Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
Errors can also be blames on the medium of the message such as the technology and
the environment - some of which can slide back to choices the sender makes, but
others are out of anyone’s control. If you need to work out the terms of a sale with a
supplier a few towns over before you draw up the invoice and time is of the essence,
sending an email and expecting a quick response would be foolish when you have no
idea if anyone’s there to write back right away, and would potentially need to go back
and forth over the terms; this exchange could potentially take days, but you only have
an hour. The smart move is instead to phone the supplier so that you can have a quick
back-and-fourth. If you need to, you could also text them to say that you’re calling to
hammer out the details before writing it up. Of course, you wouldn’t call using a
cellphone from inside a parking garage because blame for problems with the
reception (or interface) would slide back on you for not positioning yourself
appropriately given the available environments.
WHAT IS IT _______________________________
1. Because you need to think before you say or articulate words, prevailing as
communication requires a procedure as of a process. Communication is defined with
words leaving your lips as you converse with a person. Communication requires that use of
various organs science-wise. The voice box an an example.
2. Seven major elements of communication process are: (1) sender (2) ideas (3) encoding
(4) communication channel (5) receiver (6) decoding and (7) feedback.
3. By following the process of communication. As a receiver, make sure to give feedback to
the sender to make your communication continuous, clear and understandable.
WHAT’S MORE ______________________________
1. The problem will serve or will be a barrier that will cause queuing in either sending or
receiving the message that affects communication.
2. I have better understanding of my surrounding which I can share freshly. A good
environment means good conversation. Positive one and positive one will give great vibes.
1. Communication is complex process since it contains different steps that starts with
sender creating an idea then that interpreted thought will form a message that is to be
delivered to the receiver.
2. The role of media in the community plays an important role within each society, in
terms of educating people about the news, information and ideas that affect the decision-
making and implementation process. The media is an important source of awareness and
the building of social thought. Public opinion, as well as influence the composition of their
interests and their intellectual and political orientation, and this is gaining their
importance in the process of development of countries and human societies.
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
WHAT IS IT _________________________________
Comparison Contrast
Information Literacy: is Prior to the 1990s, the
understanding what primary focus of
information is fact vs. information through various
opinion or affirmation vs forms of media. IML is
Media Literacy vs. information. Understanding combination of information
Information Literacy citations and sources will literacy and media literacy.
help in any intellectual
pursuit especially on the
Media Literacy: Is an
informed, critical
understanding of the mass
Media Literacy is For example, information
understanding how media literacy has typically been
works in terms of marketing associated with critical
and messaging. Gaining a analysis of news, advertising
Media Literacy vs. clear understanding of and mass media
Technology (Digital) target audience’s for any entertainment. Digital
content is important as well literacy is associated with
as answering why it is there the ability to use computers,
and how it came to be. social media, and the
Technology (Digital) Literacy
is the storing and moving
the data but by itself creates
no value. It systems will
data accessible for others to
use and comprehend.
Digital literacy is how to Information Literacy is a
find, organise, evaluate and type of literature wherein
create information using the message conveyed is
digital technology verbal in the form of writing
Information Literacy vs. and can be passed through
Technology (Digital Literacy) Information literacy is channels in a hard copy.
knowing how to find, While Technology (Digital)
evaluate, use and manage Literacy is a type of
information. literature wherein the
information is passed
through a media like
internet in a soft copy form.
In my own words, I can define media and information literacy as Media and
Information Literacy consists of the knowledge, the attitudes, and the sum of the skills
needed to know when and what information is needed; where and how to obtain that
information; how to evaluate it critically and organize it once it is found; and how to
use it in an ethical way.
Media literacy, Information literacy, and technology literary are important lifelong
skills because it is the the ability to effectively and efficiently create, use,
comprehend, and share information through any mediated communication. The
ability to navigate the media is a powerful and crucial skill.
With the various advancements and technological trends going on, it’s no surprise that
many people are shifting to social media as their source of information. Sources of news
were almost pretty much the same, but how it was spread was very different from almost
a century ago. Nowadays, you can access news from every source around the world with
just a click of a button. Being a social literate individual doesn’t only mean that you should
share every news you see on the online platform. Being an effective media information
literate also means that the sources you got your news from should be legitimate and true.
Surely change is inevitable. How we obtain and share information is going to take a curve.
How we can improve the sudden shift from old to solely depends on the present-day
generation. As part of this generation, and a media literate individual, I can show people
that their view means something. Every day I see people that have given up on a
democracy, their job, their life in some cases . I try to help them understand we re what
we make us. They have to take responsibility for themselves, an in doing so they can find
solutions. I told a man once, who was very negative about government, and had five or six
children, that those, children were the key. If he raised them with values he believed in,
maybe they would be able to get into government and help it move in that direction. I
think he threw something at me. It might have only been a terrible look, but it felt like a
rock. We are always looking for quick fixes, but the changes that last, are the ones that are
the hardest to achieve. If we can show them how to make themselves count, in a tangible
way, we can change their view.
ASSESSMENT _________________________________
1. B. Information Literacy
2. C. Technology Literacy
3. A. Media Literacy
4. B. Information Literacy
5. B. Information Literacy
6. C. Technology Literacy
7. B. Information Literacy
8. A. Media Literacy
9. B. information Literacy
10. C. Technology Literacy
1. Y
2. N
3. Y
4. Y
5. N
6. Y
7. Y
8. N
9. N
10. N
I read the article and I also saw news about it, so I must say it’s fact.
Not everything in the internet is legit, we must double check before doing anything
We must ask questions or fact checking before saying that their work is wrong.
In my own words, I can define media and information literacy as Media and
Information Literacy consists of the knowledge, the attitudes, and the sum of the skills
needed to know when and what information is needed; where and how to obtain that
information; how to evaluate it critically and organize it once it is found; and how to
use it in an ethical way.
Media literacy, Information literacy, and technology literary are important lifelong
skills because it is the the ability to effectively and efficiently create, use,
comprehend, and share information through any mediated communication. The
ability to navigate the media is a powerful and crucial skill.
1. I will not believe such a message without WHO confirmation. If it’s real they could have
posted it in their social media accounts and the news and media networks could have
spread the word already.
2. I will respect her/him opinion.
3. i will teach him some respect and tell him/her to stop spreading the said video because
it’s non of their business it will cause a depression for the victim.
4. I will read first the article/URL before doing anything, always do a fact checking so your
efforts won’t be waste.
5. I will do some further research about it.
ASSESSMENT _____________________________
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
1. Y
2. N
3. Y
4. Y
5. N
6. Y
7. Y
8. N
9. N
10. N