B. Several countries around the world have already imposed a national Jaw
with heavy infringements. More recently the UK, Australia and Finland have
joined the ranks of countries opposing this very hazardous act, with Ireland
imposing the harshest penalties on the continent (a third offence can mean 3
months imprisonment). Also in Europe, the Netherlands is fining offenders
2000 Euros and 2 weeks in jail.
E. On one hand, using a cell phone whilst driving has become an integral part
of our lives and is going to be a hard habit to kick. But it has been proven that
our reaction time is never fast enough when confronted with a road hazard,
but if you are having a conversation at the same time it will slow your reaction
time by even more. Most people find It takes 2 and a half seconds to react in a
dangerous situation but if you are on the phone you can add another 2 seconds
onto that. Your attention is divided; part of you concentrates on your
conversation, the other on driving. The demands of die conversation and the
road are competing, therefore making it a cognitive distraction as well as
physical as you are removing one hand from the steering wheel to hold the
phone. On the other hand, an American radio host suggested that banning cell
phones whist driving was taking it a step too far, “if we ban cell phones, what’s
next? No billboards, coffee drinking, or CD players?” The host agreed that
texting whilst driving was a danger but phoning was not.
F. Many people agreed with him in saying that texting was a definite hazard as
the act of looking down would lead your eyes off the road. However, doesn’t
holding a conversation while driving seems just as distracting as eating food or
reaching for a CD? Accidents were happening decades before the cell phone
was introduced so should we be taking this matter so seriously?
G. Obviously opinions will differ on this matter, and it will always remain a
debatable issue. A long list of countries seems to be following the trend and
imposing a law against cell phones on the road, but there is still and even
longer list yet to follow. Lack of data leaves uncertain results but it seems
research is ongoing and surveys and tests are being carried out on a regular
basis to reach some kind of conclusion as to just how dangerous and
potentially fatal this habit may be.
Questions 1 – 6
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B – G from the list of headings
List of Headings
viii. Contradictory data
1. Paragraph B
2. Paragraph C
3. Paragraph D
4. Paragraph E
5. Paragraph F
6. Paragraph G
Questions 7 – 11
A. Ministry of Transport
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading
12.The law in Ireland regarding mobile phone use while driving is the
world’s most serious.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 17-29, which are based
on Reading Passage 2 below.
High above the city of Paris the Eiffel Tower looks over the thousands of
tourists that visit her each day. One of the greatest sites in Paris, the Eiffel
Tower was erected in 1889 for the great Paris Exposition.
Alexander Gustave Eiffel, who also designed the Statue of Liberty, put
his design forward amongst 700 other designs and Eiffel’s design was chosen
collectively without any further thought. The decision was made to build this
radical creation and two years later it was completed. Eiffel had originally
decided to build the tower in Barcelona, for the Universal Exposition of 1888,
but organizers and planners in Barcelona thought it was a bizarre and
expensive construction, which did not fit into the design of the city.
After the design and build of the Eiffel Tower was confirmed for Paris, a
petition was signed by over 300 names to fight against the building of this
project. These names included Parisian architects, engineers and famous
citizens of Paris. Eiffel was heavily castigated for his design and was accused of
designing something for its appearance and artistic appeal with no regard to
engineering; opponents to the building claimed that the design did not have
sufficient stability to withstand the high winds its height would be exposed to.
But Eiffel and his team of ex bridge builders understood the importance of
wind forces, and the shape of the tower was largely decided by mathematical
calculation involving wind resistance.
French painters, sculptures and writers did not see the beauty in the
tower and referred to it as useless and monstrous. However, the Eiffel tower
was admired by many notable people (Rousseau was particularly impressed)
and construction began in 1887 and was soon completed by the end of 1889.
In 1909 it was almost demolished because of the expiration of its 20 year lease
but was saved due to its antennas used for telegraphy at the time, with such a
difficult beginning to the Tower. It is now internationally recognized and is a
symbol of Paris completely accepted and valued by its French Citizens.
