions: (1) a t the From condition (1) C(x,t) = C s ( t ) ; therefore the
surface of the particle the value of the concentra- final equation becomes
tion of sulfur is the saturation value; i. e., C(x,t)
equals C, ( t ) ; (2) a t any point in the system, ini- ‘w)
= [C,
- C, i t ) ] --
- 2h2-0 x 3 (8)
tially, the concentration of sulfur is the supersatu-
ration value, i. e., C(r,O) equals Css; ( 3 ) a t the This equation may now be integrated25in closed
impermeable shell a t h: (dc/bt),=h = 3Q(t)/ form to obtain the analytical expression between
4nh3. Integrating (1) with respect to r gives x and t only if C, is considered independent of t
Thus the final result for this special case is
C(r, t ) = Q ( t ) / 4 r r D +f(t) (2)
A t time t equals 0, equation (2) becomes
C(r,O) = Q ( 0 ) l B r r D 4f ( 0 )
but, since (dc/&)i=o = 0, Q(0) = 0, and C(r,o)
equalsf(0) equals C,, by condition ( 2 ) .
Boundary condition (3) demands that the time
derivative of equation 2 specialized to 7 equal h be
given by 3Q(t)/4nh3
Since it is possible to use equation (9) only for a
calculation of x versus t when COis constant and it
( 2 5 ) Pierce, “Short Tables of Iotegrals.” 3rd Edition, Eqn. 61.