iEngineers design structure and architects design curtain walls. This profesional defini:
tion is repeated on site, where structural trades (concrete, steel, ete} and lading trades
(alas, aluminum cladding, ete work in their disreteterstores, The building industry
‘songanized around these distinctions between professions and trades tothe extent that
everyone involved with typical project assumes the standard procedure will hol: truc-
tute employed for the single purpose of supporting the building, while cladding is an
‘envelope around the stricture to keep rain out. But this assumption isnot as ingrained
‘as it may seem to these builders historically, structure and cladding were not distinct,
“The fagade ofa briekor stone building was both structural and waterproof skin. As the
construction industry developed and the building trades became mote specialized, the
use of the weatherproof skin as structure became more and more rare
‘This divisions exists for reasons of professional and industrial expediency. At the
design lve, each profession concentrates on specific and distinct aspects of the build
ing To avoid rsks of legal responsibilty, one doesnot encroach on the fel of the other,
4 precaution that also simplifies the analytical process of understanding the diferent
parts ofa building
[atthe industry level, trades are defined by materials and often whether these materi
as are structural or nonstructural. On site the issue of construction tolerances an finish
‘quality again draws tne between visible cladding or finishes and non-sible strocture
ven some of the most sophisticated recent work, such asthe Pyramid at the Louvre
aris by LM. ei characterize by thi fundamental separation, Aa aluminum frame fo
the silicone glazing system i fixed toan independent steel fame. This leads toa doubling
skeleton in steet and the cladding Faring in aluminum ~
up of ‘structure’ ~ the mat
despite the expressed minimalist arcitectral intention of maximum transparency.
"Yet itis possible to merge glass and steel into a single structural surface. An exam
ple of design before the modern tendency of layering’ professions and trades i the
‘Bicton Palm house, where the hundred of small glass panes form & daring shell strc:
‘ure witha delicate minimal stel frame and tiny glazing bas.‘The construction indistry’s recent
technical developments in engi-
neering and material science and
‘he building industry’ new techni-
‘al capacities provide new opport
nities for architecture. These inno
vations can be used to integrate
structure and the building enve
lope or skin”
For an integrated approsch to
‘design, borders between the dis:
tinct professional, industrial, and
construction teritories must be
transgressed, The success of this
exploration depends on architects
understanding of the capacities
and constraints of each separate
fla during the design process.
‘An extreme approach to inte-
gration lies in the use of structural
skins. A Jot of work was done in
‘this are inthe ‘50s, 60s and “70s
by Buckminster Fuller, Frei Oto,
Nerv, Isler and others, where the
structural potential of curved sie-
faces was exploited through the
‘use of shell or membrane analysis
theory. In these cates, surfaces
‘ould be both stractural and water
roof, and as stich are perfect
‘cxamples of integrated structure
and ski. They are natural 2-D sur
face structures with very specific
forms. which are the result ofthe
‘optimal passage of loads in sur
faces The architectural images of
these projects were total expres-
sions of structure and its formal
‘requirements, Today we ean fully
explore complex structural shapes
because the description of surface
geometric complexity has become
more manageable and analyzable
through the use of computers.
‘The following examples of
integrated designs are presented
‘nan order defined by seale, from
aipor to curtain wall
Forthisalportcelingstructure was designedto
work integrally with the ceiling surfaces. The
design brief called for the architectural develop-
‘ment ofthe roof and facade structures of the air
ort initially designed by Fentress and Bradburn
‘of Denver in association with KACT, thei Korean
based partner for the competition. The design
involved both a concave roof over the entrance
hall spanning 95 meters ana repetitive module
for the main roof measuring, 60 x 70 meters,
‘convex in shape with supporting mats and con-
sciously reminiscent of a traditional Korean
pagoda. HDA's work, done in collaboration with
(Ove Arup and Partners of London, concentrated
‘on creating see roof structures consistent with
the architectral forms ofthe ceilings as well as
making a clear expression of the structures
themselves and how they function,
‘The configuration ofsteel uss members and
the connection detailing intend to show how
large scale wind and earthquake forees, whieh
are as much a concern a gravity forces in this
‘case are resolved, The geometry of the arhitee
uml curves of the entrance hall vaults is
exploited for structural shell action. The oof sur-
face is entirely crossbraced with diagonal mem.
bers, which makes it stifin plane. As sueb, i is
able to span on its own between stiffening edge
‘russes. The ceiling plane is then as fre as possi
ble of vertical structure, thus leaving 2 smooth
surface. The ceiling panels are fabriated tr
angles to express the bracing allewing the viw-
ers a clear view ofall ofthe primary stnctar.