It took 300 workers and 15,000 pieces of iron to complete this massive
landmark which now stands at 320 meters tall. With three different levels, the
third and highest level offers panoramic views of the City of Paris and sits 276
meters above the ground. Today all three levels of the Eiffel Tower are
observatory platforms. The first level offers a souvenir kiosk, gallery and
restaurant. The second level offers telescopes, shops and another restaurant
with even more spectacular views, the third offers a gallery featuring the
history of the Eiffel Tower; a wax reproduction of Gustave Eiffel and his
original office restoration. Although stairs are still available, lifts commonly
take passengers to all three of these levels.
On a dear day you can see as far as 67 kilometers across Paris. More
than 300,000,000 people have visited the Tower since its completion in 1889
making it one of the most visited monuments in Europe.
Today more than 500 hundred people operate the day to day running of
the Eiffel Tower. Each and every day the Eiffel Towers 335 spotlights and
20,000 bulbs create a glistening affect and at night the Eiffel Tower lights up
the city of Paris and is a sight not to be missed by anyone. The Tower lights up
every evening from sunset to lam, coupled with the light house on the top that
sends out its light beams during the same hours. As recognizable as a night
time picture of the Tower is, rulings made in the early 1990s actually made
copyrighted the illuminated image, Unless it is taken as part of a wider
panoramic view, the image is protected under French law. The argument is
that the arrangements and display of the lighting constitutes an original visual
creation, much as a major work of art, and thus should be entitled to the same
degree of protection, The ruling was and remains highly controversial, with
concerns that an innocent tourist taking a photograph of the tower at night is
potentially breaching copyright.
Questions 17 – 19
Questions 20 – 22
Questions 23 – 29
23. What is the most common way of accessing the three floors?
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 30-40, which are based
on Reading Passage 3 below.
Having identified the potential hazards, the next step is to assess the
hazard; that is, to consider to what extent they are significant. To a degree,
this is a subjective aspect of risk management, as what may be seen by one
person to be a significant issue can be seen by another to be an acceptable
feature of a workplace. To allow for a degree of uniformity, in this stage,
hazards are rated using risk assessment tables. These tables work by assigning
a point value to three areas. The first is the exposure score, which assesses
how often people are exposed to the hazard. If this is a continuous risk which
employees face all the time, the score will be high; if the exposure is very rare,
the points given will be substantially lower, The score is then multiplied by the
likelihood of this hazard causing an injury, ranging from ‘Definite’ (it happens
all the time) down to ‘Unlikely’ (it hasn’t happened yet). This is referred to as
the chances rating. The sum of the first two scores is again multiplied by the
effects score, which considers how serious any accident might be. This can be
rated from 1 (requiring minor fist aid) right up to multiple deaths (classed as
disaster ). All 3 scores then give the final risk assessment result. Generally, a
result in excess of 100 points requires caution, but a result of 200 hundred or
more is classed as high priority. Certain jobs are, for the most part,
permanently gamer scores of over 200 (firefighting, for example) and in many
cases additional payments, informally known as ‘danger money’, are applied.
The third step on the hazard management plan is to control hazards that
have been identified. There are 3 stages to hazard control. The first aim is to
eliminate the hazard – that is, to get rid of it altogether. This can be achieved
by removing debris or unnecessary obstacles from the workplace. Often,
however, this is not possible, so the next step is to isolate the hazard, to store it
out of the way. For example, a cleaning company cannot completely eliminate
hazardous chemicals, but they can keep these chemicals locked away until
required. Isolating hazards is an ongoing process which requires companies to
have very dear and enforced guidelines regarding safe storage of potentially
hazardous products.
If the hazards cannot be isolated, then the aim must be to minimize the
risk. This is achieved through staff training in safe handling techniques and
best practices, as well as the provision of personal protection equipment
(PPE). PPE commonly includes items such as gloves, overalls and footwear
with steel reinforced areas.
The fourth and fifth steps on a hazard management plan are connected
– to record and review’ the hazard. The recording is done in the hazard
register, and this register is continually reviewed to ensure best practices are
maintained. If a severe accident does occur in the workplace, it is the hazard
register that investigators often first turn to, to see if the issue had previously
been reported and if so what the company bad done about the hazard.
30. The 5 stages of the managing hazards are put together as what?
Questions 38 – 40
Locate the hazard ( e.g. 39______________ it out of the
40____________ hazard by wearing protective clothing
and following safety training