The Life Cycle of Private Equity
The Life Cycle of Private Equity
The Life Cycle of Private Equity
Portfolio Company
General Partner (GP)
Fund Name III GP, LLC
Portfolio Company
The information herein is provided for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice, nor should any
information in this document be relied on when making an investment decision. Recipients should consult their own financial advisers regarding the
information herein. There can be no assurance that an allocation to alternatives would yield returns or protect capital. There may be occasions when
a fund’s general partner and/or the investment advisor, and their affiliates will encounter potential conflicts of interest in connection with such fund’s
activities. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
T H E L I F E C Y C L E O F P R I VAT E EQ U I T Y B l a c k s to n e | 1
II. Staging the Time Horizon: Capital Calls, Investment Period and Harvest Period
The term of private equity funds can be upwards of 7-10 years. One way of thinking about the term is by dividing it into
three stages: the fundraising period, the investment period, and the harvest period. After investors have committed capital
during the fundraising cycle, the fund will begin to incrementally call this capital during the early stages of the investment
period. This stage may span the first few years of the fund. Simultaneously, capital will begin to be deployed by investing
in opportunities selected by the GP in the first 3-5 years. The final 3-7 years, the harvest period, is generally when most
investments are realized, and the fund, if successful, returns any cash to investors.1
Capital Calls
Return on Cash (IRR and Cash Flow)
Investment Period
Manager puts cash to work
Harvest Period
Investments are realized, cash is returned
(if the fund is successful)
Time (years)
2 4 6 8
1. The amount and priority of distributions will vary depending upon the terms of the specific fund.
For informational purposes only. A fund’s offering materials provide specifics around terms and expenses. A fund’s expenses may offset or exceed
its profits. This information is not meant to be predictive of the performance of any particular fund, nor are they meant to suggest that all private funds
result in positive returns or may avoid loss of principal. Private equity investments involve significant risk and typically high levels of leverage. Hypothetical
performance results have many inherent limitations and no representation is made that any investor will, or is likely to achieve, results similar to those
shown. Each investor’s cash flows and returns will differ and may result in a total loss of principal. There can be no assurance that an allocation to
alternatives would yield returns or protect capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
T H E L I F E C Y C L E O F P R I VAT E EQ U I T Y B l a c k s to n e | 2
Important Disclosures
The views expressed in this commentary are the views of Private There may be occasions when a fund’s general partner and/
Wealth Solutions group of The Blackstone Group Inc. (together or the investment advisor, and their affiliates will encounter
with its affiliates, “Blackstone”) and do not necessarily reflect the potential conflicts of interest in connection with such fund’s
views of Blackstone itself. All information in this commentary is activities including, without limitation, the allocation of investment
believed to be reliable as of the date on which this commentary opportunities, relationships with the investment adviser’s and its
was issued, and has been obtained from public sources believed affiliates’ investment banking and advisory clients, and the diverse
to be reliable. No representation or warranty, either express or interests of such fund’s limited partner group.
implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy or completeness of
The foregoing information has not been provided in a fiduciary
the information contained herein.
capacity under ERISA, and it is not intended to be, and should not
Investment concepts mentioned in this commentary may be be considered as, impartial investment advice.
unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment
The success of a fund will depend, in large part, upon the skill and
objectives and financial position. Tax considerations, margin
expertise of certain key professionals. In the event of the death,
requirements, commissions and other transaction costs may
disability or departure of any key professionals, the business and
significantly affect the economic consequences of any transaction
the performance of a fund may be adversely affected.
concepts referenced in this commentary and should be reviewed
carefully with one’s investment and tax advisors. Blackstone Securities Partners L.P. (“BSP”) is a broker-dealer whose
purpose is to distribute Blackstone managed or affiliated products.
This commentary is provided for informational and educational
BSP provides services to its Blackstone affiliates, not to investors
purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell any securities
in its funds, strategies or other products. BSP does not make any
or the solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities. This
recommendation regarding, and will not monitor, any investment.
commentary discusses broad market, industry or sector trends, or
As such, when BSP presents an investment strategy or product
other general economic, market or political conditions and should
to an investor, BSP does not collect the information necessary to
not be construed as research, legal, tax or investment advice, or any
determine—and BSP does not engage in a determination regarding—
investment recommendation. Past performance is not necessarily
whether an investment in the strategy or product is in the best
indicative of future performance.
interests of, or is suitable for, the investor. You should exercise
Recipients should bear in mind that past or estimated performance your own judgment and/or consult with a professional advisor to
is not necessarily indicative of future results and there can be no determine whether it is advisable for you to invest in any Blackstone
assurance that a fund will achieve comparable results, implement strategy or product. Please note that BSP may not provide the kinds
its investment strategy, achieve its objectives or avoid substantial of financial services that you might expect from another financial
losses or that any expected returns will be met. intermediary, such as overseeing any brokerage or similar account.
For financial advice relating to an investment in any Blackstone
The activity of identifying, completing and realizing attractive
strategy or product, contact your own professional advisor.
investments is highly competitive, and involves a high degree of
uncertainty. There can be no assurance that a fund will be able to In the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area: issued
locate, consummate and exit investments that satisfy its objectives by The Blackstone Group International Partners LLP (“BGIP”),
or realize upon their values or that a fund will be able to fully invest authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN:
its committed capital. There is no guarantee that investment 520839) in the United Kingdom. This communication does not
opportunities will be allocated to a fund and/or that the activities constitute a solicitation to buy any security or instrument, or a
of a sponsor’s other funds will not adversely affect the interests of solicitation of interest in any Blackstone fund, account or strategy.
such fund. The content of this communication should not be construed as
legal, tax or investment advice.
Recipients should be aware that an investment in a fund is
speculative and involves a high degree of risk. There can be no In Europe, this material is exclusively for use by persons who are
assurance that a fund will achieve comparable results, implement Professional Clients or Eligible Counterparties for the purposes of
its investment strategy, achieve its objectives or avoid substantial the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive
losses or that any expected returns will be met. A fund’s 2014/65/EU) and must not be distributed to retail clients or
performance may be volatile. An investment in a private equity distributed onward.
fund or other alternative investment should only be considered by
Blackstone Securities Partners L.P., a subsidiary of The
sophisticated investors who can afford to lose all or a substantial
Blackstone Group Inc. (“Blackstone”) through which
amount of their investment. A fund’s fees and expenses may offset
Blackstone conducts its capital markets business and certain
or exceed its profits.
of its fund marketing and distribution, member FINRA
August 2020