Critical tothe succes oF shel structure isthe
buelding analysis of the surface. Arup's work on
‘the tof included nomtinear‘snap-throngh simu
Tation fr the diagonal members that was neces:
sary to show that they remained in the shell plane
{in high compression losding configurations
‘On the ‘Pagoda’ roof modules, a series of
‘crescent shaped trusses are suspended from &
‘central vierendeet spine truss and tll masts. The
‘mast and spine truss configuration is designed
Tor ductility to absorb seismic Foees such that
the suspended trusses ae given a degree of PO
tection from the seismic energy. The spine (Fuss
{s open and clearly visible, with skylights above
to highlight i. The crescent trusses are curved
fon their lower surfaces following the convex
shape ofthe celling as designed by the arch
tects AE each truss, the celing surce is xt
‘open giving a full view ofthe trusseskeranie computer modeling fran essential
tool inthe design of complex structures. Today's
‘capacities inthe engineering feld, notably inthe
area of nonlinear analysis, allow us to better
understand structural behavior. The nonlinear
analysis permits an almost endles series of analy
ses ofa structure that takes into account its grad
sual dimensional transformation under load. They
simulate the redistribution of forces within a
struetute as deforms. Taditionally, if tension
member in a structure went slack it presence
‘would be excluded From consideration. However
‘with nonlinear analysis, ifthe member i able to
resist force after the structire has deformed
‘under the loa, then its eapaciyis considered
‘This project is a demonstration that structure
should net only be conceived as the most
economic oreficient solutign to an architectural
problem: if thought of asa des
ture can address architectural objectives while
resisting loads. The design involves a total inte
aration of tel structure and structural gas
‘The hub glass wall and its supporting ramps
make a transparent counterpoint in the compo-
sition of the lemer Student Centre building by
architects Bernard Tschumi and Gruzen Samton,
lof New York Is cleanly visible stelstructureand
sss surfaces act a6 a fll t0 the two masonry
clad wings of the building on either side. The
structure spans between these two blocks, and
the glass encloses the hub void between them,
‘The articulation of the trusses and steel ramp
structures expresses the activity and movement
zoneof the hub tse thesefunetional structural
components=ramp wind beams, main trelis
truss, suspension rods, and cantilever glass sup-
port arms ~all animate the space.
‘The inclined arrangement of the ramps and
truss is 2 logical consequence of the change
{in levels between the Broadway street level and
the main campus level, which is haifa typical,
floor height aboveit. The angular geometry ofthis
arrangement is eartied through into the layout
of all of the components of the facade and
the ramps. The glass grid fllows the incline of
the ramps, as do all of the support arms and
xing brackets
“The inclined fagade truss i simple tiangu-
lated trellis beam with tubes as compression
‘members and rod ties as tension members. This
Tras partially supports the ramps
When are an intricate mesh tex
ture of plates assembled diago:
nally. The inner edges o the ramps
are suspended by virtual plane of|
inclined tes from another, much
heavier triangulated telis trust
roof level, Each ofthese strctural
components ate ¢ransparent in
fone way or another. The glass
plane, with its own inclined grid
matrix of joints, is fixed to the
ramps with cantilever atms
arranged as a series of x’ points
punetuating the elevation,
The glass is used structurally
without glazing bar. ea laminate
of clear toughened glass units, ICs
fixed to the end of arm supports
using bolted connections. ach
panel supports its own dead weight
and wind loads. The absence of gat-
ng bars or mullionsisritial the
clear reading of the composition of
structural elements A clear distinc
tion is thus achieved between the
stool stnacture and the pre trans:
parent glass weatherproof surfice.
The glass fixed using a gstem of
bolts that incorporates spherical
bearing in the head of the bolt
allowing a moment free connection
tothe gas atts hoes
Walking surfaces onthe ramps
ae also executed in glass. They ane
side from lainated tiles with the
upper sheet toughened and cov
fered in an antislip treatment. A
dust of tiny glass beads is laid on
the top surfice and then flamed to
erty tothe surface
‘The design also addresses visual
expression of the critical functional
Aetils, which are carefully studied
and drawn to express each speditic
fanetion, They are designed to
demonstrate how they work.
Bach cantilever tmx’ consists
of two lower ‘gravity’ arms that
support the dead weight of the
lass and “wind” arms that support
‘he wind loads only. The
{his configuration isto clarity the
analysis of how the glass is to
cso fort
‘behave stnictrally and to allow the designers
guarantee that the glass can not be loaded in any
other way than in the manner for which itis
designed. Bach glass panel is simply and indepen-
dently supported, and any relative movement
‘between the arms or between the ramps cannot
be transfered into the gas asa load. Tis on
‘cept is rigorously carried through to all of the
details. Inthe case ofthe gravity arms the glass is
supported on cast brackets a their ends. One tite
{is suspended from the bracket and the other ests
‘om it For the wind arms, the end bracket is used
to fx a group of small articulated struts that ean
only resist wind loads perpendicular to the glass
plane. They are fiee to rotate in all other dee:
tions, thereby guaranteeing that they cannot
resis any forces in the plane ofthe glass. If, for
‘ample, the upper amp defects downward with
crowd of peopl. the glass panel suspended From
Ic remains fhee to move downward slightly with-
ct pushingon the arm ofthe ramp below it This
principle i critical to te comporitional ide,
because it allows the glass to be fixed 10 each,
‘amp independently and directly without any sec:
‘ondary framing, as would probably have been the
‘ase ina conventional glazing application,
The arms are hung from the ramps with
system of adjustment tumbuckes for correction
of construction tolerances that can be achieved
even fhe gas isn place. Thisallows for fine tune
ing that could be necessary after the whole system
has settled due to the dead weight of the gst.
The castings themselves are also equipped
‘with adjustment devices for fine tuning eoeree-
ions, and, in particular, angular correction to
compensate for aiferences in arm angles. A
spherical bearing atthe core of each piece per
mits a rotational capacity. These adjustment
devices are also used t0 correct fora slight non-
alignment ofthe ramp slope with the glass ri,
“which isthe result ofthe two midsiope landings
required by the New York building codes. The
castings are important components of the
‘design, because they resolve ina single piece the
consequences of the geometric complexity. The
‘astng process gives these key parts a unique
idemity specific to this project and allows them
‘to express nan almost sculptural frm the reso
Intion ofthe overall geometric composition at
small hand sized scale
In engineering tems, though the main com-
ponents, with the exception of the ramps, are
simple and classic structural elements. thelr
movements and interactivity require earefl
analysis The analysis Tackaded
3+ electronic models of the
design to evaluate the interactive
behavior ofthe different compo-
nents ofthe structure and, in par
ew, the relative siness ofthe
two different trusses and the
ramps that they support
Fall volumetric analysis was
required to understand the com
plex geometry of the ramps them
selves and the structural capacity
ofthe tight mesh ofsmall elements
of which they are made. The design
isbased onthe dea tha every plese
of steel is fully exploited for its
structural capacity as well as its
role a8 support element for sec
ondary finishes or cladding items
such as handrails, glass support
ans, glass loo ling, ete, There is
rho distinction between any ‘pr
mary’ and secondary’ structure or
framing: everything 1s “peimary
Glass looring can be paved directly
‘oto the main structure and has no
secondary framing.
Such an intricate interface
‘between what are traditionally di
tinct trades requires a particular
‘ootractual arrangement to ensure
that necessary coordination hap:
pens smoothly. Indeed the design
depends wholly on the success of
these delicate interfaces to work.
"To help make this happen, the
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